"Wow, so strong!"

Mendushino, whose health was reduced to zero due to the attack of the Red-Eyes Black Dragon, stood there in a daze, looking at Jonouchi with an incredible look on his face.

"Why, why doesn't my strategy work? And is this guy really just an ordinary player? Could Kaiba Seto be seeking revenge?"

"I'm sorry, it looks like I won this duel!"

As if he was holding his head high, Jonouchi pointed at Mendushino and shouted angrily:"You bastard who called me a mortal bone player, now it seems that my bounty is too high for you to get it!"

Buzz buzz buzz!

Before he could finish pretending, a shrill roar was heard. Just when Jonouchi was extremely unhappy because his pretending was interrupted, Honda, who was standing by the window, pointed outside and shouted to Jonouchi:"Jonnouchi, come and see what this is?"

Including Mendushino, Jonouchi and Honda all looked up at the window at the same time, and saw a fighter plane that looked like the Blue-Eyes White Dragon flying past the window at a very fast speed. Through the cockpit, Jonouchi and others also saw the pilot of the plane very clearly.

Kaiba Seto!

As the president of Kaiba Group and the destined lord of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Kaiba Seto returned from the United States in a specially made fighter plane of the same model as the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

Time goes back to fifteen hours ago.

The United States, Las Vegas Duel Arena.

As an emerging industry of the Kaiba Group, Kaiba Seto has established large-scale duel venues in towns on various continents in the United States to varying degrees. As the charm of duels continues to increase, this competitive sport has become an indispensable part of people's lives.

"Great, brother. Our company has been promoting duel products in the United States very smoothly during this period. Not only has the revenue increased significantly, but our company's popularity has also increased again around the world. It seems that the goal of standing at the top of the world that Brother You Feng mentioned is not too far away from us!"

"What a pity."Sitting in the VIP room, Kaiba Seto looked at the duel below through the window and couldn't help shaking his head and said,"At this stage, the strength of the duelists is still too low. Such strength is simply not up to par. It seems that I must discuss the establishment of a private academy dedicated to training duelists."

Looking at Kaiba Seto with some surprise, Kaiba Keihei asked,"Private academy? Do you want to build a school, brother? Well, this is a good idea, but how do I choose the address for the school?"

"Isn't the Duel Tower a ready-made place?"Looking at Kaiba Keipi with a smile, Kaiba Seto said,"Didn't You Feng say that he liked it there? So I plan to completely transform that place and build a closed private academy to train professional duelists!"

"Well, this is a good idea. Since my brother has this idea, I have to consider the budget issue in advance. After all, my brother is a man who wants to stand at the top of the world!"

"Haha, that's right, Keiping, I'll leave this project to you, just go for it!"


Just as the Kaiba brothers were discussing the establishment of a school dedicated to training duelists, Kaiba Noa's avatar suddenly appeared on the communication display.

"Seto, Keipi, come back quickly, the Kaiba Building has been attacked, the enemy is very strong, I am about to……"



The Kaiba brothers looked at each other with disbelief on their faces. However, at this moment, the three-dimensional image of Pegasus Night Walker slowly appeared in front of Kaiba Seto like a ghost.

"I have seen you before. Are you Pegasus Night Walker from the Illusion Society?!" Protecting Keipi behind him, Kaiba Seto looked at the man in front of him with a vigilant look.

"Haha, that's right, I am indeed Pegasus Night Walker, President Kaiba, it's been a long time since we last met."

"Bastard, what do you want to do?"

Just when Kaiba Seto wanted to ask what Tenma Yagyo wanted to do, a huge commotion broke out in the entire duel arena.

"What happened? My duel disk suddenly stopped responding?"

"Strange, why did my monster disappear? Is there something wrong?"

"President, this is bad!"Such a serious accident happened. A person in charge of the technical development department of Kaiba Group hurriedly shouted to Kaiba Seto downstairs,"Our real-time projection technology is completely paralyzed. The initial judgment is that the duel link server at the headquarters has failed. Now all programs are no longer usable."

"How is it possible?"With a look of shock and anger on his face, Kaiba Seto shouted loudly,"I wrote the server program myself, how could there be a malfunction? Tenma Yagyū, did you do all this?"

""Haha, that's right!" Tianma Yexing shrugged proudly and admitted his behavior generously,"In order to complete a certain plan, your Duel Link server has been completely controlled by me. As for Noa's virtual personality, I have also suppressed it."

"What on earth do you want to do, you bastard?"

Pointing at Tenma Yayuki's nose, Kaiba Seto said angrily:"It is clearly written in the cooperation contract between me and the Illusion Society that our company only provides card expansion information and combat image services. As for the right to use and interpret the server, it is borne by our company, and you, the Illusion Society, have no right to interfere!"

"Tianma, what you have done has violated the terms of the contract. The Duel Link Server is my personal property, and I will never allow you to touch the fruit of my labor!"

""Hehe~! Kaiba President, there is one thing I want to make clear, that is, what I did was for personal purposes, and all the consequences are borne by me alone, so the reputation of the Illusion Society will not be damaged because of my behavior. In addition, to express my apology, after I finish using the server, I will return it to you intact. That's it, goodbye!"

After a cold smile, the projection of Pegasus Night Walk also disappeared in front of Kaiba Lairen.


Walking to the side of Kaiba Seto, Kaiba Keihei said gloomily:"The systems used by our industries in the United States are all connected to the servers of the headquarters in Sakura Country. The fact that all the systems here are paralyzed means that something must have happened at the headquarters."

"Tsk, Noa, that idiot, can't even look after the house!"

Seizing the opportunity to complain harshly about Noa, Kaiba Seto casually took off his dress and threw it aside. After changing into his white windbreaker, Kaiba Seto took out his suitcase from the safe and said to Kaiba Keipi with a sneer,"Keipi, it seems that some ignorant rats are here to provoke us. In that case, let me teach these maggots a lesson!"

"Now, let’s go back to the Land of Sakura!"

Time goes back to the present

"Look, Jonouchi, that Blue-Eyes White Dragon fighter jet looks so handsome no matter how you look at it!"

"Damn Kaiba Seto, he actually stole my thunder again. When I get rich, I will also order a fighter jet of the same model as the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon!"

Keenly aware that something seemed to be chasing Kaiba Seto, Jonouchi pointed to the sky and said loudly:"Honda, look, there is a dragon chasing Kaiba!"

"Where? Damn, there really is a dragon chasing him, am I dazzled?"

Over the Seahorse Building

"Brother, the enemy is chasing us again, but the radar does not show the enemy's heat source. Now it seems to be a real-time image!"

"Bastard Pegasus, you actually played this trick on me! Start the climbing fan and turn on the suspension system. I'm going to see today what dares to chase me like this!"

Suspending the plane above the Kaiba Building, Kaiba Seto looked coldly at the enemy who was approaching him.

As the distance closed, a huge flying dragon suddenly appeared in front of the two Kaiba brothers!

"This is ~ White Horned Dragon?!"


Blocking the two seahorse brothers, the white-horned dragon protected the seahorse building behind him and roared angrily at the former.

"Brother, this dragon seems to think it is the guardian of the Seahorse Building and it doesn’t want us to get close to the building!"

""Damn bastard, how dare you fool me like this!"

In a rage, Seto Kaiba directly opened the cockpit and jumped up from the driver's seat.

Standing on the backpack of the fighter, Seto Kaiba shouted loudly:"This Kaiba Group headquarters building was built by Keipi and me. This is a giant tower that represents the starting point and witness of our dreams!"

"Tenma, you bastard, don't try to tarnish our ideals with a boring flying dragon!"

Taking out a card and slamming it hard on the duel disk, Kaiba Seto shouted again:"Look, this is the real guardian dragon of this building, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, fulfill your mission and completely destroy the small monster in front of me!"

""Explosive Gale Bomb of Destruction!"

With Kaiba Seto's call, the huge Blue-Eyes White Dragon instantly appeared in front of the White-Horned Dragon.

As a dragon monster, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon also has the habit of guarding its own nest.

Seeing its"home" being occupied by other dragon monsters, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon immediately roared angrily!

A huge white shock wave gushed out of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon's mouth.

After the White-Horned Dragon resisted helplessly for a while, it was finally smashed to pieces due to the difference in strength.

After destroying the White-Horned Dragon that blocked the way, Kaiba Keihei hurriedly drove the plane and landed smoothly on the apron on the top floor of the Kaiba Group Building.

Jumping down from the back of the same fighter plane as the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, a young man with a golden broom hair appeared in front of Kaiba Seto.

"Haha, he really is worthy of being the President of Kaiba. He actually owns such a precious card as the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. His title of Card Noble is indeed not groundless!"

"I recognize you!" Looking at the man in front of him coldly, Seto Kaiba said lightly,"Your name is Willamette, and you are one of the strongest people in the bounty hunter group Card Professor Guild."

Touching his hair embarrassedly, Willamette said with a smile:"Haha, I didn't expect that the famous card gentleman actually knows me. I am really flattered!"

"Humph, don't be too happy too soon, I haven't finished what I want to say yet." After a wicked smile, Kaiba Seto said again,"Now you are just a dog beside Tenma. As a duelist, you actually make a living on bounties. Your life is really a bit miserable and unbearable to watch!"

"Hey, President Kaiba, don't get me wrong!" Because of Kaiba Seto's words, Willamette's expression instantly became gloomy,"I'm not Tenma's subordinate now, I just want to defeat you and get the bounty, as for Tenma, haha, he's just a tool for me to make a profit!"

"Humph, to put it bluntly, isn't it all about money? You are such a greedy person who only sees money, you don't deserve to be called a duelist!"

"Whatever you say!" Shaking his head indifferently, Willamette continued,"How can you, who was adopted by rich people since childhood, understand the lives of us poor people? Besides, as long as I can defeat you, I can earn 100,000 beautiful coins. It's just a duel. How can I refuse such a bargaining chip?"

Pointing to the combination lock beside him, Willamette continued:"Besides, if you want to move on, you must defeat me. Now the Seahorse Building is under our control, so the rules must be followed according to our wishes!"

"Humph, it's so boring!"

With angry flames burning in his eyes, Kaiba Seto said in a cold tone:"Is this the rule that the bastard Tenma made in this building? Unfortunately, I have already said before that I don't have the time to tangle with you, get out of here!"

"Hey, President, I'm afraid that won't work! If you don't do this, I'm afraid your most precious computer will be blown up by Pegasus!"

"What?"Hearing this, Kaiba Seto's eyes widened immediately

"President Kaiba, I hope you won't question what I said!" Pointing at Seto Kaiba, Willamette said with a sinister smile,"Also, I believe you have already met Tenma. Let me kindly remind you that he is extremely crazy now. He is definitely capable of blowing up your most precious computer!"

"Tenma~you bastard!"

It must be said that Willamette's words made Kaiba Seto completely afraid of the consequences.

Taking a duel stance, Kaiba Seto shouted loudly:"Well, since you want to use a duel to open the way, it will be a piece of cake for me. Just come on, you greedy duelist!"


At the same time, Lavender Game Store

"Ah, this is the address Youfeng boy gave me. How come no one is here? Hard to say, are you on holiday today?"Looking at the closed door of the game store, a hooded man looked at the address in his hand with some confusion and muttered to himself.

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