"Who are you and why are you hanging around in front of my store?"

Just as the man was about to turn around and leave, a red-haired girl appeared in front of him. She seemed to have discovered something. The red-haired girl couldn't help but open her mouth wide after seeing the man in front of her, and she stretched out her right hand and pointed at the man with excitement and said,"You~you are Mr. Pegasus?!"

"Good evening, I remember you, you are Miss Izayoi Kaoru, right?" Pegasus smiled and nodded to Izayoi Kaoru, and took off his hood.

After the Duel Kingdom game, Pegasus once publicly stated at the press conference that it was Li Youfeng who saved him from the darkness, and that he and he would be lifelong friends.

Since this news was broadcast on TV, and Li Youfeng often chatted with Pegasus on the phone, Izayoi Kaoru naturally knew the extent of the friendship between the two.

"Oh, it's really Mr. Pegasus!" Many little stars instantly appeared in the red eyes, and Izayoi Xun hurriedly took out the key and opened the door of the game store.

"Mr. Pegasus, please come in and have a cup of tea. Oh, You Feng is such a troublemaker. I don’t know where he has gone. I told him I would go home early, but he actually sneaked out to play. He is so annoying!"

"Mr. Pegasus, please don't mind. By the way, have you had dinner? I am very confident in my cooking skills. If you don't mind, would you like to taste the Chinese cuisine I just learned?"

As a duelist, Izayoi Kaoru, like most people in this world, almost regards Pegasus as an idol.

As the father of Duel Monsters and the creator of card games, Pegasus is indeed qualified to be sought after by everyone.

Following Izayoi Kaoru into the Lavender Game Shop, when Pegasus saw the layout and decoration of the game shop, he also smiled happily from the bottom of his heart.

"Mr. Pegasus, please have a cup of tea first. These teas are top-quality products imported from China by our family. Please try them to see if they suit your taste."

After leading Pegasus to the living room, Izayoi Kaoru neatly brewed the tea. Seeing the father of Duel Monsters whom she admired sitting in the living room of her own game store, Izayoi Kaoru was extremely excited and felt a strong sense of longing for Li Youfeng.

As she had publicly admitted in a TV interview that Li Youfeng was her best friend, Izayoi Kaoru, who came from a big family, naturally knew why Pegasus came to her own game store. If this matter were to be spread, her own game store would undoubtedly gain a lot of popularity.

"Thank you!"

Picking up the teacup on the table, Pegasus took a sip of the tea. Unlike the black tea he often drank, this green tea tasted slightly bitter and sweet, and then a refreshing fragrance lingered in his mouth. Compared with black tea, it had an indescribable lingering aftertaste.

"Well, very good, this tea quenches thirst and fatigue, has a pleasant fragrance, and tastes really good! Miss Shizayoi, you are a real lady. You Feng boy mentioned it to me on the phone, and you two are now together."

"To be honest, You Feng is a very lucky man to have such a good partner like you."

Covering her face shyly, Izayoi Kaoru said happily:"Hehe, I'm not that good, Mr. Pegasus, you're really too kind, and You Feng and I are just dating now, and we haven't officially registered our marriage yet."

"By the way, Mr. Pegasus, you must be very tired after coming so far. You should take a rest. I will go to prepare dinner now. You Feng usually won’t be out for too long. I believe he will be back soon. This game store is opened by You Feng and I. You don’t have to be too restrained. Just treat it as your own home."

Coming out of the living room, I couldn’t help but cover my mouth and chuckle to myself,"Hehe, I am so lucky today. When You Feng comes back, I will take some photos with him and Mr. Pegasus and hang them in the game store. Isn’t it the rhythm of taking off in a minute?"

"La la la~! Xiaoxun, you are so smart. When Youfeng and I have a child, I can show off to you. Oh, that's annoying, Xiaoxun, what are you talking about? It's so embarrassing~ Woo woo woo!"

"Phew! I can finally rest for a while."

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Pegasus breathed a sigh of relief. Although Li Youfeng had called to remind him, he was still inevitably hunted down in the past month. Just as Li Youfeng said on the phone, a real-person PK , he is no match for Tapir, and he can't control the Millennium Eye either!

Although he didn't want to admit it, Pegasus had known for more than a month that the dark native possessed by Tapir could not be viewed with common sense, and the dark power it possessed was far beyond his own. If they faced each other head-on, Pegasus believed that he would probably die without a single hair left.

In fact, just as Pegasus expected, under the guidance of the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom, Tapir followed the breath of the Millennium Eye to the lavender game store, and couldn't help but spit behind a very hidden bush.

Crushing the highly imitated Millennium Eye in his hand, Tapir gritted his teeth and said,"Damn it, Pegasus, I didn't expect you to secretly cultivate a substitute? This time you are lucky, I don't want the Millennium Eye, let's wait and see!"

Recalling the fear of being dominated by Li Youfeng, the evil god Zok didn't dare to chase Li Youfeng's house for excitement. After a fierce shudder, he could only grit his teeth and reluctantly give up the idea of continuing to chase Pegasus.

Because the news was blocked, no one expected that Pegasus was hiding in the lavender game store now. As for the top floor of the Kaiba Group's building, the duel between Kaiba Seto and Willamette officially began.

"Willamette, I got it first!"

As a typical offensive deck, not only is Kaiba Seto's personality, but his deck is also extremely aggressive. After drawing a card from the deck, Kaiba Seto's mouth slightly raised a little arc.

"Willamette, let me show you what a real duel is!"

"I Normal Summon Creation Dragon Knight in Attack Position!"(Attack 1800 Defense 600)

"Then I cover a card on the backfield, and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Glancing at Kaiba Seto's backcourt, Willamette couldn't help but chuckle twice.

"I Normal Summon a Cavalry Dragon in Defense Position!"(Attack 1600 Defense 1800)

"Next, I also cover a card on the back field, and my turn is over!"

"Humph, you actually adopted a defensive strategy, are you afraid to attack me?"After a cold snort, Kaiba Seto drew a card from the deck and started his turn.

"Willamette, you won't get my bounty if you just defend!"

"Haha, don’t be anxious, President Kaiba!"With a gleam of brilliance in his eyes, Willamette said nonchalantly,"After all, I can't easily step into the trap you set!"

"Humph, you smart guy, since you don’t dare to attack me, let me attack first!"

"I normally summon, Bloody Orc Attack Position!"(Attack 1900 Defense 1200)

"Fight, bloody orcs, attack the cavalry dragon!"

"I'm sorry, President Kaiba, I can't let you succeed so easily!"

As if he had already guessed that Kaiba Seto would take the initiative to attack, Willamette calmly opened the cover card on his field.

"Equip the magic card Mist Body!"(Original comic)

"The effect of this card is that the monster equipped with this card will have its body atomized and cannot be destroyed by battle except by magic or special effects!"

"Damn, damn bastard, he actually played some boring tricks!"With a hint of impatience on his face, Kaiba Seto raised his hand and took out a card.

"I put this card on the backcourt and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Two blocked cards in the backcourt? Haha, almost there!"

After shaking his head lightly, Willamette said with a sinister smile:"President Kaiba, as you said, defense alone will not lead to victory, let me launch the attack next!"

"I normally summon Axe Dragonite in attack mode!" (Attack 2000 Defense 1200)

"Then cover two cards in the backcourt!"

"Humph, is it coming?" Seeing Willamette summoning a monster in attack mode, Seto Kaiba couldn't help but sneer in his heart,"My two face-up cards are Contraction and Death Destruction Virus. No matter which monster you attack of mine, I can destroy your deck instantly. Willamette, when you launch an attack, that's when you lose!"

"Oh, I almost forgot, President Kaiba, you seem to have two cover cards in your backcourt!"

Pretending to take out a card, Willamette slapped it on the duel disk.

"I activate the magic card from my hand to fix the card!"(Original manga)

"The effect of this card is that it can fix the cover card on the opponent's backfield to the field and cannot be activated!"


Seeing his Death Destruction Chain being blocked again, Seto Kaiba couldn't help but secretly complained:"Damn, now I finally understand why You Feng disdains to use this kind of combo. It seems that trap cards are really not suitable for me!"

Keenly aware of Seto Kaiba's constipated expression, Willamette couldn't help but sneered:"Haha, President Kaiba, judging from your expression, it seems that those two cover cards are really important to you. But it's good this way. Now I can launch an attack with confidence!"

"Let’s fight!"

Pointing at the Founding Dragon Knight on Kaiba Seto’s field, Willamette shouted:"Axe Man-Dragon, attack the Creation Dragon Knight!"

""Head-breaking Smash!""


Due to the difference of 200 attack points, after a brief resistance, the Creation Dragon Knight was finally sent to the graveyard due to his lack of strength.

Kaiba Seto LP4000 ﹥ 3800

"The Creation Dragon Knight is defeated! My turn is over!"

"Damn bounty hunter, you took my life first, this is such a shame!"

Gritting his teeth, Seto Kaiba took out a card from the deck and said loudly to Willamette:"You dare to destroy my monster, I will make you regret what you did!"

"I cover a card in the backfield, and then release the Bloody Orc Advanced Summon!"

"Come out, Emperor Glider! Attack display!"(Attack 2400 Defense 2200)

"Fight, Emperor Glider, attack the Axe Dragon!"

"Dive bombing!"

""Haha! Kaiba, you've fallen into the trap!"

Willamette opened the cover card on his field with laughter and explained:"Equipment magic card simultaneous ability activation!" (Original comic)

"The effect of this card is that the equipped monster can obtain the same special ability as the monster of the same type on the field. Therefore, due to the effect of this card, Axe Dragon also gains a mist body."

"So the Emperor Glider cannot destroy the Axe Dragon through combat!"

"Damn it!"His attack was once again invalidated, and Kaiba Seto's face was now as dark as if water could be squeezed out of it.

"Hehe~! President Kaiba, I have actually studied your tactics in detail before fighting you.���The main reason for staying here!"

Without noticing Kaiba Seto's murderous gaze, Willamette continued to talk:"Your deck is too biased towards strength, so the proportion of cards with special effects is not too large."

"Although my deck is not as good as yours in terms of attack power, it is far more flexible than yours. After all, in the game of Duel Monsters, you can't win just by having high attack power. Isn't that right, dear card master?"

Seeing Kaiba Seto finish his turn, Willamette smiled and started his turn.

"President Kaiba, your turn is over. It's my turn to make a move. Draw a card!"

"Open the face-up card,"Gathering of the Clan". The effect of this card is to activate a face-up monster on the field, and select a monster from your hand or graveyard with a different original name and the same original type as that monster. Special Summon

"Therefore, I will Special Summon Spearscale Dragon from my hand in Attack Position!"(Attack 1800 Defense 1200)

"He could have Normal Summoned it, but he chose Special Summon. What's the point of that?" Sensing a sense of disobedience, Kaiba Seto frowned slightly.

Showing a magic card, Willamette looked at Kaiba Seto and said sarcastically,"President Kaiba, do you think that a monster with weak attack power can't defeat a monster with strong attack power? Unfortunately, today, I'm going to let you���Look, your so-called offensive deck is so vulnerable in front of my deck!"

"I launch a magic card unity attack from my hand!)

"This card can combine the attack power of all monsters on our field to attack a monster, but the damage caused to the player by this effect becomes 0 points!"

"My warriors, unite and destroy the Emperor Glider!"

After receiving the order from their master, the three monsters, Cavalry Dragon, Axe Dragon, and Spear Scale Dragon, rushed directly towards the Emperor Glider.

Since the attack power of the three monsters reached 5300 points, Kaiba Seto could only watch the monsters on his field being smashed into pieces.

"Haha, Mr. Card, how do you feel now? I've said it before, your tactics don't work on me at all, and defeat is only a matter of time!"

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