"Amazing, really amazing, Miss Kitamori, you are really too strong! How about it, just like I said, as long as you want to do it, you can definitely do it!"

""You're amazing! Miss Kitamori may look a little weak, but her dueling skills are surprisingly strong. She's much stronger than when Jonouchi was a beginner!" Jonouchi and Honda couldn't help but praise her at the same time after summoning two monsters with 3800 and 4000 attack points in their turn.


Kitamori Reiko showed a happy smile to Jonouchi and Honda and said shyly:"You are too kind. Actually, I am not that great."

"Good! Since you have already used all your strength, Miss Kitamori, I will also respond to you with all my strength. Next, it’s time to show you my true ability!"

"Open the cover card, Devil's Dice!"

Look carefully, this is an effect that does not take an object!

"Shit, what you mean by"fight with all your strength" is playing dice?���Jonouchi, I despise you!"Honda almost fainted on the spot when he saw Jonouchi open the cover.

""Fuck you, Honda. Luck is also a part of strength. You know nothing!" Jonouchi was too lazy to argue with Honda's ridicule. As the devil's dice took effect, a black devil threw a red dice into the center of the duel field with a sinister smile.

Snap, snap!

After the red dice jumped a few times in the middle of the field, it finally stopped on the field because of exhaustion. At the same time, six big black dots appeared on the dice.

""Haha, six points!!!"

Pointing at the monsters on Kitamori Reiko's field, Jonouchi laughed and said,"The devil's dice has an effect that does not take targets, so the attack power of all monsters on your field will be reduced by 600 points!" The attack power of the Puppet Queen has dropped to 3400 points.

The attack power of the Puppet King has dropped to 3200 points.

"It’s not over yet. Next, I’m going to open another face-up card and activate the quick attack magic, Angel’s Dice!"

Still no target!

As the magic card was activated, a little angel wearing a top hat threw a blue dice onto the field. As expected, the dice bounced a few times and stopped at six o’clock.

"Haha, it’s still six o’clock!"

"Eh? How could this happen?" Seeing Jonouchi throw two sixes in a row, Kitamori Reiko immediately showed a bitter face. To be honest, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Kitamori Reiko would never believe that such an outrageous thing would actually happen to her.

"Sorry, Miss Kitamori, the Angel's dice also have an effect that does not take a target, so the attack power of all monsters on our field increases by 600 points!"

Red-Eyes Black Dragon's attack power 3000UP!

Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon's attack power 3600UP!

Red-Eyes Thunder King's attack power 3100UP!

Red-Eyes Iron Knight's attack power 2400UP!

"It doesn't matter. There is only one monster on Jonouchi's field whose attack power exceeds that of the Doll Queen. He can't defeat me in this round!"

Just as Kitamori Reiko was secretly cheering herself up, Jonouchi launched another attack.

"Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon, attack the Puppet Queen!"

""Sharp Blade Slash!"


In front of the wing blade of the Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon, the Doll Queen was directly chopped into pieces. She thought she had escaped, but just when Kitamori Reiko thought Jonouchi would end her turn, the former opened another face card.

Kitamori Reiko LP4000>3800

"My attack isn't over yet! Activate the trap card, combo!" (Original manga)

"The effect of this card is that when your monster successfully attacks your opponent's monster, it can be activated. The monster can attack other monsters again. Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon, attack the Puppet King for me!"

"Sharp blade slashes!"


Kitamori Reiko LP3800 ﹥ 3400

"How could this happen?!" Kitamori Reiko helplessly watched as her puppet king was destroyed by the Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon again. Having lost all the monsters in the front field, she was directly exposed to the remaining three Red-Eyes monsters.

"Hehe, sorry Miss Kitamori, this duel is my victory. Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Red-Eyes Thunder Emperor, attack directly!"


Unavoidably being hit by two red-eye monsters, Kitamori Reiko's health was reduced to 0.

With a frustrated look on her face, Kitamori Reiko said,"Jounouchi-kun, you are so amazing. I am no match for you at all.""

"Miss Kitamori, please don't say that!"

Raising a thumbs up to Kitamori Reiko and showing a brilliant smile, Jonouchi encouraged:"It's really fun to duel with you. To be honest, your tactics really opened my eyes, and you are indeed a powerful duelist. If I hadn't received special training, I'm afraid the outcome of this duel would be uncertain."

"Yes, Miss Kitamori, I can testify to this point, Jonouchi did not lie. You don’t know how badly Jonouchi was beaten when he took the initiative to find Youfeng for training during his spare time!"

"Hey, Honda, the word"miserable" is redundant. Stop exposing my past!"

"Haha, what's wrong, Jonouchi, am I not telling the truth?"

"Damn it, even if it’s the truth, you can’t just say that. I don’t want to save face!"

"Jonouchi-kun, Honda-kun~"

Looking at Jonouchi playing with Honda, Kitamori Reiko couldn't help but smile happily.

"Hehe, although I lost the duel, I feel very happy. Jonouchi-kun, the friend you just mentioned who used the same tactics as me, could he be the Duel King Li Youfeng?"


Turning to look at Kitamori Reiko, Jonouchi said generously:"I will go to Lavender Game Store to train with You Feng in my spare time. To be honest, You Feng is a very easy-going person. If you are willing, you can come and play with us in your spare time!"

"And I think, with your current strength, Miss Kitamori, if you accept You Feng's special training, maybe I really won't be your opponent."

"Well, okay, I'll come and play with you guys when I have time!"

Suddenly remembering something, Jonouchi said in a panic:"Oh no, I almost forgot something important, Miss Kitamori, please give me the ID card that leads to the upper floors of the building. I'm really in a hurry to save people."


Hearing Jonouchi mention this again, Kitamori Reiko lowered her head with some guilt and said slowly:"Jonouchi-kun, Honda-kun, in fact, I don't have a so-called ID card at all, and no one expects me to stop you, so I was sent here to deliberately delay your time."

"And this road has been completely blocked by Pegasus Night Walk. Even I can't get to the upper level. I'm so sorry."

"Sealed off?!"

Pointing at the elevator in front of him in disbelief, Jonouchi said in amazement:"Even the elevator can't be used? Could it be that there are other card professors here?"

""I'm sorry, all the elevators here are out of service, and I'm the only one in this area." Nodding to Jonouchi, Kitamori Reiko lowered her head again.


A punch hit the elevator door, Jonouchi gritted his teeth and said,"Damn Tenma Yagyu, he actually used such a despicable method to plot against me, shameless bastard, is he still a duelist by doing this? Tenma Yagyu, if you are a man, get the hell out and face me bravely!"

"Jonouchi, cheer up. We still have Youfeng and Yugi. You have to trust them."

"Jonouchi-kun, I'm sorry, this is all my fault, I should have told you earlier."

Seeing Jonouchi kneeling in pain in front of the elevator door, Bensen Reiko and Jonouchi spoke to comfort him.

"Damn it, I won't accept this!"

He clenched his fists and slammed them to the ground, Jonouchi roared in pain:"As a friend, how can I leave everything to Yugi and Youfeng? I'm not a burden, I also have the ability to help my friends!"


Kitamori Reiko:"……"

Lowering their heads at the same time, Honda and Kitamori Reiko looked at Jonouchi kneeling on the ground and fell into silence helplessly. However, at this moment, a"miracle" happened.


With the sound of a crisp doorbell, the elevator door in front of Jonouchi suddenly opened. At the same time, an extremely familiar figure also appeared in front of Jonouchi. Looking at

Jonouchi kneeling in front of him, this person laughed and teased in an extremely playful tone:"Oh~ It turns out to be Jonouchi. You suddenly give me such a big gift~ How can I accept it? Besides, I don't have any red envelopes on me. Oh, by the way, I still have a hundred yuan coin here (converted to Chinese currency, it is actually five yuan). Otherwise, you can make do with it and show your appreciation?"


Jonouchi said that he was already numb!

"Damn! Keipi, you've gone too far!"

Looking at the spiky dwarf in front of him, Jonouchi, who was kneeling on the ground, was immediately petrified. As for Honda and Kitamori Reiko, they almost couldn't help laughing out loud at this sudden funny scene.

Suffered a loss!

Damn it, this time it's really a big loss!

Looking at the 100-yuan coin handed over by Kaiba Keipi, Jonouchi's mouth twitched fiercely and he quickly stood up from the ground.

"Um, haha, it turns out to be Keipi!" In order to ease the embarrassment, Jonouchi quickly changed the subject,"By the way, why are you here?"

"Huh? Jonouchi, are you kidding me? This is my home. Isn't it natural for me to be here?"

Looking at Jonouchi with a smirk on his face, Kaiba Keipi put the coin in his hand back into his trouser pocket and asked in confusion,"By the way, why are you and Honda here?"

"That's right!" In order to save time, Jonouchi chose to make a long story short,"Tenma Yakou is going to carry out some RA plan, so he kidnapped Anzi. He also threatened Youfeng and Yugi. We were separated for some reason, but I know that Youfeng and Yugi must still be fighting, so I have to catch up and help."

Taking a step forward, Honda continued Jonouchi's words and said,"Keiping, since you can unlock the combination lock, why don't you take us directly to the top floor to find Tenma Yakou?"


"Sorry, I can't do it." After a few seconds of silence, Kaiba Kei said calmly,"Tenma Yagyo is now in control of the control center. Every time I crack the password lock, it will be updated immediately. Now I am heading towards the central computer control terminal. Only by taking it back and rescuing Noyago can I truly take back control of this building."

After looking at each other, Jonouchi and Honda said at the same time:"Let's help too!"

""That's right!" Jonouchi, who was following Keipi, suddenly thought of something and asked,"By the way, Keipi, why are you alone here? Didn't Kaiba come back?"

"Oh, you mean my brother!"Turning around and smiling confidently at Jonouchi, Keipi continued,"We have split into two groups. If nothing unexpected happens, I believe my brother has already found Pegasus Night Parade."

In front of the central control room

"Idiot, what are you doing? Stop him quickly!"

"There is only one person on the other side, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Well said, let's all come together."

Bang, bang, bang!

Ignoring the commotion outside the door, Tianma Yexing, who was in the central control room, looked at the data on the computer and said to himself:"The soul fragments of the duelists hosted in the card have begun to be injected. The RA plan has been very successful so far. Mr. Pegasus, I will definitely call back your soul, and this time, I will definitely defeat Li Youfeng and completely wash away your shame."


As the door opened, a ray of light shone into the slightly dim room. At the same time, a man in a white windbreaker appeared here with a suitcase. Behind this man, many bodyguards of the Illusion Society were lying in a mess.

You can compare it with the picture below.

It is worth mentioning that after such a fierce fight, the man in the windbreaker still had an expression of ease on his face. His calm villain expression was very similar to the extremely confident expression when Fumosa said"I have a combat power of 530,000" during a duel with a Namekian who overestimated his own capabilities!

Readers did not shout"Fuck it"↗?

"Tenma Yexing, your despicable plan ends here. Now, get out of my building!"

Looking at Kaiba Seto with a gloomy face, Tenma Yexing said coldly:"Kaiba, I should have said that you'd better not get in my way"


Without saying too much, Kaiba Seto strode towards Tenma Yagyu, and without warning, he swung his invincible suitcase and slammed it directly into Tenma Yagyu's face.


(Tenma Yagyu:"Kaiba, you are so unethical and you attacked me by surprise. I was careless and didn't dodge!")

"Tianma, understand your position. What I just said was not a negotiation with you, and my anger will not be appeased simply by beating you up."

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