Looking coldly at Pegasus Night Walker who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth and lying on the ground, Kaiba Seto said coldly:"Nothing here can be controlled by a person like you. Now, you'd better obey and hand over all control of the building to me!"

"Otherwise, I will let you experience with your own body how serious the consequences of angering me (who has a combat power of 530,000) are!"


With a cold smile, Tenma Yexing looked directly at Kaiba Seto and said disapprovingly:"Kaiba, you are too slow to come back. The RA plan has already begun and it cannot be stopped! Yes, this is my revenge on Li Youfeng. No one can stop me, not Yugi, not Youfeng, and not you either!"

"You son of a bitch, you're courting death!"

As if he was picking up a chicken, Kaiba Seto grabbed Pegasus Night Walker's collar and lifted him up!

(I believe all fans of Yu-Gi-Oh know how powerful Kaiba's Kirin Arm is!)


With Kaiba Seto pinching his neck, Tenma Yayuu groaned miserably, but his eyes were full of darkness and hatred, and he said stubbornly:"Kaiba Seto, I'm afraid you don't know the big secret hidden in the duel card yet."

"Haha, let me tell you that, in fact, as the father of Duel Monsters, all the monster cards used by duelists have souls. This alienation data integration work has been processed by the Duel Links server and has officially started operation."

"Bullshit, what you said is ridiculous. I don't care what you want to do, stop it right now!"Looking at Tianma Yexing's eyes, Kaiba said that his patience was almost exhausted.

"What's wrong, President Kaiba? You who created the Duel Links server probably don't know how horrible you have created. If you don't believe what I say, you can just look out the window."


Tenma Yayu's words undoubtedly made Kaiba stunned. Leaving Tenma Yayu behind, Kaiba Seto walked to the window of the control room and looked down at the hall.

He saw that the original server hall was already filled with strange machines. The person lying on the seat in the center of these machines was surprisingly Mazaki Anko.

"Kyoko Mazaki? Why is she here, and what are these strange machines?"

"Hehe, this is the so-called RA plan."Tianma Yexing, who forced himself to stand up and exuded bursts of black air, said coldly,"As for Mazaki Anko, she is the core component for the resurrection of Lord Pegasus."

(Pegasus:"Don't eat the sour radish, don't say I'm not dead yet, even if I'm dead, how can you give me such a young girl's body? Oh, I adopted you as my son, but you covet my body?")

"Resurrect Pegasus?" With cold sweat on his face, Kaiba Seto gritted his teeth and looked back at Pegasus Yagyo,"Why are you so sure that the person who will be resurrected will definitely be Pegasus? Moreover, Pegasus was fine, how could something go wrong suddenly?"

"This news was blocked by me, so it is understandable that you don't know about it, Kaiba."

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Tianma Yexing said painfully:"Just a month ago, Lord Pegasus suddenly disappeared, and there was only a pool of blood in his office. After that, someone told me that it was the bastard Li Youfeng who killed Lord Pegasus, and through some mysterious power, I have also confirmed this."

Pointing to the body of Mazaki Anzi in the hall, Tianma Yexing said confidently:"As for the soul problem you mentioned, I have already conducted experiments, that is, in every card made by Lord Pegasus, his emotions are left!"

"This feeling is very small if it is taken alone, but if a large number of cards are collected and stimulated by the power of the duelists, it will reach a state that cannot be explained by science and technology."

"Kaiba, you have seen inexplicable visions when you were dueling with Yugi Muto in the Sky Arena, right? That situation was a miracle of the soul caused by the fighting spirit of the duelists!

" With madness flashing in his eyes, Tenma Yagyo went on to explain:"The purpose of the RA plan is to bring together all the people related to Lord Pegasus's life, and collect the power of the duelists through each duel.

These soul fragments will be specially processed through the high-tech instruments I made, so as to re-condense Lord Pegasus's soul!


Recalling the visions he saw in the Sky Arena and the Ancient Egyptian Exhibition Hall, Seto Kaiba was now a little shaken.

Shaking his head fiercely, Seto Kaiba said angrily:"What you said is just your wishful thinking, and how can you guarantee that your plan will succeed?"

"Because I already have a successful case!"

"What? A successful case?"

Pointing at the figure on the monitor, Tianma Yexing said with a smile:"Thief Keith, he is a living success case!"

"To tell you the truth, when I found the body of the thief Keith in the sea, he had been dead for a long time. The reason he was able to come back to life was that I used the card he used when he was alive to activate the RA plan, and successfully called back his soul from hell!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! You are just exaggerating!" Kaiba Seto couldn't help but exclaimed when he suddenly saw two familiar people through the monitor.��,"This is, You Feng and Yugi? They are here too?"

"That’s right, it’s Li Youfeng and Muto Yugi!"

Unable to help but laugh, Tianma Yexing nodded and said:"And these two people are the other key to the RA plan!"

"What did you say?"

Ignoring Kaiba Seto's murderous look, Tenma Yagyo said to himself:"Kaiba, you don't understand how powerful the duelists are. The reason why I hired so many card professors to stop them is to stimulate their soul power in each duel!"

"Whether it is Li Youfeng or Muto Yugi, their soul power will continue to increase in every duel and transform into a clear will, and this mysterious power will be the final part of the success of my plan!"

""Tianma Yexing, you lunatic, I will not watch you do whatever you want in my home!"

Staring at Tianma Yexing, Kaiba Seto roared loudly:"Come with me! Tianma, do you have the qualifications to stand in front of You Feng? Let me test you first!"

"Don't be anxious, President Kaiba."

Pointing to the monitoring screen in front of him, Tianma Yexing sneered:"These two people are the best duelists under the name of Lord Pegasus. Don't you want to see what will happen next?"


The fourth floor of the Seahorse Building.

With the thief Keith leading the way, Li Youfeng and his party continued to move towards the top floor of the Seahorse Building very smoothly. As they arrived at an empty hall, an accident happened.

"Stop right there!"

With a loud shout, two men walked down the stairs together, looking at the gloomy face of the thief Keith, and one of the men with a"Saiyan" hairstyle looked at him with extremely hostile eyes.

(If you don't have a good hairstyle these days, do you dare to say you can play cards?)

"Keith, it seems you've taken the wrong road?"

With a slight smile on his face, the thief Keith pretended to be surprised and said,"Why are you two here? It shouldn't be your turn to appear yet, right?"

"you two……"Looking at the familiar faces in front of him, Tianma Yuexing couldn't help but show a solemn expression on his face.

Noticing that Tianma Yuexing's face looked a little ugly, Biao Youxi quickly asked:"Yuexing, do you know them?"

"Yes, they are both orphans like me, and they are also outstanding people who have received elite education from Master Pegasus."

"What?"Compared to Li Youfeng who already knew the plot, Biao Youxi immediately showed a somewhat surprised expression after hearing this,"So, they are equivalent to your brothers?"

"Yes." Tianma Yuexing nodded indifferently to Biao Yugi and said gloomily,"Even in the Card Professor Association, these two are considered the strongest."

""Hey, Yue Xing, it's been a long time since we last met. This must be the Duel King Li You and the strongest duelist who is as famous as him, Yugi Muto. Haha, the stories of both of you have been widely circulated in the duel circle recently!"

After a somewhat familiar greeting, the man with a golden Super Saiyan hairstyle introduced himself with a sneer:"My name is Richie Mather, and this black duel disk represents my strength. After all, this is a duel disk that only the person ranked first in the Card Professor Guild is qualified to use."

"As for the one next to me, his name is Depree Scott, he is a very powerful duelist, basically on par with me."

"Yuexing, I think you seem to be lost, so I came to pick you up."

Smiling, he walked towards Tianma Yuexing, and shook his head at the thief Keith and said,"Old people tend to get lost easily when they get older. Am I right? This uncle"

"Ah? Bastard, you dare to talk to me like that, do you want to be beaten?"In response to Li Qi Mather's provocation, the thief Keith, who was already very irritable, naturally changed his face.

""Haha, how could that be? I really respect you, uncle!"

While complimenting him, Richie Mather stretched out his left hand and patted Keith's shoulder. Just when everyone thought he was saying hello, Richie Mather suddenly attacked.

Grabbing Keith's shoulder with his left hand, Richie Mather clenched his right fist and hit Keith's abdomen hard.


"Humph, rubbish, stop looking down on others!"

"Damn it, you dare to hit me?"

After being hit by a punch without any preparation, Keith would not let it go, and he quickly punched back. However, what Keith did not expect was that after dodging the punch, Richie Mather kicked Keith to the ground again.

Looking at the thief Keith lying on the ground with a painful face, Richie Mather scolded him unceremoniously:"You bastard, what are you planning to do? Do you think I don't know? You dare to make trouble under our noses, do you really think I can't notice it?"

"asshole~!"Keith, who collapsed on the ground, gritted his teeth and struggled, his eyes filled with hatred and anger,"You little brat, do you think you are stronger than me?"

"I heard you talking bullshit!" Li Qi Mather kicked Keith in the face and said with a grin,"You were indeed number one in the United States before, but that is now a thing of the past. The development speed of Duel Monsters has completely eliminated you. Don't think that you can be arrogant forever relying on the glory of the past!"


Li Youfeng couldn't help but stop Li Qi who wanted to continue beating Keith, and said with a gloomy face:"We are in a hurry to rescue people. We don't have the time to watch you fighting among yourself. Now, either get out of the way or duel with me, you choose one!"

"Li Youfeng, you really think you are a big shot."After a cold smile, Li Qi Mather glared at Li Youfeng with a bad look,"What, do you want to protect Keith? Sure, I'll stand here.���If you have the ability, just make a move!"

"Damn it!"

Resisting the urge to call Izayoi Kaoru, Li Youfeng, who appeared calm but was actually very panicked, quietly stepped back. After all, fighting was not his forte, and if he was not careful, he would really get beaten.

Not noticing that Li Youfeng had silently surrendered, Tianma Yuexing stepped forward and said,"Stop, Li Qi, your target should not be Keith!"

""Yue Xing, you bastard!"

After seeing Tianma Yue Xing's new appearance, Richie Mather and Deprez Scott looked at each other, and the latter couldn't help but asked:"Yue Xing, you are Lord Pegasus's favorite child. As the heir of the Illusion Society, you should stand on our side and support Ye Xing's plan. Why did you betray us? Are you worthy of the late Lord Pegasus by doing this?"

"Because I can't accept such absurd things!"Looking at his former companion with a firm gaze, Tianma Yuexing gritted his teeth and said,"Li Youfeng was wronged, and I don't believe that Lord Pegasus would die like this. Everything has not been clarified yet. I can't allow Yexing to hurt innocent people!"

"Humph, ridiculous, so what if I hurt innocent people?"

Pointing at Tianma Yuexing, Li Qi Mather roared angrily:"Lord Pegasus is my benefactor. He saved me and gave me hope to live. As long as it is for Lord Pegasus, I can give up everything, even my life!"

"Yue Xing, you have betrayed the Illusion Society and Master Pegasus. Now you are an ungrateful bastard to us. I will never let you go!"

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