"Hmph, small monster, it's my turn, draw a card!"

"Jonouchi, your luck as a cockroach has ended!"

Taking out a card and slapping it on the duel disk, Richie Mather said with contempt:"I Normal Summon the Gunners, attack position!" (Attack 1600 Defense 1000)

"Then he activated the magic card Single Rider Assist from the card, and within this round, the attack power of the Two-Gun Man increased by 1500 points!"The attack power of the Two-Gun Man increased by 3100 points!"

A drop of sweat fell on his forehead, and Jonouchi said with a gloomy face:"You actually created a monster with an attack power of 3100 points in the first round, Li Qi, it seems that you still have some skills!"

"It's too early to be surprised now!"

He sneered at Jonouchi and then took out two more cards.

"I cover these two cards on the backfield and then enter the battle phase!"

"Double Gunman, attack the Red-Eyes Iron Knight!"

"Double gun fire!"

"Haha, Li Qi, you underestimate me too much, open the cover card!"

Seeing the double gun man launch an attack, Jonouchi calmly opened a cover card on the field.

"Magic card activated, monster box!" (Original manga))

"The effect of this card is to hide all the monsters in attack position on your field into the box, and then avoid the enemy's attack!"

"Hehe, Li Qi, your attack can't hit my Red-Eyes Iron Knight, you deserve it!"

"Humph, is that really the case?"As if he was looking at a fool, Rich Mather couldn't help laughing.


After noticing Richie Mather's unusual behavior, Jonouchi instinctively felt that something was wrong. However, before he could react, a bullet that was supposed to hit the Red-Eyes Iron Knight suddenly turned and hit him directly in the heart.

""Guaa!" He covered his chest with both hands and couldn't help but scream. The pain was so severe that Jonouchi couldn't help but stepped back several steps.

Jonouchi LP4000﹥900

"Damn it!" Sweat oozed from his forehead due to the severe pain. Jonouchi knelt on one knee on the ground and looked at Richie Mather in confusion.

"What on earth is going on? There are monsters in front of me, why am I being attacked?"


Laughing out loud, Richie Mather said calmly:"Since you asked sincerely, I will kindly tell you that the special effect of the Two-Gun Man is that when attacking the enemy monster, it will shoot two bullets, and one of the bullets will directly hit the opponent player!"

"How about it, Jonouchi? It must feel great to be shot!"

"My turn is over, it's your turn!"

"Damn bastard, you dare to trick me!"

Suffering a heavy blow of 3100 points of damage at once, Jonouchi said, I am not the kind of person who will suffer in silence.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

After glaring at Richie Mather, Jonouchi held up a card and said,"I activate the magic card from my hand, Red-Eyes See Through!"

"The effect of this card is that you can send a Red-Eyes monster from your hand or deck to the graveyard. Add a Red-Eyes Spell or Trap Card other than this card from your deck to your hand."

"I chose to add Red-Eyes Fusion to my hand card!"

"Red-Eyes Fusion"

"The effect of this card is that you can send the Fusion Material Monster determined by the Fusion Monster Card from your deck to the Graveyard, and Fusion Summon the Fusion Monster with the Red-Eyes Monster as the Fusion Material from the Extra Deck. In addition, the card name of the monster Special Summoned by this effect can be used as Red-Eyes Black Dragon."

"I sent Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Lightning Warrior Guilford to the graveyard and then Fusion Summoned them."

"Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon!" (Attack 2800 Defense 2400)

"Hehe!" After showing a card again, Jonouchi couldn't help but laughed sinisterly,"Li Qi, don't think you are self-righteous just because you tricked me. Now, I will make you pay the price!"

"Oh? A mere cockroach dares to ask me to pay the price, how interesting!"Shaking his head with a sneer, Richie Mather made a provocative gesture to Jonouchi,"Come on, if you can do it"

"Haha, then take it!" Putting a card on the duel disk, Jonouchi laughed and said,"Activate the magic card, black flame bomb!"


"Haha, Li Qi, you probably couldn't imagine that!" Pointing to the Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon on his field, Jonouchi explained proudly,"Although you can't attack in the first round after a fusion monster is successfully summoned, the Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon on my field can be used as the Red-Eyes Black Dragon under the effect of Red-Eyes Fusion!"

"The effect of the Black Flame Bullet is that Red-Eyes Black Dragon cannot attack during this turn, and deals damage to the opponent's selected monster equal to its original attack power."

"So according to this effect, you will now take 2800 points of effect damage!"

"Take it, black flame bomb!"

The burning breath quickly gathered in the mouth of the Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon, and then, under Jonouchi's command, the Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon opened its mouth and sprayed a fireball directly at Richie Mather.

"Humph, a mere trifle!"

Seeing that he was about to be hit in the face by the fireball, Rich Mather sneered in disdain.


Seeing the black flame bomb about to hit Richie Mather, Jonouchi happily made a one-handed celebration gesture, but at this moment, something unexpected happened.

Unlike the explosion that would occur when hitting the opponent as imagined, after the black flame bomb hit Richie Mather's body, it actually penetrated straight through, as if it had hit a projection. This black flame bomb did not cause any damage to Richie Mather.

"How is this going?"

"Haha, the answer is actually very simple, because I opened the cover card!"Pointing to the card in front of him, Richie Mather sneered,"Magic Card Mirage!" (Original comic)

"The effect of this card is that within three turns, I will not be the target of monster direct attacks, magic cards and trap cards, so Black Flame Bomb is ineffective against me!"

"Damn it, in that case, I'll cover another card on the backfield!"


"The moment Red-Eyes Iron Knight launches his attack, the special effect of Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon is activated!"

"The special effect of Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon is that when there is an attack declaration by a Red-Eyes monster on the field, Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon can only be activated by targeting a Warrior-Type monster in your Graveyard, and that monster is used as an Equip Card with an attack power increase of 200 to equip this card."

"I choose to equip Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon with Lightning Warrior as an equipment card!"

Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon's attack power is increased by 3000!

"Okay, continue the attack. Red-Eyes Iron Knight, attack the Double Gunman and use the Cross Sword Slash!"

"Humph, what a childish way of attacking!"Shaking his head in disappointment, Richie Mather directly activated another cover card on his field.

"Trap Card activated, attack disabled!"

"The effect of this card is to negate the attack of one of your opponent's monsters and force the end of the battle phase. Scatter, Jonouchi, what should you do in this situation?"

"You sinister bastard, I just let you take advantage of me a little bit, just wait! My turn is over!" With a cold voice with a look of resentment, Jonouchi gritted his teeth and ended his turn.

"Haha, Jonouchi, the game is over, I will completely take care of you this round!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Pot of Greed is activated, I draw two more cards from the deck!"

After adding the drawn cards to his hand, Richie Mather pointed at the two covered cards on Jonouchi's backfield and shook his head, saying:"Jonchouchi, my Double Gunner is an effect damage. Even if the attack is blocked, you will still lose 1,600 health points."

"But in order to kill you safely, I decided to summon another monster!"

"I Normal Summon Musketeer Pias in Attack Position!"(Attack 1700 Defense 1000)

"In battle, the Gunslinger can activate special effects when attacking, and can cause damage to the enemy player equal to the monster's attack power while attacking. Although the attack power of this monster is not as good as that of the Red-Eyes Iron Knight, at this moment of the battle, your health will be reduced to zero!"

"Humph, I already knew what you were planning!" He smiled sinisterly at Richie Mather and directly activated a cover card on the field.

"Continuous Trap Card activated, Chief Judgment!"

"The effect of this card is that it can only be activated once per turn when a monster on the opponent's or your own field activates a special effect. The player who activates the effect flips a coin and then guesses the result. If the guess is right, this Trap Card is sent to the Graveyard. If the guess is wrong, the activation of that monster is invalid, and control of that monster is transferred to the opponent's player!"


Seeing that Jonouchi had actually activated such a trap card, Richie Mather couldn't help but burst out with a curse word.

"Tsk~, you are such a clever bastard, Jonouchi, do you think you can stop me like this? When it comes to luck, I rarely meet an opponent!"

"Haha!" With a sinister smile on his face, Jonouchi said nonchalantly,"In that case, why don't you toss a coin and let me see it?"

"You bastard who can only play some tricks, in this case, I will make you die convinced, this coin, I guess it is heads!"With a gloomy face, he took out a coin, raised his hand and threw it out. The coin kept flipping in the air, and then fell in the center of the field. Just as Richie Mather said, his luck was pretty good. With the sound of the coin falling to the ground, the front of the coin appeared in the center of the field.

"Haha, frontal, Jonouchi, I have said it before, my luck is still pretty good. This time, you are completely finished!"

"Awesome, you really deserve to be the number one in the Card Professor Association rankings!"Nodding nonchalantly, Jonouchi suddenly sneered and opened another covered card on the field,"Unfortunately, in this situation, I want to open another covered card, and the magic card probability change will be activated!"

"Hehe, the effect of this card is that when the result of playing with coins, throwing dice, or spinning the roulette wheel appears, you can activate it and play it again, but the result this time will not be the result that has already appeared. Come on, Chief Card Professor, since you are so awesome, try to throw the front side for me again!"

""Fuck you!"

Looking at the magic card activated on the Jonouchi field, Richie Mather was a little nervous. The effect of this card clearly stated that the front side would not appear. What was the point of rolling it again?

"Jonouchi, you are such a sinister and despicable person!"

"Haha, thank you for the compliment. Since you don't want to toss the coin anymore, I'll take it as your surrender, so I'll accept the Two-Gun Man without hesitation!"

Knowing that the result would not change, Rich Mather could only grit his teeth and acquiesce to this result. Watching his Two-Gun Man run to the field inside the city, Rich Mather immediately stated that he must not leave this monster on the field inside the city.

"Jonouchi, you are happy too early. Have you forgotten that my musketeer Pias has not launched an attack yet?"

"Oh? What do you want to say?"

Faced with Richie Mather's provocation, Jonouchi once again showed a sinister smile.

"The attack power of the Gunslinger is not as good as that of the Musketeer Pius. Even if you take my monster away, you still can't keep it!"

"Fight, Pia the Musketeer, attack the Two-Gunner!"

"Precision sniping!"

"Hehehe~! Li Qi, you are too naive. Do you think I am really defenseless? Open the cover card!"

"Trap card activated, Devil's Dice!"


Looking at Jonouchi playing with the dice again, Richie Mather said that he definitely had the urge to hit someone.

"The effect of this card is to roll a dice, and then the attack and defense of all monsters controlled by the opponent will be reduced by the number of dice rolled × 100 before the end of the turn."

"Next, let me show you how lucky I am!"

As the trap card was activated, a black little devil appeared on the field in the city with a smirk on his face. A bright red dice was thrown by the little devil, and after a roll, six big black dots appeared on the edge of the dice.

"Haha, six points! According to this effect, the attack power of the musketeer Pias decreased by 600 points!"


He cursed!


Seeing this scene, Richie Mather couldn't help but show his roar again!

Is this a duel? Is there such a duel? We duel to summon monsters, but your duel is either tossing coins or throwing dice, right? Are you going to play the roulette wheel in the next round?

It seems that you treat this as a casino!

Although he complained, under the effect of the card, the attack power of the musketeer Pias was still reduced to 1100 points. Such attack power is naturally no match for the two-gun man.

After nimbly dodging the attack of the musketeer Pias, the two-gun man directly counterattacked without hesitation. A bullet accurately penetrated the former's chest, and the 500 points of combat damage naturally fell on Richie Mather.

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