
Looking at the mirage on his field, Rich Mather spat fiercely, because the effect of this card could not absorb the excessive damage caused by the battle between monsters.

Rich Mather LP4000 > 3500

"My health points were taken away by a small character like you, Jonouchi, you have completely pissed me off!"

"I cover two cards on the back field, and my turn ends."

"My turn, draw a card!"

With a sly smile on his face, Jonouchi drew a card from the deck and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hey, I activate the Pot of Greed from my hand and draw two more cards."

"Oh my, my luck is really good, I actually drew the Pot of Greed again, haha, the Pot of Greed is activated, and I draw two more cards!"

"Damn it, what kind of shit luck does this kid have?!"Looking at Jonouchi's continuous card draw with a bad look, Richie Mather's face was extremely ugly.

Looking at the three cards he just drew, Jonouchi couldn't help but laugh sinisterly.

"Hehehe, Li Qi, right? Now, let me let you see my true strength!"

"Magic card activated, dice whirlwind!"

"The effect of this card is to roll the dice once. If the number is 2-4, you can choose to destroy a Magic or Trap Card on the field. If the number is 5, you can choose to destroy two Magic or Trap Cards on the field. If the number is 1 or 6, you will take 1000 points of damage."

Because of the activation of the magic card, a virtual dice appeared in Jonouchi's hand. Looking at Jonouchi playing with the dice in his hand and looking at him with a smirk, Rich Mather felt an unbearable palpitation.

"Shit, what's going on? Why do I feel scared when I see Jonouchi holding the dice? No, it's impossible. My luck can't be worse than Jonouchi's!"

"Li Qi, now, I am going to throw this dice, you watch me carefully!"

Not knowing the complicated psychological activities of Li Qi Mather, Jonouchi raised his hand and threw the dice into the field.

Snap! Snap!

The dice jumped on the field, and Li Qi Mather felt that his heart seemed to beat with the dice. Finally, because of the exhaustion of power, the dice slowly stopped, and at the same time, two black dots appeared on the surface of the dice.

""Haha, two points!"

Seeing this scene, Rich Mather couldn't help laughing. Speaking of which, his two face-up cards were the trap cards Illusion Flash and Passing Bullet. These two face-up cards could be said to be Rich Mather's trump cards.

Illusion Flash, the owner of the card temporarily controls a monster on the opponent's field and inflicts battle damage on the opponent. As for Passing Bullet, it can make the opponent player bear the damage suffered by the owner at the same time. (Original comic)

He now has 3500 life points, while Jonouchi's life points are only 900 points. Therefore, no matter which monster on Jonouchi's field attacks him, Rich Mather can feed back this wave of damage to Jonouchi at the same time.

And judging by the current situation, Jonouchi will definitely destroy the magic card Mirage, otherwise, he will not be able to attack himself. This is actually an open conspiracy, and it is an open conspiracy that Jonouchi has to choose!

Thinking of this, Rich Mather couldn't help but sneer and sneer:"Jonnouchi, now it seems that your luck is not that good!"

"Is that really the case?" Ignoring Richie Mather's ridicule, Jonouchi pointed at the former's backcourt and said with a smile:"According to the special effect of the dice whirlwind, I will destroy the magic card Mirage on your backcourt!"

"Hehe, this way, my monster can launch a direct attack on you!"


Due to the effect of the dice whirlwind, the mirage was broken. Seeing that Jonouchi really followed his script, Rich Mather felt more confident.


Just when Rich Mather thought Jonouchi would launch an attack, Jonouchi suddenly called out his name.

"A good friend of mine once taught me that the more you face a decisive blow, the more you need to calmly judge the current situation, especially when the opponent has a cover card. Such a person is either a newbie or a veteran jerk!"

"Being able to become the chief of the Card Professor Association, I believe that you are definitely not a novice player. Therefore, in order to more safely deal with an old bastard like you, I decided to summon this monster!"


After hearing what Jonouchi said, Richie Mather was completely panicked. Cold sweat instantly soaked his back, and an inexplicable sense of fear also enveloped him completely at this moment.

"I freed the Double Gunners on the field, and then summoned them from above!"

"Man-made man - telekinesis shocker!"(Attack power 2400 Defense power 1500)

"What is this card?"Seeing this monster appear on the field in the city, Rich Mather, as a card professor, naturally knew its special effects!

""Haha, that's right!" Pointing at Richie Mather, Jonouchi said angrily,"This card was given to me by my good friend, the genius Lu Chang. Unlike you profit-seeking guys, friendship and bond are the power that a duelist should constantly pursue!"

"The special ability of the android, Psycho-Shock, is activated. The special effect of this monster is that as long as this monster is face-up on the field, it can scan the cover cards on the opponent's field. If it is a trap card, it will directly destroy it all!" (Original anime effect!)

"Mind scan!"


Red lasers shot out from the eyes of the telekinetic shocker, accompanied by two explosions, and the two blocked cards on the backcourt of Richie Mather exploded directly on the spot like fireworks.

"How is it possible? How can a mere cockroach have such strength?"

His trump card was destroyed so easily by Jonouchi. At this moment, Richie Mather knew very well that he had no chance of turning the tables in this duel.


"Richie Mather!"

With a smug smile on his face, Jonouchi said,"You Card Professors Association look down on me so much, but now it seems that your strength is just so-so! And the abominable bastard Tianma Yexing actually set my bounty at ten dollars at the beginning, but it's a pity that you arrogant guys are not even as good as ten dollars!"

"Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon, android - Telekinesis Stunner, attack directly!"


Feeling Jonouchi's anger, Red-Eyes Black Blade Dragon and Psychic Intimidator attacked at the same time. The powerful impact force hit Richie Mather, who was directly knocked away on the spot and hit the wall behind him hard.

Richie Mather LP3500﹥0

Looking at Jonouchi who walked to his face, Richie Mather, who was slumped on the ground, bit his teeth and said weakly:"Jonnouchi~you~you!"

"Richie Mather, do you know why you lost to me?"


Hearing Jonouchi's question, Richie Mather couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Ignoring Richie Mather's surprised expression, Jonouchi said to himself:"Unlike you guys who take human life lightly, I am now fighting for my friends and for friendship!"

"And I believe that You Feng is definitely not the murderer of Pegasus. You captured my partner without investigating the facts clearly. There is no way I can lose to bastards like you!"


With a wry smile as if mocking himself, Richie Mather took off the black duel disk on his arm and threw it to Jonouchi.

"Jonouchi, you haven't experienced what I've experienced, so you can speak so righteously."

"I admit that we were wrong in kidnapping Mazaki Kyoko, but for the sake of Pegasus-sama, what does it matter if we have to bear the sin? When it comes to my feelings for Pegasus-sama, I will never lose to anyone!"

"Now, you are the winner, so you can move on."

After saying this, Richie Mather lowered his head and cried silently. Looking at Richie Mather who was already in sorrow and unable to extricate himself, Jonouchi's face flashed a trace of helplessness, and then he turned and ran towards the passage leading to the upper floor of the Seahorse Building.

Time went back to before Jonouchi and Richie Mather started the duel. After passing through the gate and the long passage, Li Youfeng, Tianma Yuexing and Biao Yugi successfully arrived at the fifth floor of the Seahorse Building.

"Damn it, there is no way out!"

After knocking hard on the closed electronic security door in front of him a few times, Li Youfeng said in a depressed tone:"Ye Xing is such a bastard and has no moral principles. I now understand that this bastard never intended to let us go up!"

"Damn it, the door to the stairs won’t open and the elevator can’t be used either. Are we trapped here?"

""You Feng, Yugi, I'm sorry!" Tianma Yuexing lowered his head and his face was also very ugly,"I didn't expect Yexing to do this. I am also responsible for this matter."

Because Mazaki Anko's life is in danger, Li Youfeng and Biao Yugi are really in no mood to comfort Tianma Yuexing. However, just when the three of them were at a loss, the video phone at the elevator door suddenly rang.

"Brother Youfeng, Brother Youyou, can you hear me?"

A familiar voice came over, and Li Youfeng and Biao Youyou couldn't help but said at the same time:"Is this Guiping's voice?!" They hurried to the video phone, and Kaiba Guiping's avatar really appeared in it.

This sudden surprise made Biao Youyou and Li Youfeng smile happily instantly. Li Youfeng couldn't wait to say to the phone:"Guiping, why are you here? Could it be that you have regained control of this building?"

"Hehe~ 70% has been taken back!" Nodding heavily at Li Youfeng, Kaiba Keiping continued,"Brother Youfeng, my brother is now fighting with Pegasus Night Walk in the arena on the top floor of the Kaiba Building. I have unlocked the elevator access, and you can take the elevator directly to the top floor."

Suddenly thinking of something, Li Youfeng asked,"Where is Naiya? What happened to him? I heard that Naiya has always been in charge of the electronic management system of the Kaiba Group?"

"Noyako is fine now. He is now following my brother's instructions to input a virus program into the server to stop Pegasus Night Walk's RA plan."

"Don't worry, Noya is an expert in electronic networks, and he is as good as my brother in programming. I was able to take back the control system of Kaiba Building in such a short time thanks to Noya's help, so Sister Anzi will be fine!"

Keipi's words undoubtedly gave Yugi and Li Youfeng a reassurance. Hearing this, even Masaki Anzi, who had been accompanying them in a virtual projection state, couldn't help but smile with relief.

"Great, now Xingzi is saved!"

"Well, even so, we can't be careless, Game, I'm a little worried that Tianma Yexing will do something even crazier after knowing that his plan has failed, so we still have to find him as soon as possible."

"I understand what you mean."Knowing that Li Youfeng was not exaggerating, Biaoyou nodded in agreement.

However, just as the elevator door opened, a gloomy laugh suddenly came from the corner of the corridor.

"Hehehe~, you can't leave here without my consent!"

"Thief Keith?!"

"How did you end up here?"

With an ominous black aura emanating from his entire body, the thief Keith changed his extremely decadent state and appeared in front of Li Youfeng, Biao Youxi and Tianma Yuexing with a grim smile on his face.

"Li Youfeng, Muto Yugi, I have become what I am now because of you two bastards!"

"As I said before, I am a ghost who came back from hell for revenge, and I will make you two damn bastards pay the price!"

Looking at the angry face of the thief Keith, Tianma Yuexing asked with some confusion:"You Feng, Yugi, what happened between you two and him? Why does Keith always look so bitter and resentful towards you two?"

"Well, it's a bit of a holiday."Nodding slightly, Li Youfeng said helplessly,"During the Duel Kingdom competition, I was the one who eliminated him."

"That's right!" Holding his arms, Biao Youxi nodded heavily,"And You Feng once gave Keith a chill. If it were me, I would definitely be angry too!"

"Oh my god, you are not going to get over it, right? Once is not enough, you have to bring up all the issues, right?"Looking at the watch game in amazement, Tianma Yuexing said that You Feng finally has a handle in the hands of this dwarf.

""Fuck, Youyou, that's enough!" Li Youfeng once again pinched Biao Youyou's neck with his elbow, saying that he would never accept this injustice,"If I hadn't saved you at that time, how could I have accepted this injustice? Now you are trying to turn the tables on me, right?!"

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