Without any pause, Thief Keith pointed at the Black Magician on the dark game field and said loudly:"Although you escaped once, you won't be so lucky this time. Shell Motorcycle, attack the Black Magician!"

"Angry Chain Hammer!"

"Humph, Keith, you were careless this time!"

Looking at the shell motorcycle attacking, An Yugi did not make any move, but sneered on the spot.

"Strange, this little dwarf didn't even use the cover card, how could he have the confidence to talk to me like that?"Due to Yami Yugi's calm behavior, Thief Keith instinctively felt something was wrong.


At the moment when Thief Keith was confused, the Shell Motorcycle and the Black Magic Girl suddenly collided on the field.

Thief Keith, who originally thought that he could successfully defeat the Black Magic Girl, could never have imagined that after a loud bang, the Black Magic Girl raised her hand and cast a black magic, directly smashing the Shell Motorcycle into pieces.

Thief Keith LP4000 ﹥ 3700

"Nani?! How is this possible?"

The thief Keith opened his mouth wide in an instant after failing to defeat the black magic girl and losing his own life points.

"Keith, you didn't expect it, did you? Actually, the reason why your attack failed this time is very simple, it's because of this card!"

Taking out a card from the graveyard of his duel disk, Dark Yugi sneered:"Kilfar Demon, the effect of this card is that when it is sent to the graveyard, it can be equipped to a face-up monster on the field as an equipment card, and the attack power of the equipped monster will be reduced by 500 points!"

"Damn it!"Thief Keith's eyes were almost bloodshot, and he asked through gritted teeth,"Was this card also thrown into the graveyard using the angel's charity?"

"That's right!"

Smiling and nodding, An Yugi explained:"I learned these moves from You Feng. What do you think, Keith? Do you feel a little overwhelmed?!"

"You bastard dwarf, these are just some small tricks that are not good enough for the stage, don't be too proud of yourself!"

Cold sweat oozed from his forehead. The thief Keith had lost his initial confidence, especially the underworld tactics of Yami Yugi, which made him feel inexplicably flustered.

"Tsk, the special effect of Shell Motorcycle is activated. When this card is destroyed, a motorcycle part will be left behind, the Engine Tuning Team will also remain on the field and this card will be automatically equipped on the motorcycle part!"

"Next I will cover two cards on the back field, and my turn is over."

"Humph, it's my turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the card he just drew, Yami Yugi smiled again.

"I Normal Summon, Magician's Staff, Attack Position!" (Attack 1600 Defense 100)

"The special effect of Magician's Wand is activated. During the turn this card is successfully summoned, you can add a card with a Black Magic character from your deck to your hand. I add this card to my hand and cover it on the field!"


"Black magic wand, attack the motorcycle parts for me!"

"Haha, Yugi, you're in trouble!" He laughed again, and the thief Keith raised his hand to open a cover card on the field,"Activate trap card, Holy Shield - Mirror Force!"

"The effect of this card is that it can only be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack, and it destroys all monsters in attack position on the opponent's field."

"What?" Seeing that the thief Keith had opened the cover card, Dark Yugi waved his hand and wanted to open his own cover card,"I want to open……"

""Oh, this won't do!" Interrupting Yami Yugi's words, the thief Keith opened another cover card again,"Activate the magic card, and fix the card!"

"The effect of this card is that you can select two cards on the opponent's field to activate. The fixed cards cannot leave the field and cannot activate their effects!"

"Thief Keith! You!"

Looking at the two cards on his field being fixed by layers of iron chains, Dark Yugi couldn't help but exclaimed.

As for the field, due to the effect of the trap card's mirror power, the Black Magician Girl and the Magician's Staff were directly destroyed by the dazzling light, and both entered the cemetery at the same time.

""Hehehe!" After clearing out Dark Yugi's venue, the thief Keith couldn't help but grinned,"Yugi, although you are indeed a little clever, it seems that you are not that good now!"

"Okay, finish your turn quickly, I’m getting impatient waiting!"

"Damn it, my turn is over!"Since he had already summoned a monster, Dark Yugi could only grit his teeth and end his turn. Looking at the two cards, Thief's Seven Items and Magician's Navigation, covering the field, Dark Yugi thought for a few seconds and instantly decided on his next tactic.

"Hum, it's my turn, draw a card!"

Since there are no monsters on the field that can protect Dark Yugi, Thief Keith will naturally not miss this great opportunity.

"I liberate the motorcycle parts on the field, and then the superior summons!"

"Violent motorcycle, attack display!"(Attack power 2100 Defense power 1200)

"Then, due to the effect of the equipped magic card Engine Tuning Team, the attack power of Violent Motorcycle increases by the normal value of its defense!"

Violent Motorcycle's attack power 2700 UP!

"Fight, violent motorcycle, attack directly!"

"Motorcycle Cannon!"



Due to the lack of the protection of the monster, Dark Yugi could only take this direct attack. Under the strong impact, Dark Yugi screamed and took several steps back before he could stop.

(Dark Yugi:"Fuck, it hurts! Kaiba, that bastard, really increased the feedback damage of the virtual monster!")

(Seto Kaiba:"Fuck, don't blame me all the time, okay? I didn't say anything after being hit by a rising dragon punch? What's wrong with you being so hypocritical!")

Dark Yugi LP4000﹥1300

"Haha, damn dwarf, how does it feel to be hit by my head-on cannon? Now you should know the consequences of offending me!" He dealt 2700 points of damage to Dark Game at once, and the thief Keith was very satisfied with his operation.

However, what he didn't expect was that Dark Game, who was directly attacked, was not depressed, but instead sneered.

"Hum, what a waste!"

Rubbing his chest, he slowly stood up and took out a card from his hand.

"Because of your direct attack, the effect of this card in my hand is also activated!"

"Trap magic card activated, Stairway to Hades!"

(In the original comic, this card has both magic and trap attributes. Another point to note is that the comic screenshot is below. The author said that he wanted readers to feel what a classic Hades scene is! After all, I can't be the only victim, hehe~!)

"The effect of this card is that it can be activated when you are directly attacked by the opponent. When there are no monsters on your field, you can Special Summon two Hades Messengers from your deck!"

"Come out, Gou Zi, the messenger of the underworld (attack power 2700, defense power 2500), Kane, the messenger of the underworld (attack power 2500, defense power 2700)!"

"Damn you little brat, you are so tenacious, my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

He added the card he just drew to his hand, and then launched an attack.


"Gou Zi, the messenger of Hades, attack the violent motorcycle!"


After receiving the order from his master, Gou Zi, the messenger of Hades, raised his knife and rushed straight towards the violent motorcycle. Because of the same attack power, after a bang, the two monsters entered the cemetery at the same time.


As the violent motorcycle was destroyed, the special effects of this monster were also activated. Looking at the two motorcycle parts with zero attack and defense falling on the field, Thief Keith couldn't help but spit.

"Damn it, my motorcycle parts are special derivatives and cannot be summoned in defense position. This is a big problem!"

Just as the thief Keith said, seeing the two motorcycle derivatives on the opposite field, how could Dark Yugi miss this great opportunity?

"Kane, the messenger of the underworld, give me the attack motorcycle token!"


Kane raised his scimitar and chopped at a motorcycle derivative. Since his attack power was 0 points, the 2500 points of attack damage naturally fed back to the thief Keith.

The thief Keith LP3700>1200

Because of the severe pain, the thief Keith's face once again showed a ferocious expression.��

"Humph, my turn is over, Thief Keith, it's your turn!"

"Yugi, you actually dared to lure me to attack with an empty field and then use such a trick. I have to say that you are really brave!" He immediately understood why Yugi wanted to end his turn with an empty field. Thief Keith would be lying if he said he was not angry. After all, exposing oneself to the opponent's monster is a huge risk. In addition to extraordinary courage, excellent observation and insight are also one of the indispensable factors for such a decision.

"Humph, what's wrong, Keith, if you are afraid, you can just choose to surrender!"

"Surrender? Damn you, you little dwarf, what are you talking about? How could I, who crawled out of hell, surrender so easily!"

Sneered in extreme anger, the thief Keith suddenly looked up at Dark Yugi.

"Game, don't think you can be so arrogant just because you have the title of the strongest duelist. My anger is beyond your imagination!"

"I warn you, don't underestimate others. Whether it's you or Li Youfeng, I definitely have the strength to defeat you all!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"The Pot of Greed is activated. I draw two more cards from the deck. Then, I will release the motorcycle parts on the field, and then the Superior Summon"

"Come out, Motor Caesar!" (Attack 2000 Defense 1400)

"The special effect of the equipped magic card Engine Tuning Team is activated, and this monster's attack power increases by half of its defense power."

Motor Caesar's attack power is 2700 UP!

"I cover a card on the back field and enter the battle phase!"

"Motor Caesar, attack Kane, the messenger of the underworld!"

"Laser Sweep!"


The red laser shot at Kane, the messenger of Hades. Due to the difference of 200 attack points, Kane was directly destroyed and sent to the cemetery with a scream.

Dark Game LP1300>1100

"My turn is over, shorty, it's your turn!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"This monster can be summoned without releasing it when the opponent has more monsters than you have on the field."

Raising a card above his head, Dark Yugi shouted heartbreakingly,"Gaia~!!!"

Following the call of Dark Yugi, a fully armed black knight appeared on the field of the duel arena. He was the awakened dark knight Gaia! (Attack power 2300, defense power 2100)


Although the name is the same, the game Yu-Gi-Oh fully illustrates one point, that is, it is not only Ultraman who is called Gaia, the knight monster riding a black horse can also be called Gaia!

Similarly, for Yu-Gi-Oh players, other monsters don’t matter.

But for this monster, almost all players have an inevitable common problem, that is, whenever this monster is summoned, the players basically hold this card high and shout Gaia’s name to the sky.

Although such behavior can easily be treated as a lunatic, and will be seriously warned by the referee during store competitions.

(This is the author's real experience. During a store match, the guy on the other side suddenly shouted without any warning. Not only did the author almost piss himself, but even the referee beside him was trembling with fear! )

However, this behavior has been repeatedly banned. After all, the feeling of calling out to the Earth Destroyer loudly is really soul-stirring, isn't it?!

"Haha, what's the use of a monster with only 2300 attack points? It's no match for Motorcycle Caesar at all!"

Pointing at the monster on the Dark Game field, Thief Keith couldn't help but taunted, but such words didn't hurt Dark Game at all.

"Humph, Keith, now it seems that you really know nothing!" With a confident smile on his face, Yami Yugi immediately raised another card,"Let's fight, Dark Knight cover card, attack motorcycle Caesar for me!"

"Haha, you are courting death!" He laughed wildly, the thief Keith pointed at Ultra~oh no~the dark knight Gaia and said with a disapproving smile,"Motorcycle Caesar, fight back!"

"Humph, this won't work, quick attack magic charge is activated!"

Taking out a card from his hand, Yami Yugi raised his hand and slapped it on the duel disk.

"The effect of this card is that you can target a face-up monster on the field and activate it until the end of the turn, and this monster's attack power increases by 700 points!"

Awakened Dark Knight Gaia's attack power is 3000 UP!

"Take it!"

"Spiral Gun Kill!"

Due to the increased attack power, Dark Knight Gaia dodged Motor Caesar's counterattack and stabbed it directly.


Accompanied by a violent explosion, Motor Caesar was directly blown to pieces. Since this monster has no special effects, there are naturally no parts derivatives left on Thief Keith's field. However

, even in this empty field, Thief Keith couldn't help but laugh sinisterly. At the same time, his health value was deducted by 300 points again because Motor Caesar was damaged by the battle.

Thief Keith LP1200>900

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