"My turn is over, Keith, it's your turn!"

Facing the thief Keith who only had 900 health points left, Dark Yugi still looked calm. After all, in the game of Duel Monsters, Jedi comebacks are everywhere, so at this moment, Dark Yugi did not relax at all because of this small advantage.

"Haha, Yuri, I admit that your strength is indeed comparable to Li Youfeng's, but unfortunately, when you destroyed Motorcycle Caesar, my plan to win had already been completed!"


Having keenly sensed that the ominous aura from the thief Keith was getting stronger, An Yugi slowly frowned.

"Keith, stop pretending here and just show off what you have!"

"Humph, as you wish, it's my turn, draw a card!" After drawing a card from the deck, the thief Keith opened the cover card on the field without even looking at it.

"Trap Card Activated, Scrap Garage!" (Original Comic)

"The effect of this card is that it can���Special Summon three Motorcycle Monsters in the Graveyard to your field."

"Although these special summoned monsters will lose their original special effects, and both their attack and defense will become 0, it doesn't matter anymore, because I already have three monsters on my field. Game, do you know what this means?"

"Evil God?!" Narrowing his eyes slightly, a few drops of cold sweat had unknowingly seeped out of Yami Yugi's forehead,"Keith, do you have the Evil God card in your hand as well?"

"Hahaha, that's right!"

Things have come to this point, and the thief Keith simply revealed his true colors.

"Although I was not chosen by Abata as its incarnation, I was lucky enough to get the favor of the evil god. This card in my hand exists to completely wipe you out!"

With a frown, An Yugi said in a cold voice:"I didn't expect that in addition to the incarnation of God and the source of fear, the legendary third evil god card is actually in your hand!"

"Hahaha, I've said before that I'm favored by the evil god, so isn't it natural for me to hold the evil god card?"

Taking a card from his hand, the thief Keith said viciously:"Yugi, the evil god in my hand has the power to destroy everything in existence. Now, I'll let you see the terrifying and powerful posture of this evil god!"

"I offer the three motorcycle monsters on the field as sacrifices!"

"O evil god born from the dark fire of the abyss, respond to my call and wipe out all things in the world!"

"Come! Evil God - The Destroyer! (Taiwan original comic translation: The Destroyer)"(Attack power? Defense power?)

As the black aura flowed, the three motorcycle monsters simultaneously turned into black streams of light and gathered in the center of the field, as if the gate to the underworld was opened, and a huge black hole appeared on the field of Thief Keith.


A roar was heard, and a monster that looked like the pterosaur of the sun god walked out of the black hole, but the monster was covered with a black ominous aura, and a cold and oppressive aura was also emanating from the monster.


After successfully summoning the evil god, the Eraser, the thief Keith laughed like crazy.

"How about this game? This is the evil god - the Obelisk, a god of the same level as the Obelisk's Colossus in your hand, but the power possessed by the Obelisk is far beyond the reach of the Obelisk's Colossus!"

"As for you, Yugi, you will be defeated here, and the Eraser will have your soul completely destroyed!"

""Hmph!" With a sneer of disdain, An Yugi said disapprovingly,"It's just a monster with an attack power of 0 points. Such an evil god doesn't seem to be that great, right?"

"Haha, is that really the case?"A hideous smile appeared on his face again, and the thief Keith said with a smile,"The special effect of the Eraser is activated. The attack power of this monster is the number of cards on your field multiplied by 1000 points. Since you have three cards on your field, the attack power and defense power of the Eraser are both 3000 points!"

"Game, the cards on your field will turn into the power of the Eraser, thus sending you completely into hell!"

"What?" Seeing the Eraser suddenly increase his attack power, Yami Yugi reacted instantly,"No wonder you activated the card to lock me on the field, so this is the reason."

"Haha, Yugi, it's too late for you to react now!"

Pointing to the monsters on the dark Yugi field, Thief Keith shouted loudly:"Fight, Eraser, attack Dark Knight Gaia!"

"Digestion Breath!"


A black shock wave gushed out from the mouth of the Obliterator. The Dark Knight Gaia, who only had 2300 attack points, had no power to fight back in front of the power of the evil god. He didn't even have time to scream. The Dark Knight Gaia was directly smashed into pieces and sent to the cemetery.

Dark Game LP1100﹥400

"Because the Dark Knight Gaia entered the cemetery, the attack power of the evil god Eraser was reduced to 2000 points. Hehehe, game, to tell you the truth, the power of Eraser is not just that!"

"With only 400 health points left, you are like a candle in the wind. In the next round, no matter what kind of monster you summon, it will be no match for the Obliterator. Victory is within my grasp!"

"Hehe, game, enjoy your last turn, I've covered a card in the backcourt, and my turn is over!"

"The attack power is increased according to the number of cards on my field, and there are hidden special abilities?"Having realized that the power of the Eraser is not just that, Yami Yugi's eyes are getting colder at this time.


Looking coldly at the thief Keith, Dark Yugi said loudly without changing his expression:"You who have dedicated your soul to the evil god and wiped out your humanity, you don't understand the power of friendship and bond at all. Now everyone is working hard to save Anzi, how can I just fall down here!"

Placing his hand on the deck on the duel disk, Dark Yugi continued:"Every card in this deck was carefully selected by aibo and I for more than a month, so I will never lose to someone like you!"

"I believe in my deck!"

"My turn, draw a card!"


As a card flashing with golden light was drawn into Yami Yugi's hand, the corners of his mouth suddenly rose slightly.

"The magic card Angel's Charity is activated. The effect of this card is that you can draw three cards from the deck and then discard two!"

"Next, I will activate the magic card, Resurrection of the Dead!"

"The one I want to resurrect is Obelisk's God Warrior!"


Under the horrified gaze of the thief Keith, the magic card Resurrection of the Dead also took effect at this time. Summoned by Dark Yugi, the Giant God Soldier of Obelisk sleeping in the cemetery also woke up.

"When it arrives, the scorching wind will blow the land to wasteland, and the living will become corpses! When light and darkness meet, the ritual of summoning the obelisk begins!"

"Come, the Giant God of Obelisk!" (Attack 4000 Defense 4000)

Looking up at the thief Keith, Dark Yugi waved his hand and showed his domineering spirit to the fullest.

"Ouch!"X2 saw the evil god, the Eraser, on the Kiss field, and the Giant God Soldier of Obelisk immediately became furious. The evil god and the phantom god, their existence is a product that cannot be reconciled with each other. Staring at each other, the Eraser and the Giant God Soldier immediately roared at each other.

"Although the attack power of the Evil God Eraser increased by 1000 points because Obelisk descended on my field, Keith, the Eraser with only 3000 attack power is no match for the Giant God Soldier!"


After hearing what Yami Yugi said, Thief Keith couldn't help but burst into laughter

"Game, you idiot, to tell you the truth, I've been waiting for this moment, to open the cover card!"

"Magic card, lightning crush is activated!"

"The effect of this card is to destroy all monsters on your field, and then inflict damage to your opponent equal to the number of destroyed monsters x 300!"

"What? You want to destroy your own monster?"Surprised by the thief Keith's actions, Yami Yugi couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"That's right!" The thief Keith laughed and pointed at Dark Yugi and said,"Because of the effect of this card, you will take 300 points of damage!"

Dark Yugi LP400>100

"It's not over yet! The special effect of the Eraser is activated!"

"Yugi, do you think Obelisk can stop the Eraser? Don't dream, the special effect of the Eraser is that when this card is destroyed, it will activate a special effect, taking all the cards on both sides' fields into the abyss together!"

"This special effect has no effect on the Winged Dragon, the highest-ranking Sun God. Obelisk, who is at the same level as this monster, is also not immune!"

"Game, give me a painful struggle in despair!"

""Erase the abyss!"

Just as Keith said, the corpse of the evil god Eraser destroyed by the magic card still remained on the field, and its blood kept gushing out like a dark swamp, instantly sucking Obelisk and Dark Yugi into it.

As if they had come to the gap between reality and the underworld, Dark Yugi and the thief Keith came to a world full of dark swamps at the same time. However, just when the thief Keith thought he had won the game, Obelisk suddenly let out a thunderous roar!

Raising his huge fist, Obelisk raised his hand and punched his head!


Accompanied by a sound like glass being broken, this dark space was instantly shattered by Obelisk, and Dark Yugi and Keith were pulled back to the real world at the same time.

"Nani?! Why, why wasn't Obelisk destroyed? Why is this happening?"

The thief Keith couldn't help but open his mouth wide, his eyes almost popped out, because he really couldn't imagine that Obelisk, which should have been dragged into the abyss, was still intact and standing on the dark game field.

"It's impossible. Except for the Winged Dragon of the Supreme Sun God, Obelisk's God Soldiers and Osiris' Sky Dragon should not be able to resist the effect of the Erasing Abyss!"

"Cheating! Game, you are cheating!"

"Hehe, what a mess!"

With a slight sneer, Dark Game said calmly:"Keith, has your eyesight also become problematic because of hatred? You might as well open your eyes and take a good look at what kind of changes have taken place in my Obelisk's Giant God Soldier!"


Taking off his sunglasses, Thief Keith rubbed his eyes vigorously. It was only then that he realized that Obelisk appeared in front of him in a form he had never seen before.

"What's going on?"

"Because I activated this magic card, God Evolution!"(Original manga)

"This card is not affected by any card and is ineffective. At the same time, it can increase Obelisk's attack and defense power by 1,000 points while giving it the highest level!"

"Therefore, the Obelisk on my field is already at the same level as the Winged Dragon of the Sun God, so the special effect of the Eraser is ineffective against Obelisk!"

"In addition, the posture you see is the true appearance of Obelix!"

"True Ancestor - Obelix!"(Attack Power 5000 Defense Power 5000)

"No~ I don't admit it, how could this happen!"

Facing the True Ancestor - Obelix, Thief Keith has completely lost the courage to fight against him. Looking at the sweaty Thief Keith, Dark Yugi directly launched an attack without mercy!

"True Ancestor - Obelix, use your power to bring me victory!"

"True Ancestor - Divine Fist Shock Wave!"


Facing the Obelix who had transformed into a True Ancestor, Thief Keith had no way to stop the attack of the Giant God Soldier.

The huge fists hit him like Thor's hammer, and Thief Keith was directly knocked out with a scream.

The black ominous aura wrapped around Thief Keith was also severely damaged. When its host was defeated, these black ominous auras burned directly like hydrogen meeting a flame. In a few seconds, these black auras quickly burned out.

"The black aura disappeared, and Keith seemed to have returned to normal."

"I didn't expect to waste so much time. You Feng must have fought with Pegasus Night Walker. I must rush to the top floor immediately!"

Looking at the thief Keith who fell to the ground and fell into a coma, An Yugi walked to his side and confirmed that he was not in danger of life. Then he turned and ran to the elevator leading to the top floor of the building.

As An Yugi expected, while he was fighting a desperate duel with the thief Keith, Li Youfeng, who successfully arrived at the top floor of the Kaiba Building, also stood on the duel arena with Pegasus Night Walker.

However, unlike the original work, the enemy that Li Youfeng had to face was not Pegasus Night Walker at all, but the strongest evil god who had been occupied by the magpie's nest - the incarnation of God!

At the end, a screenshot of the true ancestor Obelix is attached.

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