At the same time, on the top floor of the Haima Building

"Damn, it's like a maze. I've gone through so much hardship and finally got here!"

After running out of the elevator, Li Youfeng and Tenma Yuexing went straight to the duel arena on the rooftop of Kaiba Building.

Due to Li Youfeng's participation, the plot is different from the original Yu-Gi-Oh.

From the moment Tenma Yexing issued the challenge and captured Masaki Anko, Li Youfeng and others took less than three hours to break through the entire Kaiba Building.

I thought Tenma Yexing would be waiting for me on the rooftop of the building, but what Li Youfeng didn't expect was that when he just came to the rooftop, he happened to see Tenma Yexing just defeated Kaiba Seto and successfully launched the RA plan.

"Damn it, Tianma Yexing, stop it right there!" Li Youfeng quickly ran to the bottom of the ring, pointed at Tianma Yexing who was standing on the ring and laughed crazily, and shouted:"You have been surrounded by us. If you know what's good for you, surrender quickly. Otherwise, what awaits you will be severe punishment from the law and endless steps on sewing machines! Tianma Yexing, you are a smart man, I advise you not to make mistakes!"

"Duel King Li Youfeng?"

Looking down at Li Youfeng, Tianma Yexing shook his head slightly with a ferocious smile on his face.

"It's a pity that you came too late. With the help of President Kaiba, the RA plan has been completed. Now, I don't need you anymore!"


With a twitching face, Li Youfeng looked at Kaiba Seto who was kneeling on the stage. Without thinking, he blurted out,"No way, President, you flew back from the United States in a hurry just to give it to me for free? What is this? A gift of thousands of miles is worth more than the sentiment?!"


Due to Li Youfeng's stimulation and the severe pain in his abdomen, Kaiba Seto, who was already dizzy and swollen, directly spit out a mouthful of acid water.

"Li Youfeng~You bastard, to use the words of your Chinese people, you are like a dog that can't spit out ivory!"

"Oh! You can still talk back, it seems that the injury is not serious."

Nodding with satisfaction to Kaiba Seto, Li Youfeng looked up at the incarnation of God who was constantly absorbing energy in the sky and secretly complained:"Is this black preserved egg the incarnation of God? I didn't expect the RA plan to be launched so soon, but the time seems to be a bit wrong, and in the original work, Pegasus Night Walk failed to start the program this time. Could it be that because of my appearance, the plot has changed again?"

In fact, as Li Youfeng expected, because at this time, Yami Yugi and Jonouchi were dueling with their opponents in the Kaiba Building, and Noa was interfering, the incarnation of God who was constantly absorbing power in the sky really had an accident.

Under the waves of oppressive black atmosphere, the soul body of Pegasus that had just condensed was constantly collapsing. After seeing this scene, Pegasus Night Walk immediately fell into a state of madness.

"No! This is impossible!" Reaching out as if to retain Pegasus' soul, Pegasus Night Walker let out a shrill wail,"How could this be? Could it be that the soul energy of the duelists that I have collected is not enough?"


Hehe, it seems that Keipi and Noa succeeded."!!!"

Turning back, he saw Kaiba Seto who seemed to be whispering something. The angry Tenma Yayuki rushed over and grabbed the president by the collar.

"Kaiba, you bastard, what on earth have you done!"


Although his body is very weak now, it does not prevent Kaiba President from mocking his opponent. After a contemptuous smile, Kaiba Seto said in an extremely disdainful tone:"It is a virus program. When I was dueling with you, Keipi and Noa had already implanted the virus into the server."

"This program was created by Noah and I, but what I didn't expect was that your high and mighty evil god would actually be afraid of the virus program I created. Haha, it seems that the incarnation of God is not that great after all, right?"

"Tianma Yexing, although you defeated me, you want to use the server without my consent. Haha, you made a wrong calculation!"

"Damn you bastard! Go to hell!"

Losing Pegasus once again undoubtedly made Pegasus collapse on the spot. In anger, he directly threw Kaiba Seto off the high duel arena.


For President Kaiba, who usually jumps 50 stories for fun, he has already lost his strength and is now in an extremely weak state.

Although the duel arena is only about two stories high, it is definitely a fatal injury to Kaiba Seto who falls headfirst!

Because he had been prepared, the moment Kaiba Seto was thrown off the duel arena by Pegasus Night Walker, Li Youfeng had already started running.


""Shit! That hurts!"

Li Youfeng opened his arms and firmly caught Kaiba Seto, once again acting as a human cushion.

"Hippocampus, you should lose weight! You’re crushing me to death!"

"Wu Lu Sai! I didn't ask you to save me, why are you meddling in other people's business and complaining that I'm too heavy?"


Am I the dog trying to catch the rat?

Let the people present here judge for themselves, are you right?

"Lord Pegasus, please~don't leave~, please~open your eyes and look at me again!"

Although Tianma Yexing was extremely reluctant, the failure of the RA plan was almost certain. Looking at the gradually dissipating soul of Pegasus, Tianma Yexing fell into endless grief!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Lord Pegasus!"

"Damn you bastards, I'm going to bury you all with me!"

Tianma Yexing was almost going crazy due to the extreme pain, but at this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Do you want to see Pegasus again?"

"What? Who, who is it?!"

Suddenly coming to his senses, Tianma Yexing found himself in a dark space, and the person standing in front of him and talking to him was the sun in his heart, Pegasus!

"Ah~ Lord Pegasus, I~I see you again!"

"Pegasus opened his arms to Pegasus and said with a smile,"You have grown up. I am proud of you. You have suffered a lot to revive me."

"No, it’s not bitter at all!" With tears of excitement flowing from his eyes, Tianma Yexing replied:"As long as I can revive you, I will not hesitate even if it means giving up everything I have!"

"Really?" Gently stroking Pegasus' hair,"Pegasus" said tenderly,"Are you really willing to give everything you have to revive me?"

Nodding again, Pegasus said firmly:"Yes, I do!"

"Ye Xing, you are such a good boy!"Nodding slightly,"Pegasus"'s face suddenly twisted,"Well, now, the contract is established!" A hideous and terrifying smile appeared on his face,"Pegasus" turned into countless black auras and instantly merged into the body of Pegasus Ye Xing, rumbling!

At the same moment when the incarnation of God completely occupied Pegasus Ye Xing's body and descended into this world, the black clouds that had dissipated once again gathered above the Seahorse Building.

With the appearance of a strange gust of wind, these black clouds sank directly into the body of Pegasus Ye Xing.

He opened his eyes again, and at this time"Pegasus Ye Xing" had completely become the body of the incarnation of God descending into this world.

"Hahaha, I am resurrected. After three thousand years, I am finally resurrected again. This time, even the Pharaoh and the Three Mythical Gods can't stop me!" At the moment when the incarnation of God seized Pegasus Night Walker's body, Pegasus, who was sitting in the Izayoi family car and rushing towards the Kaiba Building, suddenly felt something.

Looking up at the window, Pegasus murmured to himself with some concern:"Night Walker, Moon Walker, you two must not do anything stupid!"

"Um, Mr. Pegasus, what's wrong with you?" Hearing Pegasus mumbling to himself, Izayoi Kaoru, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, turned around and asked with some confusion

"It's nothing, maybe it's my illusion." Smiling and shaking his head, Pegasus continued,"Miss Xun, it's so late and I have to trouble you to find a car to take me to the Haima Group Building. It's really a bother for you."

"Hehe, this is not a trouble at all. You are You Feng's good friend, and naturally you are also my friend. There is no need to say so many polite words between friends!"

Turning his head to look at the old butler Chongshan Wu, Izayoi Xun said with a smile:"Uncle Chongshan, time is urgent, speed up!"

"No problem! Miss, Mr. Pegasus, please sit tight, I'm going to speed up!"

Ignoring the red lights on the street, the luxury car rushed towards the direction of Kaiba Building as if it was flying like lightning.


After handing Kaiba Seto to Willamette who was standing by, Li Youfeng climbed up the ladder to the duel arena and looked coldly at the"Pegasus Night Walker" in front of him."

"You are the evil god?" He asked the question expressionlessly. Li Youfeng instinctively felt that the man standing in front of him was no longer Tianma Yexing.

"Wow? I didn't expect you to be so smart."

The soul has completely replaced Pegasus Night Walk. The incarnation of God is very satisfied with his plan. However, looking at Li Youfeng standing in front of him, the incarnation of God couldn't help but frowned slightly.

"You exude a disgusting stench! So, are you a duelist from this world?"

"Disgusting smell? Could it be the bowl of stinky tofu I bought when I came to the Seahorse Building? There is no reason, it has been so long, the smell has long gone."

Li Youfeng denied the fact that he had eaten fried stinky tofu in his heart, and said casually:"You are right, I am the duelist of this world! Tianma, oh no, I should call you the evil god now. Now, I will give you two choices, either hand over Tianma Yexing's body and go back to your world obediently, or let me beat you up, then hand over Tianma Yexing's body and go back to your world obediently."

"How about it? The conditions I offer are very reasonable, why don't you think about it carefully?"

"Hahaha, a mere mortal dares to threaten me?"After hearing what Li Youfeng said, the incarnation of God flew into a rage on the spot,"Lowly ant, I will let you know the consequences of provoking me now!"

The situation was not quite what Li Youfeng had originally thought. He had clearly revealed the duel disk, but the incarnation of God simply ignored him.

The inky black ominous aura emerged from Tianma Yexing's body, and it instantly transformed into a black blue-eyed ultimate dragon and bit Li Youfeng fiercely.

"You Feng, be careful!"

"Oh my God, is this the evil god?"

"This is so scary, am I dreaming?!"

Seeing that the evil god directly chose the real person PK, Tianma Yuexing, Willamette and Kaiba Seto screamed on the spot

"Damn, you have no moral principles!"

Li Youfeng, the person involved, was also surprised. Especially when he faced a top monster like the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon alone, he was so scared that he immediately squatted on the ground with his hands on his head.

Just as the black Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon was about to bite Li Youfeng, an accident happened again.

In a soft white light, a golden card suddenly flew out from the deck on Li Youfeng's arm and blocked in front of him.


The dark night sky was instantly illuminated by the golden light.���A huge phoenix appeared out of nowhere, and spread its wings to suddenly sprinkle the fire of the sun on the black blue-eyed ultimate dragon.

Unable to resist the attack of the fire of the sun, the black blue-eyed ultimate dragon was instantly burned to ashes. The golden phoenix did not leave after destroying the blue-eyed ultimate dragon, but spread its wings to protect Li Youfeng firmly.


Looking at the monster in front of him, not only the incarnation of God showed a surprised expression, but even Kaiba and others under the ring also widened their eyes.


He smiled faintly, and the incarnation of God said slowly:"Winged Dragon of the Sun God, I didn't expect that as a god, you would willingly serve a mere mortal. I haven't seen you for three thousand years, and I didn't expect that when we meet again, you have fallen into depravity!"

Looking directly at the incarnation of God without any expression, the Winged Dragon of the Sun God obviously didn't want to say any meaningless nonsense to the evil god.

"Humph, it seems that I can't leave here easily today. This kid can actually get such protection from the Pteranodon. Could he be the reincarnation of the Pharaoh?"

"No! In my memory, the Pterosaur was created by that god. Even the successive pharaohs seemed to have no one who could truly control this violent god. Although he had doubts in his heart, the incarnation of the god had a contemptuous smile on his face. After looking Li Youfeng up and down, the incarnation of the god immediately showed his duel disk.

"In this case, let us resolve this feud with a sacred dark ritual, Winged Dragon of the Sun God. I will defeat you and your master here and resolve the feud between us thoroughly!"


The Godly Phoenix let out a scornful cry and shook its head at the incarnation of God as if mocking it. Then, it slowly shrank until it turned into a golden card again, and then it automatically flew back to Li Youfeng's deck.

"What? Pterosaur, are you going to join the battle?"

Clearly feeling the passionate fighting spirit of Pterosaur from the deck, Li Youfeng turned his gaze back to the incarnation of God.

Li Youfeng licked his lips slightly, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

"Evil God, huh? Damn it, if I hadn’t had a strong mentality, I would have almost pissed myself with you! You bastard with no card ethics! Come on, the execution has begun!"

(Note: I was discharged from the hospital, but I have to put on a plaster cast. It’s so miserable. I can only type with one hand!/(ㄒoㄒ)/)

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