"Haha, how funny!"

Seeing Li Youfeng's faint smile, the incarnation of God said with disdain:"It seems that three thousand years have made the world forget the fear of being dominated by the evil god. In this case, I will first completely defeat the Winged Dragon of the Sun God here, and then dominate this world again!"

"Just you? You are just an old antique who has been eliminated by the times, but you still want to conquer the world? Come on, conquering the world is outdated, okay? Even novels don’t dare to write such an outdated topic! Besides, what are you going to do after conquering the world? Sell black preserved eggs? Wahahaha!"

"Damn! What the hell is this? I have lived for thousands of years and have never seen such a mean person!"

Looking at Li Youfeng's mean expression, the incarnation of God said that his sensitive heart had been hit invisibly.

"You infuriating bug, I will devour your soul and tear your body to pieces!"

"If you have the ability, just come!"


Li Youfeng LP4000

God's Incarnation LP4000

"How could this happen?"

Never expected such a change to happen. Standing under the duel arena, Tianma Yuexing looked at the incarnation of the god who had occupied Tianma Yexing's body, and immediately fell into self-blame and pain.

"All of this turned out to be a conspiracy of the evil god. So Li Youfeng's inference is likely correct. Lord Pegasus should still be alive."

""Ye Xing, you idiot, what on earth have you done!"

As a duelist, Tianma Yuexing could naturally feel the powerful force emanating from the incarnation of God. Because of this, he also knew very well what kind of terrifying monster Li Youfeng was facing!

Having lost his twin brother and bringing the evil god who destroyed the world into this world, Tianma Yuexing could not bear this series of blows and knelt down on the ground in pain.

"Don't worry, Yuexing!"

Just when Tianma Yuexing knelt on the ground and fell into grief, a big hand supported his shoulder. Tianma Yuexing looked back and saw Kaiba Seto, supported by Willamette, looking at him with a firm face.

"President Kaiba? Why do you say that? I believe you have also felt that the power of the evil god is simply not something that we mortals can resist. All this is Ye Xing's fault. As a brother, I am also responsible. Yes, we are all sinners in this world!"

"Ridiculous, he is just an evil god, how could he be a match for You Feng!"

With a confident smile on his face, Kaiba Seto looked up at Li You Feng standing on the ring and said loudly:"Yue Xing, you underestimate the man standing on the duel ring. He is my recognized enemy and the most powerful man in the entire Tongshiye, because he is the duel king - Li You Feng!"

"But President Kaiba~!"Swallowing hard, Willamette, who was supporting Kaiba Seto, asked uncertainly,"Even if he is the Duel King, he has to face a real God. Does Li Youfeng really have the power to defeat God?""

"Humph, what's wrong? Do you doubt my judgment?"Glancing coldly at Willamette, Kaiba Seto used all his strength to stand up straight and sneered,"Even if he is a god, so what? I really want to know what will happen to the evil god after his mentality is broken by You Feng."

"What? Break the mentality of the evil god?" X2 ignored the shocked Willamette and Tenma Yuexing, and Kaiba Seto shouted to the ring:"Yu↗Feng↘, Noa just sent me a message that the souls of Mazaki Anko and Tenma Yexing have been stored in the Duel Link server. As long as we can defeat this bastard, the two of them will be safe!"

"Although I am very unwilling, I have to admit now that only you can stop the resurrection of the evil god! You↗Feng↘, defeat him, I believe you have the ability to do so, because you are my lifelong enemy, I will never allow you to lose to anyone else, even if that person is the evil god!"

""Ha~, you are such a tsundere!"

After hearing what Kaiba Seto said, Li Youfeng, who was standing on the duel arena, couldn't help laughing. He turned around and looked at Kaiba Seto, and said with a smirk,"Don't worry, President Kaiba, I haven't been to the world's number one amusement park you built yet, so how could I stop here? But then again, you have to give me a free ticket when the time comes!"

""Tsk, you stingy bastard, as long as you can defeat the evil god, then I will reluctantly let you take advantage of me."

Turning back to look at the incarnation of God, Li Youfeng took out the deck inserted on the duel disk and took out another deck from the card bag on his waist.

"I just got this brand new deck a month ago. After my special enhancement, it has become effective in actual combat! Incarnation of God, you deceived Pegasus Night Travel, deceived all of us, and involved innocent people. Today, I will make you pay for what you did!"

After quickly shuffling the deck in his hand, Li Youfeng directly inserted this deck into the duel disk.

Looking coldly at Li Youfeng standing opposite him, the incarnation of God sneered contemptuously:"The last duelist who said he would make me pay the price, I don't know how many times his grave has been covered with grass. Ignorant mortal, I will let you know the pain of being dominated by fear. I took the first attack. It's my turn, draw a card!"

As an evil god of the same level as the Winged Dragon of the Sun God, the incarnation of God naturally has his own exclusive cards. Under the erosion of evil spirits, the decks he used have all turned into cards as black as ink.

"This monster can be Normal Summoned without a sacrifice, but when summoned in this way, the attack power of this monster will be changed to 1900 points. Based on this effect, I Normal Summon the Divine Beast King Barbaros, attack position!"(Attack 1900 Defense 1200)

"I cover a card on the back field, and my turn ends"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Magic Trap Affinity is activated, and there are two remaining duels in this game.

Looking at the cards in his hand, Li Youfeng couldn't help but smile faintly. Although he was a heavy-duty underworld player, Pegasus's intention had come to this point, and he would naturally not let the cards in his hand down.

It was because in Li Youfeng's view, the cards of the duel monsters themselves were not strong or weak.

The victory or defeat of the duel depended on the duelist's own deck construction and the strength of his duel consciousness.

In fact, many first-class duelists would not blame their own cards after losing the game.

They would generously admit that it was their lack of strength that led to the failure of the game, because in the hearts of these duelists, they couldn't bear to blame the cause of failure on these cards they treasured.

Slapping a card on the duel disk, Li Youfeng said loudly:"I Normally Summon the Elemental Hero Solid Man, Defense Position!" (Attack 1300 Defense 1100)

"The special effect of the Elemental Hero Solid Man is activated. When this card is successfully summoned, you can Special Summon an Elemental Hero of level 4 or lower from your hand."

"Based on this effect, I will Special Summon the Elemental Hero Shadow Mist Lady from my hand in Defense Position!" (Attack 1000 Defense 1500)

"The special effect of the Elemental Hero Shadow Mist Lady is activated. When this card is successfully Special Summoned, you can add a Modified Quick Play Magic Card from your deck to your hand."

"I cover a card on the backfield and my turn is over!"

"Oh? You Feng, that bastard, has come up with a new trick. How interesting!"Below the duel arena, Kaiba Seto couldn't help but be amazed when he saw Li You Feng once again summon a monster he had never seen before.

"This is a new series of cards that Master Pegasus carefully made before he disappeared!"Unlike Kaiba Seto, Tenma Yuexing recognized who made these cards at a glance.

"What? You said these cards are brand new cards made by Pegasus himself?"After hearing this, Kaiba Seto couldn't help but frown slightly.

As the president of Kaiba Group, it can be said that every time the Illusion Society releases new cards, Kaiba Seto will always collect all the newly published cards in the first place.

Although President Kaiba may not use these cards, after entering all these cards into the computer, he will always take time out of his normal work to play against the computer in order to understand and find out the characteristics of these new cards and their actual effects.


Nodding to Kaiba Seto, Tianma Yuexing said with some nostalgia:"I once heard Lord Pegasus say that when fighting against Li Youfeng in the Duel Castle, Lord Pegasus was defeated by a monster called Elemental Hero Barbarian. Surprised by the tactics used by Li Youfeng, Lord Pegasus immediately became very interested. In the days that followed, he kept thinking about the Elemental Hero series of cards."

"A few days before the Battle City Competition, Lord Pegasus suddenly got inspiration from Li Youfeng's letter, and based on the elemental heroes, he created many powerful elemental hero monsters in one go."

"These handmade cards were regarded as treasures by Lord Pegasus, who mailed them all to Li Youfeng a month ago."

"Therefore, this set of Elemental Heroes series cards has not been officially released worldwide. In addition, the reason why this set of cards has not been officially released is actually very simple."

"Because Lord Pegasus said that the Elemental Heroes series of cards contain a new duel concept and is the beginning of an era of innovation in Duel Monsters! He believes that, except for Li Youfeng, no other duelist can control this series of cards. This is also the fundamental reason why this series of cards is the only one in the world."

"A new duel concept?" Recalling that Li Youfeng had once come to him to discuss the modification of the duel rules, Kaiba Seto's face became more and more ugly,"Youfeng, no wonder you are so powerful, it turns out that your duel concept has been ahead of me by an era without me realizing it? Humph, interesting, you really are worthy of being my chosen enemy!"

On the duel arena, the incarnation of God was slightly moved when he saw Li Youfeng summon two monsters in one round.

"I can't believe that the duelists in this world are not all useless. Interesting~! Let me test how good you are!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

After taking a look at the card he just drew, the incarnation of God inserted it into the duel disk.

"I cover one more card on the backfield and then enter the battle phase!"

"Barbaros, the king of divine beasts, attack the elemental hero Solid!"

"Tornado Gale Gun!"

"Haha, you really dare to hit me." With a slight arc on his lips, Li Youfeng directly pressed the cover card start button,"Open the cover card, fusion start!"

"The fusion conditions for this monster are, but there are monsters with heroic characters and a dark attribute monster. I sent the elemental hero Solid Man and the elemental hero Shadow Mist Girl to the graveyard as sacrifices for fusion summons!"

"Elemental Hero Nether Lady!"(Attack 2500 Defense 2000)

"The special effect of the elemental hero Ghost Lady is activated, and the attack power of this card increases by the number of elemental heroes in our graveyard multiplied by 100 points. Because there are two hero monsters in our graveyard, the attack power of Ghost Lady increases to 2700 points!"

"It's actually a fusion summon?"

Seeing the monster that appeared on Li Youfeng's field, not only did the incarnation of God frown slightly, but even Kaiba Seto and others who were watching the fight under the ring were a little surprised.

It was only because during this period of time, the fusion monster had a self-restraint rule that it could not attack in the first round after the fusion was successful, so the two summoning methods of superior summoning and ritual summoning became the conventional means used by most duelists.

However, it is undeniable that after a fusion monster is successfully summoned, it has extraordinary power. Although this power is still under development, fusion summoning has gradually become the development trend of duel monsters.

It can be predicted that fusion summoning will definitely become the mainstream means of monster duels in the next generation.

"Lady of the Underworld, fight back against the Divine Beast King Barbaros!"

"Dark shock!"


Due to the difference of 800 attack points, the beast king Barbaros was directly smashed into pieces by the black shock wave.

Incarnation of God LP4000>3200

"Wow?! I didn't expect that you, an ant, are so powerful that you can take my life first. Interesting, really too interesting. Ant, your soul is qualified to be devoured by me!"

""Tsk!" Li Youfeng sneered and spat expressionlessly,"What's wrong, old antique? Is it because you have been in prison for a long time that you talk more nonsense? If you really have this ability, just call me!"

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