As the dark soul that occupied Tapir's body completely dissipated, the dark game also collapsed. Looking at Tapir who had fainted on the ground, Li Youfeng knew in his heart that he could never completely send the Great Evil God Zok back to the underworld with his current strength.

4,000 points of damage may not seem too much, but according to the current rules of the game, this is the damage of two lives. In addition, the rules of the dark game were violated. These kinds of punishments combined together would definitely make the Great Evil God Zok, who had just awakened, drink a pot of water.

"Uh~ Am I asleep? No, I feel like I've had a long dream."

"Yes, it seems to be a terrible nightmare, but now I can’t remember what the dream was."

"Speaking of which, I seemed to have dreamed of two games. What is going on?"

"Eh, is that so? But was it really just a dream?"

Except for the little cousin who had merged with Wang Yang again, Jonouchi, Honda and Kyoko all woke up due to the end of the Dark Game, but without the protection of the Millennium Artifact, they had forgotten everything that had happened before, and at best they just felt that it was a nightmare.

""Huh? Why am I here?"

Mo Liang, who had just woken up, was also confused. However, due to Li Youfeng's full suppression, he had no chance to wake up, and therefore he also forgot what happened before.


Just when everyone was puzzled, suddenly a scream came from the woods not far away.

"This voice is Mai-chan!"

Hearing this shout, Jonouchi's face changed drastically, and he didn't even have time to care about everyone else. He hurried to the scene of the incident.

Li Youfeng, who followed closely behind, naturally knew what happened next. Thinking of the regret in his heart, Li Youfeng had begun to secretly plan what method to use to push Jonouchi hard.

As expected, when Li Youfeng and others arrived at the scene of the incident, the defeated Peacock Dance was coming down from the duel arena with a decadent face, and just like in the original book, she had lost all eight star pieces at this time.

"Mai, what are you doing?"Jionouchi, who arrived first, came to Kongquewu's side as soon as possible, his eyes full of worry.

"Jonouchi?" With a look of pain on her face, Kongquewu lowered her head and gritted her teeth and said slowly,"I lost the duel and I'm eliminated now."

"What? Don't you have eight star pieces? How come you were eliminated so easily?"Jionouchi asked in disbelief.


At this moment, Li Youfeng and the large group of people also rushed over. Everyone surrounded Kong Quewu and asked what happened.

"You Feng, game, everyone."

Feeling the genuine concern of the crowd, and thinking of the time when she tried to find an opportunity to attack Li You Feng and others, Kong Que Wu felt ashamed for no reason.

"Everyone be careful, I was defeated by the player hunter, he……"

"Haha, that's it!" Just when Kong Quewu wanted to explain to everyone, a two-meter-tall burly man in black appeared behind her,"It seems that you are all here, so I don't have to look for you one by one!"

"Especially you, Li Youfeng!"After a slight pause, the player hunter smiled and said,"Lord Pegasus has offered a high price to reward your star piece. I am honored to meet you here!""

Player hunter?

Damn, it turned out to be the night raider!

Seeing this familiar face, Li Youfeng couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart.

You know, in the original book, this guy kidnapped Peacock Dance from behind in the middle of the night, and once made Li Youfeng and his underworld friends, who were extremely impure in thought, have wild thoughts, but the facts proved that they were still too young!

How could you have imagined that a two-meter-tall and muscular wretched strong man kidnapped a young and beautiful woman in the middle of the night, and his real purpose was just to play cards?!

Such a picture~ is really too funny, it should be said that it is worthy of being a world where playing cards is respected!

(Player Hunter: What a joke, women only affect the speed at which I play cards!)

"Damn it, what is going on, Mai-chan, did he bully you?"

(Li Youfeng: No, he just asked your sweetheart to play cards with him! Yes, and it was a very serious kind of cards!)

Jonouchi, who was not backstabbed by Peacock Dance, naturally thought that the former was still the simple girl, so when he saw Peacock Dance's sad face, a burst of anger rushed directly into Jonouchi's heart.

"You despicable bastard, I want to duel with you!"

"Just you? Do you have the qualifications?" After a cold smile, the player hunter pointed at Li Youfeng and said,"Come on, Li Youfeng, your bounty will be paid by me.……"

"Well said, Jonouchi!"

Li Youfeng suddenly shouted, interrupting the player hunter's words. Seeing Li Youfeng's appearance at this time, not only the player hunter was stunned, but even Jonouchi, who had just opened his mouth to speak up for Kongquewu, was also frightened.

"You mean Player Hunter? Since you look down on Jonouchi so much, I'll bet everything on you!"

Reaching out and taking off all eight star pieces on his gloves, Li Youfeng turned his head and looked at Yugi Muto.

"Ah, You Fengjun, these are all my star pieces. I give them to you too!" Without any hesitation, Xiaobiao took off all the star pieces on his gloves.

"You Feng, You Xi, what are you two going to do?"Li You Feng's actions not only frightened Jonouchi into a cold sweat, but even Peacock Dance was stunned by Li You Feng's actions.

"Player hunter, you have a total of 16 star pieces in your hand now, and I have a total of 12 star pieces in my hand, plus the 4 in Jonouchi's hand, so I'm going to bet with you!"

"Haha, Li Youfeng, you are just like what they said, really arrogant, but since you want to die, you can't blame me."

Although he didn't give in, Li Youfeng's confident expression still made the player hunter who had heard many rumors a little panicked, and a few drops of sweat quietly appeared on his forehead.

"Don't make a mistake!" Handing all the star pieces in his hand to Jonouchi, Li Youfeng crossed his arms and said with a faint smile,"Your opponent is Jonouchi. So, as long as you beat Jonouchi, you can kill me and Yugi at the same time. This deal is very cost-effective, right?"

"Haha, it turns out to be this guy!"When he heard that it was Jonouchi who would fight against him, the player hunter turned around and walked towards the duel arena as if he was afraid that Li Youfeng would regret it,"I promise, you will regret it!"

"You Feng, I……"Holding the 12 star pieces in his hands, Jonouchi felt that these star pieces were so hot. Just when he was about to say something, Li Youfeng handed him a card.

"Jonouchi, don't underestimate yourself, your power is far more than this. Please accept this card, I believe it can help you at the critical moment!"

"This duel is not only to seek justice for Miss Wu, but more importantly, it is also a good opportunity for you to prove yourself. Yugi and I believe in you, and the rest depends on whether you believe in yourself!"

Seeing that Jonouchi, who was originally a little guilty, suddenly became determined, Li Youfeng said that Jonouchi, who was already favored by the world and had great luck, would find it difficult to lose with this bowl of chicken soup for the soul!

"You Feng, I understand the game. Just watch me. I won’t let you down!"

"Jonouchi, you don't have to do this, I don't need your help!" Seeing Jonouchi walk towards the duel stage without hesitation, Kong Quewu was suddenly overwhelmed with emotions.

Since losing her parents, Kong Quewu felt for the first time that someone cared about her so much, and Jonouchi's back at this moment, it severely stimulated Kong Quewu's heart that had been frozen for a long time.

"Mai-chan!" Standing on the duel stage, Jonouchi had a faint smile on his face,"You Feng is right, this duel is not just about seeking justice for you, it's also a chance for me to prove myself. In this duel, I have reasons to win no matter what!"

"Please wait a while!"

""Just look at him carefully, Miss Peacock Dance!"

Standing next to Peacock Dance, Li Youfeng looked determined but actually panicked. After all, the plot had changed because of him, and this kind of unknown duel was naturally the one with the most variables.

"As a man, at this moment, the city���He is not only fighting for himself, but also fighting for the girl he loves. I believe that you with your rich experience should understand that Jonouchi's feelings are by no means false!"

"Regardless of whether you accept his friendship or not, at least I hope that you don’t say anything more now. Watching him silently is your best reward."

"You Fengjun~"

Seeing Kong Quewu staring at Jonouchi on the duel stage with tears in her eyes, Li Youfeng's heart was already blossoming with joy. The seeds of love had already been planted in their hearts. With his encouragement and after going through the ups and downs together, I believe the most beautiful flowers will bloom in their hearts.

"Thinking that my opponent is actually a nobody like you, this duel is really boring!"

I'm going to be rich this time!

Although there is no obvious change on his face, the player hunter's heart has already blossomed with joy. He is an assassin trained by the Illusion Society at a high price, how can an unknown person compare to him?

"I don't want to waste my time talking to you!" The woman he loved was staring at him intently below the duel stage. Now Jonouchi felt that his body was filled with endless power."I'm betting on the trust of my friends and everything I have. I will beat you until nothing is left!"


"I'm the first to attack, draw a card!"

In order to show off in front of Peacock Dance, Jonouchi, full of confidence, took the lead in launching an attack.

"I summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon (ATK 2400, DEF 2000) in attack mode!"

"Hey, how about this? This is a super rare card I just got."

"Hum, is it really a Red-Eyes Black Dragon? Interesting!"With a sinister smile on his face, he pulled out a card from the deck, and the player hunter slowly pulled out a card from his hand.

"I want you to know how terrible the real darkness is."

"I summoned the Dark City (Attack 920 Defense 1930) and the defense indicated that due to the location of the dark field, the Dark City's ability has increased! (Attack 1196 Defense 2509)

(Here we respect the original explanation of the anime card.)

As the Dark City appeared on the field, a layer of black space like a veil fell from the castle. This layer of black curtain instantly enveloped the player hunter's field, and with it, a darkness like an abyss.

"Hehe, how about that, Jonouchi? Now you can't see anything on my field. Next, how are you going to attack? Okay, my turn is over."

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Damn it, the Red-Eyes Black Dragon's attack power is not enough to break the City of Darkness. I can only defend here!"

"I summon axe monster (Attack 1700 Defense 1150) in defense mode)"

"My turn is over."

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

After taking a look at the card he just drew, the player hunter immediately said with a smile:"Jounouchi, do you think that the Red-Eyes Black Dragon with 2400 attack points is so powerful that you didn't change its representation?"

"Huh? What do you want to say?"After hearing the player hunter's words, Jonouchi immediately became furious.

"Haha, what I want to say is that you have to pay the price for your arrogance. I summon this monster!"

(Count Sword Attack 2000 Defense 7000) (Terrain bonus attack 2600)

"Attack, darkness invades!"

With the player hunter's order, a dark aura instantly surrounded the Red-Eyes Black Dragon. After a wail, the Red-Eyes Black Dragon was dragged into the darkness.

Jonouchi LP2000>1800

"Red-Eyes Black Dragon! Damn it, I was careless!"Jonouchi immediately regretted losing the Red-Eyes Black Dragon with an attack power of 2400 points.

"Jonouchi, there's no need to be in a hurry to regret. Things that will make you even more desperate are still to come. My turn is over!"

"Don't be so proud, it's my turn, draw a card!"

"Damn it, I can't attack with the cards in my hand now, so I can only continue to defend."

With an angry look at the Dark City floating above the field, Jonouchi raised his hand and played another card.

"I summon Jera's warrior (Attack 1600 Defense 1600) Defense display"

"My turn is over."

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Jonouchi, are you trying to stall for time? Oh~! Oh, I remember, there seems to be an ace monster in your deck. I remember it should be called Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon, right?"

"What do you want to say?"Jounouchi's expression became increasingly ugly as he found that the situation was becoming increasingly unfavorable to him.

"What I want to say is that even the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon, whose attack power is comparable to that of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, can't break my defense. The reason is this card I just drew!"

"Chaos Shield activated!"

"The defense of all monsters on my field increases by 300 points. Based on this effect, the defense of the Dark City increases to 2809 points. What do you think, Jonouchi? This is my strongest combo!"

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