

Seeing the current situation on the field, Li Youfeng, who had been keeping calm, began to panic, only because in his impression, there was still a card in the player hunter's deck that had not been used.

Although this card is usually rarely used, under the rules of this game where players cannot be attacked, if he uses this card, then it is very likely that the player hunter can kill the game in advance before Jonouchi finds a way to capture the Dark City.

Seeing that Jonouchi was already a little panic, Li Youfeng's mood at the moment was even colder.

It doesn't matter if he fails to show off, but if Jonouchi loses this duel, there will be a big mess!

Just when Li Youfeng was thinking about it, the player hunter launched an attack again.

After summoning a monster again, the player hunter took advantage of the terrain and defeated the sword and axe monster and Jera's warriors at the same time.

Seeing that Jonouchi was already in a state of panic, before Li Youfeng could speak, it was Peacock Dance who couldn't sit still first.

"Jonouchi, come on! Aren't you going to vent your anger for me? Don't you have a reason to win? Cheer up!"

"Mai-chan!" Glancing down at Li Youfeng and Muto Yugi who were smiling all the time under the ring, Jonouchi's decadent eyes were instantly filled with fighting spirit,"Thank you, Mai-chan, don't worry, I haven't given up yet!"

"Jonouchi!" In order to make sure Jonouchi could win this duel, Li Youfeng said rather unkindly,"Think carefully about how I defeated Kajiki Yuta. Your situation now is much better than mine!"

"Kajiki Yuta?!"Hearing this name, Jonouchi suddenly thought of something,"Since I can't attack his monster, then I will just attack him directly, that's right! So that's how it is, I understand!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Really Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon?!"

"It really is my strongest bond card. Did you come to help me because you saw that I was in trouble?"

Looking at the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon in his hand with gratitude, Jonouchi gritted his teeth and said to the card:"But now is not the time, we must survive this round!"

"I summon the legendary swordsman (Attack 1100 Defense 1100) in defense mode!

"My turn is over!"

"Hehe~! Jonouchi, you're just wasting time. It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Haha, Jonouchi, do you think you can keep defending? Stop dreaming!"

Slapping the card in his hand on the electronic instrument, the player hunter laughed wildly and said,"I activate the magic card defense seal and change the legendary swordsman into attack position!"

"Not good!" Seeing the player hunter play this card, Li Youfeng's face changed immediately,"I'm going to die, I'm going to die! I actually let this guy draw this card, but fortunately, the player hunter's attack power should still be a little short!"

"Fight! Attack the legendary swordsman!"

"Darkness is invading!"

Yugi Muto and others:"Danger!" X5

As the black mist smashed the legendary swordsman to pieces, there was a cry of surprise from the audience. The only one who didn't react was Li Youfeng. It's not that Li Youfeng didn't care about Jonouchi, but he had already calculated everything in his mind.

The reason is very simple. Although the monsters in the black mist cannot be seen, from the moment the player hunter's first monster defeated the Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Li Youfeng had already calculated that the monster with the highest attack power in the black mist was only 2600 points.

In order to defeat the legendary swordsman with 1100 attack points and defeat Jonouchi, the player hunter must have a monster with an attack power of more than 2900 points. However, it turned out that Li Youfeng did make the right bet.

Jonouchi LP1800﹥300

"Hahaha, what do you think, Jonouchi? Your life is now like a candle in the wind. Are you regretting challenging me? What a pity! I will never pity you. With my next strike, I will send you and your companions to hell!"

"My turn is over!"

"Wow, he said the forbidden words and locked Jonouchi's health. This guy is going to be in trouble."

Seeing the player hunter's smug look, Li Youfeng couldn't help but secretly shook his head in his heart. You know, there is a recognized common problem among the protagonists, which is also a point that countless anime fans can't complain about, that is, they can't play cards unless they are at low health.


Although Li Youfeng himself knew everything, Kong Quewu knew nothing about these things!

Seeing Jonouchi lying on the duel stage with sweat all over his forehead, Kong Quewu, with tears streaming down her face, grabbed the edge of the duel stage and shouted to Jonouchi:"It's all my fault, Jonouchi, it's my fault, you shouldn't have stood me up!"

"Miss Wu, please don't say that. This is all Jonouchi's choice. The gentle cousin walked to the side of Peacock Wu.

"Game, I'm sorry, I got you into trouble"

"No, there is no such thing as dragging down companions."Looking up at Jonouchi on the duel stage, Xiao Cousin smiled and said,"Look, Miss Mai, Jonouchi has not given up yet, his eyes are still full of fighting spirit, and we should not give up easily before the last moment! What's more, he is fighting for you now!"

"Castle~ Castle! Woohoo!~"

The defense was broken. It should be said that it was worthy of the cousin. Just a few words completely broke the defense of Peacock Dance. Looking at Peacock Dance crying with her head bowed, Li Youfeng's eyes were full of smiles. In his heart, he secretly gave a thumbs up to the cousin's great assist.

"Mai-chan~! Damn it! How dare you make Mai-chan cry? I will never forgive you! It's my turn, draw a card!"

Raising his hand and reaching for his deck, Jonouchi took a deep breath and suddenly pulled out a card.

"What? It's this card!"

Seeing the card he just drew, Jonouchi's mouth curled up slightly.

"I cover a card and summon the Magician of Time from my hand!"

Everyone:"The Magician of Time?!"

"You bastard who can only hide in the dark, I will now let you see the power of the bond between me and the game!"

"Phew, it's settled now!" Seeing the time magician appear on the duel field, and seeing Jonouchi's health locked, Li Youfeng felt a sense of relief for no reason. After all, in the anime Yu-Gi-Oh, as long as it involves words like blood lock and bond, it means the victory of the protagonist group.

"I activate the special effect of the magician of time! (The original effect of the anime does not require the sieve to be turned at this time)"

"From now on, a thousand years will pass here. Your monsters will lose their power due to aging, and the Dark City will collapse due to decay!"

As a flash of light passed, the Dark City did not collapse as expected. Looking at the player hunter's field, there was no movement. Not only Jonouchi, but even Dark Yugi, who had transformed into a king, widened his eyes due to excessive surprise.

"How could this happen? Why didn't the Dark City collapse?"Looking at the castle still floating in the sky, Jonouchi was stunned for a moment.

""Haha, you idiot!" Pointing to the inside of the city, the player hunter laughed out loud,"The Dark City is the castle of the demon clan, and even my monsters belong to the demon clan. Time magic has no effect on the demon clan. Even after a thousand years, my demon monsters will not be affected at all!"

Li Youfeng: (;゚Д゚i|!)

"Damn it!" Hearing the nonsense of the player hunter, Wang Yang was instantly terrified,"I never thought that there were demon monsters hidden under those dark curtains. I miscalculated! Jonouchi is in danger now!"

(Jonouchi: Sarilang! Game, you cheated me!)

Li Youfeng:(((;꒪ꈊ꒪;)))

""Fuck!" Crazy!

Li Youfeng said that he was going crazy!

This damn demon monster actually has such an explanation?

Doesn't this card blow up the opponent's entire field when facing forward and blow up your entire field when facing backward?

Could it be that I am not well-educated and remembered it wrong?

There is no reason!

Li Youfeng, who had already fallen into autism, immediately opened his void deck. After finding this card, he compared it with the Time Magician on the field for a long time, and then he was very sure that he was fooled!

Just as Li Youfeng collapsed on the grass with a dejected look on his face, Jonouchi, who had already ended his turn, fell into crisis again.

The Time Magician in the attack indication had only 500 attack points.���If this is a direct slap in the face, is there any need to consider the consequences? This is exactly the case. After drawing a card, the player hunter immediately ordered his monster to attack.

"Haha, goodbye, Jonouchi!"

"Darkness Invades!"

""Shit! This time it's really over!"

Li Youfeng didn't dare to look anymore. He said that he really didn't dare to look anymore!

However, just when Li Youfeng fell into despair, he heard Jonouchi suddenly shouting:"Open the cover card! The attack is ineffective!"

"When the opponent's monster declares an attack, this card is activated targeting that attacking monster, and that attack is invalid! After that, the battle phase is forced to end."

After a cold snort, the player hunter said impatiently:"Tsk, you saved my life, but the result will not change! My turn is over!"

"My turn!"

Reaching out to his own deck of cards, Jonouchi's whole body was already soaked with sweat due to excessive tension. He took a deep breath and shouted with all his might:"My deck, respond to my fighting spirit! I bet on the friendship and bond between me and my partners! Draw a card!"


As if a red meteor streaked across the sky, a card flashing with dark red starlight was drawn into Jonouchi's hand. Seeing this scene, Li Youfeng, who had given up hope and slumped on the ground, was already in tears!

"Oh my god, Jonouchi is doomed to fail. Did I push him too hard?"

Turning over the card, Jonouchi saw a green magic card. This magic card was the one that Li Youfeng had secretly given Jonouchi before the duel.

"You Feng, I didn't expect that you would save me at the last moment!"

After exhaling a breath of foul air, Jonouchi felt that he was extremely relaxed at the moment. He raised his hand and pointed at the player hunter, gritting his teeth and said:"Player hunter, this game is over!"

"What?"Hearing what Jonouchi said, the player hunter immediately looked incredulous,"Impossible, you can't break through my defense at all, you can't defeat me!"

"Is that really the case?"

Not wanting to talk nonsense anymore, Jonouchi directly slapped the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon onto the electronic device.

"I Normal Summon Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon, activating Red-Eyes Dark Steel Dragon's special effect"

"You can revive a Dragon monster from the graveyard during your main turn."

"I choose Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

"Player Hunter, this is the final blow. I activate the magic card from my hand, Black Flame Bullet!"

"This card can only be activated when Red-Eyes Black Dragon is on the field. During this turn, Red-Eyes Black Dragon cannot attack and directly inflicts 2400 damage to the opponent player!"

"What? Directly attack the player? 2400 damage? There is such a card?"

The Red-Eyes Black Dragon seemed to have been holding back for a long time. Under Jonouchi's command, he opened his mouth and sprayed a fireball. The player hunter screamed miserably when he saw this:"No, I���Will fail! This is impossible, ah!"

Player Hunter LP2000>0.

Seeing that the player hunter fell from the duel stage because of the zero life value, Li Youfeng said that this black flame bomb was too shameless.

Ignoring the front field defense monster and acting directly on the player, 2400 damage without bargaining, this thing, in terms of the current game rules, really makes whoever is hit pregnant, even if the first player cannot attack in the first round, it is useless, just because this is a magic card! To put it bluntly, as long as Jonouchi is lucky and gets these two cards at the beginning, it can really be said that God will kill God and Buddha will kill Buddha!

Pegasus? Peeping card?

I will kill you directly with the first hand!

Just ask if you are afraid!

Although he won the duel, such intensity is indeed a little early for Jonouchi now. The sweaty Jonouchi looked extremely embarrassed at this time, so that when he came down from the duel arena, he even felt a little exhausted.

"Jonouchi, these are the star pieces you won." As Jonouchi's best friend, Honda took the initiative to take on the job of searching the corpse.

He took out 8 star pieces, Jonouchi walked in front of Kongquewu, and looking at Kongquewu with tears in her eyes, he said awkwardly:"Mai-chan, these are your 8 star pieces, I helped you win them back."

Not sure if it was an illusion, looking at Jonouchi who looked weak and sweaty, Kongquewu felt that he was extremely handsome now. Looking at Jonouchi's face, she even felt that her heartbeat was a little faster. After a slight pause, Kongquewu wiped away her tears and shook her head and said:"I'm sorry Jonouchi, I can't accept these star pieces."

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