
Kongquewu's answer made Jonouchi stunned. However, just when Jonouchi lowered his head and was about to give up, he suddenly felt someone kick his butt.

Jonouchi looked back and saw Li Youfeng looking at him with a look of disappointment. The meaning of his eyes was obvious.

"Ah, so that's how it is. Thank you, You Feng."

With Li You Feng's encouragement, Jonouchi was no longer timid. He stepped forward and forcibly stuffed the eight star pieces into Peacock Dance's hands.

"Mai-chan, don't rush to refuse, just listen to me."

Before Peacock Dance could speak, Jonouchi expressed his feelings first.

"I know that I am still very immature and not a man you can rely on. The reason why I have to have this duel is that it hurts me when I see you sad. Although it may be a little early to say this, I think we can start as friends first!"

"As for these star pieces, I have no other intentions. If you are willing to accept me as a friend, then you can accept them. If not, then you can throw them all away."

After saying this, Jonouchi did not bother Kongquewu any more. Instead, he turned around and walked towards Li Youfeng and Yugi with a look of relief.

Seeing Jonouchi's free and easy appearance, Kongquewu just stood there, just because since she was sensible, no man has ever treated her so seriously.

Looking at the 8 star pieces in her hand, and thinking of Jonouchi fighting for her, Kongquewu fell into silence.

In fact, as Li Youfeng expected, whether the two of them admitted it or not, the seed that had been planted long ago finally sprouted secretly in the depths of their hearts at this moment.

In Li Youfeng's opinion, Jonouchi's courageous move was just right. After all, women, You always have to save face in such matters, be reserved, it's not shameful!

Especially for a woman like Kong Que Wu who has been injured, she needs the warmth of time even more.

The road ahead is long and arduous!

Nodding repeatedly at Jonouchi, Li Youfeng looked like an old father who was worried about his good-for-nothing son.

But to be honest, in the original book, Jonouchi was indeed an extremely responsible man. Whether he risked his life to participate in the competition for his sister, or risked his life for the game many times, or was even willing to give up his life for Kong Que Wu, all of which proved that Jonouchi had the potential to be a warm man.

It can be said that if Kong Que Wu and Jonouchi really got together, the person who took advantage would definitely be the former.

"Youfeng, Yugi, thank you so much this time. If it weren't for your support, I wouldn't have won this duel."

After returning the star pieces to Li Youfeng and Xiaobiao, Jonouchi took out the last 8 star pieces.

"Also, these 8 star pieces can be divided between the two of you. I don't want any."

"Jonouchi, you won these star pieces with your own strength, I just want to get back my rent."While speaking, Li Youfeng took out two star pieces from Jonouchi's hand. Anyway, 10 pieces are enough to enter the castle, and more is useless, right?

"Jonouchi-kun, I will only take two star pieces."After a gentle smile, the considerate cousin also took two star pieces.

"You two guys!" Tears instantly flowed from Jonouchi's eyes. He wiped his eyes vigorously and then showed a hearty smile,"I really can't do anything with you!"

That night.

Duel Castle

"How's that, Kaiba Boy, do you have any other opinions on my proposal just now?"

Seto Kaiba, who was too focused on Li Youfeng's game and had a second-year syndrome, was knocked unconscious by the bodyguard because of his carelessness. He was directly escorted to Pegasus's castle.

However, unlike the original book, Pegasus did not make things difficult for Seto Kaiba. Instead, he generously arranged for him to live with Keihei Kaiba.

At this time, Seto Kaiba was sitting on the other side of the long table, glaring at Pegasus fiercely.

"What is your purpose? Also, why did you ask me to participate in such an important matter as formulating new rules for Duel Monsters?"

"Hehe~ Seahorse Boy, you think things are too complicated!"After taking a sip of wine, Pegasus said with a smile,"First of all, I am very interested in your new invention, and I am willing to fully support you in promoting the development of Duel Monsters. After all, in terms of electronic technology, I admit that you are more talented than me."

"Although I do not deny that I have other ideas about Kaiba Group, the premise of these things is to defeat Yufeng Boy. Before that, I want to clarify that Duel Monsters was created by me, and I also consider myself a duelist."Pegasus

's answer made Kaiba Seto look sideways slightly,"What good can I get from helping you to rewrite the rules of the game?"

"Chance! A"Chance, a chance to challenge me!"

Pegasus put down the wine glass in his hand, put his hands on the table to support his chin, and looked at the hippocampus with a smile.

"The prerequisite for me to gain honor is, of course, to defeat all my opponents as a duelist. The loser is not eligible to enjoy rights. As a duelist, you should understand what I mean, right?"

Hearing this, Kaiba stood up from his chair with gritted teeth:"In this case, I will duel with you now, risking everything I have!"

"NO!NO!NO!"Pegasus shook his head slightly."Seahorse Boy, not now! You are not qualified to challenge me now. After all, isn't this unfair to other challengers?"

"What's more, you should be missing a Blue-Eyes White Dragon in your hand right now, right?"

"I will give you One identity, a seed player to participate in the competition with You Feng and others! Only if you defeat other players, you will be qualified to challenge me. What do you think of my proposal?"

"Participate in the competition, and then defeat You Feng first?"Thinking of the power that Li You Feng exerted when he used the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Kaiba Seto's eyes were instantly filled with anger and fighting spirit,"Okay, I accept your proposal. Give me a day, and I will give you some ideas for the new rules as soon as possible."

"By the way, Kaiba Boy, when formulating the new rules, I hope you can increase the current 2000 LP points to 4000 points. This is the only request I want to make."

Kaiba smiled disdainfully,"Why do you want to increase the life value? Or do you have any other conspiracy?"

"Conspiracy? Haha!"

As if he had heard something funny, Pegasus shook his head helplessly.

"Since you asked, I might as well tell you that Jonouchi Boy got an extremely rare magic card. The effect of this card can directly cause 2400 points of damage to the player. Under the current game rules, the conditions for achieving a combo with this magic card are extremely simple. I don't think you want to be killed instantly by him at the beginning, right?"

"Jonouchi?! That fourth-rate duelist? 2400 damage?"

Hearing this name and the damage points that the magic card could cause, Kaiba Seto's mouth couldn't help but twitch twice.

The air was filled with awkwardness. After a few seconds of silence, Kaiba Seto turned around and left without looking back. At the same time, his extremely arrogant voice was heard in the corridor.

"I will seriously consider your proposal!"

After hearing what Hippocampus said when he left, Pegasus picked up the red wine glass on the table with a smile on his face.

"I am very satisfied with our conversation tonight, Seahorse Boy! I look forward to your activeness!"

The next morning

"Ah, it’s daybreak. I had such a good sleep!"

"Jonouchi-kun and Youfeng-kun have already collected 10 star pieces, so we both have to work hard today!"

"Of course I understand this. After all, I don't want to fall behind You Feng too much!"

After a simple breakfast, Li You Feng helped Xingzi clean up the dishes and said with a smile:"Yugi, Jonouchi, I plan to leave for Pegasus's castle soon, so I won't follow you today."

"Why? Why not act together?"

"Jonouchi-kun, You Feng-kun is probably trying to find the way for us in advance." As if seeing through Li Youfeng's thoughts, Xiao Cousin said,"And now Guiping is also in the Duel Castle. I am also worried about him being alone there, so You Feng-kun should go there earlier so that Guiping can be taken care of."

"That's right, since I promised Guiping, I will not break my promise." Li Youfeng, who had packed his things, slung his backpack over his shoulders and nodded slightly at Youyou,"Then I'll go first, and you two must catch up as soon as possible!"

"Haha, don't worry You Feng, I have 8 star pieces now, I won't���You've been waiting for a long time!"

"I also have 6 star chips now, and I will try my best to catch up with everyone else."

"Then let's meet at the Duel Castle!"

After saying goodbye to everyone, Li Youfeng walked towards the Duel Castle alone. The reason why he chose to leave the protagonist group was not entirely for Kaiba Keipi, but the more important reason was that he did not want to easily change the plot of the original work.

Due to his own reasons, the strength of the protagonist group is now greatly different from the original work he is familiar with. Li Youfeng, who had not paid attention to these things, suddenly realized after watching the duel between Jonouchi and the player hunter that too much interference in the growth of the protagonist group may not be a good thing for them!

"I still took it for granted. After all, this is not anime, but the real world!"

Walking on the mountain road to the Duel Castle, Li Youfeng was also very clear that he would encounter a duelist named Guiguzuka in the city, and the Labyrinth Brothers would still stand in front of Yugi and others. Although there would be some twists and turns, these experiences would definitely make Yugi and others stronger.

""Hey! You↗Feng↘! You are so slow!"

After arriving at the gate of the Duel Castle, a familiar figure in a white windbreaker appeared in front of Li Youfeng.

Shaking his head slightly, Li Youfeng replied with a smile:"Hehe~ I don't need to participate in the preliminaries like you, of course I will come a little slower! Am I right, President Kaiba!"

That's right, just as Li Youfeng expected, the man in the windbreaker exuding a strong middle school atmosphere who appeared in front of him was Kaiba Seto!

"This is for you!"

Opening the suitcase at his feet, Kaiba Seto threw a round object like a frisbee towards Li Youfeng.


Li Youfeng couldn't help shrinking his pupils after catching the white frisbee.

"Damn! Isn't this a duel disk? How come it came out so early?"

As if to demonstrate to Li Youfeng, Kaiba Seto took out another duel disk from his suitcase and put it on his left arm as slowly as possible.

After doing all this, President Kaiba said proudly,"Pegasus asked me to modify the new duel rules. I thought about it all night and made some preliminary modifications to the existing rules. Since I met you by such a coincidence, please do your best to help me test the strength of the new rules!"

What a coincidence! I don't believe you!

You told me it's a coincidence that I'm blocking the gate of the castle so early in the morning?

There are Pegasus surveillance cameras everywhere on this island. I'm afraid you have been eyeing me for a long time!

Forget it, it's a blessing in disguise. Since the president wants to block you, you can't escape no matter what. After all, the man in front of you is a more brutal and perverted person than the player hunter, just because this guy is a ruthless man who dares to run to your ancestral grave to play cards with you!

Pulling out a card from his card bag, Li Youfeng threw it to President Kaiba,"This is the Blue-Eyes White Dragon that you lost. I got it back for you. Don't lose it again next time!"

""Hmph! Mind your own business!"

With a proud look on his face, he took the card and inserted it into his deck. After shuffling the cards at an extremely fast speed, President Kaiba inserted the entire deck into the deck terminal of the duel disk. The speed was so fast that Li Youfeng, who saw the president shuffling the cards for the first time, exclaimed that he was an expert!

"Now the entire Duel Castle has been installed with a holographic stereo system, and this Duel Disk in my hand will become the greatest advancement in the Duel Monster World!"

After unfolding the Duel Disk in his hand, President Kaiba's aura changed instantly. His white windbreaker moved without wind, and his whole body exuded a strong white fighting spirit!

"As the tester of the first generation duel disk, You Feng! You should feel very honored!"

"And today! You↗Feng↘! I will defeat you completely for the title of the strongest white dragon master in history!"

Looking at the murderous look on President Kaiba's face, Li Youfeng was immediately stimulated to the point of almost spitting out blood!

Didn't you just say test?

Is this the right attitude for a test?

You are obviously already risking your life now, okay? Do you really think I'm stupid and can't see it?

Wait, Pegasus, please?

What the hell!?

The plot has been changed again?

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