Thinking that something seemed amiss in the plot, Li Youfeng couldn't help but ask,"Why are you involved with Pegasus? Did you two team up?"

"Humph! Will I join forces with him? Stop talking in your sleep!"As if he had thought of something, President Kaiba's old face turned slightly red,"He invited me here in the form of a fair duel. By the way, we also plan to innovate the existing duel rules. He can't handle it alone, so he thought of asking me for help!"

"And for me, Pegasus is also an enemy that I must defeat. After I get rid of you, it’s time to settle the grudge between me and him!"

"Oh~! So that's how it is!"

Knowing that this battle was inevitable, Li Youfeng threw his backpack aside, took out a set of cards from the card holder on his waist and inserted it into the system terminal of the duel disk. Then the duel disk quickly unfolded, and Li Youfeng looked up at Kaiba Seto!

At the moment of looking at each other, the two of them showed a hideous smile at the same time!

The same idea also appeared in the minds of the two people at the same time!

After confirming with each other's eyes, they were the people they wanted to kill!


Li Youfeng LP4000

Kaiba Seto LP4000

"I got the first attack, draw a card!"

With white fighting spirit emanating from his body, President Kaiba raised his hand and drew a card from the duel disk.

"Hum~, let the strongest dragon after evolution"

"Let it be imprinted deep in your eyes!"

"Fusion Summon!"

"Now, let you see the strongest and most ultimate dragon in history!"

"Transcend the boundaries of time and space!"

"A fall!"


"Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon: Attack Power 4500, Defense Power 3800"

""What the f**k!"

Seeing that the president had directly lost four cards to fuse such an unknown thing, Li Youfeng couldn't help but burst out a classic swear word.

However, this is not the point at all!

The point is!

I just saw the president shuffling the cards with my own eyes. Did he really start with three Blue Eyes and a fusion?

Li Youfeng's stunned look naturally fell into the president's eyes. Looking at Li Youfeng's constantly twitching expression, it was obvious that the Kaiba president was not going to end it.

"I Normal Summon Dragon Controller from my hand! (ATK 1200 DEF 1100)"

"You should be very clear about the effect of this card, which is that when it exists in the Monster Zone, the card name can be used as a Dragon Ruler!"

"But now I want to activate its other effect, discard a Fusion from my hand, and then add Rhapsody of Dragon Resurrection from my deck to my hand!"

"Oh my god! Fusion?"Seeing President Kaiba throw Fusion into the graveyard, Li Youfeng instantly felt a stomachache,"It turns out that the rumor that the president built Fusion in the backcourt is true! What kind of start is this? It seems that my thinking is too narrow. Who would have thought that the president's real hand is actually two Fusions and three Blue-Eyes White Dragons!"

"I activate the Rhapsody of Dragon Resurrection!"

"The effect of this card is that when there is a Spellcaster-Type monster on our field, you can activate it to revive two Dragon-Type monsters from your Graveyard!"

"My soul, my pride, my most faithful servant!"

"Come now!"

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" X2

"Humph, You Feng, do you think this is the end? It's not over yet!"

"This monster can send the above-mentioned cards in its Monster Zone to the Graveyard, and then Special Summon it from the Extra Deck without Fusion!"

"I send the two Blue-Eyes White Dragons on the field to the Graveyard!"

"You Feng, now I will let you see the most perfect and powerful creature in the world!"

"Come on!"

"Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon! (Attack 3000 Defense 2500)"

"Under the new rules, Fusion Summoned monsters cannot attack immediately, and Rhapsody of Dragon Resurrection also has the huge side effect of not being able to cause damage to players this round. However, since I attacked first, I perfectly avoided these two extremely unfavorable rule penalties!"


"How about that? Now what you see is the new power I just got!"

""Go! My turn is over, it's your turn!"

Looking at the confident face of the president who had no more cards in his hand with his arms folded across his chest, Li Youfeng immediately lowered his head and carefully checked his existing cards. Li Youfeng licked the corner of his mouth slightly. Li Youfeng couldn't help but think that a pure love party like President Kaiba would be more likely to collapse than ordinary people if he encountered the next thing.

But isn't it a bit too much to do this? After all, President Kaiba and I don't seem to have any deep hatred.

As the saying goes, leave a line for each other so that we can meet again in the future!

To be honest, the duel disk made by Kaiba Seto is really not covered, especially the shocking feeling when these monsters appear in front of you, which is definitely not something that can be experienced in ordinary games.

So it is absolutely certain that Kaiba Group will become the world's top company in the near future!

As the president, Kaiba Seto will definitely be powerful in the future. If I really make him angry now, will my future life be...……

"What's wrong?↘!"

A sudden shout interrupted Li Youfeng's wild thoughts. Li Youfeng looked up and saw the president of Kaiba laughing proudly,"Are you afraid so you dare not take action? That's true. After all, it's normal for a despicable villain like you who can only use dirty tricks to be timid after seeing such a powerful force! Humph~, a rat like you who can't stand the light should stay in the dirty sewer. That place is the most suitable place for you!"

I���Your sister's manhole!

I gave you a little sunshine, so you swelled up, right?! You really think I have no temper, right?!

What the world's largest and richest multinational company!

Afraid of your grandmother's legs!

I'll beat you first!

Li Youfeng, who had been thinking of giving President Kaiba some face, immediately had a few blue veins on his forehead after hearing this!

Demon Trap Affinity Activated!

The remaining number of times in this duel is 2

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I activate the field magic from my hand, Vampire Empire!"

"You Feng, I didn't expect you to be right. You abandoned the White Dragon deck and chose a filthy creature like a vampire. It seems that you are just a rat in the gutter as I said!"Seeing Li You Feng activate this magic card, the contempt in Kaiba Seto's eyes became even stronger.

"Humph, is that really the case?" Li Youfeng sneered in his heart, but said nothing. After all, this card has another nickname. How can someone like you understand the fierce reputation of the Minotaur Empire?

"In that case, I won't be polite. I activate Bitter Choice, select five monster cards from my deck, and then the opponent chooses one, and the remaining four are put into the graveyard!"

"I choose the vampire's servant, the vampire's followers, the vampire baby, the vampire red baron, and the vampire's ghost!"

"President Kaiba, please choose one!"

"Is it the card that was used to kill the insect feather moth in the national competition?" Seeing that Li Youfeng took him so seriously, Kaiba Seto's mouth slightly raised a curve,"Very good, Youfeng, I accept your challenge!"

"I choose the Vampire! Okay, throw the other cards into the Graveyard!"

"I activate a magic card from my hand, snatch it!"

"The effect of this card is to equip a monster on the opponent's field and gain control of the equipped monster. At the same time, the price I have to pay is that every turn during the opponent's preparation phase, it will be activated to restore 1000 LP of the opponent's player."

"The card I want to choose to equip is Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon!"


Watching his Blue-Eyes Double Exploding Dragon running to Li Youfeng's field, Kaiba Seto's face darkened instantly.

It felt like he had just left for work, but in the blink of an eye his wife ran to the home of the single old man next door.

As for restoring 1,000 LP points, nonsense! No one will bother you to pay your taxes at night, so you have to restore some LP!

"You↗Feng↘! You bastard, I really underestimated your shamelessness!"

"I Normal Summon a monster in face-down Defense Position!"

"Fight, Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon! Attack the Dragon Ruler!"

"Explosive Gale Bomb of Destruction!"


A huge beam of white light wave hit the Dragon Ruler, who was smashed to pieces on the spot without any suspense!

Kaiba Seto LP4000>1700

"It’s not over yet!"

"Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon can attack the opponent's monster on the field twice in one turn, and fight!"

"Keep attacking the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!"

"No! Why do you know the special effect of Blue-Eyes Twin Blast Dragon?"

Seeing Li Youfeng decisively give the attack order, Kaiba Seto's face suddenly turned livid. After all, this card was a new card that was just developed by the R&D department of Kaiba Corporation. Today was the first time that he showed this card in front of Li Youfeng, but now Li Youfeng gave him the feeling that his opponent already knew the effect of this card.

(I have said before that in the Yu-Gi-Oh anime, no one will take the initiative to explain the effects of their monsters to you unless they are activated. People who have read the original work understand this.)


Along with the wind pressure caused by the powerful shock wave, the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon crushed the attack of the Blue-Eyes Twin Blast Dragon.

Li Youfeng LP4000﹥2500

"No, it won't happen. You Feng must not know the other special effect of Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon!"With a glimmer of fantasy in his heart, Kaiba Seto clenched his fists tightly. However, to his despair, the voice of Li You Feng still came over.

"The monster effect of Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon is activated!"

"This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If a monster attacked by Blue-Eyes Twin Explosion Dragon is not destroyed at the end of the Damage Step, you can activate this card to banish this opponent's monster!"


A scream full of resentment and unwillingness came from the mouth of the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and its huge body turned into dots of white light and disappeared on Kaiba Seto's field.

"You Feng! You bastard! Why do you know another special effect of Blue-Eyes Twin Explosion Dragon!"

Facing the betrayal of his wife, oh no, it's the betrayal of Blue-Eyes Twin Explosion Dragon!

At this time, Kaiba Seto was already furious. The feeling of having his monster played by the other party was as if Li Youfeng had known that his newly married wife had several moles on her butt.

It's really annoying!

A green and lush smell filled the air around Kaiba Seto, causing Kaiba's face to change again and again. As the saying goes, the hatred of stealing a wife is different from that of a sworn enemy. Today, one of him and Li Youfeng must die!

Especially when he saw Li Youfeng's smug look and the way he kept raising his eyebrows at him, Kaiba Seto felt as if a large green grassland was on top of his head.

"Guess what!" Li Youfeng shrugged his shoulders in a smug manner, and his expression at this moment was extremely asking for a beating,"My turn is not over yet! Hehe!"

"Activate the effect of Vampire Baby in the Graveyard, and this card can be Special Summoned from the Graveyard at the end of the Battle Phase if it destroys a monster by battle!"

"I Special Summon a Vampire Baby in Defense Position! (Attack 700 Defense 1000)"

After laughing twice, Li Youfeng showed another magic card from his hand.

"Next I'm going to unleash my vampire desire!"

"This card can be activated by selecting a Vampire in your Graveyard as the target, and by releasing a monster on your field, Special Summon the target monster!"

"I release Blue-Eyes Twin Explosion Dragon and Special Summon Minotaur Knight at the same time. Oh no, I said it wrong, it should be Vampire Red Baron in Defense Position (2400 Attack Power, 1000 Defense Power)!"


A burst of black air entangled the body of Blue-Eyes Twin Explosion Dragon. With a roar full of resentment, Blue-Eyes Twin Explosion Dragon slowly turned into white light and dissipated on the field.

Kaiba Seto's eyes were also full of bloodshot because of extreme anger, just because he keenly noticed the expression of Blue-Eyes Twin Explosion Dragon when it left Li Youfeng's field!

That extremely sad expression was like a woman in the boudoir who was abandoned by a yellow-haired scumbag after being used. At this time, the scumbag was standing opposite him with a mean smile.

Although the scumbag's hair was not yellow, in Kaiba Seto's view at this time, there was not much difference between the two!

"That's why I hate yellow-haired people so much!" Seto Kaiba almost squeezed out these words between his teeth, as if he was about to bite them off.

(Jounouchi: What the hell does it have to do with me?)ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

Without noticing Kaiba Seto's expression at this time, Li Youfeng continued his operation.

"Finally, I'm going to cover one more card!"

"My turn is over!"

Looking at his backcourt and frontcourt, Li Youfeng was quite satisfied with his operation.

A trap card reflects mirror power, three defense cards indicate that he can bully the opponent's monster during his turn, plus 2500 life points!


With this defensive lineup, can you kill me in one second with just one card?

Excessive anger has made Kaiba Seto forget his original intention, so that he didn't notice why Li Youfeng was more familiar with the battle process of the new game rules than himself.

""You Feng! Bastard! I won't forgive you!"

In front of him, he snatched away his favorite Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and after using him, he simply discarded him like garbage. All these things are deeply hurting Kaiba Seto's heart of pure love.

Suddenly looking at Li Youfeng who was pinching his nose with a mean look on his face, a blue light flashed in Kaiba Seto's eyes!

"My turn!"

"Draw a card!"

(Reporter: Regarding the fact that Kaiba President played Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon at the beginning, we invited Tianmeng, a card player who also participated in the Duel Kingdom competition but was eliminated because of his inability to talk nonsense, to interview him. Let's hear what he thinks! Tianmeng

: What do I think?

It's from the Kingdom of Words!

What fish monsters can't go ashore!

The opponent's monster with a few hundred points of attack power directly blew up my monster with 2,000 points of attack power!

I was out in one hand!

Isn't this competition pure nonsense?

What is the Ultimate Dragon?

You lost four cards at the beginning and you combined such a thing?

What is your card playing concept?

Do you understand what resource difference is? Can you compare the Ultimate Dragon with the Adjustment Monster of Brother Crab?

What is Brother Crab holding?

That is Stardust Dragon, which can not only continue to synchronize, but also has resistance!

Besides, have you played Duel Master?

What is the environment of Duel Master now?

Who doesn't take the initiative to start the game and then put a bunch of inexplicable things?

Like the president, either the blank card or the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon is on the field. Can this kind of thing stand? It can't stand. I don't have the ability to do it, you know!

Reporter: But as far as we know, the president has been playing the White Dragon deck for many years...

Tianmeng brother: Oh, thank you! Thank you!

Is the White Dragon deck played like this for so many years?

I said before that he doesn't even understand the concept of playing cards. Do you think you can win by being loud?

Sister Shui almost shouts her throat every time she plays cards, but she still doesn't win every time!

A patient with late-stage dragon cancer of the second-year disease?

If you shoot this thing, I will solve it for you!

If I give you some face, I will send you to the graveyard directly. If I don't give you face, I will directly use the controller and then slap you in the face!

There is no fun next!

We can't play this kind of monster just because we have played it for a long time, right?

Oh, don't even care about face! )

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