With a roar that shook the world, Kaiba Seto reached out and drew a card from the deck. Such momentum made the confident Li Youfeng stunned instantly.

""Shit! Locked health? This shouldn't be the case! We're just getting started!"

The strong contrast made Li Youfeng swallow hard, and even a bean-sized sweat drop appeared silently on his forehead.


Like a meteor in the dark night, a card emitting white light was drawn into Kaiba Seto's hand.

Without even looking at it, Kaiba Seto directly slapped the card onto the duel disk!

Li Youfeng, who saw this scene, shouted"shit" and even complained in his heart, that is, is this considered a printed card?

"Pot of Greed is activated, and I can draw two more cards from my deck!"

"Angel's Charity is activated. I can draw three cards from the deck and then choose two to discard!"

Looking at the two cards in his hand, a bad intuition made Kaiba Seto's eyes shift to the vampire Red Baron who was in defense position.

"This monster gives me a very bad feeling, so all of you should disappear first!"

"I activate a magic card from my hand, Lightning Strike!"

"Destroy all the monsters on the opponent's field!"


A bucket-sized lightning bolt fell from the clear sky and hit Li Youfeng's field directly. An explosion sounded, and the three monsters on Li Youfeng's field were unable to resist at all, and were immediately smashed to pieces by the lightning.


At this time, Li Youfeng said that he was really a little numb.

In fact, in the last round, Li Youfeng had already considered the problem of blood lock when he set up the vampire.

According to common sense, Li Youfeng actually wanted to let his bat hit the president again, but with the previous experience of Jonouchi's blood lock explosion, plus the background and identity of Kaiba's president, how could Li Youfeng, who was afraid of not being able to control it for a while, take the initiative to touch this bad luck again?

Anyway, my formation is ready, I can just deal with you next round.

You know, I have a Minotaur Knight on my field, and the sacrifices are ready. Strictly speaking, this situation is a dead end!

However, in fact, Li Youfeng, who thought he did not underestimate Kaiba Seto, finally underestimated the Kaiba president. Who could have thought that with 1700 health points, the Kaiba president would suddenly explode so unreasonably?

Kaiba Seto didn't know Li Youfeng's complicated mood at this time. The strong anger drove him to raise the last card in his hand again and roared:"I activate the Gospel of Dragon Resurrection to revive a 7-star or 8-star dragon monster in my graveyard!"

"Revive, White Spirit Dragon!"

"Damn it! Damn it! He can really kill me with one card!"

Seeing Bai Linglong appear on the field, the expression on Li Youfeng's face instantly became wonderful. He lowered his head and took a look at the"Power of Hanoian Knights" he had placed on the backcourt. At this moment, Li Youfeng felt an inexplicable turmoil in his stomach. As for why he didn't place the exclusive trap card of the vampire clan, it can only be explained by the classic saying"If the bond is not enough, the red pit will make up for it."

"Activate the special effects of the White Spirit Dragon!"

"When this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned successfully, you can banish 1 Spell or Trap Card from your opponent's backfield!"

"Bai Linglong, remove that covered card for me!"

"Ah this!?"

Seeing that his place was cleared by President Kaiba in an instant, Li Youfeng immediately spread his hands helplessly and said with a smile:"President Kaiba, we are testing new game rules. There is no need to play so seriously. As the saying goes, anger hurts the body. A duel is naturally to bring smiles and excitement to everyone.……"

"You shut up!"

Kaiba's face was ferocious at this time, and blue veins appeared on his iron face!

Gritting his teeth, he stretched out his right index finger towards Li Youfeng and shouted angrily:"Anyone can say this, but you, a bastard, are not qualified. Just accept your death, you shameless and despicable villain!"


"Bai Linglong, for the glory of the dragon race and for the ultimate victory, please send this bastard in front of you into the abyss of hell!"

"Destroy the Aurora!"

Following Kaiba Seto's order, the White Dragon raised its head to gather strength, and a huge white Aurora burst out from its mouth.

(White Dragon: The Light of Ariel bursts out!)

"Why bother? I thought we could be friends, President Kaiba!"

Facing Bai Linglong's attack, Li Youfeng said, I didn't want to do this, but you forced me to do it!

"Get out of here! I'd rather make friends with a ghost than a bitch like you, go to hell and reflect on your actions!"

Seeing that the white shock wave was about to hit him in the face, Li Youfeng showed a meaningful smile, suddenly took a deep breath and shouted loudly:"Wife!!! Save me!"


As Li Youfeng shouted, a card in his hand turned into a red stream of light and flew to his duel disk.

The blood-red mist quickly condensed in front of Li Youfeng, and a beautiful figure in a black classical dress appeared in front of Li Youfeng.

This pale and thin girl had blood-red eyes, and her slightly melancholy and delicate face was inexplicably lovable. With the arrival of the white shock wave, the girl slowly raised the black umbrella in her hand.


The sound of the explosion followed. Facing Bai Linglong's attack, the girl's thin body and the umbrella in her hand protected Li Youfeng firmly behind her like a solid barrier.

"I pay 2200 health points, wife, fight back for me!"

As Li Youfeng's health points continued to drop, the girl's ruby-like eyes suddenly glowed fiercely, and she shouted softly, and a shock wave of blood instantly dispersed the attack of Bai Linglong!

"What? This is impossible!!!"

With President Kaiba's angry and terrified shout, the blood light continued to move forward, and after passing through the body of Bai Linglong, it hit Kaiba Seto heavily.

Li Youfeng LP2500>300

Kaiba Seto LP1700>0

The blood-red smoke slowly dissipated, and President Kaiba, who was half-kneeling on the ground, slowly saw the information of the girl standing in front of Li Youfeng.

Vampire Lady! (Attack 600 Defense 2000)

Because this card is inhabited by the power of the elves, although Li Youfeng has shown mercy, Kaiba Seto, who was indirectly counterattacked and had his life value reduced to zero, still inevitably felt dizzy.

"Humph, I see, you are really a lucky guy, but you have to remember that not every duel can be won by luck!"After taking off the duel disk on his arm and putting it in the briefcase beside him, Kaiba Seto glared at Li Youfeng fiercely and turned to walk into the castle.

"You performed very well in this test, but I am still not satisfied with many aspects. I will come back to you after I modify and adjust the program!"

"Kaiba, are you kidding me? You were obviously serious just now, why don’t you admit it? You haven’t even asked me if I am willing to take the test with you again, don’t play deaf and say something to me!"

Seeing that President Kaiba disappeared into the depths of the Duel Castle without looking back as if he didn’t hear anything, Li Youfeng was immediately a little angry. However, when he was about to catch up with Kaiba to argue with him, he saw that the vampire lady who should have disappeared was still there.

However, she pouted her cute little mouth and looked at Li Youfeng with dissatisfaction. Her blood-red eyes were full of resentment, as if her husband was having an affair outside and someone came to their house, and in the end it was up to her as his wife to come forward and send the person away.


Just when Li Youfeng wanted to explain something, he saw a finger on his mouth.

He could clearly feel the cold touch of the finger, and Li Youfeng swallowed the words that were on the tip of his mouth.

In his previous life, when he came into contact with the game Duel Master, the first deck Li Youfeng started with was the Vampire Empire.

Later, after mixing with the Golden Country deck, this deck was also strengthened.

However, no matter how he modified the deck, he never gave up on this Vampire Lady, and it accompanied him for a full fifteen years.

As a fan of the underworld autism deck, Li Youfeng then matched it with heavy-pit decks such as the Worm Demon deck and the Silver City deck.

However, even so, this Vampire Lady was often placed in some specialized mixed decks of blood-cutting and blood-selling.

After all, as long as your health is sufficient, the mechanism of the Vampire Lady that can change the numerical state at will, as well as the defense of up to 5,000 points, will definitely make some unprepared opponents hit their heads and bleed on the spot.

Besides being able to bully the opponent's monsters, this card also has an extremely flexible mechanism for jumping to the field to survive, which has made it one of Li Youfeng's common survival traps.

After shaking her head slightly, the vampire lady looked at Li Youfeng's face with a gentle smile, as if she was blaming her husband for deliberately messing with the opponent's mentality. After gently flicking Li Youfeng's forehead, she turned back into a card and returned to Li Youfeng's hand.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~) Tsk~~, if I don't make the opponent's mentality, then why am I playing the autistic hell flow deck!"After smiling and shaking his head at the card that held the elf of the vampire lady, Li Youfeng casually inserted it into the card holder on his waist.

At this moment, Li Youfeng suddenly realized that the card pendant on his chest was emitting a faint white light, and then Li Youfeng, with a look of surprise, quickly opened the layout frame that only he could see.

Name: Li Youfeng

Level: Level 3

Skills: Magic Trap Affinity (limited to 3 times per game), high star start, low star start, destined to draw (limited to 1 time per game)

Bonds: Atlas Worm Demon, Vampire Lady, Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

Unlock: Phoenix God of Nephthys.

Note: Due to the world rules limiting the number of Blue-Eyes White Dragons, some cards in the White Dragon deck cannot be used, so it is changed to a specialized derivative deck"The Dragon Maid is Waiting for Your Order"》!

"Nephthys? Dragon Maid?"

Seeing the two decks that had just been unlocked, Li Youfeng immediately fell into deep thought.

To be honest, one of the two decks was a self-destruct deck, and the other was a pure resource deck. It wasn't that he couldn't play these two decks, but the combat style of this deck tended to be open, which was somewhat contrary to the underworld style.

""Forget it. Anyway, these are the cards I collected in my previous life. It’s better to have them than not. At the critical moment, these card decks may come in handy!"

Li Youfeng picked up his backpack from the ground and strode towards the Duel Castle. He didn’t believe that Pegasus didn’t see the duel just now since he had come to this place.

However, the question that really puzzled Li Youfeng was why Pegasus would seek cooperation with Kaiba Seto, and why did he appear in the Duel Castle in advance with Kaiba Seto’s skills? At the same time, why did the new duel rules appear in the story of the Duel Kingdom in advance? Is there a black hand behind this that I don’t know about, pushing all this behind the scenes? After racking his brains and not being able to figure out the problem, Li Youfeng could only walk into the Duel Castle with the idea of making the best of it.

However, what he didn’t expect was that the person he thought was pushing���The mastermind behind the story is actually himself.

After arriving at the Duel Castle and showing his 10 star pieces, Li Youfeng was immediately escorted to the rest room by bodyguards.

Here, Li Youfeng had a good rest after eating and drinking. It was not until the afternoon when the sun was about to set that Li Youfeng, who was drinking juice and relaxing on the wall of the Duel Castle, discovered that there were figures on the mountain road of the Duel Castle again.

As the visitor approached, Li Youfeng recognized the sloppy man with the American headscarf at a glance. Yes, the visitor was the American strong man who stole Jonouchi's entry card in the original book and lied and cheated in the duel, the thief Keith.

""Tsk, so I'm not the first one?" When he reached the gate of the Duel Castle, the thief Keith naturally spotted Li Youfeng drinking juice on the wall. After spitting, he walked into the castle without looking back. Just a few minutes after the thief Keith entered the castle, a beautiful figure also came to the gate of the castle. Looking at the big golden waves, Li Youfeng immediately showed a smile like an old uncle on his face.

"Hi! Miss Peacock!"

"You Feng? Haha, I knew you would be the first one to come to the Duel Castle!"

Looking up, she saw Li You Feng lying on the wall and waving at her. Peacock Dance quickly quickened her pace. After arriving on the wall, she didn't hesitate to pick up the juice on the dining table and drank it.

"Ha! Alive!"

After drinking the juice in her hand, Kong Quewu laughed happily. Looking at her current appearance, Li Youfeng knew that she had begun to accept Jonouchi and regarded him and his group as companions.

"You Feng, where are the game guys? You didn't come here by yourself first!"

"In fact, I really came here by myself first, and I even had a fight with someone after I got here!"

After nodding and smiling slightly, Li Youfeng pointed to the mountain road of the Duel Castle and said,"As for the game you mentioned, look, haven't they come already?"

Following the direction Li Youfeng pointed, several figures headed by Starfish Head appeared on the mountain road. That's right, the real battle is about to begin!

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