The setting sun slowly disappeared over the horizon. This chicken game with 40 contestants finally came to an end. The contestants who came to the duel castle were finally narrowed down to 5 people.

That is: Li Youfeng, Yugi Muto, Jonouchi, Peacock Dance, and Thief Keith.

On the dining table in the living room, a delicious and sumptuous dinner was placed in front of everyone. Li Youfeng looked around and found that except for the thief Keith who was sitting alone in a corner, all the contestants present were his own people.

What Li Youfeng didn't expect was that, unlike the plot in the original book, Kaiba Keihei, who was supposed to be imprisoned in the castle dungeon, also appeared on the dining table, and judging from his complexion, this kid seemed to be living a pretty good life.

"Wow, delicious, this is real food!"

"It’s been two days and I finally had a proper meal!"

"Jonouchi, Honda, can you two pay attention to your image? You look like starving ghosts!"

Looking at Jonouchi and Honda who were feasting on their food, Li Youfeng couldn't help laughing. He slowly cut the steak in front of him and couldn't help but recall the Chinese delicacies in his previous life.

After all, most of the food here is still Western food. It's not that the food is bad, but compared with the Chinese food, Li Youfeng always feels that it is still a little lacking. Things like the fragrant mapo tofu, the delicious and crispy sugar-crusted pork tenderloin, and the sweet and sour tomato scrambled eggs, these were all things he loved in his previous life. Unfortunately, it is definitely not so easy to eat here.


Just when everyone was having a meal, Kaiba Seto came to the restaurant accompanied by a black-clad bodyguard. Seeing that Kaiba was here safely, Yugi and others couldn't help but be surprised.

"In order to save time, I will make it short!"

After looking around at everyone, Kaiba Seto said in a proud tone:"Duelists who have come to the Duel Castle, what you will face next is the new duel rules that I have just revised and improved. I have arranged for people to put the specific matters and procedures to pay attention to in your respective lounges."

"In order to avoid the discomfort caused by the sudden change of duel rules, Pegasus, that bastard, will also provide you with a large number of cards for free to adjust your decks. Therefore, the official duel time is changed to 3 pm tomorrow. I hope everyone here will take it seriously."

"Now, open the Millennium Eye in front of your table, and I will arrange the duel order! Oh, and I have to say one more thing, my number is B, and the unlucky guy who drew A, I advise you to give up as soon as possible, so as not to bring shame upon yourself in the duel tomorrow!"

"Kaiba, you bastard, who are you trying to get to give up? Do you think you're going to win?"As soon as Kaiba Lairen finished speaking, Jonouchi jumped up from his chair with his note in his hand, looking angry.

"Oh~, it turns out you drew an A!" Seeing the big A on the paper in Jonouchi's hand, Kaiba Seto couldn't help but let out a scornful laugh,"Huh, I didn't expect my opponent to be a small fry like you, what a waste of my time! From this point of view, the first game tomorrow is destined to be an extremely boring battle!"

"How dare you look down on me, Kaiba? I will duel with you now!"

"Jonouchi, calm down. You don't know the new rules of the duel now. If you rashly challenge someone, you will be asking for your life!"

"I can't stand it anymore, let go of my Honda, I want to fight this bastard right now!"

"Humph, after all, he is just a cannon fodder duelist who gives away his head! I still need to adjust my deck, so I am not interested in arranging the next game. Just send dinner to my room."

"Nissan! Wait for me!"

After saying this to the bodyguard beside him, Kaiba Seto turned around and walked out of the restaurant door. Kaiba Keipi, who ran to the door immediately after him, bowed apologetically to Li Youfeng and others, and then turned around and chased after him.

"This arrogant egomaniac who looks down on everyone!"After punching Kaiba Seto's back hard, Jonouchi picked up the bread on the table and started biting it with a look of resentment, as if he was biting Kaiba.

"You Feng, what letter did you draw?" Seeing that Li You Feng had also opened his note, Kong Quewu, who was sitting next to him, quickly leaned over.

"I drew D, the second duel"

"That's great!" Peacock Dance patted her proud chest with great relief, and her face was full of relief."The letter I drew is E. Fortunately, I didn't meet you, otherwise I would have started to consider giving up."

Seeing Peacock Dance's expression, Li Youfeng asked with some shame:"It's not that serious, am I that scary?"

"I don't know if it's scary to duel with you, but I don't want to lose the duel and be upset by you, so it's better for you to stay away from me!"

Knowing that her opponent is not Li Youfeng, Peacock Dance's attitude immediately changed. She waved at Li Youfeng as if she was driving away a fly.

"Eh? Am I that much of a jerk?"

"Yes!" Peacock Dance nodded deeply and firmly,"And it's quite excessive!"

"Haha, Miss Mai, your opponent tomorrow is me!" Yugi Muto, who was sitting across from the table, showed his note thoughtfully. The letter on it was F.

"Wow, it’s a game! Hehe, that’s great, maybe I still have a chance to enter the top three!"

Seeing Peacock Dance so happy, Li Youfeng also smiled helplessly. After all, even he himself didn’t dare to say that he could definitely beat this child of destiny, let alone Peacock Dance. But it’s always bad to discourage others’ enthusiasm, so he could only choose to keep silent.

Seeing that everyone present had shown their own notes, the black-clad bodyguard who followed Kaiba Seto also turned on the electronic screen

"Since everyone already knows their respective letters, the schedule for tomorrow's matches will be arranged like this: the first match is Kaiba Seto vs Jonouchi, the second match is Thief Keith vs Li Youfeng, and the third match is Peacock Dance vs Muto Yugi."

"As Mr. Kaiba said before, we have put the new rules of the game in your lounge. Please take them seriously. Otherwise, if anything goes wrong, we will not be responsible."

"Well, that's all I have to say. Please enjoy your dinner and have a nice night."

"Ah, I'm full too. Since there are new rules for the duel, I have to go back and adjust my deck quickly."

After saying this, the black-clad bodyguard walked out, and with him went Li Youfeng's opponent tomorrow, the thief Keith. Li

Youfeng was keenly aware of the resentful look that the thief Keith showed him when he left, and he kept sneering in his heart.

Those who have read the original novel know that this thief Keith not only stole Jonouchi's entry card on the eve of the duel, but also cheated in the duel. His behavior was simply extremely bad. It's just that this time the thief Keith's opponent has become himself. He must want to attack himself if he goes out so early. Although there is no such thing as an entry card in this competition, at this time, the decks that everyone is used to are all stored in their respective guest rooms.

"Humph, Thief Keith, huh? It's a pity that all my cards are stored in that mysterious space, and there is only a set of bowls and chopsticks and a few changes of clothes in the backpack in the guest room. This time, you are destined to return empty-handed."

Without paying any more attention to Thief Keith, Li Youfeng turned around and started chatting and laughing with everyone again, especially Jonouchi, who exaggerated how he defeated the Ghost Bone Mound and how he joined forces with Yugi to defeat the Labyrinth Brothers.

However, he replaced the protagonist with himself, and with Honda and Anzi's constant sabotage, everyone burst into laughter.

Just as everyone was eating and laughing, a figure sneaked up to the door of Li Youfeng's guest room.

Just as Li Youfeng guessed, the man who was unlocking the door was the Thief Keith who had left early.

With his superb lock-picking skills, Thief Keith pried open the door of the guest room with only two thin iron wires. After entering the guest room, Thief Keith saw Li Youfeng's backpack on the bed at a glance.

"Hey, kid, since you met me, you can only blame your bad luck. I heard that you have a Blue-Eyes White Dragon in your deck. This card can be sold for a lot of money."

Thinking that Li Youfeng's deck also has the Skeleton King with 10,000 attack points, the thief Keith's heart was even more excited. However, what made him depressed was that he searched all over the back���, and no card was found.

"How could this be? Did this guy always carry his deck with him? This doesn't make sense. I heard that he used two different decks in succession. How could he have enough decks on him?"

The thief Keith, who looked unconvinced, searched the bed and cupboards one after another, and even searched under the bed. He finally broke through the defense at this time.

""Asshole, this brat, you are cautious, but... Humph!"

Glancing at the new game rule manual on the desk, a bold idea once again emerged in the mind of the thief Keith.

The thief Keith, who thought he could disgust Li Youfeng, never expected that his every move had been clearly seen by a man hiding in the dark. Seeing that the thief Keith walked out of Li Youfeng's guest room with nothing, the man's face flashed with disappointment, and then turned back to the darkness.

That night, Li Youfeng, who had eaten and drunk enough, said goodbye to everyone and returned to his guest room. After carefully checking his backpack, Li Youfeng immediately found signs that it had been touched by someone. Thinking of the character of the thief Keith, the corners of Li Youfeng's mouth also had a slight arc.

"Humph, I was thinking that it was almost over, but since you dare to look through my things, don't blame me for giving you a whole life!"

Sitting in front of his desk, Li Youfeng opened the space deck layout. After carefully integrating the existing decks, Li Youfeng immediately decided to let the thief Keith also taste the power of the specialized version of the Minotaur Empire!

"I didn’t expect that Kaiba guy to hold a grudge so much that he didn’t even give me the duel game manual. He’s so petty!"

"Well, it won't be of much use to me anyway. The current game rules are still too crude. Forget it. I don't want to think about it anymore. I'll go to sleep!"

Pulling out two cards from the layout space, Li Youfeng immediately revealed a wretched pig brother look.

"Hehe, who should I hug to sleep tonight, Atlas Worm Demon or Vampire Lady~, forget it, let's hug both of them to sleep! Turn off the lights!"

The next morning.

Li Youfeng, who had a good sleep, didn't get up from the bed until about 10 o'clock. He wanted to find Muto Yugi to chat after washing up, but he didn't expect that except Honda, Anzi and Bakura who were strolling in the castle, everyone else was adjusting their decks in their guest rooms, and even asked someone to deliver lunch to the room. At two o'clock in the afternoon, Li Youfeng, who had a short nap after lunch, came out of the guest room with his spirits restored.

He was wearing a black casual windbreaker, which was also a piece of clothing he often wore when he participated in the world competition in his previous life.

When he crossed over, the clothes were already tattered. Li Youfeng had no choice but to throw it into the trash can after working in Izayoi Kaoru's game store.

However, what Li Youfeng didn't expect was that���In the backpack that Izayoi Kaoru prepared for herself, there was actually an identical piece of clothing packed in it. I guess it was because she noticed her reluctance to part with it that Izayoi secretly picked up the clothing from the trash can and then made another one for herself in the same style.

"What a silly girl."

Thinking of the boss who seemed carefree but was actually delicate and sensitive, Li Youfeng couldn't help but smile.

"Huh? You Fengjun, you haven't gone to the duel venue yet?"

Just when Li Youfeng was thinking about the embarrassing incident when he was beaten for blackmailing three children when he first came here, the door opposite him suddenly opened, and the boy who appeared in front of Li Youfeng was none other than Yugi Muto, who lived opposite him.

"Yes, I took a nap and just woke up. Let's go together now."

"Ah, I envy you for being able to sleep so well."

Seeing that Yugi Muto seemed to have dark circles under his eyes, Li Youfeng walked beside him and asked in confusion:"What's wrong, Yugi, did you have a nightmare?"

Li Youfeng's words made Yugi Muto stop where he was. After a few seconds of silence, the cousin said tremblingly:"I dreamed of my grandfather last night. In a sea of fire, the card that sealed my grandfather's soul was pasted on top of a cross!"

"Grandpa also kept warning me that Pegasus has a very powerful dark power and asked me to be more careful! At the same time, he also believed that I could definitely rescue those innocent souls who were also imprisoned by Pegasus, but~with my current strength, can I really defeat Pegasus and rescue everyone?"

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