Looking at the game that was in pain with its eyes closed, Li Youfeng suddenly smiled.

"You certainly can’t do it alone!"


Hearing this, Yugi Muto raised his head in disbelief. However, before he could say anything, Li Youfeng immediately said,"But Yugi, think about it carefully. Are you really fighting alone now? Am I right? Another Yugi!"

"You~know everything?" Li Youfeng's words made my cousin's eyes widen instantly.

"Have you forgotten the game? You and I were comrades who fought together in the dark game! Am I right? Another game!"


With a flash of golden light, Wang Yang appeared in front of Li Youfeng with a smile on his face.

"Ah! Aibo! You Fengjun is right. You are definitely not fighting alone now!"

"See you again, another game!"

"Well, we meet again, You Fengjun! This time, I have to ask you for help again!"

"Youxi, what are you talking about!"

Li Youfeng stretched out his right hand to An Youxi and said with a smile:"When I was most sad, you helped me. From the moment you smiled and stretched out your hand to me, you have been my best friend!"

"Even in a duel, as long as I extend my hand, you will hold it without hesitation!"

"Similarly, as long as you have difficulties, I will extend my hand to you without hesitation!"

"It has nothing to do with anything else, just because you are my best friend!"

Reaching out and holding Li Youfeng's hand, An Youxi also said with a smile:"Ah, me too! Just because you are my best friend!"

"You Feng, no matter who of us makes it to the end of this duel, we are not fighting alone. We will carry the beliefs of another person and stand in front of Pegasus!"

"You are wrong, the game!" Li Youfeng smiled and shook his head,"It carries the beliefs of the three of us!"

"The other me, You Fengjun is right, is carrying the faith of the three of us!"

Hearing Xiaobiao's protest in his mind, An Yugi immediately showed a bright smile

"Yes, you are right, it is the belief of three people!"

Duel Hall

Since they did not have to participate in the duel, Li Youfeng and Yugi came to the second floor of the duel hall to watch the battle.

Just like the duel field in the original book, the entire first floor hall was not only gorgeously decorated, but also designed as a huge duel field.

Such a handicraft demonstrated the amazing financial strength of Pegasus.

Jonouchi, who had been waiting on the other side of the duel field, was obviously a little nervous.

Seeing that Seto Kaiba on the opposite side had not appeared at 2:55, he could not help but ask the bodyguard who had been standing aside as a referee,"Kaiba hasn't shown up at this time.

Has he forfeited? By the way, if he is late, will he be treated as a forfeit?"

"Yes!" He looked at his watch expressionlessly, then nodded and said,"If a player does not enter the venue within 5 minutes, he will be considered to have forfeited. You don't have to worry about that.""

"Yeah! That's great!" He snickered with some gloating, and Shiroma couldn't help but think of the scene when Kaiba overslept and lost the qualification,"Hehe, that bastard Kaiba must have overslept and forgot the time. He can advance without a duel. My luck is really good!"

"Wow, Jonouchi, this idiot, can he really do this?" Peacock Dance, who was also standing on the second floor, saw Jonouchi was so spineless and immediately got a headache. Seeing their friend was so embarrassed, Li Youfeng and Yugi couldn't help laughing awkwardly.

"Who forgot the time?"

A slightly arrogant voice came from the opposite corridor, and Kaiba Seto, wearing a white windbreaker, appeared in front of everyone with a look of disdain.

At the same time, as if knowing that Kaiba Seto would come on time, Pegasus also appeared in the audience seats beside the duel arena.

"If I have to be strict about it, fighting with a third-rate mortal player like you is a real waste of time!"

"What did you say?"Putting his deck on the electronic instrument table, Jonouchi pointed at Kaiba Seto and said angrily,"Kaiba, you arrogant guy, today I will let you experience the power of Uncle Jonouchi. Are you ready to be beaten to a pulp by me?"

"Tsk! What a joke! Do I need to prepare to fight against a fourth-rate duelist like you with a third-rate deck?"

"Come on, you mortal!"


Jonouchi LP4000

Kaiba Seto LP4000

"Attack first and let Lord Jonouchi take it!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I Normal Summon the Legendary Blackstone!"

"Activate the special effect of the Legendary Black Stone, liberate this card, and Special Summon a Red-Eyes monster below level 7 from the deck. I choose to summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"


With a roar, the Red-Eyes Black Dragon (Attack 2400, Defense 2000) appeared out of nowhere in the duel arena.

"Hehe, as long as I study the new rules carefully, I can do it too! How about it, Kaiba, now you should recognize my strength, right?"With a disdainful sneer, President Kaiba said indifferently:"Humph, it's just a real red-eyed black dragon, there's nothing to be proud of. If this is your strength, then you'd better give up and go home as soon as possible. After all, I don't have time to play childish games with you!"

"Damn it, you actually dare to look down on me!" Unable to bear Kaiba's sarcasm, Jonouchi immediately played another hand card.

"I activate the special effect of Black Steel Dragon from my hand card��!"

"This card can be activated from the hand to target a Red-Eyes monster, and equip it as an Equipment Card, increasing the ATK of the equipped monster by 600!"

Red-Eyes Black Dragon's ATK UP 3000!

"Hehe, what do you think? My Red-Eyes Black Dragon can compete with your Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

"Compete with my Blue-Eyes White Dragon? Haha, stop making me laugh! Saying you are mediocre is a compliment to you, how can it be worthy of it?" Seto Kaiba burst into laughter as if he heard something funny.

"Damn it, I'll make sure you never laugh again!"

Jonouchi was already a little overwhelmed at this point, and immediately pulled out a magic card from his hand.

"I activate the magic card from my hand, Black Flame Bullet, and inflict damage equal to the base attack value of Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

As the magic card is activated, Red-Eyes Black Dragon opens its mouth and fires a fireball at Kaiba Seto. Seeing this, Kaiba Seto frowns and secretly feels lucky that he modified his life points in advance.

Kaiba Seto LP4000 > 1600

"Yoshi! Hehe, what do you think, Kaiba? You know how powerful I am now!"

Jonouchi made a provocative gesture to Kaiba Seto with a smug look on his face.

"I cover one more card and my turn is over!"

"Humph! Nothing more than that!" After a cold snort, Kaiba Seto pointed at Jonouchi and said,"Jonnouchi, I declare this now! I will kill you in one round!"

After saying this, Kaiba Seto looked up at Li Youfeng who was watching the battle on the second floor

"You Feng! Open your eyes and see clearly, this is the true power of being the strongest White Dragon Master!"

"Damn it, Kaiba, are you crazy? I'm not fighting you, why are you staring at me?"

Seeing Kaiba Seto directing his firepower towards him again, Li Youfeng himself was also quite depressed.

"Humph, it’s my turn, draw a card!"

"Jonouchi, you should feel honored, because you are about to witness and experience with your own eyes the powerful force possessed by the most perfect and ultimate creature in the world!"

"Let its perfect figure be imprinted deep in your eyes!"

"Fusion Summon!"

"What the f**k! You really haven't finished yet!"

These familiar words came out of Kaiba's mouth. Li Youfeng, who was standing on the second floor, couldn't help but swear again. While his teeth were sour, Li Youfeng couldn't help but cover his face. The scene in front of him was really too hard to accept.

Forty cards, you really just started with three Blue Eyes and one Fusion!

Is this the awesomeness of the bond?

How do you embarrass us ordinary bone players who get stuck at any time?

Just when Li Youfeng was embarrassed and couldn't bear to look directly, except for him, all the spectators present were shocked by the scene in front of them.

With the huge energy airflow, Kaiba's summoning was coming to an end!

"Transcend the boundaries of time and space!"

"Show off your flawless figure!"

"A fall!"


"Blue Eyes ~Alutimo~Doragong!"���Extreme Dragon (Attack Power 4500, Defense Power 3800)



"What kind of monster is this! Attack power 4500? ?!!"

"No, it's impossible. How could there be such a horrible monster in this world!"

"Is this the ultimate form of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon? It's so scary!"

"Jonouchi, be careful, the attack power of this monster is definitely not something that the Red-Eyes Black Dragon can resist!"

Looking at the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon on Kaiba Seto's field, even Wang Yang on the viewing platform was also scared and broke out in a cold sweat. As for Jonouchi on the duel field, he had long been suppressed by the momentum of the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and could not raise his head.

"What a terrible monster! I guess I can only survive this round. Round? Right!"

Suddenly thinking of something, Jonouchi, who was sweating profusely, suddenly pointed at Kaiba.

"Kaiba, although this Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon is powerful, you seem to have forgotten that the new game rules clearly state that you cannot attack when the fusion monster is successfully fused. Your turn is over!"


Looking at the embarrassed Jonouchi, Kaiba hugged his arms and sneered.

"Do you think I can't think of a question that even a nobody like you can think of?"

"What? Masaka?!"

""So no Masakada!"

He suddenly shouted, and Kaiba Seto immediately showed the card in his hand!

"I activate the Spell Card Quick Attack, which allows a Fusion Monster to attack during the turn that the fusion is successful!"

"How could this happen!?"

Looking down at the Red-Eyes Black Dragon on his field and the backfield he had built, Jonouchi couldn't help but comfort himself,"It's okay, I'm building the Red-Eyes Soul in the backfield, even if he attacks me, I can still block it!"

"It's not over yet!"

Raising his hand and showing the last magic card in his hand, Kaiba Seto pointed at Jonouchi and said loudly:"I activate the magic card Ultimate Explosion!"

"Targeting the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon that you Fusion Summoned on your field, you can make three attacks this turn. At the same time, while the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon is attacking, until the damage step is over, the opponent cannot cast magic, traps, or special effects of monsters!"


Stunned, Jonouchi was really dumbfounded!

Not even bothering to look at Jonouchi, Kaiba Seto pointed at Li Youfeng who was standing on the second floor and said loudly:"Did you see it, Youfeng? This is the true power of the ultimate dragon. Under the crushing of true power, no matter your traps or the monsters protecting you, all of this is in vain!"


"Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!"

"Pour out your anger on your opponents!"

"Destroy all obstacles that stand in your way!"

""Explosive Gale Bomb of Destruction!""


The powerful wind pressure bomb hit the Red-Eyes Black Dragon.���

Under the crushing force, the Red-Eyes Black Dragon was shattered into pieces almost at the moment of contact.

"Activating the Trap Card Red-Eyes Soul can revive a Red-Eyes monster in my Graveyard. I Special Summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon in Defense Position!"


"Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! Launch your attack again!"

""Double Explosion Gale Bomb of Destruction!"

With a loud bang, the Red-Eyes Black Dragon in defense mode that had just been resurrected from the graveyard was immediately blown to pieces by the white shock wave.

"The game is over! Jonouchi, this is the final attack!"

"Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, attack the player directly!"

"The destructive triple blast gale bomb!"


Watching the last shock wave coming towards him, Jonouchi, who was standing on the duel stage and was helpless, immediately protected his head with both hands. What followed was Jonouchi's miserable scream.

"Hahaha! Smash! Die in glory! Cheer!"

Jonouchi LP2500﹥0

"The winner! Kaiba Seto!"

Just as Jonouchi's health points were reduced to zero, the referee also announced his defeat.

"Hehe~, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon? It's a very good monster indeed."Looking at Seto Kaiba turning away, Pegasus, who was sitting in the audience, looked up at Li Youfeng who was watching the game on the second floor while sipping wine,"If I hadn't seen the previous match between Youfeng Boy and you, I'm afraid I would really think so."

With his head lowered, he came to the viewing area on the second floor and said with a frustrated look on his face,"I'm sorry Youfeng, Yugi, I didn't expect that bastard Kaiba to be so strong. I was careless this time."

"It's okay, Jonouchi-kun." Yugi, who had transformed into a small watch, smiled and shook his head,"Your strength is obvious to everyone, and you are growing very fast. I believe that in the near future, you will definitely become a true duelist.""

"Well, Yugi is right." Li Youfeng also expressed his approval of the heights that Jonouchi could reach in the future."It's already rare that you can adapt to the new rules in such a short time. What's left is to keep honing your dueling skills."

"Well, thank you."

Although Li Youfeng and Yugi's consolation did soothe his wounded heart, he felt a pang of pain when he thought about his sister Shizuka still needing money for surgery.

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