"The second duel is about to begin, please prepare to enter, Thief Keith and Li Youfeng!"

""Okay, I'm going to prepare for the duel! Go ahead!"

Li Youfeng, who was keenly aware of the painful expression hidden under Jonouchi's fake smile, and was familiar with the original plot, naturally understood why he was in pain. Speaking of participating in the Duel Kingdom competition, Jonouchi did not simply want to help Muto Yugi save his grandfather. He wanted more to earn money for his sister Shizuka's eye surgery.

Although this purpose may not be very pure, as long as you think about it carefully, you will understand that playing cards with Pegasus is to gamble with your soul.

To put it bluntly, with Jonouchi's current strength, even if he has the opportunity to fight Pegasus, it would only be giving away one more head. After all, he who can't even beat Kaiba, how could he be Pegasus' opponent?

Walking past Jonouchi, Li Youfeng smiled and patted his shoulder and said,"Jonouchi, I have asked my boss to do the surgery for your sister Shizuka. Through Kaiba Keipi, I believe you should also know what industry my boss's family is mainly engaged in, so you can rest assured."

After saying this, Li Youfeng walked down the stairs without looking back.

"Your boss? Miss Xiaoxun?" Jonouchi, who was secretly depressed, suddenly opened his eyes wide after hearing these words. He had never told anyone about his sister's affairs. How did Li Youfeng know?

When he thought of the huge medical expenses needed for his sister's operation, hot tears instantly welled up in Jonouchi's pupils. He hurried to the stairs and shouted loudly to Li Youfeng's back:"Youfeng, thank you, thank you very much!"

Without turning around, Li Youfeng just made a very casual gesture of receiving, and disappeared at the corner of the stairs.

When he arrived at the duel arena, the thief Keith also appeared opposite Li Youfeng. Looking at this man full of small movements, Li Youfeng really couldn't muster the slightest favor for him.

""You Feng, come on!"

Seeing Li You Feng appear on the duel stage, the game people standing on the second floor immediately supported him. To be honest, if Peacock Dance hadn't suddenly said with a grin,"You Feng, break that guy's mentality", Li You Feng would probably be really moved from the bottom of his heart.

After all, in his previous life, his card playing style was really notorious. Even if there were some fans, most of them were just black fans.

As for supporting himself? Don't be funny, it's good enough that they didn't scold him!

"Ha~ Li Youfeng? I've heard rumors about you."

After a weird sneer, Thief Keith shook his right index finger at Li Youfeng.

"Tsk tsk! You are a national champion at your age? It seems that the national competition held in Sakura Country is just a child's play after all!"

""Huh? What do you want to say?" Li Youfeng folded his hands over his chest and stared at the thief Keith as if he were a clown.

"Hehehe ~ If you have never experienced despair, you don't understand the darkness of the world at all. You, the national champion of Sakura Country, are just a flower in a greenhouse after all. Soon, I will let you experience what true despair is!"

"Well, that's how it is!"Li Youfeng nodded slightly, still keeping a poker face.

"Tsk! What an infuriating guy!"


Li Youfeng LP4000

Thief Keith LP4000

"Hehehe~ You little brat, now it’s time for the adults to show off, if you attack first, I’ll win!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I Normal Summon Double Pistol Dragon (ATK 1700 DEF 200) in Attack Position!"

"Hehehe~, how about it, You Feng? It must feel great to have someone pointing a gun at you. But don’t be nervous, I’ll let you taste the bullet in the next round!"

"I cover two cards, my turn is over!"

Shrugged nonchalantly at the thief Keith, Li Youfeng then placed his hand on his deck.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Magic Trap Affinity has been activated, 2 times left in this game

"Activate Angel's Charity, draw three cards from your deck, and then choose two to discard.)

"Activate the magic card and seize it!"

"The effect of this card is to equip a monster on the opponent's field and gain control of the equipped monster. At the same time, the price I have to pay is that every turn during the opponent's preparation phase, it will be activated to restore 1000 LP of the opponent's player."

"The monster I chose to equip is the Double-Barreled Pistol Dragon!"


The thief Keith's eyes almost popped out as he watched his double-barreled pistol dragon run to Li Youfeng's field without any attachment.


Just when the double-barreled pistol dragon ran to Li Youfeng's field, Kaiba Seto, who was hiding in a corner on the second floor and peeking at the duel, couldn't help but slap himself in the face after seeing this scene!

Yes, that's right, it's this familiar feeling, it's this shameless atmosphere, I'm so fucking aggrieved!

On the duel field, Li Youfeng, who had just obtained the double-barreled pistol dragon, laughed sinisterly.

"I summon a monster in face-down Defense Position!"

"Hehehe~, how about it, thief? It must be a great feeling to have someone pointing your own gun at you. But don't be nervous, this round I will let you taste the taste of a bullet!"

"Double-barreled Pistol Dragon, attack directly!"

"Li Youfeng, you bastard! Ah!"

Watching the double-barreled pistol dragon attacking him, the thief Keith almost died.���He vomited blood, but without any monsters to block and protect him, he could only take the bullet.

"Hey, I covered two cards, my turn is over!"

Thief Keith LP4000 > 2300

"Li Youfeng, you wait for me, I won't let you go!"

Looking at Li Youfeng's end of his turn with resentment, the thief Keith suddenly showed a treacherous smile on his face.

"Haha, Li Youfeng, you are still too naive. Now I will let you see what a real duel is!"

"My turn, draw a card!"

With a sneer in his heart, the thief Keith secretly pulled out a card from his sleeve. However, his little action did not escape Li Youfeng who was staring at him closely.

"Hey, your name is Keith, right!"

Li Youfeng suddenly interrupted the thief Keith's actions and said with a smile:"I don't mind hiding cards, but I will keep count for you. If the number exceeds the actual number of cards you have in your hand, don't blame me for exposing you in public!"


Li Youfeng's words not only stunned the thief Keith who had just changed the cards, but also surprised Yugi and others standing on the second floor. However, after reacting, Jonouchi was the first to protest!

"Referee, this guy committed a foul, don't you have anything to say?"

"That's right, he should be disqualified. Such a person is not worthy of being called a duelist!"


Hearing everyone's criticism, the thief Keith's face was instantly covered with a layer of cold sweat. He really couldn't imagine that even the veterans who had been hanging around in the casino for many years couldn't see through his card changing skills. How did this seemingly young Li Youfeng see through him?

""Master Pegasus, what do you think?" Turning to look at Pegasus who was sitting in the VIP seat, the black-clad bodyguard acting as the referee asked respectfully.

"No problem!" Pegasus smiled faintly at Li Youfeng while sipping red wine elegantly,"After all, Youfeng Boy doesn't mind, so how can I refuse his kindness? Otherwise, wouldn't it be too ungraceful?"

"Yes!" After getting Pegasus' answer, the referee in black turned around and said,"The game continues!"

"Haha, You Feng, you will regret your arrogance!" Wiping the cold sweat from his head, the thief Keith immediately planned to continue his operation.

"Wait a minute!"

The thief Keith, who had just drawn the card and hadn't held it firmly, heard Li Youfeng suddenly shouting again, and was so scared that his whole body trembled.

In anger, the thief Keith stared at Li Youfeng with bloodshot eyes, gritted his teeth and asked:"Didn't you say you wouldn't pursue it? What do you want to do now?"

Looking at the thief Keith's expression as if he wanted to eat someone, Li Youfeng smiled and said:"Don't be nervous, I'm just going to activate the effect of the card!"

"Open the face card! Activate the Continuous Trap Card!"

"Side effects of medication!"

"While this card is face-up on the field, the effect of restoring your opponent's life points will be changed to an effect of inflicting life point damage!"

"Activate the effect of equipment card seizure!"

"Restore 1000 LP to the opponent!"

Thief Keith's LP2300>1300


"What kind of combo is this? There is actually such a chain?"

"In the blink of an eye, the positive effect was transformed into a negative effect. You Fengjun is really too strong!"

"Hehe, I thought that Thief Keith was going to be unlucky, luckily it wasn't me and You Feng who were fighting against each other!"

Standing on the second floor watching the battle, Jonouchi, Yugi and Peacock Dancer had no sympathy for Thief Keith's miserable situation. After all, he was the one who cheated first. Such a person could no longer be considered a duelist.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Beautiful! So beautiful!"

Seeing this scene, Pegasus couldn't help but applaud.

"Youfeng Boy, you always bring me surprises!"

Seeing that everyone present was amazed by Li Youfeng's operation, an indescribable feeling of frustration immediately surged into the heart of the thief Keith. Staring at Li Youfeng's face fiercely, the thief Keith gritted his teeth and said,"Damn bastard, I will make you stop laughing soon!"

"Huh? Okay, then I'll wait and see!" In response to the provocation of the thief Keith, Li Youfeng just raised his eyebrows with a smile.

"I Normal Summon Double-Barreled Pistol Dragon!"

"Activate the special effect of Double-Barreled Pistol Dragon. When this card is successfully summoned, you can flip a coin twice. If both are heads, you can choose a card to destroy!"

"Hehe, You Feng, now I will let you see how terrifying the duel in the dark world is!"

Looking at the thief Keith throwing two coins from his hand, Li Youfeng sneered slightly. After all, everyone who has read the original knows that this guy used cheating means to throw the coins, and it must be heads up every time. Sure enough, as the two coins fell to the ground head up, the thief Keith sneered and said:"I choose to destroy the double-barreled pistol dragon on your field! At the same time, open the cover card, the clan gathers!"

"This card can Special Summon a monster with the same type but a different name from your hand or graveyard."

"I choose to Special Summon Revolver Dragon from my hand! (ATK 2600 DEF 2200)"

"It's not over yet, I activate the equipment magic card card 7"

"This card can only be equipped by a Mechanical monster, and you can choose to increase the attack or defense by 700 points."

"I choose to increase the attack power and equip it to Revolver Dragon!"

Revolver Dragon's attack power 3300UP!

"Attack power 3300?"

"Oh no, this monster's attack power has surpassed that of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. If the Double-Barreled Pistol Dragon is added, You Feng will be in danger!"

Seeing that the thief Keith actually summoned such a monster, everyone present exclaimed, the only exception was Kaiba Seto who was in the corner.

"Humph, You Feng has a face-down defense monster on his field. If we attack rashly, the consequences will be disastrous. Keith���How would you handle such a situation?"

In fact, just as Kaiba Seto thought, Thief Keith, who had heard that Li Youfeng liked to cover cards, also investigated his style in detail. After looking at the cover card on his field, Thief Keith laughed out loud.

"Activate the special effects of Revolver Dragon!"

"I can throw three coins, targeting a monster on the opponent's field. If two of them are facing up, I can destroy that monster! Hey, You Feng, wait for your death!"

A sinister laugh sounded, and the thief Keith threw three more coins from his hand.

Seeing the two coins facing up appear in front of everyone again, Yugi and others who were watching the battle on the second floor of the duel arena could not sit still immediately.

"This is impossible. How could he get heads every time? He must have cheated!"Jonouchi, who lost his temper, was the first to protest.

"Jonouchi-kun, calm down!" Seeing that Li Youfeng on the duel stage was still calm, An Yugi quickly spoke up to stop Jonouchi,"Youfeng-kun didn't panic because of the coin tossing. It seems that he must have known this would happen. We have to believe Youfeng and just watch quietly!"

"Yugi is right!" Peacock Dance, who was lying on the railing on the second floor, nodded in agreement,"Jounouchi, you have seen You Feng's duels many times. Does he look unprepared now? I think he must have some tricks up his sleeve."

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