
The corners of his mouth twitched fiercely. Li Youfeng said, I can tolerate your cheating, but can you not be so ugly? You are really unscrupulous, right?

As a loyal fan of Yu-Gi-Oh, what Li Youfeng finds most difficult to accept is that the protagonist of a certain Yu-Gi-Oh series will directly overlap himself with a certain astral body in a duel.

After transforming into Lobster Superman, even if it is not his turn, he can forcibly end the opponent's turn, and then say the last sentence very coolly!

"For the strongest duelist, everything is inevitable in a duel, and the cards drawn are also created by the duelist himself!"

To be honest, when seeing this scene, Li Youfeng really couldn't imagine what kind of mental state this guy was in to say such a second-year word, and what kind of mentality he had to directly ignore the duel rules and print out three cards in front of everyone with great shamelessness!

Every time he saw this guy playing dirty and making an extreme comeback, Li Youfeng said that Wang Yangkou Hu Shenzhao was simply weak, just because if the guy in front participated in the store competition, your behavior of digging out your bag to find a card on the spot, not to mention cutting off your hands, at least you would be beaten up, which is also a very reasonable thing, right?

And to be honest, this guy came directly from Who can bear to find three cards from outside the deck to add to your hand?

If you can still walk out of the store competition standing, it is simply unjust!

Very similar to this buddy, the current situation of the Incarnation of God is telling you clearly that he is going to print cards on the spot!

Glancing at the last covered card on the field behind the Incarnation of God, with the extraordinary intuition of winning the Duel King World Championship five times in a row in his previous life, Li Youfeng naturally guessed something a long time ago.

After a faint smile, Li Youfeng said:"Although I know that this attack will not have much effect, I certainly can't let that covered card continue to stay on your field."

"Elemental hero Nether Lady, attack!"

"I'm going to open the cover card at this moment!"

Knowing that Li Youfeng had seen through him, the incarnation of God naturally activated his cover card tacitly.

"Trap Card, disables attacks!"

"The effect of this card is that it can negate the opponent's attack and force the battle round to end!"

Having expected such a result, Li Youfeng smiled and shook his head,"I'll cover another card on the backfield, and my round is over."

Without starting his own round immediately, the incarnation of God looked at Li Youfeng thoughtfully and said lightly:"Li Youfeng, as a mortal, your duel awareness is beyond my imagination. I think it's a pity to destroy you like this!"

"Oh? Do you have any other ideas?"Realizing that the incarnation of God seemed to have other ideas, Li Youfeng frowned slightly.

"Hehe~, my idea is actually very simple!"

Extending his right hand to Li Youfeng, the incarnation of God smiled and said,"I have ruled countless countries in other worlds, and I know that to be an excellent ruler requires more than just strength. I admire your talent. Come and help me rule this world. I will give you the highest power besides me!"

"Li Youfeng, you'd better cherish my kindness, because not everyone can catch my eye. As long as you agree to become my subordinate, money, power, women, all of these will be within your reach!"

"As a true god, you should know that I have the ability to give you what you promised, so, what is your answer?"

"What a joke!"Seeing that the incarnation of God actually bewitched Li Youfeng in person, Kaiba Seto immediately roared at the ring,"Evil God, stop dreaming, do you really think that Li Youfeng will give up the dignity that a duelist should have because of your boring conditions?"

Hearing Kaiba Seto suddenly vindicate himself under the ring, Li Youfeng couldn't help but twitching his mouth.

To be honest, as a veteran otaku, Li Youfeng is naturally not interested in power. As for women, since he confirmed his relationship with Izayoi Kaoru, there is no room for other people in his heart. But if you talk about money, he is not sleepy!

Looking back at Kaiba Seto under the ring, Li Youfeng said embarrassedly:"President Kaiba, how can you be so sure that I won't agree to his conditions? Unlike you, a big boss worth tens of billions, I am very short of money now!"

"And you are not unaware of my situation. I don't need power and women, but when it comes to money, you can't make the decision for me. After all, I have a girlfriend now, and I don't want others to always say that I am a gigolo. So what you said just now is completely like a full man not knowing the hungry man.……"

(Kaiba Seto:"If I didn't know you had 10% of the shares of Illusion Society, I would have fucking believed it. Why don't you just ask for more money?"

Without waiting for Li Youfeng to finish his words, Kaiba Seto gritted his teeth and said,"You mercenary bastard, I'll give you 10% of the shares of Kaiba Group, is that okay?!"

"What?! President, you look down on me too much by saying this!"


For Li Youfeng, his character and moral bottom line are so flexible!

"I, Li Youfeng, am a man of steel, how can I be tempted by a little bit of money! So, after this matter is over, please transfer the 10% of the shares to my name as soon as possible!"

Ignoring Kaiba Seto's mouth twitching wildly, Li Youfeng suddenly turned back to look at the incarnation of God, and said righteously:"Incarnation of God, although your conditions are good, please forgive me for rejecting you! Because my greatest hobby in life is to say NO to those who think they have a sure win!"

Kaiba Seto:"……"

God incarnate:"……"

""Zhao! This despicable and shameless villain!"

He spat fiercely. As the incarnation of God who was born from countless negative emotions and could perceive the deepest desires of human nature, he could certainly feel that when money was mentioned, Li Youfeng's heart was obviously filled with great greed.

So, if Kaiba Seto hadn't decisively offered money to tempt him, Li Youfeng, this shameless and shameless person with no bottom line, might really show off his moral integrity on the spot!

"Since you are so ungrateful, I will make you pay the price. It's my turn, draw a card!"

Li Youfeng's patience had been completely exhausted. The incarnation of God raised his hand and drew a card from the deck.

"I activate the Spell Card Treasure Drop from my hand!"

"The effect of this card is that it allows both players to draw cards from their hands until they have six!"

"Next I will activate the magic card card fixation!"

"The effect of this card is that it can block the two face-up cards on your backfield. As long as this card is face-up on the field, the fixed face-up cards cannot leave the field and cannot activate their effects!"

""Shit! This bastard is not going to kill me in one second, is he?!"

Seeing the black chains blocking the cards on his backcourt, Li Youfeng's forehead instantly broke out into a few drops of cold sweat.

Noticing a flash of panic on Li Youfeng's face, the incarnation of God proudly showed another card.

"I liberate the three monsters on my field and then summon them!"

"The evil god born from destruction, will reduce everything to nothingness!"

"Follow my orders and let my enemies have a taste of death and despair!"

"Come, land on my ground now!"

"Evil God - The Eraser!"

Everything withered and returned to silence, as if the world had come to an end. As the three monsters on the God's Incarnation Field turned into black mist and condensed together, a black monster that looked seven points like the Pterosaur suddenly appeared on the God's Incarnation Field.

"The special effect of the Evil God Eraser is activated!"

"This card's ATK increases by the number of cards on your opponent's field multiplied by 1000!"

"Li Youfeng, you have two face-up cards on your field, as well as two monsters, Elemental Hero Nether Lady and Elemental Hero Forest Man, so the attack power of the Evil God Eraser has increased to 4000 points!"

Because of the appearance of the Evil God Eraser, the breath of destruction and death spread wantonly on the top of the Black Horse Building, and the ominous black breath also enveloped the entire duel arena.

"The Evil God Eraser, is this the third evil god?"

"Oh no, the attack power of the Obliterator has exceeded that of the elemental hero Nether Girl, and You Feng’s cover card in the backcourt cannot be used. We are in big trouble now!"

"Oh my god, what kind of monster is Li Youfeng fighting? This level of duel is not something a small shrimp like me can participate in!"

Below the ring, Kaiba Seto, Tianma Yuexing and Willamette all showed shocked expressions when they felt the terrifying aura emanating from the evil god annihilator.


"Evil God Eraser, attack the elemental hero Nether Girl!"

""Digestive Breath!"

The Obliterator opened its huge bird beak and spurted out a shock wave that was very similar to the Divine Flame Cannon. However, unlike the Winged Dragon of the Sun God, the Evil God spurted out a jet-black flame!


Accompanied by a violent explosion, the Nether Girl was directly blown to pieces by the jet-black flame. At the same time, the black flame did not stop after breaking the Nether Girl, and it hit Li Youfeng fiercely!


He never expected that the evil god's attack could penetrate the monster and pass the pain it suffered to himself. The defenseless Li Youfeng fell to his knees with a scream.

Li Youfeng LP4000>2800

""You Feng!" X3 looked at Li You Feng, whose body was burning with black flames, kneeling on the ground and screaming in pain. Kaiba Seto and others below the ring immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

Suddenly recalling the black space he fell into because of the attack of the evil god's source of fear, Kaiba Seto gritted his teeth and slowly said four words

"Dark game!"

"What?"Because of Kaiba Seto's words, Tenma Yuexing asked with a look of horror,"This is not right, I have seen Lord Pegasus start the dark game, but now there is no dark barrier on the arena!"


Without giving Tenma Yuexing any face, Kaiba Seto said seriously:"Just like the three mythical gods who possess incredible power, the power of God is simply not something a duelist like you can guess!"

"Because I have fought with one of the evil gods, I know that feeling very well. For the three evil gods born from darkness, their existence is the dark game itself!"


After clearly hearing Kaiba Seto's explanation, the incarnation of God standing on the ring smiled and clapped.

"After three thousand years, I never thought that there are still some Duelists in this world who know about the existence of the Dark Game. Your name is Kaiba Seto, right? I can see that you have some ability to become my servant."

"Become your servant? Ha~ What are you talking about in your sleep?"Shaking his head slightly, Kaiba Seto crossed his arms and snorted coldly,"Do you think this little pain can defeat You Feng? I advise you not to take yourself too seriously!"

"Ouch, it hurts! Damn it, you're trying to use some tricks on me, right? I almost thought I was going to die."

As if to confirm what Kaiba Seto said, as the black flames disappeared, Li Youfeng gritted his teeth and stood up again. His expression was ferocious and his forehead was covered with sweat. It was obvious that the attack of the Eraser had definitely made Li Youfeng suffer a lot.

""Oh wow? I didn't expect you to be able to stand up?" The incarnation of God smiled and said with a cruel cold light in his scarlet eyes,"Haha, you are really not an ordinary duelist! Interesting, really interesting!""

"Li Youfeng, I sincerely hope that you won’t fall down so easily. Come on, let me feel more pleasure. My turn is over!"

"Damn it! Another person carrying a bag of rice to the floor! Okay, I'll help you then!"Feeling the pain in his body quickly eased, Li Youfeng knew that it was his passive skill Dark Resistance that worked.

As a veteran underworld player, Li Youfeng is naturally a vengeful person. Interestingly, it is precisely because of his character that Li Youfeng continued to study and strengthen himself in the face of failure, thus becoming the world duel champion of the original world.

(A common problem among underworld players: I can seduce you, but you can't seduce me, otherwise I'll be very angry. I have to say, it's a double standard!)

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Pointing at the Elemental Hero Forest Man on his field, Li Youfeng said loudly:"The special effect of Elemental Hero Forest Man is activated. When this monster is face-up on our field, you can add a Fusion Magic Card from the Graveyard to your hand during your preparation phase."

"Hey, God's incarnation, come and see the new card that Pegasus mailed to me!"

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