Looking at the masked monster that appeared on Li Youfeng's field, the most excited person was undoubtedly Tianma Yuexing. Tianma

Yuexing's lips trembled slightly, and tears could not help flowing from his eyes. Looking at the masked hero in green and white tight armor, he murmured,"Lord Pegasus, you gave this set of cards to Li Youfeng before you disappeared. Did you guess that this would happen?"

"Woohoo! Lord Pegasus, I knew, I knew you would never give up on us. I can feel that the masked hero on Mr. You Feng's field is emitting a warm glow like the sun. This must be your gentleness and will!"

"Masked Hero, this set of cards will definitely become a new pioneer in the history of duel monster development. Mr. You Feng, come on, save Ye Xing from the control of the incarnation of God!"

As the most basic stage of monster duel, it is not difficult to understand what Tianma Yuexing feels.

As we all know, before the emergence of fusion monsters, as the mainstream environment of duels at this stage, it can be said that most duelists mainly use advanced summons and ritual summons. In order to maintain balance, fusion monsters are undoubtedly restricted and developed by the times due to their powerful attack power and special effects.

Like Masked Monster, it is definitely a major progress in the history of duel monster development that it can launch an attack as soon as the special summon is successful as a fusion monster.

As the highest-level duelists standing at the top of duel monsters, Kaiba Seto, Muto Yugi and Willamette from the Card Professor Association have already understood that because of the appearance of this set of Masked Monsters, Fusion Monsters have appeared in the vision of duelists with a new identity, and inevitably become the latest mainstream environment.

"You Feng!"

Looking at the masked hero Kamikaze standing in front of Li Youfeng with complicated eyes, Kaiba Seto secretly made up his mind, that is, the rule that fusion monsters cannot attack in the round where the fusion summon is successful must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise, if he faces this set of masked hero monsters, he will undoubtedly fall into an extremely passive and unfavorable situation.

As for the several spectators below the ring, Li Youfeng didn't have the mind to pay attention to their psychological activities. It can be said that even if he noticed, Li Youfeng would not worry about the problem of fusion monsters. After all, for Li Youfeng who came from another world, let alone fusion monsters, special summoning methods such as Xyz, Pendulum, and Link, he had already played them out a long time ago.

Pointing to the incarnation of God, Li Youfeng smiled and said:"Come on, Evil God, next, I will let you see the true strength of the masked hero!"

"Kamikaze, attack directly!"

"Hurricane strikes!"

With Li Youfeng's order, the masked hero Kamikaze flew up into the sky in a very chic manner. After a 360-degree turn, he flew up and kicked the incarnation of God.

"Damn you, don't be so complacent!"

Having never seen a monster like the Masked Hero before, the Incarnation of God was also shocked by its powerful quick attack effect. Looking at the Masked Hero Kamikaze flying towards him, he was a little flustered and quickly activated the backfield cover button.

"Trap card activated, enemy attack alert!"

"The effect of this card is that when it is activated when the opponent launches an attack on me, I can Special Summon a monster from my hand. After the Attack Phase, this card returns to the owner's hand!"

"I Special Summon Little Angel Tyrus from my hand in Defense Position!"(Attack 500, Defense 500)

Since there is no concept of attack rollback at this stage, the Masked Hero Kamikaze is not polite when facing the Little Angel Tyrus that appears in front of him.

He kicks Tyrus in the face directly. This poor monster shows that it has definitely suffered damage that a monster of its star level should not have to bear.

(Little Angel Tyrus:(︶︿︶)=凸)


A sound like a balloon exploding sounded, and the little angel Tyrus also raised a pile of chicken feathers when he exploded. Looking at the Angel Feather Token left on the opponent's field, Li Youfeng couldn't help but smack his lips.

This is a real card and its effect.

As a duel king who has won the world championship, Li Youfeng is of course very clear about the effect of this monster. In the original world, this monster also has the effect of banishing this card in the graveyard and a magic card in the hand and special summoning two feather tokens.

And these feather tokens can be used as sacrifices for higher summons.

"Three monsters. Humph, I guess you are going to summon the last evil god in your hand."

"Even though I didn't cause you any harm, I'm going to activate the special effect of the Masked Hero Kamikaze!"

"This monster can be activated when it defeats the opponent's monster. I draw a card from the deck."

Li Youfeng drew a card from the deck and showed a hint of cunning without making a sound. The reason why he summoned the masked hero Kamikaze was that Li Youfeng had known about the special effect of the incarnation of God and made preparations in advance.

"I cover a card on the backfield and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Looking up at Li Youfeng, the incarnation of God smiled sinisterly and said,"Li Youfeng, I have given you the opportunity, but unfortunately, you don't know how to cherish it. Now, pay a heavy price for your stupidity and ignorance!"

"I activate the magic card Proliferation from my hand. Based on this effect, I can increase the number of feather derivatives on the field to three!"

Seeing that the incarnation of God had gathered three sacrificial monsters so easily, Yami Yugi and others below the ring said that this was really ridiculous!

Yami Yugi:"I didn't expect the evil god's power (print) capacity (card) to be so strong. It seems that we have underestimated its power."

Tenma Yuexing:"No, Mr. You Feng's expression is still very calm. Could it be that he had thought of this a long time ago?"

Kaiba Seto:"As far as I know, the bastard You Feng has always been known for his insidious and shameless style of doing things, so I think he must be planning something disgusting."

"Hahaha! Ignorant and insignificant mortals, are you ready to witness the infinite power of the evil god?"

Raising the card representing himself, the incarnation of the evil god couldn't help but laugh wildly.

"I sacrifice the three Feather tokens on the field and summon my Avatar!"

"This is the endless power of darkness, the great power that comes from the deepest part of the abyss!"

"Witness all this, then kneel down before me and give me everything you have!"

"Evil God - Incarnation of God, Summoning!" (Attack power? Defense power?)

This is a real card.


At the moment when the incarnation of God appeared, black lightning and thunder appeared again in the sky above the Kaiba Building, raging wildly, and the air was mixed with an extremely strong smell of corruption and destruction. The central control room of the Kaiba Building

"Damn it, wasn't everything fine just now? Why is the Duel Link server running normally again?"After implanting the special virus into the server, Keihei Kaiba was sweating profusely as he watched the central controller that had finally stopped working start working again.

""Keiping, don't be nervous!"

Just when Kaiba Keiping was at a loss, Kaiba Naia's head appeared on the electronic screen.

"I am very familiar with the power that made the central controller start working. It must be the evil god in Tianma Yexing's hand. Although we can't stop the operation of the server, we can slow down its operation speed by implanting a virus to buy time."

""Brother Noya, you are right. My brother must be fighting with Pegasus Night Walker now. I can't give up easily!"

Looking at Kaiba Keipi who has regained his fighting spirit, Noya raised a playful smile:"Brother? Are you talking about Kaiba Seto? Haha, Keipi, don't brag for that arrogant guy. According to electronic data, Seto, the idiot, has already played soy sauce. The one fighting the evil god now is Li Youfeng!"


Keihei had an awkward smile on his face after understanding the truth.

"Since it is Brother You Feng who is fighting the evil god, I feel relieved, Yoshi! In order to buy time for Brother You Feng, I have to start working hard too!"At the same time, because of the appearance of the incarnation of God, the room above the central control room where Mazaki Kyoko was imprisoned also had an abnormality.


"Ouch, it hurts!"

The body was shrouded in a black ominous aura, and visible electric currents flowed all over Zhenqi Xingzi's body. Without any defense, Kitamori Reiko was directly hit by the raging electric current.

"Miss Reiko!"

Seeing Kitamori Reiko being bounced away by the current, Honda's face changed instantly, and he rushed over and hugged Kitamori Reiko in his arms. Honda used his back to withstand the violent current impact while protecting her and walked to the corner of the room.

"Honda, thank you~"She had never expected such a change to happen, and the weak-willed Reiko Kitamori was also frightened.

"No~ It's okay~! As a real man, isn't it natural to protect girls?"

Honda's forehead was instantly covered with sweat because of the severe pain. After gritting his teeth and pretending to be awesome, he finally fell to the ground because of his serious injuries.


Seeing Honda fall to the ground to protect himself, Kitamori Reiko screamed and tears immediately flowed down her face

"Honda~, you~ don't scare me!"

Kitamori Reiko hugged Honda's head tightly to her chest with tears in her eyes, and she burst into tears without caring about her image. However, what she didn't know was that although Honda was hit hard by the electric current, he just fell to the ground because of exhaustion. As for consciousness, he was still very clear.

Because of the obstruction of vision, Kitamori Reiko didn't find that Honda had a pig-like face because his head was squeezed by the bear.

In fact, strictly speaking, Kitamori Reiko, in addition to her soft appearance and delicate and slender figure, her own capital is also very good. Being hugged tightly by such a beautiful girl, basically as long as you are a normal man, you will definitely not want to get up

"Hey, hey, I'd better continue lying down. It's not that I'm being a hooligan, but my injuries are just too severe!"

"Yes, that's right, my injury is so serious, oh, the bear is so big, oh~ no, it should be that the bear is so soft~!"

"Bah! I am a man, Honda, how can I be so shameless, ouch~ My eyelids are so heavy, the injury must have flared up! Well, not bad, ouch~, this feeling is so good!"After secretly calculating in his mind, Honda chose to continue pretending to be unconscious.

In front of the Kaiba Building


Accompanied by a sharp brake sound, a luxury car marked with the Izayoi family stopped in front of the Kaiba Building.

After getting off the car, Pegasus looked up at the top of the building, but when he found that the familiar breath was raging on the top of the building, his face finally changed.

"The incarnation of God! This is the card of the evil god! Damn it, I threw them all into the sea, why are they still here!"

As a duelist, Izayoi Kaoru naturally felt the violent aura, turned to look at Pegasus, and asked in confusion:"Mr. Pegasus, what is going on?"

"It's the Evil God Card!" With a solemn expression on his face, Pegasus said,"Ms. Xun, there is no time to explain now. I must immediately go to the top of the building to stop the Evil God from resurrecting!"

"Oh, is that so? Good! No problem, let me escort you upstairs!"

Although she didn't know what exactly happened, Izayoi Kaoru naturally knew what was important and what was not. However, just as the two of them walked up the stairs, a sinister laugh suddenly came from behind the statue of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in front of the Kaiba Building.

"Hehehe~! Originally I just wanted to watch the fun, but I didn't expect that I would catch a big fish because of my spur of the moment. Pegasus, you made me look for you for more than a month!"

"Who is it?"Hearing this malicious laughter, Izayoi Kaoru instinctively protected Pegasus behind him.

Along with the cold laughter, the owner of the voice also emerged from the shadows and appeared in front of Izayoi Kaoru and Pegasus.

"Tapir! I had already guessed that it was you, the haunted fellow!"

As a man, Pegasus naturally couldn't hide behind a woman. Knowing that this battle was unavoidable, Pegasus could only take a step forward and slowly raised his duel disk.

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