"Wait!" Raising her hand and grabbing Pegasus' arm, Izayoi Kaoru pulled him back, but due to the excessive force and Pegasus's lack of psychological preparation, the latter almost fell to the ground on the spot.

(Pegasus:"Damn, this little girl is so strong!")

Ignoring the embarrassed Pegasus, Izayoi Kaoru showed a confident smile to the former, and turned around and showed his duel disk to Bakura

"Mr. Pegasus, you have more important things to do. As a duelist, please leave this duel to me!"


Realizing that the young man in front of him was obviously not a good person, the old butler Chongshan Wu looked at his young lady with a worried look. Unfortunately, the elderly Chongshan Wu was not a duelist, so he could not help at all in dueling monsters.

"Uncle Chongshan, don't worry!" Taking out her card deck from the card box on her waist, Izayoi Kaoru raised her swan-like white neck and said proudly,"This deck was given to me by You Feng. Since I started using it, I have never lost a single time! So, you have to have some confidence in me!" Pegasus never expected that Izayoi Kaoru would actually stand in front of him. Knowing the horror of the Dark Game, Pegasus naturally would not let his friend's woman take the bullet for him.

Standing up straight again, Pegasus said,"Miss Kaoru, I appreciate your kindness, but his target is me, and the Dark Game is no joke, so let me fight this duel."

"Mr. Pegasus, you are wrong!"

As a duelist, Izayoi Kaoru's addiction to cards is even worse than that of Kaiba's president, and her dueling talent and learning ability are outstanding. Even in Li Youfeng's opinion, if she is well trained, Izayoi Kaoru definitely has the strength to be among the top duelists. The very cool card deck was inserted into the duel disk. Izayoi Kaoru held a hairband in her mouth and pulled the fiery red hair scattered on her forehead to the back of her head and tied it into a ponytail.

"Mr. Pegasus, I am You Feng’s official girlfriend, so you have to believe in my strength. Moreover, I am determined to become a woman worthy of the status of Duel King. Now I am not as easy to bully as before!"

"Miss Kaoru."

Seeing Kaoru Izayoi so resolutely showing the duel disk to Tapirara, Pegasus knew that he could no longer stop the duel.

Turning decisively and striding towards the Kaiba Building, Pegasus said with a smile as if talking to himself,"You Feng Boy, you are really a lucky guy to be favored by such a beautiful woman."

Watching the duck in his mouth fly away again, Tapirara's face was so dark that water could almost drip out. The reason why he did not stop Pegasus was because Tapirara inexplicably felt a palpitation.

Looking at the red-haired girl blocking his eyes, Tapirara seemed to see a red dragon like a rose appearing behind Kaoru Izayoi in a trance, and opened its bloody mouth and roared angrily at himself.

Rubbing his eyes hard, Tapirara said to himself,"Is it an illusion? What happened to that strange dragon like a rose?"

When he came to his senses again, the illusions in front of him had disappeared, but for Baliang, the intuition that he was facing a great enemy told him that the red-haired girl in front of him was not a good person.

"Damn it, how could I be afraid of a mere mortal besides Li Youfeng!"With a ferocious smile on his face, Bakura raised his duel disk towards Izayoi Kaoru.

"I heard that you are the woman of that bastard You Feng. Humph, in that case, then the debt between me and him will be owed to you first, so let me collect some interest first!"

The barrier of the dark game was quickly deployed in front of the Kaiba Building. Izayoi Kaoru and Bakura also officially started the duel. On the duel arena at the top of the Kaiba Building, the incarnation of the god who successfully summoned his own clone also started his turn.


Amidst a burst of crazy laughter, a black sphere appeared on the field of the incarnation of God, and the image of the masked hero Kamikaze appeared on the surface of the black sphere.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the black sphere showed exactly the same posture as the masked hero Kamikaze.

Pointing to the inky black masked hero on his own field, the incarnation of God sneered and said:"My special ability is that I can change into the posture of the strongest monster on the field of both sides, and my attack power is always 1 point higher than the transformed monster, because Kamikaze's attack power is 2700 points, so my attack power is 2701 points!"

"As the highest god, I have resistance to any magic and trap cards, so when I summoned myself, the outcome of this duel was already in doubt!"

Li Youfeng picked his nose with his hand and nodded a little bit,"Yeah, you're right! By the way, have you finished talking nonsense? If you have the time, can you please hurry up? I'm still waiting to finish and go home to have supper with my girlfriend!"

"Oh, by the way, it seems that as an evil god, you don’t have a girlfriend, tsk tsk ~ single guys are really pitiful, I can’t help but feel a little sympathy for you!"

""Boil!" X2 critical hit!

Hearing Li Youfeng's words, the incarnation of God couldn't help but recall the past.

It was a sunny spring day. The goddess he loved turned around and threw herself into the arms of another male god because she disliked him for selling black preserved eggs.……


That's a bit off topic!

But in fact, not only did the incarnation of God suffer a critical hit in the chest, but even Kaiba Seto below the ring also burst into swearing.

Turning his head to look at Yami Yugi and Jonouchi standing beside him, Kaiba Seto, who had originally wanted to find comfort in these two people, suddenly found that these two bastards actually hugged his arms at the same time and nodded repeatedly as if they agreed.

"Damn it, I almost forgot that these two bastards are the same kind as

You Feng!"The unisex Yami Yugi is liked by Kyoko and Omote Yugi, and Jonouchi, who is also about to graduate, is in a passionate love period with Mamoru Konoha. Suddenly realizing this, Kaiba Seto discovered that the clown is actually himself!

"Tsk, a bunch of damned idiots! I don't need women or anything like that!" He spat a mouthful of thick phlegm on the ground with a sour look, and Kaiba Seto turned his head to look at Li Youfeng. As for what he was thinking, I'm afraid only he knew it.

(Note: There is actually a very inconspicuous easter egg in the original anime about Kisara's problem. I'm sure all the book friends have not discovered it. The subsequent stories in this book will reveal the meaning behind this easter egg in the original anime, because the main purpose of this book is to let the fans smooth out the regrets in their hearts, and let Kaiba President also find the happiness that originally belonged to him.)

"Bastard, you are courting death!" The incarnation of God, with his teeth clenched and his mentality slightly broken, raised his hand and ordered his clone to attack.

"My clone, please crush that tiny hero to pieces!"

The black masked hero rushed over, as if he was fighting with his mirror image. The two masked heroes collided with each other.

After a loud bang, the two masked heroes, one black and one green, crossed each other in the air like lightning. After realizing that neither could do anything to the other, the two masked heroes looked at each other fiercely, and then returned to their own field.

Li Youfeng LP300﹥299

"This is impossible!"

Seeing that his clones did not defeat the monsters on Li Youfeng's field, the incarnation of God was the first to scream.

"Why, it's just a small monster, why can this masked hero monster withstand the attack of God?!"

"The answer is actually very simple!"Spreading his hands to the incarnation of God, Li Youfeng explained in a mean way,"The special effect of the Masked Hero Kamikaze is that this monster cannot be destroyed by battle. Although combat damage cannot be avoided, it's just a little bit of damage. Haha, I can still withstand 299 hits!""


299 hits!

Are you deliberately messing with my mentality?

Looking at the masked hero who looked like a grasshopper on Li Youfeng's field, the incarnation of God inexplicably felt a sour feeling in his teeth. It was not until this moment that he discovered in horror why this mean human in front of him knew his weaknesses so well and made preparations in advance?

"mortal,���I admit that you still have some strength, but the monsters on your field can't defeat my clones after all, so your actions are just to prolong your life. In fact, you can't change anything at all!"

Feeling the disgusting breath emanating from Li Youfeng, the incarnation of God raised his hand and took out a card.

"I cover a card on the backfield and my turn is over!"

"Haha, this is just your wishful thinking. It's my turn, draw a card!"

Li Youfeng drew a card from the deck and slapped a card on the duel disk with a sly smile.

"I Normal Summon the Elemental Hero Electro!"

"Then activate the trap card Nightmare Demon Swarm!"

"The effect of this card is that you can release a monster on your field and then activate it, Special Summoning 3 Nightmare Demon Tokens (ATK 2000, DEF 2000) to your opponent's field in Attack Position."

"Three demon derivatives with 2000 attack and defense points? What the hell is You Feng doing?"Once again seeing Li You Feng's unconventional operation, Kaiba Seto was dumbfounded.

"No, I don't think You Feng would be so kind as to release his own monsters and give them to his opponent!"As a direct victim of the derivatives, Yami Yugi said that these three demon derivatives were definitely not good things.

"Haha, I see, You Feng must want to use that lava monster!" Seeing this familiar routine, Jonouchi felt that he had seen through the truth of the matter.

"Lava monster? What kind of tactics is this? Why have I never heard of it?"He looked at Jonouchi with a confused look on his face. Tianma Yuexing, who had never encountered such a fighting style, widened his eyes.

On the stage, the incarnation of God couldn't help laughing when he saw three demon derivatives with 2000 attack and defense points inexplicably appearing on his field.

After all, in the eyes of the incarnation of God, no one has ever used such a tactical style in the years he has lived for so long, and he can be sure that even in the ancient Egyptian era when dark games were popular three thousand years ago, there would never be such behavior of deliberately giving monsters to the opponent.

"Boy, did you give up because you knew you couldn't win?"Thinking that Li Youfeng had given up the duel, the incarnation of God looked even more smug.


A standard villain expression appeared on his face, Li Youfeng licked the corner of his mouth and showed a card from his hand.

"Giving up on yourself? Haha, you ignorant old antique, let me show you what true fear is!"

"The magic card double summon is activated. The effect of this card is that I can perform another normal summon this turn."

"The card I'm going to use next can be summoned to your opponent's field by releasing three monsters on your opponent's field. Now I'm going to release the Incarnation of God and two Demon Tokens on your field, and then give you this gorgeous golden egg!"

"Nani?!"Seeing Li Youfeng slap a golden bird egg on the duel disk, the arrogant smile on the face of the incarnation of God froze instantly.

Before the incarnation of God could react, the three monsters on his field, including his own clone, turned into sacrifices and flew into the sky.

Then, a"bird egg" emitting golden light appeared in front of him.

As if to mock the incarnation of God, this golden"bird egg" suddenly burst into a dazzling light like the sun when the former stared at him with wide eyes.

Caught off guard, the krypton gold dog eyes of the incarnation of God were directly hit, and the shrill screams resounded through the sky.

As for the incarnation of God himself, he fell on the duel ring with his hands covering his eyes because of the unbearable pain!


My eyes hurt!

I feel dizzy! I ca n't stop crying!

I'm so sad, I want to die!

"Aaaah! My eyes! They hurt!"

"Damn it! Li Youfeng, you bastard, you can’t beat me so you resort to dirty tricks, right?"

Broken defense!

His clone was so easily solved by Li Youfeng that the incarnation of God, whose mentality collapsed, broke the defense directly!

As the mortal enemy of the Pterosaur, the incarnation of God knew that this was the Pterosaur deliberately emitting divine power and trying to flash his dog eyes.

Because of the preconceived notions, the incarnation of God never thought that as the highest god, the Pterosaur of the Sun God would become so despicable after changing his master that he would disregard his identity and use such a despicable trick!

The clone was sent to the cemetery by Li Youfeng, and his eyes were also severely injured. The incarnation of God fell on the stage for a long time before he gritted his teeth and struggled to stand up.

Unlike the arrogant attitude just now, the incarnation of God at this time had already been full of roaring because of Li Youfeng's coquettish operation.

His eyes were full of dense bloodshot, and the incarnation of God, who had lost his composure, gritted his teeth and looked at Li Youfeng and said slowly:"Miscellaneous cultivator! You have completely angered me!"

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