"Oh my god, what did I see? I have never seen such dueling skills before, it is incredible!"

"It's incredible, under such unfavorable conditions, he can actually beat the evil god to this extent, is this the true strength of the Duel King?"

The ups and downs of life always come so suddenly. Seeing the incarnation of God who was so arrogant just now being played into such a miserable state by Li Youfeng in the blink of an eye, Tenma Yuexing and Willamette looked at each other in bewilderment while sweating on their foreheads.

Especially after seeing that Yami Yugi, Jonouchi and Kaiba Seto were still indifferent, Tenma Yuexing couldn't help but ask Kaiba Seto:"President Kaiba, does Youfeng usually use this kind of duel method?"

"Hum~ What's that!"

Thinking of the fact that he had duelled with Li Youfeng more than once, Kaiba Seto looked at Tianma Yuexing with a proud face and almost looked down at him.

"I have seen worse than this, so I said, the meanness of this villain You Feng is far beyond your imagination. A mere evil god, haha, is not even worth mentioning!"

Hearing this, Tenma Yuexing and Willamette were even more shocked. It seemed that they noticed that the two were looking at them. An Yugi and Jonouchi felt a little embarrassed and showed an awkward but polite smile.

An Yugi:"Don't look at me. In the finals of the Duel City Tournament, I was also tricked by You Feng. I felt really crazy at the time." Jonouchi

:"Haha, Yugi, you are not good. I was not only tricked by You Feng in the Duel City Tournament. I was almost doubting my life because of him in the Lavender Game Store for more than a month!"

Kaiba Seto:"……"

Pegasus Moon Walk:"……"


"Damn! You are awesome! Your mental quality is really good!"

On the duel arena, the clone of the incarnation of God was easily dealt with. Naturally, Li Youfeng would not let go of this great opportunity to attack.

With a sinister smile, he pointed to the demon derivatives on the field of the incarnation of God, and Li Youfeng said:"Let's fight, Masked Hero Kamikaze, attack the demon derivatives!"

"Hurricane attack!"

After receiving Li Youfeng's order, a gust of wind immediately blew up around the masked hero Kamikaze. Like lightning, the masked hero Kamikaze flew up and kicked the demon derivative in the face.

Because of the difference of 700 points of attack power, the demon derivative was directly kicked into pieces by Kamikaze. Naturally, all the combat damage was also fed back to the incarnation of God.

Incarnation of God LP1800﹥1100

"It's not over yet! The special effect of the Demon Derivative is activated. It can be activated when this derivative is destroyed, causing 800 points of damage to the controller!"



With the special effect activated, the destroyed demon derivative fell on the body of the God Incarnation like slime, just like a liquid bomb. The destroyed demon derivative exploded violently on the spot, and the God Incarnation, who was at the center of the explosion, screamed miserably again.

God Incarnation LP1100﹥300

""Ouch~ Damn it, why, why is it like this, I was forced to this extent by a mere cultivator!"

Because his health was greatly reduced, the incarnation of God's control over Tianma Yexing's body was also greatly rejected to a certain extent.

As an evil god in the underworld, it is not so easy to cross the border to another world.

Because of the influence of the world's laws, the incarnation of God who had just come to this world basically only recovered half of his strength.

However, under Li Youfeng's repeated attacks, the incarnation of God, who had lost most of his strength, had begun to be unable to continue to control Tianma Yexing's body as he wished.

"Damn you, you're just a sacrifice, and you still want to resist me!"

As his divine power was lost, Tianma Yexing's soul gradually revived, and it was like a split personality. Tianma Yexing's body was now divided into two parts.

"Incarnation of God, you are just a tool for me to resurrect Lord Pegasus. Before I achieve my goal, I will never give up my belief even if my soul is annihilated!"

One eye has regained clarity. In order to achieve his goal, Tianma Yexing relied on his strong obsession to resurrect Pegasus and began to compete with the incarnation of God for control of the body.

The duel field once again rolled up a black storm, and fierce black thunder continued to explode above the Seahorse Building. Although his clone had been sent to the cemetery by Li Youfeng lightly, as an evil god of the same level as the Winged Dragon of the Sun God, the incarnation of God was obviously not so easy to deal with.

"Miscellaneous cultivator! As a true god, you should feel extremely honored to have your body. I promise you that as long as you cooperate with me, I will definitely return Pegasus to you!"

"Pegasus, you must know that without me, you will never be able to revive Pegasus, so, submit to me and be my vessel honestly!"

""My Lord, Pegasus."

Because of the incarnation of God's temptation, Tianma Yexing gradually lost the idea of resisting the incarnation of God in his hesitation. Seeing that his body was about to be occupied by the incarnation of God again, at this moment, a very familiar voice suddenly came from the entrance of the rooftop.

"Night Walker Boy, don't listen to the evil god's temptation, it is just deceiving you!"


Hearing this familiar Japanese English, everyone turned around in surprise.

Following the direction of the voice, a man with long flaxen hair and a red suit was seen walking in from the entrance very elegantly.

""Pegasus (Lord)!?"


Seeing the figure of that man, not only the people present were stunned, but even the incarnation of God who was fighting for the control of the body with Pegasus Night Walk on the ring could not help but tremble.

The reason is simple. As Pegasus said before, the production of each monster card has a basis, and as the maker of the card, Pegasus's existence has a natural suppressive force on the cards he made by himself.

Just like the three phantom gods, although Pegasus cannot use them, the three phantom gods cannot hurt Pegasus either. This is the main reason why Pegasus can reseal the three god cards in the secret room of the Egyptian tomb without being punished.

(Note: In the original anime, Pegasus sealed the three God Cards himself because he could not control the three mythical gods. It was not until they were stolen by the Gurus Group that the subsequent story happened.)

Walking to the bottom of the duel arena, Pegasus said to Pegasus Yexing on the arena with a cold face:"Yexing, you are my most outstanding child. I believe that your heart will never be defeated by the evil god so easily!"

"Walk at night, muster up your courage and drive the evil spirit out of your body!"

"Lord Pegasus~!"

Through the other eye of his body, Tianma Yexing once again saw the man he admired most in his life. Tears instantly blurred his eyes, and his soul and consciousness began to quickly return to his body under the encouragement of Pegasus.

"It's over!"

From the moment Pegasus appeared, the incarnation of God knew that his plan had completely failed. Together with his two subordinates, the three evil gods were defeated by one person at the same time. It was not until this moment that the incarnation of God deeply realized what kind of duelist Li Youfeng was.

"Night walk, Lord Pegasus is not dead, he is still alive and well!"

"Night Walk! Come on! You can do it, drive the evil spirit out of your body!"

"Don't lose to the evil god! Ye Xing, we agreed to drink together after rescuing Lord Pegasus, you can't break your promise!"

Because of the appearance of Pegasus, the orphans he sponsored also rushed to the rooftop of the Seahorse Group.

Richie Mather, Depree Scott, Mendusino, Kak Dixon, Klamath, Tillamuk, and even Pete, whose chrysanthemum was injured, endured the severe pain and followed his companions to the rooftop.


Looking at these familiar faces, Tianma Yexing finally understood how many people had been silently supporting him. Unlike his past life, Tianma Yexing now finally understood that friendship and bond are the source of a duelist's true power.

In the dark space, Tianma Yexing looked coldly at the dark self that appeared in front of him.

"Incarnation of God, I don't need you anymore, now, get out of my body!"

"Damn you, bastard, do you really think you can get rid of me so easily?"

Things have developed to this point, and the incarnation of God has also chosen to show his hand.

"Your soul has signed a contract with me. If you want to exile me from this world, your soul will completely dissipate. Ye Xing, you are a smart person. Isn't it good to be with me?"

"You have seen my power. As long as we join forces, even the whole world will be no problem for us. Believe me, family and friendship are not worth mentioning compared to power and power. Only the strong are qualified to get everything you want!"

"Haha, indeed, I did have the same idea as you before, but now, I have understood!"

Looking up at the incarnation of God in front of him, Tianma Yexing said loudly:"I will not be confused anymore. Lord Pegasus is like my sun. Under his shining, I have an irreplaceable family! Power, strength, women, money, these things you talk about are nothing compared to my family!"

"Incarnation of God, you have made a wrong calculation. Now, get out of this world!"

"You lowly maggot, I will make you pay the price!"

Knowing that his sweet words could not convince Pegasus, the incarnation of God that was driven out of his body turned into an inky black ominous aura and slowly gathered in the sky above the duel arena to form its most primitive form.

As if it wanted to swallow Pegasus directly, the black ball suddenly opened its huge mouth full of sharp teeth and bit towards Pegasus.

Because of the guilt in his heart, Pegasus's face was not afraid at all, but he showed an expression of relief. Knowing that he was doomed, he turned his head and looked at Pegasus standing under the arena reluctantly.

"This is fine, let me bear the sins I have committed alone."

Everyone:"Ye Xing!"

Seeing that Tianma Ye Xing had given up his life, the card professors below the ring immediately exclaimed.

However, just when everyone thought that Tianma Ye Xing was doomed to die, something strange happened.

Like a meteor across the night sky, a ray of white light shot out from the card pendant on Li Youfeng's chest at an extremely fast speed.

Just like sticky gasoline encountering a flame, the body of the incarnation of God instantly burned up after being hit by the white light.


The shrill screams once again echoed on the top floor of the Seahorse Building. No one had expected that Li Youfeng actually possessed such magical power. The incarnation of God did not suddenly remember something until the moment he was ignited.

"You actually have that thing on you! How is this possible? Damn you, you idiot! No wonder that arrogant guy, Pterosaur, would submit to you! But, I can't figure it out, how is it possible that you���I am not willing to accept its favor!……"

Before he finished speaking, the incarnation of God completely merged into the white flame under the burning of the white flame, and it was visibly stronger again. After the incarnation of God was completely burned, the white flame turned directly into a thin white line and flew back to the card pendant on Li Youfeng's chest.

Without ending the duel, the body of the incarnation of God was devoured. Li Youfeng said that this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

According to Li Youfeng's understanding, the card pendant on his chest is harmless to humans. Every time it behaves abnormally, it is mostly because it perceives the soul that has fallen into darkness and the activation of the dark game.

Using evil power as a nutrient to devour can purify people's hearts. The power possessed by the card pendant can be said to be completely opposite to the dark game.

As for the incarnation of God that was just destroyed, according to the nature of the card pendant, it is likely that the incarnation of God violated the rules of the game, which triggered its punishment mechanism.

Although the process is a bit brutal, such an ending is undoubtedly a great outcome for everyone who treats this collection of evil thoughts.

Looking at the empty picture frame that appeared in front of his face, Li Youfeng instantly guessed that it must be because of the absorption of the power of the evil god that the card pendant was upgraded again. Suppressing the joy in his heart, Li Youfeng looked at the dumbfounded companions below the ring as if nothing had happened.

Because this magical power could easily destroy the evil god, everyone present was naturally shocked.

Looking at Li Youfeng with a smile, Pegasus asked:"Youfeng Boy, shouldn't you explain about that magical power?"

Spreading his hands and making a gesture of"What can I do, I'm also confused", Li Youfeng looked at the people below the ring with the idea of easing the atmosphere and said weakly:"Lokta Oga?!"

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