"So that's how it is!" Turning back and seeing the blushing face of Izayoi Kaoru, Li Youfeng suddenly felt that his mood seemed to have become much more stable because of this naive girl.

Yes, this girl has already given so much for him, and as a man, he naturally cannot let anyone look down on him, right?

Suddenly figuring this out, Li Youfeng's behavior became more and more natural. He was led by Miki Saki and Shigeyama Satoru into the main hall of the Izayoi family, and saw two rows of young and beautiful maids who had been waiting here for a long time.

"Miss Xun, welcome home!"

"Mr. You Feng, welcome!"


Looking at the expensive murals on the wall and the precious classical porcelain around, Li Youfeng had a general understanding of the financial resources of the Izayoi family at this moment.

Thinking of Pegasus's private island and looking at the place where his boss grew up, Li Youfeng expressed deep contempt (really) for these evil capitalists in his heart.)!

"Miss, the guests have almost arrived and the party will start soon. Please change into your dress."

"Got it, You Feng, I'll go change my clothes, see you later"

"Well, no problem, see you later."

Throwing a wink at Li Youfeng, Shizaiya Xun happily walked towards the second floor. After secretly complaining in his heart that the rules of these big families were really cumbersome, Li Youfeng was led by a beautiful maid to another lounge on the first floor.

"Mr. You Feng, please have a cup of tea first. I will call you when the dance starts."

""Okay, thank you for your help."

Because the maid costumes of the Izayoi family really emphasize the charm of women, coupled with the slender white silk and the faint whiteness of the chest, Li Youfeng undoubtedly put on the mask of pain again.

Although he did not lose his composure due to his strong mental strength, for a pure little virgin like Li Youfeng who has lived two lives, these young maids with figures and looks that are absolutely top-notch are definitely a mental test.

"Ah Xi~, it's really unbearable, aren't you afraid of getting into trouble when you dress like this?~"

Seeing the little maid walk out of the room, Li Youfeng couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. However, just as he picked up the teacup on the square table and took a sip of black tea, a voice he least wanted to hear suddenly appeared in his ears.

"Ji~! Master, you just secretly glanced at my snow-capped mountains ten times, and your sight slid down to my white silk twelve times. I never thought that you would be such a master. Bah, you heartless scumbag, I misjudged you!"

"Poof! Cough cough~!"Li Youfeng suddenly spit out all the black tea he had just drunk, and turned around with a look of horror.

As expected, following the direction of the sound, he saw a paralyzed little maid wearing a blue maid costume and with blue dragon horns on her head sitting next to him, staring at him with eyes like she was looking at a bug.

"Washerwoman, how come you suddenly appear here?"

Because Atla once said that the Duel Elves can only appear in the gaps of the electronic world at present, without the help of the Duel Disk as a medium, it is unheard of for a Washerwoman to appear directly in the real world out of thin air.


Sighing slowly, the washerwoman patted Li Youfeng's shoulder and said,"Master, what you said is wrong. Isn't life like this?"

"" Fuck!" Several veins popped up on his forehead instantly. Li Youfeng felt that this dirty maid was simply sent by God to torture him. With his fists clenched tightly and pressed against the washerwoman's head, Li Youfeng gritted his teeth and said,"I told you to be dirty for me and tease the master! Damn it, I don't believe I can't cure you!"

"Ouch! It hurts! Master, I was wrong, I surrender!"

Seeing the laundry dragon girl surrender, Li Youfeng stopped angrily and sat on the sofa on the side. Li Youfeng frowned and asked,"Tell me the truth, what's going on with you!"

After secretly saying that she would dare to do it again next time, the laundry dragon girl said with a paralyzed face and some dissatisfaction,"This is what happened. There is a mysterious force that affects the elf world. Because of the existence of this force, the duel elves and the real world where the master is also have some connection."

"Although I don't know what happened, there is a big disturbance in the elf world now. My eldest sister also said that something bad must have happened, which caused the current situation."

"What did you say?"

After hearing the words of the laundry dragon girl, Li Youfeng quickly recalled the plot of Yu-Gi-Oh. In fact, in the original plot, it was because Dark Yu-Gi took the three god cards to the Ancient Egyptian Exhibition Hall that such an accident happened.

"Could it be Olihagang?!"

Touching his chin, Li Youfeng muttered to himself:"According to the development of the plot and the time, it should be the work of the three idiots of Doma and the pretentious guy. These bastards really can't let me have a few days of peace!"

"Master, have you guessed who it is?"Realizing that Li Youfeng already had a clue, the pair of big eyes on the paralyzed face of the laundry dragon girl were instantly filled with many bright little stars.

"Well, I have probably guessed who did it, but I am confused. The three phantom cards are still in my hands. According to the current time period, such a thing should not have happened."

Different from the original plot, due to time constraints, Yugi and others who had just experienced the evil god incident have entered the exam preparation period. In the past few days, because they have to deal with the exam, Yugi, Jonouchi and other protagonists are taking the time to hug their books and cram.

Seeing that Yugi stayed up late to review the textbooks, it is naturally impossible for An Yugi to make any excessive demands at this juncture, so the three phantom cards are still in Li Youfeng's hands.

"Forget it, don't think about it, things will work out when the time comes!"

Turning to look at the laundry dragon girl, Li Youfeng asked in confusion:"Why did you come out alone this time, where are the others?"

"Huh? This~! Hey!"

""Shit!" Looking at the washerwoman's shy appearance, Li Youfeng felt really tired,"Stop hesitating and tell me the truth, did you drug my other duel elves again?!"

"How could that be? I am the future Golden Dragon King. How could a gold-level player like me use the same move a second time?!"

"Besides, influenced by the president of Kaiba, I am now a loyal scientist. Giving them drugs is really too tasteless, so after systematically studying Mr. Newton's great mechanics, I used (physical) scientific methods to knock them all down!"

Li Youfeng:"!!!"

Glancing at Li Youfeng with a shy look on her face, the washerwoman drew circles on Li Youfeng's chest with her fingers, and then said a little embarrassedly:"Besides, doesn't the master like people to be shy when they are hesitant?"

Li Youfeng:"???"

Li Youfeng chopped the washerwoman's head with a knife, and said unhappily,"Be serious, please. Are you going to die if you don't tell dirty jokes after three sentences?"

"Well, actually, it won’t suffocate you to death."

Covering her little head and pouting slightly, the washerwoman said expressionlessly:"But it can drive you crazy!"

"What the hell!"

"You are awesome, I will ignore you!"Knowing what kind of person the washerwoman is, Li Youfeng simply made up his mind and ignored her.

He opened his Void deck and began to build a Cyber Dragon deck while sipping his black tea.

"Master, now there is no attack limit for fusion monsters"


"Master, can I appear more often in the future?"


"Master, what's so fun about an electronic dragon? Aren't we maid sisters like me? We can act like a spoiled child and warm the bed!"


"Master, those who play with electronic dragons are either perverts or lunatics. You need to be rational. You are still young, and a wheelchair is not your destiny!"


""Damn it!" Because of Li Youfeng's extremely perfunctory attitude, the laundry dragon girl said that she was really angry.

Holding her arms, the laundry dragon girl turned her head angrily and said:"Hmph, you stinky scumbag, you don't know how to cherish it after you get it. People are talking to you seriously, but you keep making umm and oh sounds. I really admire you. You can have an orgasm just by chatting! You are worthy of being the Lord Silver. You are really not an ordinary person!"

"Poof! Cough cough!"

Broken defense!

Because of the words of the laundry dragon girl, even Li Youfeng, whose moral integrity had long been shattered, could not help but break his defense on the spot.

"Damn it! I'll spank you if you don't watch!"

"What? You want to take off my panties?"

"Come on, master!" The washerwoman suddenly stood up and lifted her skirt slightly towards Li Youfeng, and said loudly like a chaste heroine who sacrificed herself heroically,"Give me all your savings so far!"

"Damn it! What kind of weird duel elves are around me!" Li Youfeng was completely speechless after being tricked by the laundry dragon girl. Just when his spirit was about to collapse, the door of the lounge suddenly opened.

Seeing the old butler Chongshan Wu walking in, Li Youfeng felt like he had been pardoned. He hurriedly walked over to Chongshan Wu and said excitedly:"Mr. Chongshan, has the ball started? Can I leave here?"


A row of black question marks appeared on his forehead, and Chongshan Wu smiled and said,"The guests are coming in one after another, and the ball will start soon. I came here this time because someone wants to see you in advance. Mr. You Feng, please move a little and come with me."

""Okay, no problem, let's go!"

Li Youfeng was so happy that he finally got rid of the dirty maid, the laundry dragon girl. However, he didn't notice that when he followed Zhongshan Wu out of the room, a card flew silently into the electronic dragon card deck he had just assembled.

Following Zhongshan Wu out of the lounge, Li Youfeng came to the open space in the garden outside the main hall. Here, a tall middle-aged man was sitting in the pavilion with an expressionless face. Judging from his appearance, he had obviously been waiting here for a long time.

"Sir, Mr. You Feng has arrived."

""Hmm!" Nodding to Shigeyama Satoru, the middle-aged man stood up from the chair in the pavilion.

The middle-aged man had bright red medium-length hair, which was exactly the same as the hair color of Izayoi Kaoru, but perhaps because he had been in the upper class for many years, this middle-aged man with a heroic appearance revealed the temperament of a superior in his every move.

Striding up to Li Youfeng, the serious-looking middle-aged man said coldly:"I am Izayoi Kaoru's father, the current head of the Izayoi family, Izayoi Hayato, the Duel King Li Youfeng. Tell me honestly, what is your intention in approaching my daughter?"

""Ah? Intentions?"

Li Youfeng touched his head with a confused look on his face and replied in confusion:"Master, you seem to have misunderstood something. Xiaoxun and I really like each other. How could there be any intentions!"

"Haha, is that so?"

Looking up and down at Li Youfeng, Izayoi Hayato sneered and said,"In fact, I sent someone to investigate you after you moved into the Lavender Game Store. You said you were born in China, but in fact, China can't find your household registration at all, and even your identity certificate can't be found."

"If I hadn't seen you in person, I would have suspected that you suddenly appeared here from another world. Not only that, although on the surface you seem to be a novice duelist, in fact, your dueling skills and ideas are always so unconventional. In the words of Pegasus, your existence is likely to become a pioneer of duel monsters."

"In the above situation, I have every reason to suspect that your motives for approaching my daughter are not pure, so, name your price, how much do you want to leave my daughter?"

Li Youfeng:"……"

After hearing what Izayoi Hayato said, Li Youfeng's face darkened visibly. Thinking that the man in front of him was Izayoi Kaoru's father, Li Youfeng suppressed his anger and said with a smile:"Mr. Izayoi, I reiterate that I have no intentions towards Kaoru. As for the money, don't you know that I hold 10% of the shares in the two large companies, Illusion Society and Kaiba Group?"

"In addition, I think the relationship between Xiaoxun and I cannot be measured by money. If you insist on doing this and want me to leave Xiaoxun, then I can only say sorry to you."

After saying this, Li Youfeng bowed slightly to Izayoi Hayato and turned to leave.


Calling Li Youfeng again, Izayoi Hayato turned to look at a young maid standing next to the pavilion. Knowing what her master meant, the maid came over with a tray, and on the tray was a duel disk and a ready-made deck.

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