Wearing the Duel Disk on his left arm, Izayoi Hayato shuffled his deck while sneering,"Li Youfeng, don't think you can be arrogant just because you got the title of Duel King! After all, the Duel City Tournament is just a folk competition among the common people. Your level is not worth mentioning in the world competition!"

"Besides, you don't even have a proper job now, so how could I agree to leave my daughter to a waiter who stays in a game store every day?"

"To tell you the truth, in addition to being a politician and a doctor, I am also a powerful duelist! Come on, duel with me, my precious daughter will be protected by me as a father, you stinky pig want to eat my emerald cabbage? Humph, I advise you to give up as soon as possible!"

Looking at Izayoi Hayato's bitter and vengeful look, a row of black lines instantly appeared on Li Youfeng's forehead.

To be honest, during the time of dating Izayoi Kaoru, Li Youfeng had heard that although Izayoi Hayato was very capable, it was a pity that this seemingly majestic head of the family was actually a heavy daughter slave.

The reason why Izayoi Kaoru can do what she wants freely outside the family is entirely because of Izayoi Hayato's favor.

Izayoi Kaoru had mentioned before that her grandfather made a marriage contract with the son of a powerful politician in Sakura Country without her consent. The reason why this marriage finally came to nothing was that Izayoi Hayato could be said to have"made an indelible contribution.""

"I can support my own daughter. Even if I don't get married, I can still maintain the power and status of my family! Father, if you use Xiaoxun as a bargaining chip without discussing it with me, then I will have to take my daughter and wife away from the family. Don't look at me like that. I'm not kidding!"

It was because of this sentence that Ishiya Kaoru gained his freedom, and Ishiya Hayato completely labeled himself as a daughter-slave.

Giving a look to Shigeyama Satoru beside Li Youfeng, the old housekeeper smiled awkwardly before taking a duel disk from the maid beside him.

Handing the duel disk to Li Youfeng, Shigeyama Satoru turned his back to Ishiya Hayato and quietly reminded him,"Mr. Youfeng, the master is jealous because his precious daughter was taken away by you. Just give the eldest lady a face and don't let him lose too badly."

""Ah?! So that's how it is!" After hearing what the old housekeeper said, Li Youfeng suddenly realized it.

Ask yourself, if you have a daughter in the future and find out that your daughter has a lover, you might become like Hayato Izayoi, and with Li Youfeng's personality, he might even get worse. After all

, how can a father not love his daughter? Of course, boys are an exception. After all, in today's society, boys generally have no human rights, so this is simply a sad story!

Wearing the duel disk on his left arm, Li Youfeng thought for a while, then raised his hand and took out a set of cards from the card box on his waist.

In order to hide the existence of the void deck, Li Youfeng always has at least three card boxes on his waist every time he goes out.

"Humph, Duel King, it’s not that I look down on you, but as a father, I will never hand my daughter over to another man so easily. If you want to date my daughter, you must defeat me first!"

"Come on, you shameless man who covets my daughter's body, I'm going to teach you a lesson today!"

"this~?!"A row of black lines instantly appeared on his forehead. Li Youfeng said that he really couldn't respond to this!

As a healthy teenager, Li Youfeng naturally has the correct sexual orientation. In fact, when he first met Izayoi Kaoru, Li Youfeng, as an LSP, was already attracted by this sassy red-haired girl. Of course, these words must not be said casually.

Facing Izayoi Hayato's ridicule, Li Youfeng shook his head slightly and said seriously:"Mr. Izayoi, you are right about one thing. In essence, I do covet your daughter's body."

"However, for me personally, my daily routine has always been based on health!"

"At Lavender Game Store, I finish work at 8 o'clock every night. I don't smoke or drink. I go to bed at 11 o'clock at night and sleep for 8 hours every day."

"Before going to bed, I will drink a glass of warm milk and then spend half an hour organizing my card deck. After going to bed, I will fall asleep quickly and sleep till dawn. I will never leave fatigue and stress to the next day!"

"So, your daughter is so cute, and as a man with such a healthy lifestyle, what's wrong with me wanting your daughter's body?!"

"WTF~!?"After listening to Li Youfeng's monologue in amazement, Izayoi Hayato said that what he said was so damn reasonable.

Recalling the scene when he met Izayoi Kaoru's mother, didn't he have the same mentality as Li Youfeng?

"Damn little thief, even though what you said makes some sense, it won't work on me at all. In order to protect my daughter, I will completely defeat you today!"

"Come on, if you can!"


Li Youfeng LP4000

Izayoi Hayato LP4000

"The shameless thief who coveted my daughter, I took him down with the first attack, draw a card!"

Gritting his teeth and drawing a card from the deck, Izayoi Hayato launched the first attack

"I Normal Summon a Charge Captain in Defense Position!"(Attack 1200 Defense 400)

"The special effect of Charge Captain is activated. When this card is successfully summoned, you can Special Summon a Level 4 or lower monster from your hand."

"I choose Special Summon and order the Knight to Attack Position!"

"The special effect of Command Knight is activated. As long as this card is face-up on the field, the ATK of face-up Warrior-Type monsters on our field will increase by 400 points. In addition, if there are other monsters on our field, your opponent cannot select this face-up card as an attack target!"

"Finally, I cover a card on the backfield and my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Magic Trap Affinity is activated, and there are 4 remaining duels in this game.

Adding the card just drawn to the hand, Li Youfeng raised his hand and slapped a magic card on the duel disk.

"The magic card Pot of Desire is activated, and I can draw two more cards from the deck."

Magic Trap Affinity is activated, and there are 2 remaining duels in this duel.

Due to the increase in the level of the Void card, the number of special skills that Li Youfeng can use at this time has also increased.

"I cover two cards on the back field, and my turn ends."

"Oh? You didn't summon a monster? Interesting, in that case, I won't be polite! It's my turn, draw a card!"

Thinking that Li Youfeng probably didn't summon a monster because of a card jam, Izayoi Hayato was even more proud at this time.

"Haha, Duel King, don’t think that I will show mercy to you if you show weakness on purpose. Now, I am punishing you as a father!"

"I Normal Summon a second Command Knight. Because of this monster's special effect, the ATK of my Warrior monsters on the field increases by another 400 points!"

Command Knight's ATK UP 2000!

Charge Captain's ATK UP 2000!"

"Hehe, Duel King, my strongest combo has been completed. Due to the special effect of Command Knight, you cannot attack the monsters on my field, and this round, I will completely eliminate you!"

"I shift the Charge Captain into Attack Position and enter the Battle Phase!"

"It's over. Could it be that Mr. Youfeng gave up the resistance because of my words?!" Seeing that there was nothing in front of Li Youfeng, Shigeyama Satoru immediately became worried.

As the current butler of the Izayoi family, Shigeyama Satoru has served three generations of the Izayoi family. As for Izayoi Kaoru, he has taken care of her since she was a child.

Since he has no offspring, Shigeyama Satoru regards Izayoi Kaoru as his own child. As a person of the older generation, he naturally knows how important Li Youfeng is in Izayoi Kaoru's heart.

Just when Shigeyama Satoru was worried, Izayoi Hayato also ordered the monsters on his field to attack.

"Captain of the charge, attack directly!"

"The sharp blade strikes hard!"

"Ah~!"Seeing the captain of the charge flying towards him and slashing at him, Li Youfeng couldn't help but sneer.

"Great! I'm going to open the cover card!"

"Trap card activated, dimensional wall!"

"The effect of this card is that it can be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack. During that battle, the battle damage received by you will be borne by your opponent instead!"


He opened his eyes in disbelief. Just as Hayato Izayoi was stunned, he saw the charge captain's sword seemed to hit the pool of water. The charge captain's sword penetrated the barrier of the dimension and came directly to Hayato Izayoi's face. He was unable to dodge and was directly chopped by the sword!


Izayoi Hayato LP4000>2000 couldn't help but let out a scream. Izayoi Hayato took several steps back before he stabilized his body. He gritted his teeth and looked at Li Youfeng. Because of the severe pain, Izayoi Hayato couldn't help but sweat.

"You sinister and despicable brat, I never thought you would use such a shameless move! Humph, now it seems that my decision was right. My precious daughter must not be handed over to the hands of someone like you!"

"Hey, uncle, this can't be entirely blamed on me!"

With a sinister smile, he shrugged at Izayoi Hayato, and Li Youfeng said disapprovingly:"And I was acting in self-defense, you can't just let me stand still and wait for my neck to be killed? In addition, Xiaoxun is so cute, how could I give up on her so easily, so uncle, you'd better not meddle in the affairs of us young people!"

"Damn it, don't be so proud, my turn is not over yet. If you want to date my daughter, you have to get past me first!"

Pointing at the two monsters on his field, Izayoi Hayato said:"There are still two monsters on my field that have not launched an attack. This time, I must...……"

""Hehe~! Uncle, you have to think it over!"

Li Youfeng stretched out his hand and pointed at the blocked card on his backcourt. The classic smile of a villain instantly appeared on his face.

"For Xiaoxun's sake, don't blame me for not reminding you that the trap card just now was just an appetizer! Of course, if you have already prepared yourself for defeat, you can just come over and give it a try!"

""Woo~! Damn it!"

Noticing Li Youfeng's confident look, Izayoi Hayato, with his politician's instinct, also keenly felt that Li Youfeng was not joking.

However, just when everyone present thought that Izayoi Hayato was going to give up the attack, the latter suddenly laughed.

"Hehe~! Li Youfeng, you immature brat, do you think I didn't investigate your dueling style before dueling with you?"

"What? Masaka!"

Because Izayoi Hayato's attitude suddenly changed, Li Youfeng also cooperated and"panicked"

""Haha, sono Masakada!" Seeing Li Youfeng showing a look of horror, Izayoi Hayato became even more proud. He showed a card from his hand and said loudly:"Although the current rules only allow two cards to be covered on the backcourt in one round, I have never underestimated you because of this.���Since you made Seto Kaiba suffer so much, I naturally believe in your ability to use trap cards!"

"It’s a pity that, Duel King, you are going to miscalculate. It is because I believe in your strength that I added three such cards to the deck!"

"Quick attack magic card activated, cyclone!"

"The effect of this card is that it can destroy a magic card or trap card on the backfield. Now, what I want to destroy is the cover card on your backfield!"


""Haha, there's no point in saying more, just die!"

Because of the activation of the magic card, Li Youfeng screamed in a very artificial way. As for Izayoi Hayato, he was already very happy because of Li Youfeng's loss of composure.


Due to the cyclone effect of the magic card, the cover card on Li Youfeng's backfield was directly destroyed and sent to the graveyard.

The backfield had been cleaned up, and there were no monsters on Li Youfeng's frontfield. In front of two monsters with an attack power of 2000 points, Li Youfeng's current situation was undoubtedly a dead end.

"Mr. You Feng!" Guessing that Li You Feng gave up the duel because of what he said, Shigeyama Satoru blamed himself severely,"It's over, how am I going to explain this to the young lady?"

Unlike Shigeyama Satoru who looked worried, Izayoi Hayato was already laughing out loud because of the victory that was about to be achieved.

"What duel king? You are so vulnerable in front of me, you little bastard. Now, I will make you pay the price for coveting my daughter. Die!"

"Command the knight to attack the opposing player directly!"

"Sprint and charge!"

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