Unfortunately,"Dorma" has never exposed itself, and no one knows the process and truth of the matter, because those who know the truth have all been secretly wiped out by this organization.

Because of the breakdown of the talks with Dazi, Li Youfeng also began to be on guard against this psychopath who attempted to cleanse the entire world, but generally speaking, Li Youfeng still did not take Dazi and its secret organization Doma seriously.

As for the reason, it is actually very simple, that is, in this world where playing cards is respected, you want to destroy the world?


Then let's have a game of cards to decide your fate!

(Note: A bunch of terrorists are so damn good at playing cards. This feeling is really painful! )

Knowing that no matter what he did, he could not avoid a direct conflict with Doma. After watching Dazi disappear from his sight without looking back, Li Youfeng relaxed and began to taste the food on the buffet table.

As for Dazi, after walking out of the ballroom, he took out his mobile phone and made a call with a sneer.

As the most prestigious family in Sakura Country, it must be said that the food prepared in the ballroom is really extraordinary. Some extremely rare and expensive ingredients are placed on the table like cabbage in the vegetable market.

In order to taste as much as possible, Li Youfeng, who was hiding in the corner, tasted every dish. He thought he would not be noticed. However, he did not expect that the scene of his conversation with Dazi would fall into the eyes of those who were interested.

Kamiya Chie, born in the Kamiya consortium, which is as powerful as the Izayoi family in Sakura Country, this rich lady was also invited to participate in this birthday party.

The Kamiya Group is the largest real estate developer in Sakura Country, and most of its family members are powerful politicians in Sakura Country, so Chie Kamiya can be said to have known Izayoi Kaoru since childhood.

Since she is the same age as Izayoi Kaoru, the two naturally became close friends since childhood. However, unlike Izayoi Kaoru, who is straightforward and likes to speak her mind, Chie Kamiya, who comes from a politician family, has been influenced by her family and has a little more thoughts.

"Even Mr. Dazhi took the initiative to say hello. It seems that this young man is quite extraordinary."With a sly smile on her face, Kamiya Chie immediately wanted to make friends with Li Youfeng.

Turning her head to look at the handsome young man accompanying her, Kamiya Chie said with a smile:"Brother, I have something to do, so I have to excuse myself for a moment."

"Hmm? Did you find any valuable prey?"Looking at Chie Kamiya's back as she left, Yuta Kamiya sneered secretly.

As Chie Kamiya's biological brother, the eighteen-year-old Yuta Kamiya has begun to take over the family business. He is known as the most outstanding young man of the new generation. Of course, he also has his own ambitions.

Although he has not yet achieved the level of becoming the president of a multinational company at a young age like Seto Kaiba, privately, Yuta Kamiya has always regarded Seto Kaiba as the person he wants to catch up with.

However, the sad thing is that Yuta Kamiya actually doesn't know that the target he wants to catch up with doesn't even take him seriously!

It's because in Seto Kaiba's eyes there can only be two kinds of people, one is the person who has never won a card game, and the other is the person whose name he can't remember (collectively referred to as trash!). Unfortunately, Yuta Kamiya obviously belongs to the latter.

This~, it's really a sad story

"I'm not sure yet, but I'm very confident in my intuition, so I have to go and say hello first."

Showing a bright smile to Kamiya Yuta, Kamiya Chie took two glasses of red wine from the passing waiter and walked straight towards Li Youfeng.

Seeing his sister actually doing this, Kamiya Yuta was also a little surprised and looked at Li Youfeng who was standing alone in the corner enjoying the food.

"It turns out that my sister is interested in him. It seems that this young man is very extraordinary."

As Kamiya Chie's brother, Kamiya Yuta naturally knows that his sister is not as weak as she looks. On the contrary, Kamiya Chie, who cannot inherit the family business, also has her own ambitions.

The reason why Kamiya Chie participated in Izayoi Kaoru's birthday party was not only to celebrate her best friend's birthday, but also to find a suitable husband in this materialistic upper-class social circle.

In order to achieve her ambition of not being willing to be inferior to others, Kamiya Chie had thoroughly investigated all the young talents who came to the party before coming. The reason why she noticed Li Youfeng in the corner was not only because she had never seen him, but also because she saw Dazi actively looking for Li Youfeng to talk.

As a multinational company, Kamiya Chie naturally knows what kind of international status Paradis has. It is certain that, at least at this stage, even if Kaiba Group and Illusion Society join forces, they cannot compare with Paradis.

(Note: In the original setting of the Yu-Gi-Oh anime, the wealth accumulated by Doma can even compete with the United States at that time. Dazi commanded the Three Musketeers of Doma to not only destroy the Illusion Society of Pegasus, but also successfully acquired the Kaiba Group by purchasing stocks.)

With elegant steps, Chie Kamiya quickly walked to the side of Li Youfeng, and after showing a sweet smile to the confused Li Youfeng, Chie Kamiya handed over the wine glass in her hand and said:"This gentleman looks really familiar, have we met by chance somewhere?"

""You are too polite, young lady."

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person. Based on the principle of not offending others, Li Youfeng generously took the red wine glass handed over by Kamiya Chie and said half-jokingly,"My face has not been scalded by boiling water, how can it be cooked?! This young lady must have recognized the wrong person.""

"Hehe~! This gentleman is really funny."

She was not angry because of Li Youfeng's lack of understanding of romance. Seeing that the young man was not polite to her and even wanted to avoid her, Kamiya Chie immediately determined that the young man in front of her was definitely not as simple as he seemed.

Unlike the Izayoi family, Kamiya Chie's parents did not give her so much freedom. Although she was also a duelist, Kamiya Chie spent more time learning makeup and choosing suitable marriage partners.

Although she had heard of the name of the duel king Li Youfeng, Kamiya Chie had never seen his appearance with her own eyes. In addition, because he was going to attend Izayoi Kaoru's ball, Li Youfeng's appearance after dressing up was completely different from the unkempt and sloppy waiter image in his daily life.

"My name is Chie Kamiya. I wonder if we can get to know each other?"

Unlike the conservative Kaoru Izayoi, Chie Kamiya's daily dressing style is always bold and open.

She wore a lavender dress with a bold V-neck design, which faintly revealed her cleavage. Her long black hair was the most popular half-permed loose curls at the moment, which highlighted the personal charm of women while revealing seven points of dignity and three points of elegance.

Coupled with her good looks, it can be said that Chie Kamiya has become the only choice for those rich boys who know that they are not qualified to pursue Kaoru Izayoi.

The reason for this is that in the upper class, the eldest lady with inheritance rights and the eldest lady without inheritance rights are two people from different worlds. Although the words are a bit harsh, it is the fact. Of course, as a good"girlfriend" of Kaoru Izayoi, Chie Kamiya never thinks that she is worse than Kaoru Izayoi.


As an"ordinary person", Li Youfeng's face immediately showed embarrassment. Although he won the title of Duel King, Li Youfeng, who came from another world, did not think that this title was worthy of his pride.

In the original world, he had won the world duel championship for five consecutive times, but he lived like a grandson every day.

Just because of his extremely evil style of playing cards, I don't know how many duelists who had been destroyed by Li Youfeng wanted to team up to knock him down behind his back!

Therefore, under the influence of the inherent thinking of his previous life, Li Youfeng has always been very low-key and regarded himself as an ordinary person.

(Note: Because of his extremely evil style of playing cards, the author was once pointed at when he went to participate in a store competition, and during the game, he was spit on by his opponent!

In order to retaliate against his opponent, the author used his hand with a booger to activate the two magic cards of friendship and end.

Although the author finally won because the opponent refused to shake hands, he was almost PKed by a real person on the spot!

How can it be repaired!

These unqualified duelists are so hateful!


"Miss, I am very sorry."

Thinking of the complicated rules of these upper-class families, Li Youfeng, who was already worried, bowed his head slightly to Kamiya Chie.

"I'm actually just a freeloader who comes here to eat and drink for free, and I already have a girlfriend. As the saying goes, there's no need to know each other before we meet, so forget it."


As the eldest daughter of the Kamiya family, Kamiya Chie, who can be regarded as a rare beauty in terms of appearance, family background and figure, could never have imagined that there would be a day when she would be rejected.

Thinking that the other party was unwilling to make friends with her because he had a girlfriend, a resentment of not admitting defeat quietly rose from Kamiya Chie's heart.

Showing an aggrieved look, Kamiya Chie said pitifully:"Woo woo~ How could you think of me like this? I just saw you staying alone in the corner, so I wanted to say hello. What do you think of me?"

"Besides, everyone comes to the party just to make some friends, and you don't have a girlfriend, so how can people know that you have a girlfriend?"


It has to be said that Kamiya Chie's move of retreating to advance was absolutely perfect. In addition, she often mingles in the social circles of the upper class. With Kamiya Chie's level, it is definitely more than enough for her to control a pure virgin like Li Youfeng under normal circumstances. However, what

Kamiya Chie didn't expect was that Li Youfeng was the strongest underworld duelist with the title of"Trickster" in his previous life. Distinguishing the truth from the falsehood in the opponent's words has long become an indispensable part of Li Youfeng's daily life and duels.

Looking at Kamiya Chie's tea-like appearance, Li Youfeng felt that he was about to vomit out the delicious food he had just eaten.

"Miss, I am really sorry. I appreciate your kindness. Please treat me as if I am ungrateful. I have something else to do. Please excuse me."

Li Youfeng decisively distanced himself from Kamiya Chie and said that to deal with such a green tea bitch, you must not stay with her for more than ten seconds, otherwise, some lickspittles will suddenly jump out and cause trouble for him.

Although the plot is very cliché, in fact, there are countless similar incidents in the upper class.

As Li Youfeng expected, even if he took the initiative to give in, after seeing Kamiya Chie's dejected and tearful appearance, several young men came to stop him.

"You little bastard, you actually made Miss Kamiya cry. You are such a coward. If you know what’s best for you, apologize to Miss Kamiya quickly. Otherwise, I will make you pay!"

"That is, as a man, you actually bully a woman. It's so rude. Who are you?���? Why Have I Never Seen You Before!"

"This guy must have taken advantage of the chaos to sneak in and get some free food and drinks. I just discovered that he has been eating secretly here by himself. In my opinion, this guy is definitely not a good person!"

""Chao!" Looking coldly at the three young men blocking his face, Li Youfeng could n't help but burst out a mouthful of Chinese quintessence. As the saying goes, when you are at home, trouble comes from the sky. This is probably the case. He didn't provoke anyone at all, but in the end, he was still troubled by others.

"Haha, I was wondering why Xiaoxun was so rude to these rich kids, it turns out that the root cause is here."

Thinking that today is Izayoi Kaoru's birthday party, Li Youfeng took a few deep breaths to slowly suppress his anger, and then he said to the three"licking dogs" in front of him:"There is no need to explain to you how I got in, and are you three blind? You knew I was hiding in the corner alone, but you still had the nerve to say such things, didn't you see that it was this green tea~ uh~ wrong~! Did this lady take the initiative to come to talk to me?"

"Oh! So according to you, I am wrong for not wanting to talk to her? Humph, is this what you, the children of big families, call quality? It is ridiculous!"

"Asshole, do you know any etiquette? How could you reject such a beautiful woman?"

"That's right, it was obviously you who deliberately hid in the corner and wanted to show off, you planned it all along!"

"You bastard, how dare you mock me like this? Come on, our grudge can only be resolved by a duel!"

As the saying goes, there are all kinds of birds in a big forest. Just like these elite children from big families, because of their young age and lack of social experience, they naturally don't know that they are being used.

One by one, they showed their duel plates to Li Youfeng with their teeth and claws. For these licking dogs, such a development is undoubtedly a great opportunity to show themselves in front of their sweethearts.

Of course, for Kamiya Chie herself, these people are just wishful thinking.

"What's going on?" Noticing the commotion here, Kamiya Yuta also came over.

"I am Yuta Kamiya, the eldest son of the Kamiya family. Boy, tell me your name."

Because she is his own sister, Yuta Kamiya knows very well how high the tea art level of Chie Kamiya is. He looked at Li Youfeng with interest. He was curious about what kind of man could reject his sister so easily.

Knowing that he could not escape, Li Youfeng looked up at Yuta Kamiya after sighing:"My name is Li Youfeng, and I am a duelist out of interest!"

(Note: A little spoiler, because Peacock Dance and Jonouchi are in love, she did not join the Doma organization in this book.)

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