"Li Youfeng?" Hearing this name, Kamiya Yuta's pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly,"Are you the Duel King Li Youfeng?"

Shrugging his shoulders helplessly, Li Youfeng smiled and replied:"If Tong Shiye doesn't have a second Li Youfeng from China, I think the person you are talking about should be me."

"Duel King?! He is really the Duel King?! Oh my god, I just wanted to challenge the Duel King?"

"Are you kidding me? I didn't hear that the Duel King was invited to this ball!"

"Damn it, I've heard that the Duel King is a sinister villain, but he's pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger here, it's so despicable!"

Seeing that the man in front of them was actually Tong Shiye's first generation Duel King, the three young men who had just clamored to duel with Li Youfeng quickly took off the duel disks they had just worn on their arms like mice seeing a cat.

You have to know that the Duel King's fighting skills are so good that even the card nobleman Kaiba Seto has to admit defeat. How could these second-rate duelists be Li Youfeng's opponents?

"Who would have thought that he was actually the Duel King Li Youfeng?! My vision was right!"Hearing Li Youfeng admit his identity in public, Kamiya Chie couldn't help but her eyes lit up.

Because the Urban Duel Tournament was held in Tongshiye, the game Duel Monsters has once again experienced rapid development. Especially for the entire Sakura Country, Duel Monsters has become an indispensable part of people's lives.

Negotiations require duels, finding a job requires duels, and taking academic exams also requires duels.

Although it sounds a bit nonsense, in this world where duels are respected, such things are actually very Yu-Gi-Oh!

What's even more outrageous is that after the leaders of some countries discovered the incredible magical power contained in the duel cards, they directly allocated a large budget to set up scientific research teams and tried to invest this power in the military.

The development of things.

As the aristocratic tycoons of Sakura Country, these young men and young ladies are undoubtedly more aware of the importance of Duel Monsters, and they also understand what the title of Duel King means.

Looking at Li Youfeng's handsome face, Kamiya Chie immediately made up her mind, that is, at all costs, she must become the Duel King's woman!

As a man of action, after deciding what she wanted, Kamiya Chie also immediately started her plan.

Striding in front of Li Youfeng, Kamiya Chie said to her brother righteously:"Brother, and the rest of you, don't embarrass Brother Youfeng. The misunderstanding just now was caused by my impoliteness. If you want to blame Brother Youfeng, then blame me."

After saying these words, Kamiya Chie turned to look at Li Youfeng with an expression of unbearable shyness. Kamiya Chie said lovingly:"I'm sorry, brother Youfeng, maybe you don't quite believe what I said, but in fact, I have seen your appearance in my dreams more than once. I don't know if it is because of God's guidance that I finally met you today."

"Brother You Feng, although these words should not be said by a girl, I really have a good impression of you. Because of my abruptness, I have caused you so much trouble. Here, please forgive my rashness."

"Ladies and gentlemen, the responsibility for all this lies solely on me. If it is a sin to love someone, then let me bear this sin alone!"

It must be said that Kamiya Chie's words were indeed of high standard. Not only did they move these noble sons, but they also successfully portrayed themselves as a positive image of an infatuated girl while helping Li Youfeng out of trouble.

And in Kamiya Chie's view, if you want to win a man, you must not act too hastily, especially for a successful man like the Duel King who has no shortage of women. You must not use the method of pestering.

Rescue at the right time, take the blame on yourself, show the gentle and considerate side of yourself as a woman to the other party, and keep a distance from the other party while being reserved, so as to gradually transfer from the identity of taking the initiative to passively accepting the other party's pursuit. Only in this way can you firmly grasp the other party's heart.

As a high-level tea artist, Kamiya Chie knows very well that what she has to do is not only to give men enough face, but also to let the other party know her worth, so that men feel a sense of being high-ranking. The feeling of conquest of the flower of love.

With years of experience, Kamiya Chie is very confident that when dealing with a fledgling"silly boy" like Li Youfeng, she only needs to use a little trick to make the other party fall at her feet!

As long as she can become the duel king's woman, Kamiya Chie can not only bring more social status to her family, but also can independently control her own life from then on.

And more importantly, Li Youfeng didn't dress up before because he was used to the unkempt life of a otaku. If we really talk about temperament and appearance, his appearance after dressing up is definitely of the top level.

Therefore, no matter in terms of appearance or personal conditions, Kamiya Chie is very satisfied with Li Youfeng in her heart.

Of course, Kamiya Chie's ideas and strategies were originally excellent. Unfortunately, she miscalculated the most important point, that is, the man in front of her has already been taken.

"Humph, Li Youfeng, you are so lucky that my sister likes you!"

Guessing what Kamiya Chie was thinking, Kamiya Yuta immediately reacted. In order to solidify the relationship between Li Youfeng and the Kamiya family, he directly said,"In this case, I have no objection to you dating my sister, but if I knew that you bullied my sister, I would never let you go."

"Damn it, Miss Kamiya is so cute, but she was snatched away by the Duel King. Oh, I am so unwilling to accept this!"

"What if you are unwilling? Do you have the ability to defeat the Duel King? Don't humiliate yourself, okay?"

"It's over, I'm heartbroken! Now I feel like my whole life has no meaning, buddy, go have a drink with me!"

Seeing that the public opinion he deliberately created had begun to ferment unknowingly, Kamiya Yuta's mouth corners slightly raised.

Strictly speaking, his sister is actually not inferior to Izayoi Kaoru in terms of figure and appearance. It is a great blessing to let Li Youfeng, an upstart from outside, taste a little sweetness.

"Hey, hey, are you kidding me?!" Just when Kamiya Yuto thought that Li Youfeng must have been fascinated by his sister, the latter spoke at an inappropriate time. He had a relationship with Kamiya Chie inexplicably. Li Youfeng said that the moral kidnapping of the upper class was really fancy.

Shaking his head helplessly, Li Youfeng said loudly without any mercy:"I said from the beginning that I have no relationship with Miss Kamiya, and I already have a girlfriend, so I will never accept your so-called kindness! Miss Kamiya, please stop bothering me, okay?"

""Woo~! Brother You Feng, did Qianhui do something wrong? Why do you treat me like this?"

Two lines of tears instantly fell from Kamiya Qianhui's eyes, like a pure girl who was deceived by a scumbag. Kamiya Qianhui lowered her head and sobbed softly,"I know it must be that I didn't do well enough, so I made you angry, Brother You Feng. Brother You Feng, I will change in the future. Can you just forgive me this time?"

It has to be said that Kamiya Qianhui's acting skills are absolutely first-class. The identity of the eldest daughter of the Kamiya family and this infatuated personality almost instantly locked the image of Li Youfeng in everyone's mind.


"Unfaithful man!"


""Braise!" Hearing the comments of the people around him, Li Youfeng couldn't help but know that he had fallen into someone's trap. In his previous life, as an ordinary citizen, the biggest scene Li Youfeng had seen was a real-life PK between two old ladies who ignored their image in the street because of a dispute over fifty cents while playing mahjong.

As for these dirty tricks of the upper class, as a otaku, he didn't even have the qualifications to enter this door.

Looking at the hateful faces of the people around him, Li Youfeng knew that for him, it was not right for him to explain, and it was not right not to explain. It was completely the kind of situation that the more he explained, the worse it would be.

There is an old saying in China, if you walk by the river, you will get your shoes wet. Li Youfeng never thought that he, who had been playing the opponent all his life, would be played by others one day.

This feeling can only be described by the word"fuck you".

Fortunately, just as Li Youfeng Just when he couldn't help but want to curse without caring about his image, the lights in the ballroom suddenly turned off.

Along with a burst of elegant music, a spotlight accurately hit the steps in the center of the ballroom.

The curtain of the venue seemed to turn into starlight, and a red-haired girl in a red dress slowly walked down the steps on the second floor to the sound of music.

With a charming smile on her face, the girl appeared in front of everyone like a blooming rose.

Because of this incident, no one paid attention to Li Youfeng anymore. The young men looked at the girl, and the admiration in their eyes was beyond words.

It seemed that she had discovered Li Youfeng standing in the corner, and Izayoi Kaoru smiled at him from a distance with a shy face.

It was just a coincidence that because Kamiya Yuta was also standing next to Li Youfeng, this smile obviously caused someone's misunderstanding unfortunately.

"Izayoi Kaoru, he is smiling at me!"

For most men, the reason why they don't become lickers is because they don't have anyone to lick or they misunderstand the other person's meaning. For Kamiya Yuta, he obviously belongs to the latter.

"It seems that Xiaoxun still has feelings for me. She usually keeps her distance from me because she is shy! Haha, luckily I was well prepared. Today, I must take this opportunity to propose to her!"

Just when Kamiya Yuta made up his mind secretly, the lights in the venue were turned on at the same time. Taking the microphone from the old butler Shigeyama Satoru, Izayoi Kaoru said with a voice like a yellow warbler,"Tonight, I want to thank all the guests for coming to my birthday party. Although it has been held before, this party is more important to me."

"Here, I want to thank the man who appeared in my life. He is the most considerate and gentle man in the world. It can be said that since I met him, he has taken care of me and loved me almost without hesitation!"

"Today, I hope that the man I love most can dance the first dance with me at my birthday party!"

""Xiaoxun! I do!" Since Izayoi Kaoru's eyes have been looking here, Kamiya Yuta naturally thought that the man she was talking about must be referring to himself.

As the eldest son of the Kamiya family, Kamiya Yuta, who has received elite education since childhood, is naturally considered a leader among the younger generation.

Regardless of family background or ability, Kamiya Yuta is extremely confident that all the young people present are not even qualified to carry his shoes.

Suddenly walking out of the crowd, Kamiya Yuta walked towards Izayoi Kaoru with affection. In Izayoi Kaoru's confused expression, suddenly, a big hand came from behind and slammed Kamiya Yuta's head.

"Who is so rude? You know I am……"

Feeling the sharp pain in his head, Kamiya Yuta was immediately furious. However, when he turned around, he saw a middle-aged man with red hair staring at him with murderous eyes.

"Uh~ Uncle Izayoi, what are you trying to do?"

He was scared!

Seeing Izayoi Hayato's face that looked like it was about to erupt like a volcano, Kamiya Yuta was scared on the spot!

"I was just wondering what you were going to do? You want to take away my daughter and I's first dance? Are you tired of living? Believe it or not, even if I kill you right here, your fat pig daddy won't dare to fart!"


Waterfall of sweat!

Knowing that Izayoi Hayato was not kidding him, Kamiya Yuta was already shaking like a sieve.

"Misunderstanding! Uncle Izayoi, this is a misunderstanding! I just got lost on the road of life and ended up here. I'm going back now."

"dad~!"Knowing that her father was a heavy daughter slave, Izayoi Kaoru hurried over, fearing that something might go wrong, and said,"Today is my birthday party, please don't lose your composure again.""

"Oh~! Sorry, haha, my little baby is right, celebrating your birthday is the most important thing!"

With Kaori Izayoi holding his arm, Hayato Izayoi's face changed instantly. After glaring at Yuta Kamiya without making any expression, he walked to the center of the ballroom with Kaori Izayoi with a smile on his face.

Elegant accompaniment followed, and Hayato Izayoi and his daughter Kaori Izayoi also danced the first dance of the birthday ball.

Looking at the happy smile on Hayato Izayoi's face, Li Youfeng hugged his arms and nodded heavily. The daughter slave is so terrible, it seems that he should try to avoid him in the future.

"You Fengjun."

Just when Li Youfeng was staring at Izayoi Kaoru in the center of the venue, a familiar voice appeared beside him.

Turning back with some surprise, Li Youfeng never expected that Izayoi Ayaka appeared behind him silently and was looking at him with a smile on her face. With a subtle cunning on the corner of her mouth, Izayoi Ayaka asked half-jokingly:"How is it, did you feel jealous when you heard what Xiaoxun said just now?"

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