The sun slowly rises from the horizon, and the golden afterglow gradually falls on the modern city. The street lights slowly go out, announcing the arrival of a new day.

As time goes by, there are more and more pedestrians on the street, including salaried workers, housewives going to the morning market to buy vegetables, and many students on their way to school.

"So, did I travel through time or was I reborn?"

Li Youfeng sat on the curb, looking at the people coming and going on the street in a daze. He refused to accept the reality and the clothes he wore were not clean, so he acted like a lunatic all day yesterday. It was not until the next morning that the hungry Li Youfeng had to accept his current situation.

After some inquiries, Li Youfeng found that the place he was in was called Tongshiye, which had the same name as the classic old anime"Yu-Gi-Oh" on the earth where he was originally. Both were cities on an island country that should have been fictional. City.

As a newcomer who didn't know the geographical environment of Tongshiye, Li Youfeng wandered around like a headless fly for a whole day but couldn't find the card game store that appeared in the anime. He stopped only when he was really hungry. To be honest, if it weren't for the free drinking water in the small park in this city, he would have probably collapsed.

However, it is gratifying that the popularity of Duel Monsters in this city is very high. Whether it is an office worker or a housewife, almost everyone has a deck of cards. Even most of the school exams are closely related to Duel Monsters.

"This is the city where the first Duel King Muto Yugi is located. I wonder if my current level can compete with the King."

With a slight sigh, Li Youfeng looked helplessly at the card pendant hanging on his chest.

Since coming to this world, this small and exquisite card pendant seemed to appear out of thin air. No matter what method he used, he could not take it off from his neck.

After his many attempts, not only did this card pendant not respond at all, but he didn't even bring any of the cards collected by his predecessor.

You must know that in this world dominated by duel monsters, this directly led to Li Youfeng not even having a way to find a good job.

You must know that in this world dominated by duel monsters, if you want to live a good life, the technical level of duel games is directly linked to the treatment.

However, the only thing that is gratifying for Li Youfeng is that his age of 28 in his previous life has actually returned to 16 years old.

Not only is his body strong, but his appearance seems to be pretty good, at least he is much more handsome than his predecessor.


With the protest from his stomach, Li Youfeng was almost starving. He didn't know how long this body hadn't eaten. Anyway, if he couldn't find a job today, he could only steal the children's lollipops to fill his stomach. However

, contrary to his wishes, Li Youfeng, who had been working hard for a whole morning, still couldn't find a suitable job. Even the position of a coolie in a convenience store was rejected by the boss because he didn't have a Duel Monster Card.

Looking at the provocative look on the face of the young man who was competing with him because he got the job, if he hadn't been so hungry that he had no strength, he would have summoned his right hand and thrown a big bag directly at him!

At noon, Li Youfeng, who still hadn't found a job, sat down next to a flower bed on the side of the road with a bit of despair. Looking at the three elementary school students who had just finished school, eating Taiyaki and walking towards him with a smile, Li Youfeng, who was already hungry and about to lose his mind, said that he could no longer control himself!

"Damn it, the brave ones will die of overeating and the timid ones will die of starvation. Let’s fight!"

""Little Pengyu~wait a minute!" Having made up his mind, Li Youfeng tried his best to make his expression look more ferocious. He blocked the three primary school students with a grim smile on his face,"I built this road and planted this tree. If you want to pass through here, leave some food for me!""

"You, what do you want to do!"

"Oh, this is terrible. Are we being robbed?"

"No, no, help!"

"Haha, this handsome guy is the local boss of this street!" Seeing the three little ones trembling, Li Youfeng became even more proud. If he punched them, they would definitely cry for a long time."Hurry up and give me the food in your hands, or I will...……"


However, just when Li Youfeng was getting carried away, a cold voice suddenly rang in his ears, and at the same time Li Youfeng felt someone patting his shoulder.

"Who is it? How dare you hinder this handsome guy~ I spit!"

Turning around with a puzzled look on his face, Li Youfeng felt a fierce punch in the abdomen before he even saw who tapped his shoulder. The punch was so powerful that Li Youfeng collapsed directly holding his stomach, and almost knocked out the tap water he had just drunk.

"You~don't follow the moral code~you're attacking by surprise~!"

"Humph! You scumbag, you extorted snacks from a kid, and you have the nerve to say I have no moral principles!"

"Wow! It's Izayoi-sister!"

"My sister beat him well. This guy is a bad guy who actually tried to steal our snacks!"

"Yes, yes! Sister Shizayoi, teach this bad guy a lesson!"

Hearing the children's childish voice, Li Youfeng was so embarrassed that he almost dug out a three-bedroom apartment with his toes. He endured the pain in his abdomen and slowly looked up. He saw that the three children were hiding behind a girl in a JK school uniform at the same time, and the girl was staring at him with disgust.

"Wow, what a beautiful girl!"

It is worthy of being in the world of anime. This girl has an orthodox Yamato Nadeshiko"Hime-style" hairstyle. Her flame-red hair falls to her waist, showing the girl's vitality and enthusiasm.

She is not tall, about 1.6 meters, but her delicate and lovely face reveals that she is an extremely rare beauty.

The only flaw is that her bear is a bit shabby at this stage, but judging from her current clothes, as a junior high school student, she should still have the possibility of secondary development.

"Misunderstanding! This is a misunderstanding!" Fearing that he would be beaten again, Li Youfeng quickly raised his hands in surrender,"Lady! You are listening to my quibbling, bah, you are listening to my explanation, I just wanted to play a joke on them!"

"Do you need to snatch snacks from a kid just for a joke?" The beautiful girl named Shizayoi obviously didn't believe Li Youfeng's nonsense,"Or do you think I'm blind and can't see what you just did?"

"Lady, spare my life!" Seeing the girl slowly approaching him with her eyes narrowed and fists flexed, Li Youfeng was so scared that sweat broke out all over his forehead,"Xiao Ke is new here, my wallet and other things have been stolen, plus I haven't eaten for a day, I'm almost starving to death!"

"And I don't even have a Duel Monster Card on me, and no one wants to hire me even when I'm looking for a job. You can't really blame me for this! Besides, I just want their snacks to fill my stomach, and I don't mean to hurt them!"

"Oh, so that's how it is!"

In this world of Duel Monsters, there are naturally differences in talent. Therefore, for someone who does not have a Duel Monster Card, this means that this person does not have a talent for Duel, and usually can only do some hard labor that requires effort but does not earn much. With this preconceived notion, the girl naturally thought that Li Youfeng was a person without a talent for Duel.

"Okay, this big brother is not a bad person, you guys should go home quickly!"

"Thank you, Sister Izayoi!"

"Goodbye, Sister Shizayoi!"

Seeing the girl turned around and waved goodbye to the three little ones, Li Youfeng stealthily got up from the ground and wanted to slip away. However, just when he took two steps, the girl's cold voice came again,"Where do you want to go?"

"Well~?!"Li Youfeng was frightened by the girl again. He showed a smile that was uglier than crying, turned around cautiously and asked,"Um~Lady, do you have anything else to say?"

"What’s your name? Answer honestly, or I’ll beat you up!"

"My name is Li Youfeng!"

"Hmm? Li Youfeng? From your name, you don't seem to be from Sakura Country?"

"Yes! I am not from the country of cherry blossoms. I don’t know if you know China. I am……"

"Of course I know. China is a big country, and the strength of their duelists is very strong. Since you are from China, your dueling level must be high!"

I mistakenly thought that Li Youfeng must be involved.���The girl's bag and wallet were stolen, and she immediately looked like she had found a treasure.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Izayoi Kaoru! You can call me Xiaoxun. Please take care of me!"

"Uh~ Hello! Please~ Please take care of me."

Seeing Shizaiya Xun stretched out his hand, Li Youfeng touched his head and shook it lightly and shyly.

"You Feng, I see you haven't found a job yet, so would you like to come and work for me? I can pay you a salary and also arrange accommodation for you."

"Really~really?" Hearing that Izayoi Kaoru was willing to hire him, Li Youfeng was overjoyed and nodded in agreement,"Great, I'm very willing! Miss Xiaoxun, does your family own a company? Are you very rich?"

"Well~ Our family's fixed industries are mainly in the medical field. When it comes to total assets, although it is not as good as Kaiba Entertainment Group, it is not too bad!"Showing a lovely smile, I opened a card game store and I just happened to be in need of a waiter. I think you are quite suitable!"

Comparable to Kaiba Entertainment Company?!

The former is a global giant company that is as famous as Fantasy Society in the later period. With such strength, it is not too bad?

This little girl is obviously a rich girl!

No! You must hold on to this thigh tightly, at least provide food and accommodation!

""Huh? So that's how it is!" Li Youfeng scratched his head awkwardly and asked a little embarrassedly,"Miss Xiaoxun, are we going back to the store now? I haven't eaten for a day and I'm almost starving to death."

"Hehe, this is not a problem!"

Reaching out of her schoolbag and pulling out a lunch box, Izayoi Kaoru handed it to Li Youfeng and said,"This is my lunch box. I'm on a diet so you can help me eat it. We're not going back to the store now. I got reliable information that the fourth remaining super rare card in the world appeared in a game store. That's our destination. If possible, I hope to buy it as the treasure of my store!"

"What kind of card is so rare that it can be used as the treasure of the store?"

Xiaoye Xun's words stunned Li Youfeng, who was about to eat a hearty meal.

"Hehe, you have no experience, follow me, I will open your eyes today!"

As Li Youfeng's employer, Shizayoi Kaoru has no bossy attitude at all. Li Youfeng followed her while eating, and the two quickly became familiar with each other along the way.


"We are here! This is the game store!"

Following Shizaye all the way to the door of a game card store, Li Youfeng looked at the store in front of him with surprise.

"Isn't this the shop opened by Muto Soroku, the grandfather of Yugi Muto in the anime? Could it be that the super rare card that Xiaoxun mentioned is the blank Blue-Eyes White Dragon in Jijiang's hand?! That is also a super rare card?! What a joke, I have a hundred ways to prevent the opponent from playing this card, don't you believe it!"

Without noticing Li Youfeng's embarrassed expression, Izayoi pushed the door and walked into the shop.

"Grandpa Shuangliu, I'm here again, and this time I'm full of sincerity!"

""Oh, haha~ It's Xiaoxun." With a familiar laugh, Jijiang with his iconic spider-leg hairstyle appeared in Li Youfeng's sight,"I've said it many times, this card was given to me by my old friend. It is priceless to me and I will never transfer it."

"Grandpa Shuangliu, please have some mercy on me.~!"

Seeing that bribery didn't work, Izayoi Kaoru used the tactic of acting like a spoiled child in the blink of an eye. She shook Muto Sugoroku's arm and said in a tender voice,"You also know that I just opened a card store and I'm in urgent need of some treasures. I promise you, Grandpa, that I will never sell this card. Just agree to sell it to him!""

"Oh, haha~ this~ this won't do!" The elderly Jijiang obviously couldn't stand Izayoi Kaoru's coquettish tactics, so he could only smile foolishly,"If Xiaoxun really needs a store-signing card, I still have a few rare cards here, why not give them to you? As for that super rare card, I really can't sell it."

"Double Six Grandpa~!"

Seeing that Muto Sugoroku was unmoved, Izayoi Kaoru had no choice but to continue pestering him. However, at this moment, the door of the game store suddenly opened.

"Chicken Sauce! We are back!"

"Grandpa, here we come!"

"Jijiang, excuse me!"

Turning around and seeing the four people coming in, Li Youfeng's pupils suddenly shrank!

"Wow, this familiar starfish head, and that gambler golden hair, they are real people! The other two must be Honda and Kyoko, the protagonists are all here, so President Kaiba should be here soon!"

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