"Yugi, you guys are out of school now. Are you here with your classmates today?" Seeing his grandson coming to the store with his classmates, Muto Sugoroku quickly changed the subject.

"Ms. Kaoru, you are here again." It seems that he has known Izayoi Kaoru for a long time, and Yugi Muto smiled and said hello,"You must be here for your grandfather's super rare card, right?"

"Yes, that's right." It seems that Izayoi Kaoru and Muto Yugi have known each other for a long time, so they spoke very naturally,"Because of my idol work, I also opened a card game store, but since it just opened and has no reputation, I thought of the super rare card of Grandpa Soroku!"

"Wow, Izayoi Kaoru is actually a real person! I didn't expect that Yugi's grandfather actually knew such a celebrity. You can't judge a person by his appearance."

"This is incredible. Miss Xun, who debuted as an idol duelist, actually came to such a shabby little shop in person. I must be dreaming!

Seeing Jonouchi and Honda's pig-like faces, Li You���I was also a little surprised. I didn't expect that my boss was actually an idol. However, this was completely different from the original work I was familiar with. Could it be that my arrival caused the butterfly effect?

"You two bastards! Who are you calling a junky shop?" Hearing Jonouchi and Honda slandering his game store, Muto Sugoroku was instantly displeased,"I have a collection of dozens of rare cards that are not circulated on the market, and I also have the treasure of the town. You actually said that I run a junky shop, it's ridiculous! I must teach you a lesson today!"

"Ah~! Master, we were wrong!"

"No, don’t hit the head!"

"Haha, you two deserve it!"

Looking at his grandfather fighting with Jonouchi and Honda, Muto Yugi could only touch his hair awkwardly and laughed. However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came over.


"Um, what's wrong? Another me"

"I feel like there's something wrong with the man next to Miss Xun. There's a strange energy in him that I'm familiar with but can't describe. According to my intuition, he must be an extremely powerful duelist!"

"Hmm? Is that so?"After hearing Wang Yang's words, Xiaobiao turned his head and glanced at Li Youfeng.

"Miss Xun, who is this?"

"Ah, he is my new clerk, Li Youfeng from China.

Seeing that Muto Yugi seemed very interested in Li Youfeng, Izayoi Kaoru was also very generous and quickly introduced him.

"Hello, my name is Li Youfeng, I am sixteen years old, from China, nice to meet you"

"Ah, hello, my name is Yugi Muto, I am also sixteen years old, I believe we can become good friends."

It should be said that Xiaobiao's interpersonal skills are really amazing, coupled with his gentle personality, it is easy for him to get acquainted with Li Youfeng.

"You two brats, okay! Today I will open your eyes and show you what a super rare card is!"

Seemingly annoyed by Jonouchi and Honda's attitude, Muto Sugoroku turned to the counter and took out a beautifully packaged box from the bottom compartment behind him.

""Hmm! Don't blink!"

After gently placing the box on the counter, Muto Sugoroku showed a smug expression. He slowly opened the box, and saw a beautiful card lying quietly at the bottom of the box.

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon?! It actually has 3000 attack points, what a terrifying card!"

"Wow! What a beautiful card!"

"Oh my god! This is really the fourth Blue-Eyes White Dragon card left in the world!"

"Grandpa Shuangliu, please sell this card to me, I will keep it well! Please!"After seeing the real card, Izayoi Kaoru was obviously more excited

"Oh, haha! I can't sell it. I will never sell it in my lifetime!"

Gently stroking his beard, Shuangliu Chicken Sauce's face was full of pride.

"So, who dares to call the game store I run a shabby little shop? You two little brats, are you convinced now?"

"Wow~ It really is this blank card."

Seeing Jijiang holding the card carefully in his arms, Li Youfeng's face suddenly showed an indescribable embarrassment.

Of course, it doesn't mean that this Blue-Eyes White Dragon card is not good, but in the duel environment that he is familiar with in the future, the role of this card is just a material, and most of the time it stays in the graveyard.

Even in the environment of some specialized white dragon decks, this card may not even be qualified to go to the graveyard in the first place.

What's more, Li Youfeng is very sure that in that environment, except for the president, no one will throw this blank card with no resistance on the field.

However, just when Li Youfeng was not interested, he suddenly felt that the card pendant hanging on his chest seemed to flicker, and at the same time, a picture frame like a game interface appeared in front of him out of thin air.

"A rare card has been detected!"

"Determine the target!"

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon"

"Please touch the card to absorb the spirit energy to unlock the deck"

"What?" Li Youfeng opened his mouth in surprise when he saw the information suddenly appearing in front of him,"Is this the function of this pendant?"

Thinking that he didn't even have a card on him, Li Youfeng made a decision instantly.

Walking to the counter, Li Youfeng said sincerely:"Grandpa Shuangliu, can you let me see this card?"

"Wow~ You Feng!" Touching his chin slightly, Muto Sugoroku smiled and handed the card to Li You Feng,"Here, let me show you."

"Thank you, Grandpa Shuangliu!"

Li Youfeng took the Blue-Eyes White Dragon with a serious face, and was so excited that he almost jumped up on the spot, because the moment he touched the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, the picture frame that looked like the game interface popped up again.

Name: Li Youfeng

Level: Level 1

Skills: Magic Trap Affinity (Note: Limited to 1 time per game)

Bonds: Atlas Worm Demon, Vampire Lady

"Atla Bug Devil, Vampire Lady!"

Unlocked: Temptation of Bug Devil, some cards of Vampire Empire.

Seeing these two familiar names again in this strange world, Li Youfeng almost burst into tears on the spot!

As a heavy underworld minotaur, these two wives have been with Li Youfeng since he first came into contact with Yu-Gi-Oh. In Li Youfeng's words, anyone could betray him, but these two cards have never let him down.

Seeing these two cards under the frame and some cards unlocked to be used, Li Youfeng was so excited that he couldn't describe it. He trembled and returned the Blue-Eyes White Dragon to Muto Sugoroku. People who didn't know the specific situation thought that he couldn't control his emotions because he touched this Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

"You Feng, now you believe what I said, right?" Patting Li You Feng's shoulder seriously, Izayoi Kaoru said in a conscientious manner,"Well, after all, it is the only fourth super rare card left in the world, so it is inevitable that you will be excited."

"Maybe." Knowing that Izayoi Kaoru had misunderstood, Li Youfeng did not want to explain anything. He wiped the tears from his eyes and smiled happily,"Although the Blue-Eyes White Dragon is also very good, the level of attack power does not represent everything. What is important is the bond between the card, otherwise no matter how strong the card is, it will not escape the fate of defeat.""


"Well, I understand, my other self, your intuition is indeed correct. I can now be sure that You Feng is definitely a strong duelist."

"Ah, it’s great that you understand. I just don’t know what tactics he will use. I really hope I can fight him one day!"

"I'm looking forward to playing against him too."

"Oh, boy, it seems you really know a lot!"

Without reaching out to take the Blue-Eyes White Dragon from Li Youfeng's hand, after looking at him deeply and nodding with satisfaction, Muto Sugoroku seemed to have made up his mind.

"Xiaoxun, although I cannot sell this card to you, I decided to lend it to you for the sake of this young man. You can display it in your newly opened store, which will also increase its fame. I believe that your game store will soon be on the right track!"

"Really? Thank you, Ji-chan!"Izayoi Kaoru, who originally had no intention of selling the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, was overjoyed when she heard this. After all, Muto Sugoroku's decision was a great help to her."Hehe~! You Feng, you are really my lucky star!"

""Boss, you're too kind. I'm not that great.""


Just when Li Youfeng was embarrassed, the door of the game store suddenly opened. Li Youfeng suddenly realized that it must be the famous"Seahorse" president who came.

"Yo~ I've heard that Yugi's grandfather runs a card store, but what's the matter with this shabby store? Are there really cards worth buying in a store like this?"The arrogant president didn't give Yugi Muto any face at all, and directly turned on the troll mode.

""Huh? Kaiba!" Kaiba's words immediately made Jonouchi a little unhappy,"You actually know about Duel Monster Cards, are you also a Duelist like me?"

""Hey~ Hey! Stop kidding." Kaiba closed his eyes and shook his head helplessly,"Do you have the qualifications to compare with me? After all, I have the strength of the Duel Monster National Championship!"

"Maybe you still don't understand what I said, I can make it clearer, that is, you scumbags are not on the same level as me."

"What did you say?" Veins suddenly appeared on Jonouchi's forehead."You are really arrogant. Are you here to cause trouble on purpose?"

"Humph, I'm not that bored to bother with a lowly person like you!"Just when Kaiba was about to continue to taunt Jonouchi, he suddenly saw the card in Li Youfeng's hand.

"This, this is it!"

He pounced on Li Youfeng, his eyes flashing with light. He stared at the card in Li Youfeng's hand, gritted his teeth, and suddenly put the suitcase in his hand on the counter.

"Boy, give me the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in your hand. How about I exchange it with you for the rare cards in this box?"

"Sorry, this is not for sale!"

Not to mention that this card is not his, even if it is his, Li Youfeng will never hand it over. After all, for the president who already has three Blue-Eyes White Dragons, if this card falls into his hands, the consequences are definitely imaginable.

"Kusuo!!!" However, Li Youfeng still underestimated the president's persistence in getting a free marriage. He slammed his hands on the counter and said with a ferocious look,"I can pay, no matter how much it is, you can name any price!"

"It seems you still don't understand!" After carefully putting the Blue-Eyes White Dragon into the box and covering it, Li Youfeng turned around and handed the box to Izayoi Kaoru."Strictly speaking, this card was borrowed from my boss, so you've got the point wrong."

"You Feng is right!"

Izayoi Kaoru, who was almost drooling, took the box as if she had found a treasure.

She held the box in both hands and rubbed it with her forehead, saying proudly:"This Blue-Eyes White Dragon has the power of bondage.

It is the friendship and spiritual sustenance of Grandpa Soroku.

I just borrowed it for exhibition.

I will never sell such a treasure!

Besides, our Izayoi family consortium is not short of money.

Kaiba-kun, you have to understand that there are some things that you can't buy no matter how much money you have!


"The mistress of the Izayoi family? In the final analysis, she is just a superficial woman who relies on the gimmick of a duelist to attract attention!"

"You bastard Kaiba! Who are you calling a superficial woman? I am a top 64 player in the Duel Monster National Tournament. How dare you say that to me? I want to duel with you!"

"Duel with me? Just you? Humph, I never bully women, especially weak and pitiful women!"

Glazing at Izayoi Kaoru fiercely, Kaiba shifted his eyes to Li Youfeng.

"Boy, you actually dared to disobey my order. I will remember you. I believe we will meet again soon. Goodbye!"

After closing the suitcase, Kaiba Seto turned around and walked out of the door of the game store.

"What bullshit bond, what spiritual sustenance, only absolute power can completely destroy all enemies that stand in our way! Wait, I will never allow the fourth Blue-Eyes White Dragon to appear in this world, I will definitely get it!"

"You Fengjun, are you okay?" It was not until Kaiba walked out of the store that Muto Yugi looked at Li Youfeng with a worried look on his face,"Kaiba-kun may have set his sights on you, why don't you……"

"Oh my~ What are you talking about, Yugi-kun!"

It was so hard to get the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, how could I give it away?

"Don't forget, You Feng is not only my shop assistant, but also a Chinese. How can Chinese people's duel skills be bad? So you can rest assured, I~ ahem~ I am You Feng, yes, it's him, he will definitely protect this Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

"Eh~? Why is it me?"

Li Youfeng was immediately annoyed by Shizayoi Kaoru's words.

"I'll give you a raise!"

Izayoi Kaoru made a gesture to raise the salary.

"Don't worry, boss. Leave everything to me. I promise to complete the task!"

The next afternoon.

Lavender Card Game Shop.

Since Izayoi Kaoru still had to go to school, the job of looking after the shop naturally fell on Li Youfeng. After cleaning the shop, Li Youfeng made himself a cup of tea, and climbed on the counter with a comfortable look on his face to sort out the cards he had just received.

"Hehe, my little Atla, you are indeed the cutest in the world, oh no, Miss Vampire, I don’t mean that, in my heart you are the cutest in the world just like Atla, and this familiar red pit, and these familiar little cuties of the insect demons, hehe~ you are all my little darlings!"

"Well, the Alms of Angels and Pot of Greed, these ten thousand year banned cards can actually be used at will, such cards are really too abnormal, oh, and the Noble Power of the Knights of Hanoi also has no restrictions on use, such a deck will be punished by God!"

Li Youfeng, who had initially unlocked a small part of his previous life's deck, was immersed in a little happiness. However, just when he had just assembled a set of specialized and commonly used decks, a black car suddenly stopped at the door of the Lavender Card Game Store.

As the door of the game store was roughly opened, three people were seen.���A burly man in a black suit and sunglasses rushed in fiercely.

The three men in black had the logo of the Seahorse Group embroidered on their suits, and their purpose was self-evident!

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