"Um, brothers, you don't have to watch so closely!"

"Also, is the safety on your gun? You must hold it steady, don't let it go off accidentally!"

""Brother, please say something. I won't run away. We are just making friends. Why should we make things so awkward?"

In a black car, Li Youfeng was squeezed into the middle seat of the back seat by two bodyguards. Under the enthusiastic invitation of the three bodyguards and (gun) kind (finger) can (brain) dear (bag), Li Youfeng had to leave a note in a hurry and was forced by them to go to the Haima Group to play cards with the president.

Having lived in a peaceful society for a long time, how could Li Youfeng have imagined that someone would actually point a gun at him in broad daylight? Although the underworld is a legal organization in Sakura Country, you have to know that this is an era of rule of law, a modern society with advanced technology! Is there still the king's law?

Is there still law? What are these yamen runners in Sakura Country doing?

How can you feel at ease spending taxpayers' money on such a social security ? 's money?

You said that Kaiba Group is so powerful that even the yamen runners dare not intervene?

Sorry to bother you, just pretend I didn't say anything.

Carrying in his heart the dissatisfaction with the yamen runners of Sakura Country and the uneasiness of not wanting to be PKed by real people, Li Youfeng was escorted all the way to the office building of Kaiba Group.

Although it is called an office building, in fact, the headquarters of Kaiba Group is a large-scale entertainment activity center with complete equipment, and the technological level of this place is not inferior to those three-dimensional game consoles that Li Youfeng played in his previous life. You must know that in his original world, those game consoles were not fully popularized until 26XX.

When he came to a duel machine, Kaiba Seto had already stood on the other side of the duel stage. He folded his arms and showed a hideous smile from above.

"Humph, You↗Feng↘! I'm glad you didn't try to escape. Come on! Face me like a real man. The stakes are the most precious cards for both of us. As an inferior, you have to understand that you have no right to refuse me!"

"Your suggestion is very good!"Li Youfeng spread his hands and shook his head helplessly, then his face suddenly changed,"Da Ga Ko To Wa Lu! What I, Li Youfeng, like to do most in my life is to say loudly to those who are self-righteous and think they have already won the game.……!"


Two cold pistols were thrust at Li Youfeng's forehead at the same time.

"Boy, my ears are not good and I didn’t hear you clearly just now. I’ll give you a chance to organize your words again!"

""Brother! My two half brothers! Don't be impulsive, I said YES! It's just a joke, to liven up the atmosphere, there's no need to do this, right? Fighting and killing will only hurt the harmony, don't you agree? Oh, brothers, can you please stop holding me? I can walk by myself, no~ Can you two be gentler? I have a bad heart and I'm a little afraid of heights!"

Just as Li Youfeng was carried by two bodyguards and thrown onto the duel stage, several figures suddenly rushed out from the entrance below the game table.

"Kaiba! You bastard, how dare you kidnap my employees? You really don't take our Izayoi Group seriously!"

"Kaiba-kun, why would you do such a thing? It is wrong to resort to violence in duel monsters!"

"Kaiba! You bastard, if you want to fight, come to me. I, Jonouchi, will never be afraid of you!"


Kaiba suddenly shouted, and looked at Yugi Muto and others, led by Izayoi, with a sneer on his face:"This duel has nothing to do with personal grudges. As a man, he has stepped onto the duel stage, which means that the duel has begun. The only way to resolve it is for one side to admit defeat or fall down. Do you want to watch him become a deserter? Or do you have no sense of honor as a duelist at all?"



"Another me?"

I don't know when, Wang Yang has replaced Xiaobiao. He stood in the audience, staring at Kaiba Seto,"Kaiba, don't be too proud. I firmly believe that you will never be able to defeat You Fengjun if you don't understand the duel monster bonds and souls. This duel will definitely end with your defeat!"

""Hehehe! Hahaha!"

Wang Yang's words made Kaiba burst into laughter

"You are a bunch of ignorant inferiors. You simply don't understand what kind of power I possess now!"

"The duel adopts the latest rules of the Kaiba Group. The health value is 2000 points. Anyone whose health value reaches 0 will be defeated!"

"Virtual system started!"

"You↗Feng↘! Are you ready to die?"


With a slight sigh, Li Youfeng's eyes suddenly flashed with an extremely obscure red light. At this moment, he was no longer the sloppy look he usually had, but the strongest duel king who had won five consecutive Yu-Gi-Oh World Cup championships in the future world!

"Since you want to be beaten, I will grant your wish!"

"Duel! X2"

"I'll take it down if you attack first!"

Kaiba launched the attack first.

"Draw a card! I will one-eyed……"

"Wait a minute!!!"

With Li Youfeng's shout, Kaiba Seto almost couldn't catch his breath. He gritted his teeth and stared at Li Youfeng.

"What do you want to do?"

"No, I mean, how can you draw a card when you attack first? Do you understand the rules of the game? Do you know that this is a foul?"

"Poof! You Fengjun, what are you doing?"

"Oh my god! I think I am a newbie, but You Feng is even more of a newbie than me!"

"Ah~ It's over~ My Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

Li Youfeng's words stunned Wang Yang and others in the audience. Shizayoi Kaoru couldn't even accept the blow and fainted.

"Hahaha, you are a layman, it seems you don't understand at all! Forget it, I am too lazy to explain it to you, in this case, then just prepare to die!"

"I attack as a Cyclops (Attack 1200, Defense 1000)"

"Shoo! Newbie, it's your turn! But I guess you can't come up with any decent cards! Hahaha!"

""Shit! What kind of broken rule is this? You attack first and you draw a card? You're just playing dirty and you don't even allow me to say anything? Tsk~ How shameless!"

Li Youfeng made a contemptuous gesture towards Kaiba Seto and raised his hand to touch his own deck of cards.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Huh? I got the first one I drew. Is this the so-called bond value?"

After taking a look at the bond card displayed on his attribute board, Li Youfeng's mouth curled up slightly, and he raised his hand and slapped the card he just drew directly on the electronic instrument.

"I summon Atlas Worm Demon (Attack 1800, Defense 1000) to attack!"

Accompanied by a burst of electronic sound, a flash of light appeared on the duel field, and a black-clothed little girl about 1.4 meters tall and looking like a spider appeared out of thin air. She had an evil smile on her face, and a black aura slowly floated beside her.

"Haha, what is this? Can such a tiny thing be called a duel monster? Sure enough, the cards of lower-class people are just trash!"

Seeing Li Youfeng summon such a harmless little loli, Kaiba Seto couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Oh my god, my Blue-Eyes White Dragon is really going to die this time!"

Seeing the skinny monster on Li Youfeng's field, Izayoi Kaoru, who had just woken up, fainted again.

"President Kaiba, I advise you not to underestimate others. I'm covering a card, Atla, and attacking. Kill that big fool for me!"

"Spider Hands Entangling Kill!"

After receiving Li Youfeng's order, Atlas Worm Demon's eyes flashed red, and he directly cut out a black giant claw. The Cyclops couldn't withstand such an attack at all, and turned into pieces with a scream.

Seahorse LP2000﹥1400

"Brother!" Seeing Kaiba Seto losing blood first, Kaiba Keipi on the other side of the stands shouted nervously

""Hehe~! You've done pretty well for a newbie. Besides, it would be boring if I got rid of you right away." Kaiba sneered, apparently not shaken by the defeat of his own monster.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Newbie, let me show you what kind of card can be called a rare card! Show up, Sapphire Dragon (Attack 1900, Defense 1600)"

"This moment!" Interrupting Kaiba's shout, Li Youfeng waved his hand,"When there is an Atlas Worm Demon on our field, I can activate a normal trap card with the characters of Hole, Hole and Hole from my hand, so I activate Hole Fall from my hand to destroy the monster summoned by the opponent with an attack power of 1000 or more!"


As a red pit was thrown into the graveyard by Li Youfeng, the Sapphire Dragon slowly fell from the air and fell directly into a bottomless pit before even standing firm. With a shrill scream, the Sapphire Dragon was blown to pieces without any suspense.

(Sapphire Dragon: There is a big pit on the ground! Who dug it? Is there anyone who cares or not!)

"What the hell?"

"What the hell is this? Trap cards can actually be used like this?"

"Another me, the monster called Atlas Worm Demon, actually has such a terrible monster effect!"

"Yes, aibo! actually has the ability to activate trap cards directly from the hand. Isn't this hard to guard against? Such a monster is really too scary. It seems that we have all been deceived by the cute appearance of the monster!"

"You Feng↘!"His monster entered the cemetery without even landing firmly. Kaiba Seto was almost gritting his teeth at this moment,"You despicable guy!"

Seeing the president in such an embarrassed state, Li Youfeng pinched his nose and waved his hands and said,"Hey, what's the matter, President? You're making personal attacks just because you can't play cards? By the way, weren't you very arrogant just now? Keep smiling for me! How I wish I could see that hearty smile of yours again!"

"You~ damn it! Don't be complacent, you just lived a few more rounds! My round is over!"

Although he was very unwilling, the president had no choice but to end his round.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Haha, this card came at the right time!"

"I summoned a Whirlworm from my hand (1200 attack, 1600 defense). Next, I released the Whirlworm and can choose a normal trap card with characters such as hole and hole from my graveyard and deck and put it on the field."

"Fight! He dared to put a gun to my head, Atla, avenge me, rush up and beat him hard!"


"Eh?! What's going on? Atla, what's wrong with you? Don't you love me anymore? Why don't you go up and beat him up?"

A piercing electronic sound rang out, and Li Youfeng looked at Atla's insect demon on the field with a confused look on his face. However, what responded to Li Youfeng was Atla's extremely human and resentful look.

"You Fengjun, the rules of Duel Monsters are that they cannot attack the player directly. In addition to the life value being reduced to zero, if the opponent has no monsters on the field and does not summon monsters during a round, it is considered a failure. At the same time, if there are no Duel Monsters to summon, it is also considered a failure. You should learn more about the rules of Duel."

"Huh? Is this the rule of the game? Well, my turn is over."

After hearing Wang Yang's kind explanation, Li Youfeng smiled bitterly and quickly apologized to Atla, the Insect Demon on the field:"Atla, my little cutie, I'm sorry, I wronged you!"


As if he had heard Li Youfeng's apology, Atlas Bug Demon crossed his arms and gave him a beautiful eye roll.

"My turn! Draw a card!"

Although he was a little unconvinced, Kaiba Seto knew that he must not underestimate Li Youfeng again. Otherwise, if the news of his defeat to a beginner due to carelessness spread, then his reputation as a national champion would be completely lost.

"Haha, it’s this card, You Feng, I have found a way to crack your despicable tactics, get ready to die!"

"I summon an Evil Knight Dragon from my hand in attack position (ATK 2350 DEF 2400)!"

"At this moment, I activated the Trap Card Pitfall, destroying the opponent's Normal Summoned monster with an attack power of 1000 or more!"


As a bottomless pit appeared on Kaiba's field again, the Evil Knight Dragon and the previous Sapphire Dragon fell directly into the pit with almost the same action and turned into pieces. Even the screams were surprisingly similar.

(Evil Knight Dragon: What a jerk, President, you are so mean! You knew there was a pit on the ground, but you still let me step on it. I think you did it on purpose!)

(Sapphire Dragon: Hey! Buddy, you are coming down too? Come on, lie down in a good position, let's think about the life of a dragon together)

"Hum, as expected! You↗Feng↘! I knew you would do this. I activated the magic card double summon from my hand. This turn, I can Normal Summon a monster again!"

"My pride, my soul, my most loyal servant, come out! Blue Aizi White Doragon (Attack 3000 Defense 2500)!"


"Shit! What do you want to do?"

"No~Wait a minute?" Li Youfeng interrupted Kaiba with his hand and asked with a puzzled look,"Actually, I wanted to ask you just now. I won't bother with the Evil Dragon Knight, but did you just slap that 8-star monster on the field? Doesn't it require a sacrifice? Not even a magic card? You should at least use a special summon to cover up the fact that you're cheating!"

"Oh, so this is your territory. For the sake of victory, you don’t even care about your dignity?"

"Ha, what are you talking about?" Kaiba looked at him with a look of idiocy,"How can Duel Monsters be called Duel Monsters if they can't even summon monsters? Isn't this common sense?"

"Eh? ? ? Now I can shoot the summoned monster directly. Fine! Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything, but the moment you successfully summoned the monster, it's my turn to make a move."

"Open the cover card! At this moment, I activate the trap card Naraku's fall!"

"When the opponent summons a monster with an attack power of more than 1500, destroy it and exclude it!!!"

"What? Except~except?!"Seeing Li Youfeng's red face, Hai Ma's eyes widened.

"Yes, that is the exception!" Li Youfeng smiled sinisterly,"Hehe, I will cheat you without negotiation! Go, take your pride out of the machine quickly! And I'll tell you, I'm counting, don't try to cheat!"

"You bastard!"

Watching Li Youfeng destroy his Blue-Eyes White Dragon so easily, the president's heart was about to break.

(Blue-Eyes White Dragon No. 1: Damn it, I can't even enter the cemetery this time, but I can go to see the stars seriously.)

"My turn is over!"

"What the hell! What on earth did I see? For two consecutive rounds, Kaiba Seto couldn't even summon a single monster on his field. I-I don't even understand how You Feng did it. Oh my God, I must be dreaming! Is You Feng really just a novice?"

"No, Jonouchi, you are not dreaming. Although You Feng still lacks knowledge of duel rules, we have to admit that he is indeed an amazing duelist!"

Jonouchi and Wang Yang were both shocked at the same time because they had never seen such a duel. Wang Yang quietly asked himself, if he was facing Li You Feng, would he really be able to crack such a tactical combination?

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