When Izayoi Kaoru woke up from her coma again, she saw that Li Youfeng not only did not lose, but also suppressed Kaiba Seto tightly. She was so happy in her heart.

"Kaiba Seto, you idiot, you actually have the nerve to call me a superficial woman, I think you are still a coward! There has not been a single monster on the field for such a long time, and your skills are not as good as mine!"

"Haha, You Feng! Come on, that's it, teach this arrogant guy a lesson, as long as you win this duel, I will give you a raise when you go back!"

(Seahorse Seto: This disgusting stinky woman!)

"Don't worry, boss!"

When Li Youfeng heard that he could get a raise, he was very happy. After making a victory gesture to Shizaiya Kaoru, he quickly turned his attention back to the duel.

"Hey, it's my turn! Draw a card!"

"I summon Tio's Insect Demon (Attack 1700 Defense 1100). When this card is successfully summoned, I can Special Summon a monster with the"Insect Demon" character on it in the Graveyard in Defense Position, and revive it, Insect Demon!"

"Next, I release the Whirlworm and activate its special effect at the same time, select a Normal Trap Card with the characters Hole and Pitfall from the Graveyard and Deck respectively and place them on the field. My turn is over!"

"What? It's a special summon that doesn't require the resurrection of the dead, and it also maximizes the recycling of trap cards in the graveyard. I have never heard of such a play. Are all duelists in China so strong?"Seeing

Li Youfeng's operation, Wang Yang and Xiao Biao were shocked at the same time.

"Yugi, what is a special summon? And I don't understand what you said at all."

After looking at Jonouchi calmly, Wang Yang continued,"In addition to normal summons, special summons use the effects of cards to summon monsters regardless of the number of times. If used properly, you can even summon multiple monsters in one round. You Feng used such a card effect."

"Awesome, really awesome. There is actually such a way to use the Duel Monsters’ Graveyard. You Feng, you are so strong!"

"Another me, do you think You Feng is really just a newbie?"

"No, aibo! I think the reason why You Feng performed like that before is probably because the duel rules of China are very different from those of Sakura Country. And I can feel that this is definitely not You Feng's limit. His true strength may be even stronger than we imagined!"

"Another me, I am increasingly eager to fight with You Feng!"

"Ah, I have the same idea, but after we go back, we have to adjust our decks, otherwise we won't be able to deal with You Feng's tactics at all."

"Oh, haha~! Jonouchi-kun, Yugi-kun, how are you? This is our Lavender Game Store's special employee, isn't he awesome? What national champion? That's no problem at all! Kaiba, you deserve it, you've hit a wall now!"

(Seto Kaiba: You bitch, shut up!)

For President Kaiba, who was at a disadvantage on the field, Jonouchi and Yugi Muto's comments and Izayoi Kaoru's mockery were like someone stabbing him in the heart with a knife.

"Brother, don't be discouraged, believe in yourself, and cheer up!" Hearing these words, Guiping was also very anxious at the moment, and hurriedly cheered for his brother.

"Damn, two more covered cards!"

Even though he knew clearly what cards Li Youfeng had covered on the field, Kaiba knew that with the three cards in his hand, there was no way to break Youfeng's underworld tactics.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Seeing the card just drawn, Kaiba suddenly had a plan in his mind.

"I activated Pot of Greed from my hand and drew two more cards!"

"Next, activate Angel's Charity, draw three cards from the deck, and then choose two to discard!"

Looking at the president piling up cards and drawing cards, Li Youfeng felt a pang of pain in his heart. What on earth is the purpose of banning cards twice in a row? Who made this rubbish rule? Is there any law left?

"There are three face-up cards on the field of that bastard You Feng, but only the middle one is the one he covered at the beginning. This face-up card that has never been activated must be a magic card in my opinion. In this case, I will get rid of the two troublesome cave trap cards first!"

Having made up his mind, Kaiba Seto slammed a card on the electronic instrument.

"I Normal Summon from my hand, Demonic Dragon (ATK 900, DEF 900) in Attack Position.

Seeing the Demonic Dragon land safely, Kaiba Seto became more certain of his thoughts.

"You Feng, I guessed right. The trap cards on your field can only target monsters with an attack power of more than 1000 points! Hum, I'm afraid you've miscalculated this time!"

"I activate the Spell Card Crush Stomp from my hand. When there is a Dragon Monster on my field, I can select a Spell Card or Trap Card and destroy it, and inflict 500 points of damage to the controller of that card!"

"What I want to destroy is naturally the Trap Card that you took out from the Graveyard and covered on the field!"


With a loud bang, the Trap Card that You Feng had just covered from the Graveyard was directly blown to pieces because of the effect of Crush and Trample.

Li Youfeng's LP2000>1500 found that Li Youfeng still did not take any action because the Naraku's Falling Hole on the field was sent to the Graveyard. Kaiba laughed and said,"Despicable trash, now you can't stop my Blue-Eyes White Dragon. I will activate the Resurrection of the Dead from my hand and wake up the Blue-Eyes White Dragon sleeping in the graveyard!"

"My pride, my soul, my most loyal servant! Come! Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

"Open the cover card and the electric grid will fall!"

"When your opponent Special Summon a monster from the Deck or Graveyard, you can activate this effect and banish that monster face-down!"

"Well, now your soul is gone too! Go ahead and take that card out!"

(Resurrection from the Dead is a Special Summon, I don't need to explain this, right?)

"Nani!!! No!"

Watching his Blue-Eyes White Dragon just jumping out of the cemetery and turning into stars in the air because of hitting an electric net, President Kaiba was so angry that he almost vomited blood!

(Blue-Eyes White Dragon No. 2: Buddy, move over there, I'll watch the stars with you)

"Shit! Are you deliberately messing with my mentality?"

"Except for what? Except for what? You↗Feng↘! You bastard, what do you mean by this? Do you think this is a duel? Coward! Face me bravely~ you shameless and despicable villain!"

"Haha, I can’t play anymore, I’ve started swearing again!" Li Youfeng scratched his ears expressionlessly,"But I just like the way you hate me but can’t get rid of me, come and hit me, idiot!"

""Hehe~ Hahaha~! You Feng! Do you really think you've already won? To tell you the truth, you've been tricked!"

With a deep laugh, Kaiba Seto suddenly raised his head:"You despicable lowlife, I guessed that you would take action on my second Blue-Eyes White Dragon card!"

(Blue-Eyes White Dragon No. 2: What? After all this time, I was sold out by my teammates?)

"But I don't think you expected that I just put two Blue-Eyes White Dragons in the graveyard. Now I activate the second magic card from my hand - Resurrection of the Dead!"


Li Youfeng's eyes almost popped out when he saw the familiar icon:"Does the current rule allow you to put two Resurrection of the Dead cards in your deck? How lax is this? How can you not afford to play?! Are you deliberately messing with me? Are you playing tricks on me?"

"Haha~! There is no point in saying more!"

President Kaiba waved his hand, and roared to the sky as if he was proud of himself:"My pride, my soul, my most loyal servant! Respond to my call and show up here, Blue-eyed White Doragon!!!"


With a loud roar, a huge white dragon finally landed safely on the field of the duel arena.

(Blue-Eyes White Dragon No. 3: After going through untold hardships, I finally stood firm! Following such a stubborn and stupid master, do you know how difficult it is for me? The other two brothers who were excluded, don't worry, I will avenge you now!)

As if pouring out the anger that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time, the blue-eyed white dragon's originally blue pupils actually emitted bursts of bright red flames!

"Hahaha~! Bastard, this time, you can't stop my Blue-Eyes White Dragon anymore, right!"

Seeing that Li Youfeng didn't activate the retention���The last card on the field made the president feel a little swelled.

"Hahaha, I knew it long ago, it really isn't a trap card!"


"Bruaiziyo, vent your anger to your heart's content, destroy the enemies in front of you, and bring the wine of victory to me!"

""Explosive Gale Bomb of Destruction!"

Seeing the white light waves slowly gathering from the Blue-Eyes White Dragon's mouth, Wang Yang and others below the game table were also horrified.

"Oh no, if the Blue-Eyes White Dragon is allowed to gain a foothold, You Fengjun will have no chance of winning!"

"Wow! No, help! My Blue-Eyes White Dragon card!"

"Miss Xun, please let go, please let go! You are strangling me to death!"

"This moment!"

However, just when the president was in an intoxicated state, a voice that he least wanted to hear came out again, so that when Kaiba heard this voice, he couldn't help but shiver violently.

"Trap Card Activated!"

"The light of the Holy Spirit shines on the earth, defeat the powerful enemy for me, bring me the light of hope and victory, wake up! The noble power of the Hanno Knights!"

"Holy shield! Mirror power!"

"Comfortable! It really feels good to shout it out like this!"

For the extremely happy Li Youfeng, the mood of the Seahorse President is obviously not as good as before.

""Fuck! Li Youfeng, you can't afford to play this game!!!"

With a scream from President Kaiba, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon and the Demonic Evil Dragon simultaneously turned into ashes under the dazzling white light. Seeing that his third Blue-Eyes White Dragon card was killed by Li Youfeng again, Kaiba collapsed on the game table like a deflated ball.

(Blue-Eyes White Dragon No. 3: Damn, it's a trap again! I'm sorry to the two brothers who were excluded. I'll help you two get revenge next time. The two of you in the cemetery, lie down over there. I'll accompany you to think about dragon life.)

After killing the last Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Li Youfeng raised his eyebrows at President Kaiba in a somewhat arrogant manner:"Hehe, considering that this card is your last servant, I won't exclude it. After all, I'm afraid you don't have a way to revive the Blue-Eyes White Dragon now."

"Why would you cover this card?"Staring at Li Youfeng, Kaiba Seto asked in confusion.

"Huh? Isn't this obvious?" Li Youfeng snapped his fingers and smiled."After all, you are the first to play, so of course I have to cover a card that can flip the table in advance, otherwise how can I counterattack and suppress you?"

"Damn You Feng! My turn is over."

"Brother! Don't give up, stand up quickly!"

Seeing Kaiba's decadent look, Kaiba Keipi was also very anxious, but at this time he obviously couldn't help Kaiba on the duel stage.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Excuse me, President Kaiba, the card I just drew"

"It is the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"


" A crisp electronic sound rang out, and Li Youfeng directly summoned the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. This does not require any sacrifices and can directly shoot 8-star monsters on the field. Whoever uses it will know the truth.

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon! The only fourth Blue-Eyes White Dragon in the world! As expected, you stood against me, and you betrayed me!"

Staring intently at the white bride who was roaring at him mercilessly, Kaiba Seto seemed like a husband who was cheated on and abandoned by his wife. His eyes revealed deep despair without disguising it.

"You are wrong Kaiba, it's not that the Blue-Eyes White Dragon betrayed you, but that you never really owned it!"

Shaking his head at Kaiba Seto, Li Youfeng pointed at him and said,"Think about it carefully, if you get this Blue-Eyes White Dragon, will you really keep it and cherish it? No, you won't, you will only destroy it ruthlessly, after all, a deck can only hold three Blue-Eyes White Dragons!"

"For you who only worship power, this fourth Blue-Eyes White Dragon will only become your enemy. It is because you understand the immensely powerful power of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon that you are timid. You dare not face it and are afraid to face it. In front of this fourth Blue-Eyes White Dragon, you are a real coward!"

"Because you don't understand the bond between Duel Monsters and Duelists, you will trample on other people's most precious cards!"

"For me, this Blue-Eyes White Dragon is not only the spiritual sustenance of Grandpa Sogoroku, it is also a symbol of friendship! It is precisely because I cherish it and love it that it will resolutely choose to fight for me. Blue-Eyes White Dragon will never be a unique monster that belongs to you alone in the future!"

After saying this, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon on Li Youfeng's field actually turned around and looked at him deeply in a very human way.

After nodding slightly at Li Youfeng, Li Youfeng suddenly felt the card pendant on his chest light up slightly, and then he found that his attribute panel had added some things that did not exist originally.

Name: Li Youfeng

Level: Level 1

Skills: Magic Trap Affinity (Note: Limited to 1 per game), high star starting

Bond: Atlas Worm Demon, Vampire Lady, Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Unlocked, Blue-Eyes White Dragon Specialized Version Primary Deck

"So I have been recognized by the Blue-Eyes White Dragon? This card really has an elf in it!"

Surprised that he got some of the cards he had treasured in his previous life again, Li Youfeng became more and more convinced that this world really has extraordinary existences like monsters and elves.

"So, is all this my fault?"

Looking at the fourth Blue-Eyes White Dragon on Li Youfeng's field with a sad face, Kaiba, who had no means or methods to revive his Blue-Eyes White Dragon, finally lost his fighting spirit at this moment. He put his hand on his deck, as if he had exhausted all his strength, and slowly uttered three words.

"I~ give up."

One week later.

Lavender Card Shop

"Hehe, now I can see this Blue-Eyes White Dragon card the first thing I see every morning. I am so happy!"

Sitting on the counter chair, I watched���The Blue-Eyes White Dragon placed high in the most conspicuous place on the counter could not help but smile foolishly again.

After a series of processing, this Blue-Eyes White Dragon card was not only placed in a priceless exquisite photo frame by Izayoi Kaoru, but also set up a double password lock in the counter.

What is speechless is that the counter glass protecting the Blue-Eyes White Dragon was specially customized by the Izayoi Group. Even if it was machine gunned, it could not leave a trace on it. From this, it can be seen that Kaoru's parents doted on her to what extent.

Thanks to the existence of this rare card, the business of the Lavender Card Store has been surprisingly good in the past few days. In addition to the increase in customers buying cards, most duelists are more willing to pay a high price to buy this Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and even exchange cards for cards, but without exception, they were sternly rejected by Izayoi Kaoru.

Seeing Li Youfeng, who was wearing a clerk's uniform and was busy pasting posters on the wall, an idea that could once again increase the popularity of the Lavender Card Game Store once again emerged in Izayoi Kaoru's mind.

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