Jumping up and down, Izayoi Kaoru came behind Li Youfeng and asked slyly,"Youfeng, I think it's a waste of your talent to be a clerk with your dueling skills. Do you want to be famous?"

"I don't want to!"

Li Youfeng has a deep understanding of his boss's character in the past few days. As long as she shows this expression, it will definitely not be a good thing, so Li Youfeng shook his head and refused without thinking.


Seeing Li Youfeng's straightforward answer, several black lines instantly appeared on Shizaiya Xun's forehead

"Humph, You Feng, you are such a fool. Since you defeated Kaiba, why didn't you take his Blue-Eyes White Dragon? Do you really think that bastard Kaiba Seto would be grateful to you? You should know that the predecessor of Kaiba Group made its fortune by reselling arms. They are a group of lunatics who only care about profit!"

"Boss, you think too much of me. I'm just an ordinary duelist, how can I consider those things?"

After wiping his hands, Li Youfeng continued:"Although Kaiba is not a good person, we must admit that his obsession and feelings for Blue-Eyes White Dragon are not fake. I can't take away other people's most precious cards. Otherwise, what's the difference between me and Kaiba Seto?"

"Well, what you said makes sense."

"Excuse me, is Mr. Li Youfeng here?"

As he was speaking, two black-clad bodyguards from the Haima Group walked in from the store entrance carrying a box.

"Uh~ Two big brothers, why are you here again?"

Seeing that Haima actually sent these two familiar bodyguards over again, Li Youfeng couldn't help but reveal an extremely ugly smile. After all, the embarrassing fact of having a gun pointed at his head was too sour and refreshing. Li Youfeng really didn't want to experience it again.

"This is what President Kaiba wants us to give you. In addition, he has something else for us to convey to you."

Li Youfeng took the suitcase from the bodyguard and asked in confusion,"What did he say?""

"The president said that he readily admitted his defeat this time, but you should not be complacent. The president only admitted that he lost to the fourth Blue-Eyes White Dragon, not you who cowered in the corner and only used despicable means! It won't be long before the president will challenge you again and wash away the shame. He told you to clean your neck and wait to be bitten into pieces by the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

"Well, that's all the president has to say. Excuse me, we'll take our leave!"

Wow~ As expected of the president of Kaiba, you're really arrogant!

Li Youfeng, who knew the character of the president of Kaiba well, watched the two bodyguards turn around and leave with a dark face. He couldn't help but sigh that Kaiba, who was originally obsessed with being the king, actually shifted his target and set his sights on himself. This was definitely not good news for him.

You know, in the original book, Kaiba Seto was a ruthless man who didn't even let the dead go, and even dared to chase you to your ancestral grave to play cards with you as a living person. It can be imagined that being targeted by such a person would definitely cause you a huge trouble!

"Humph, if you lose, you lose. Why are you still looking for excuses? You are not like a man at all!"

After complaining about Kaiba, Izayoi Kaoru snatched the box from Li Youfeng's hand.

"Let me check what's in there.~(◕ᴗ◕✿)"


Since the suitcase was not locked, Izayoi Kaoru easily opened it. However, when she saw a pile of rare cards neatly arranged in the suitcase, even though she had seen a lot of big things and was the little princess of the Izayoi Group, she couldn't help but become starry-eyed.

"Wow! So many rare cards, this one, and this one, these are cards you can only get if you participate in the national competition and win the championship!"

"Oh, haha! That's great. I have so many precious rare cards to strengthen my deck. I will definitely win the national competition this time."

"Humph, when I become the champion, I'll see who dares to say that I'm just a vase for gimmicks!"

Humming happily, Ishiya Kaoru directly ignored Li Youfeng who was standing next to her with a frown on his face. She took out her own deck from the card bag on her waist and started to strengthen her

"Boss, these cards were given to me by Haima"

"You Feng, the bond between us is so deep, do we still have to separate it so clearly?٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶"


Ignoring Izayoi Kaoru's cute tactics, Li Youfeng nodded fiercely with an expressionless face.

"Hey, You Feng, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but as a man you should be more generous, otherwise girls won't like you! Besides, I want to strengthen my deck and participate in the national competition to increase the popularity of our card store. From your perspective, you should also want to make your salary more generous, right?"

"No!" Li Youfeng shook his head again,"If I sell these rare cards, I believe I can get a lot of money, so just increasing my salary is not enough for me."

""Okay!" As if she had made up her mind, Izayoi Kaoru spoke again,"I will be responsible for cooking in the store from now on, and I will also be responsible for washing the dishes. This should be fine, right?"

"Deal!"As if he was afraid that Izayoi Kaoru would go back on his word, Li Youfeng agreed very readily.

As a deep-seated otaku in his previous life, Li Youfeng basically relied on takeout for his three meals a day. It's not that he can't cook, but he is often addicted to Duel Monsters and almost forgets to eat most of the time.

Although Izayoi Kaoru is the daughter of a big family, the food she cooks is unexpectedly delicious.

Although Kaiba gave a lot of rare cards, for Li Youfeng who has already unlocked the deck bond, there are probably not many really useful cards. In exchange for the opportunity to be lazy, such a deal is simply a good deal for a lazy person like him.

"Okay, my deck has been strengthened. You Feng, come and train with me. With your help, I will definitely win the national championship!"


The day of the Sakura Country Duel Monster National Tournament is coming soon. After a series of special training by Li Youfeng, Izayoi Kaoru's strength has also improved significantly.

Although in Li Youfeng's opinion, Izayoi Kaoru's strength is still far from the level of the national competition (Li Youfeng inferred it according to the national competition in his original world), after getting a series of rare cards provided by President Kaiba, she almost qualified in this preliminaries with a random killing attitude.

In addition, under the intentional or unintentional packaging of the Izayoi Foundation, she debuted as a duel idol and also gained great popularity.

Because Izayoi Kaoru used a plant monster card, some participating duelists even gave her the title of Flower Princess in private.

More importantly, under Izayoi Kaoru's spoiled and naughty behavior, Li Youfeng also participated in this national competition with great helplessness.

Seeing that Li Youfeng easily broke through the preliminaries as expected, Izayoi Kaoru has even begun to plan the next promotion plan.

Born into a wealthy family, Izayoi Kaoru is not short of money. Her parents originally invested in her to open a card game store just to support their daughter's interest.

Therefore, the three million bonus is not worth her at all as the little princess of the consortium. In the end, Izayoi Kaoru wanted to use the opportunity of the national competition to make her card store well-known and prove her ability to her parents.

However, in this so-called national qualifying competition, the most embarrassed person was Li Youfeng.

To give a simple example.

The opposite side

"I summon my ace monster, Bipedal Winged Dragon (blank attack 1200 defense 1000) in attack mode!"

Li Youfeng

"I summon the Orchid Bug Demon (Attack 1500 Defense 1300) Attack Display. Next, I activate the Orchid's special……"

"What? There is such a powerful monster without any magic cards equipped. I give up!"

"I~Fuck! Can you~let me finish my words before surrendering?~"

In this kind of competition, if you say that the opponent is low-level, he can draw his ace monster just by raising his hand!

But if you say that he is high-level, what do you want to do with a blank ace monster with an equipment card whose attack power does not exceed 1500?

Sometimes Li Youfeng couldn't imagine what kind of awesome mentality his opponent had, so he put this kind of thing with no effect resistance on the field, and then looked at him provocatively.

To be honest, if you say this situation once or twice, it's okay to accept it, but it's basically the same situation throughout the entire preliminaries.

So for several consecutive days, Li Youfeng was so embarrassed that he almost made a hole in the sole of his shoe.

So in the last few games, when it was Li Youfeng's turn to play, he didn't even bother to say anything. He just took a random Bug Magic card from his hand and put it on the electronic instrument with an expressionless face, and then in the opponent's surprised and bitter surrender, he received a lot of"So strong!""Too strong!" and other words, and then walked down from the duel stage with an expressionless face.

It's just~ quite speechless.

What's even more troublesome is that the daughters of some consortiums are still unaware of this, and they are so proud that their noses are almost upturned.

And a certain unscrupulous boss took this opportunity to advertise to people around him that this is a specially hired employee of our Lavender Card Game Store, and our store is located at No. XX Street. There are discounts recently, and the most important thing is that the card packs sold in our game store have a very high chance of getting rare cards, and everyone is welcome to come and buy them.

Then her wave of actions, undoubtedly���This greatly increased Li Youfeng's workload, which shortened the time for the latter to relax.

After several days of fighting, the national competition is finally coming to an end, which is undoubtedly good news for Li Youfeng.

After all, such a duel is almost the same as mental torture for Li Youfeng, who has won five consecutive world championships in the future world. After repeating such a duel for a long time, Li Youfeng feels that he is on the verge of mental breakdown. If it weren't for the card pendant on his chest unlocking some cards again, Li Youfeng didn't even dare to guarantee whether he could hold on.

Unlike the original work, since Li Youfeng met the dinosaur Ryuzaki in advance, the candidate for the national championship became him against the insect feather moth.

After the deck was strengthened, Izayoi Kaoru was defeated by the insect feather moth and stopped in the semi-finals of the preliminaries. However, what made Li Youfeng complain was that Izayoi Kaoru actually met Jonouchi in the quarterfinals. After defeating Jonouchi cleanly, Jonouchi finally stopped in the quarterfinals of the preliminaries.

When Li Youfeng thought about how Jonouchi actually made it to the quarterfinals after receiving special training from Muto Sugoroku, he couldn't help but think of a lot of complaints.

What the hell is special training shuffling?

Are you changing the position of the cards?

After practicing for so long, the shuffling method is exactly the same as without shuffling?

What about the president who always starts with three Blue-Eyes White Dragons?

Real duelists really don't bother to shuffle cards?

As for printing cards on the floor?

(This is already an off-the-board trick!)


I can't think about it, or I'm afraid I will really collapse!

Forcibly holding back his wild thoughts, Li Youfeng stood on the game table and tried to force himself to calm down.

After a brief introduction by the emcee, Li Youfeng and the insect feather moth stood on the dueling machine and were teleported to the top of the dueling field at the same time.

""You Feng, come on! Victory is just around the corner, you have to avenge me!"

Seeing Li You Feng's appearance, Izayoi Kaoru immediately shouted excitedly. Coupled with her idol status as the Princess of Flowers, she immediately attracted a large number of the audience to stand on her side.

"Hehehe~! It seems that you are quite popular."Insect Feather Moth laughed sinisterly,"I heard that you defeated Kaiba Seto by despicable means, and you also have the fourth Blue-Eyes White Dragon card, but I don't know if it's true."

In response to the provocation of Insect Feather Moth, the expressionless Li Youfeng frowned slightly. He was about to take out the White Dragon deck, but he stopped his hand at his waist, wanting to hear what else this guy could say.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling guilty because I said it right?"

The unconscious insect feather moth thought Li Youfeng was afraid, so he became even more unscrupulous.

"With your strength, how can you possibly control the legendary Blue-Eyes White Dragon? Before you can summon the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, my army of insects will eat you up without leaving any residue. So, are you ready to die?~!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah~!"

Taking out another set of spare cards from the card holder on his waist and placing it on the duel machine, Li Youfeng slightly tilted his body and extended his left index finger, imitating the movements of the owner of the invincible Platinum Star.

"With your level, are you worthy of me using the Blue-Eyes White Dragon to deal with you?"

"Are you qualified?"

"I decided not to waste my time with you."

"I’m going to kill you in a second!"

"What? Haha, you want to kill me in one second?"As if hearing something funny, the insect feather moth immediately laughed while holding his stomach,"You idiot, are you dreaming? I am an insect feather moth, you want to kill me in one second? Are you awake?""

"I want to see what you can do to defeat me!"

"Duel! X2"

"I took the first attack! Draw a card!"

The insect feather moth took the lead with a sinister smile on its face.

"Hehe, You Feng! You are so unlucky, the first card I drew was an ace monster!"

"I summon a headless catalpa (Attack 1700 Defense 1000) in attack mode!"

"Next, I activate the equip magic card, Gun Cannon Armor, to equip the Headless Caterpillar, increasing its attack by 700 points.

Headless Caterpillar (Attack Power 1700 > 2400)

"I ambush a card, turn ends!"

"Hehehe~ What do you think, You Feng, this is my strongest combo. At this moment, the attack power of my catalpa worm can even be compared with the legendary Red-Eyes Black Dragon, which is as famous as the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Facing such a powerful attack power, how can you kill me instantly?"

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