Seeing Li Youfeng's silence, Insect Feather Moth laughed sinisterly again, but what he didn't know was that participating in this low-level and extremely embarrassing duel competition for a long time had already oppressed Li Youfeng's spirit to the limit.

For Li Youfeng, who has read the original work of Yu-Gi-Oh, Insect Feather Moth has always been one of the characters he hates the most. Not only is he bad at playing cards, but he also likes to make trouble. Although the plot of being whipped by Wang Yang was a bit violent, if you think about it, it was actually his own fault!

Because he was unwilling to easily change the historical plot of the original work, Li Youfeng himself has always tried to maintain a low-key attitude towards life, but this cannot be interpreted as anyone can step on his head.

Coupled with the iconic harsh and sharp laughter of Insect Feather Moth, all these factors together have undoubtedly become the last straw that broke his sanity!

Skill, Magic Trap Affinity Activation! (Can be used 0 times in this game)

"My turn, draw a card!"

Like a broken robot, Li Youfeng played the forbidden card he had just drawn without even looking at it.

"I activate the Spell Card Bitter Choice, select five monster cards from my deck, then the opponent selects one to add to my hand, and the rest are thrown into the graveyard."

"I choose Lady Bones, Princess Bones, Prince Bones, Nightmare Bones and King Bones. Come on, it's your turn to choose one."

Seeing that Li Youfeng actually sent his monster to the graveyard, the insect Feather Moth was immediately amused:"Haha, you idiot, you actually activated a magic card with such a big side effect, are you stupid? If you want to commit suicide, you can just admit defeat on the spot!"

""I'm an idiot? Ha~ So ignorant!"

Facing the ridicule of the insect feather moth, Li Youfeng was too lazy to argue with him anymore. You know, in the duel environment of the future, this bitter choice has never come out since it entered the small black room.

Just like the name of this card, bitter choice, do you think it really makes the person who uses this card bitter?

No, if you really think so, you are wrong. The card is as its name suggests. The real meaning hidden in it is actually to convey a simple and easy-to-understand sentence to your opponent!

How do you want to die? Choose it yourself!

The insect feather moth, dancing disco crazily on the edge of the cliff of the abyss, certainly did not understand the hidden meaning of this card. Based on the principle of lowest attack power, he pointed to a card in Li Youfeng's hand.

"I choose the Bone Prince (Attack 0, Defense 0). Throw your other four cards to the graveyard, hehe!"

"Activate the special effect of the White Bone Roast Potato King!"

Before the insect moth finished laughing, Li Youfeng continued his offensive

"When this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can activate it by adding two monsters from your deck to your hand and discarding one."

"Activate Angel's Gift, draw three cards from your deck and discard two"

"Activate the special effect of the Bone Prince. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can send one Bone and one Bone Lady from your hand and deck to the Graveyard."

"I Normal Summon Bone Princess (1600 ATK, 0 DEF) from my hand. When this card is successfully summoned, I can send a Bone Prince from my deck to the Graveyard."

"The special effect of the Bone Prince is that when this card enters the graveyard, one Bone and one Bone Lady from your hand and deck are sent to the graveyard."

"The special effect of the Bone Princess is activated. This card can be released from the hand or field and sent to the graveyard until the end of this round. The attack and defense of all monsters on both sides of the field are reduced by 300 points multiplied by the star rating of this card!"

Headless Caterpillar Attack Power 2400 ﹥ 1200

"What! It can actually directly reduce the attack power by 1200 points, how can this be? How can you have such a terrifying card, aren't these cards just some small monsters?"

Because Li Youfeng's operation is too shocking for the duelists of this era, when he activated this series of effects, nearly one million spectators in the entire duel arena were stunned. As for the insect feather moth, he had never seen such a battle and was already sweating profusely.

"I activate the second effect of Bone Prince in the Graveyard, which allows me to banish this card and two cards with the character Bone on them from the Graveyard, and Special Summon a Bone King from my Deck!"

"According to this effect, I will exclude the White Bone Prince and the two White Bone Ladies. Answer my call and come! White Bone King!"

As Li Youfeng spoke, a skeleton in a purple robe appeared out of thin air on the field.

White Bone King (Attack 0 Defense 0)

"Special summon? Skeleton King?!"

After hearing the special summon, the insect feather moth was instinctively startled. However, when he saw the attack power of the Skeleton King, the insect feather moth wiped the sweat from his face with lingering fear and comforted himself.

"Hehe, You Feng, stop scaring me! You spent so much effort to summon a garbage monster with 0 attack points, are you trying to commit suicide?"

"Activate the special effect of the Skeleton King!"Looking at the Insect Feather Moth with great indifference, Li Youfeng began his storytelling again,"The original attack power of this card is the number of bones in your graveyard multiplied by 1000 points. There are now 10 cards with the bone character in my graveyard, so the attack power of the Skeleton King is 10000 points." The attack power of the Skeleton King is 0>10000.

Seeing that the originally powerless little skeleton suddenly turned into a behemoth with bared fangs and claws, the completely frightened Insect Feather Moth opened his mouth directly.

Not only that, even the audience at the duel venue were stunned, and even Izayoi Kaoru, who has always been eccentric, stared with his eyes wide open.

However, what Li Youfeng didn't know was that not only the audience present were shocked, but even Kaiba Seto and Muto Yugi and others sitting in front of the TV were also standing there because of Li Youfeng's series of operations.

"It's actually 10,000 attack points? So strong, You Fengjun, you are really too strong! Another me, did you see it? You Fengjun actually summoned a monster with 10,000 attack points"

"Ah! Aibo! I can see clearly, my previous guess was correct, You Feng is indeed a duelist with great power!"

"I~ I am not dreaming, am I? Ten thousand attack points? Oh my god, facing an opponent like You Feng, the insect feather moth is really pitiful, but the good thing is that it’s not me fighting You Feng, hehe!"

Hearing Jonouchi's gloating words, Jijiang hit him on the head with a knife.

"You have no ambition, Jonouchi, you are my disciple after all, how can you say such shameful words? You should face the challenges head-on, otherwise you will never become a powerful duelist like You Feng!"

"Ah, I understand, old man, don't hit me on the head!"

At the National Competition Duel

"No~ It's okay, I still have a trap card, he can't beat it, he definitely can't beat it, as long as I can survive this round, I will definitely have a chance to fight back!"

Glancing at the cover card left on his field early, the insect feather moth's uneasy heart finally found a trace of comfort, but before he could recover, Li Youfeng's nightmare voice came again

"It's not over yet!"

Li Youfeng waved his hand and continued,"I discard a Bone Nightmare from my hand and Special Summon a Banished Bone Lady"

"The special effect of the Bones Lady is activated. When this card is on the field, all Undead monsters below level 3 cannot be destroyed by battle, and are not affected by the effects of Trap Cards and Spell Cards."

"What?! Special Summon to the Exclusion Zone? Unaffected by Magic and Trap Card Effects?!"

After hearing the special effects activated by the White Bone Lady, the Insect Feather Moth was completely paralyzed.


"King of Bones, smack that bug's face hard!"


As if sensing the anger of its master, the Skeleton King roared and flew directly towards the Headless Caterpillar.

Facing the Skeleton King with 10,000 attack points, the Headless Caterpillar with only a pitiful 1,200 attack points just wanted to roar to the sky at this moment:"Don't come over here, you bastard!!!"


A loud slap hit the Headless Caterpillar's head hard. The head, which was not very obvious at all, could not withstand the power of the Skeleton King at this time, and was directly slapped into pieces by the Skeleton King's skeleton hand. It is conceivable that if this card has a monster elf, how big the psychological shadow area would be.

(Headless Caterpillar: Give me a way out, so that we can meet again in the future! I didn't provoke you, why did you hit me so hard?)

Insect Feather Moth 2000LP>0.

Silence, the whole audience was dead silent

"So strong!"

"too strong!"

"How did he do that?"

"I feel like Li Youfeng and I are not playing the same game at all!"

"This is a true duelist!"

"Li Youfeng! Champion!"

As the electronic sound of the winner sounded, the entire venue suddenly erupted in warm cheers.

""You Feng! You are so strong!"

Staring at Li You Feng standing under the spotlight and receiving everyone's cheers and praises, Shizayoi Kaoru was stunned for a moment. Tears could not help oozing from her crystal-like eyes. Her face was flushed, and her heart was beating like a deer.

"Oh, that's annoying. How can You Feng be so handsome? Wow, what am I thinking? No, no, I'm his boss. Even if we want to date, he has to be the first to speak!"

"Oh no, I’ve beaten him before, he doesn’t think I’m a very violent girl, does he? It’s over, You Feng is famous now, if he quits, what excuse can I use to keep him?"

"I can't just throw myself at him, can I? Ah, I'm so embarrassed, stupid, idiot, so annoying, why did I drag him to participate in the national competition, what stupid thing did I do!"

Just as I was daydreaming, Li Youfeng's game table slowly landed in the center of the duel field. Glancing at the insect feather moth that fainted on the spot due to excessive stimulation, Li Youfeng said, naughty children must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise they will destroy your house sooner or later!

""You Feng, you are a truly powerful duelist! Your gorgeous dueling skills are really exciting. Congratulations! You are a true national champion!" At some point, Pegasus quietly appeared behind Li Youfeng, speaking in that very distinctive Japanese English.


Li Youfeng turned his head suddenly, and his pupils shrank suddenly. Although Pegasus had a warm smile on his face, this smile was definitely not a friendly signal to Li Youfeng, who was familiar with the plot of Yu-Gi-Oh.

As the big boss in the early stage of Yu-Gi-Oh, Pegasus is now dominated by the dark power, and for the Millennium Eye with the ability of perspective, this ability is almost a natural nemesis for Li Youfeng who likes to play the underworld card.

(Pegasus: You cover the cards? Sorry, I can see what you cover! Hand cards, that's even more embarrassing, I even know what the next card you draw is, so I just ask you how to play this card?)

"This is your personal trophy of honor. The prize money for the national championship will also be deposited into your account after the conference."

"You Feng Boy, I am very interested in your tactical skills. As the creator of Duel Monsters, this is the first time I have met such an imaginative duelist like you. Perfect, powerful, this is the best compliment I can think of."

"In addition to your personal trophy, I have a small gift for you in private. I hope you will accept it."

"Uh~ Mr. Pegasus, you are so polite!"

Seeing that there was a square white gift box in addition to the trophy, Li Youfeng took it carefully and secretly slapped himself in the face. How could he have forgotten this gentleman?

Looking at the white gift box in his hand with some depression, Li Youfeng felt that it was extremely hot. He was familiar with the original plot and of course knew what was in it. When he thought that his card style was extremely conflicting with Pegasus at this stage, his stomach felt an indescribable soreness for no reason.

You know, playing cards with this gentleman is not as simple as losing. People who have seen Yu-Gi-Oh know that the dark game can really cause deaths!

I died once because of impulse before. The pain of the sharp saber piercing my heart still makes Li Youfeng feel palpitations. Although Li Youfeng did not regret his decision, he didn't want to lose his life again because of playing cards at such a young age.

""Okay, You Feng Boy, now it's your personal time, enjoy the praise you deserve."

After saying these words, Pegasus turned and walked towards the exit of the venue, his mouth slightly raised, and the eyes covered by his long hair were slightly shining with golden light.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time. Since he has decided to attack me, I can't just sit there and wait for death."

Li Youfeng put away his fake smile until he could no longer see Pegasus.

"You Feng! You are awesome!"

Just when Li You Feng was thinking about how to protect himself next, a familiar figure rushed directly behind him. The familiar fragrance rushed into his nostrils, which instantly relaxed his tense spirit. If he had to say something was a flaw, it was that the person's capital was too shabby, and it even caused a slight pain in his back.

""Boss, I won. Here, this is the national championship trophy. I give it to you."

After receiving the trophy from Li Youfeng, I felt extremely happy but also felt embarrassed for no reason.

"Hehe, I knew you could do it. Come on, I'll take you to a barbecue dinner!"

"Oh wow! A barbecue dinner, I won’t hesitate to serve you!"

"Well, don't be polite to me, I am your boss and I am not short of money."

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