"You stinky dwarf, I really underestimated you!" Secretly complaining about the game in her heart, Peacock Dance continued to start her own operation

"I Normal Summon the Condor Queen in Attack Position! (Attack 1900 Defense 1200)"

"This card can be used as the card name Condor Girl on the field!"

"Next I activate the magic card, Kaleidoscope - Gorgeous Clone!"

"If you have Condor Girls on your field, you can Special Summon the three Condor Girls from your deck!"

"Come out!"

"The three sisters of the Condor Girls! (Attack 1950 Defense 2100)"

"I activate the magic card from my hand, Triangle Psychedelic Spark!"

"This card can increase the attack power of the three sisters of the Condor Girls to 2700 points at the end of the round, and the effects of trap cards on the opponent's field will be invalid during this round!"

"This won’t do!"

"Counter Trap Card activated! Bribe from the Demon Palace!"

"This card activates when your opponent activates a Spell or Trap Card, negating and destroying it, and your opponent draws a card from their Deck!"

(Chain Sequence Magic Palace's Bribe > Triangle Psychedelic Spark)

"Yugi~you!?"Peacock Dance originally wanted to say"Yugi, you've changed", but after seeing Biao Yugi's bright smile, she held back the words. With a distorted face, Peacock Dance glared at Biao Yugi with great resentment, and then drew a card from the deck.

"Haha, Yugi, your luck seems to be too bad!"

Showing the card he just drew, Peacock Dance said with a smile:"I activate the magic electronic armor! And equip this card on the three sisters of the Condor Girls, so that their attack increases by 500 points!"

The three sisters of the Condor Girls attack 1950>2450


"The three sisters of the Condor Girls attack the Dark Knight Gaia!"

"At this moment, the trap card is activated!"

Seeing the three sisters of the Condor Girls launching an attack, Biao Yugi opened a trap card with a calm face.

"The wall of separation!"

"This card can only be activated when your opponent's monster declares an attack!"

"The attack power of all attack position monsters on the opponent's field is reduced by the number of monsters on the opponent's field × 800!"

"There are two monsters on Mai-san's field, so the attack power is reduced by 1600 points!"

The three sisters of the Condor Girls 2450>850

Condor Queen 1900>300

""Wow! No!"


With a wail from Peacock Dance, the three sisters of the Condor Girls, whose attack power had dropped significantly, rushed headfirst into the Dark Knight Gaia's spear head, and the consequences were obvious!

(Dark Knight Gaia: Chicken flavor! Crunchy!)

Peacock Dance LP3000﹥1550

"Damn it! Has my little cousin become so evil now? Seeing his defensive tricks so flawless, Li Youfeng was also surprised.

"Damn it, I put my last card on the ground, and my turn is over!"

The Condor Queen, with only 300 attack points, couldn't attack at all. Peacock Dance could only put the last trap card in her hand,"Attack Disablement", on the duel field with a look of resentment.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"


"Dark Knight Gaia's Attack!"

"Spiral Gun Kill!"

(Dark Knight Gaia: Come on, Queen, my spear has been thirsty for a long time!)

"Attack the Condor Queen!"

(Condor Queen: I only have 300 attack points now, so don't come over here!)

""Haha, Yugi, you're careless. The moment you attack, I activate the Trap Card Attack Disabler! I invalidate your attack and force you to end your attack turn from now on!" After finally letting out a breath, Peacock Dance felt refreshed. However, before she could catch her breath, Xiaobiao's signature laugh came again.

"This won't do, Mai-san!"

Kongquewu looked at Xiaobiao in confusion, only to see that he had also opened the last trap card.

"Counter Trap Card activated!"

"Trap interference!"

"This card can only be activated during the battle phase. When the opponent activates a trap card, it can be invalidated and destroyed!"

Peacock Dance was stunned:"So, do you have to be so cruel?"

Peacock Dance, pawn!

"The winner is Yugi Muto!"

"It's over~ I've been fooled!"

The Peacock Dance whose health points returned to zero seemed to have lost her soul, and she collapsed directly on the ground of the duel stage.

Two lines of humiliating tears slowly flowed from her eyes. After the whole duel, the seemingly harmless Biao Yugi gave her the feeling of only one sentence.


It's so damn dirty!

This thick-faced and black-hearted little bastard!

I really misjudged you!

(Biao Yugi: Since ancient times, great treacherous people appear loyal, and great falsehood appears true. Loyalty and treachery cannot be seen from the surface. Maybe you misjudged me yesterday, but today, you are wrong again, but I am still me, and I have never been afraid of others misjudging me.)

After returning to the second floor, the frustrated Peacock Dance looked up and saw Biao Yugi coming in front of her.

Reaching out his hand to Peacock Dance, Biao Yugi showed a gentle smile,"Mai-san, it was a wonderful duel!"

"What the hell is so exciting about this? I am being abused unilaterally, okay!"

Gnashing her teeth and cursing in her heart, Kong Quewu suppressed her anger and raised her hand to hold the watch game back.

"Oh~ Hehe! Yes, if your heart wasn't so dirty, this duel would definitely be more exciting!"

"Mai-san, don't say that. A duel is always supposed to bring smiles to everyone, right?"

"Do you mean bring a smile to yourself?"

"How could that be? I think Mai-san must be very happy too!"

"Is that so? Haha!"

"That's right! Haha!"

Listening to the conversation between Biao Yuxi and Kongquewu, Li Youfeng instantly got goosebumps all over his body. The strong aura emanating from the conversation between the two even made Jonouchi, who once wanted to chat up Kongquewu, stop in his tracks with lingering fear.

"Today's competition ends here! The three duelists who have advanced to the semi-finals, please���Have a good rest and stay alert for the round-robin tournament tomorrow morning!"

Everyone:"Round-robin tournament?"

"Do you need to play it so clearly?"Seeing Pegasus sitting in the VIP seat with a smile, Li Youfeng suddenly realized that the Millennium Eye has another more perverted special ability besides perspective.

Because duelists will concentrate on building their own decks before participating in the competition, they will inevitably remember what cards are in their decks.

In the original work, Pegasus made targeted tactics because he had insight into Kaiba Seto's thoughts. Of course, although there are many lies here, it still cannot change the fact that Pegasus has great power at this stage.

After all, no matter how bad it is, he can still peek at the cards. At least the underworld flow will not work in front of Pegasus anyway.

"This bastard Pegasus, does he want to observe all of our dueling skills and then make targeted adjustments?"

"It's hard to imagine, but with Pegasus's character, he might not do this!"

Oshio Yugi and Jonouchi, who also noticed this, were furious, but Muto Sugoroku's soul was still in Pegasus' hands. Even if they were angry, they could only suffer this loss in silence.

"Pegasus, you despicable coward, do you want to see our cards clearly before you make a move?"

Just when everyone was at a loss, a figure in a white windbreaker appeared on the duel field on the first floor, and the person who came was Kaiba Seto!

"Pegasus, I've had enough of your boring shenanigans!"

"I am going to exercise my rights now, come down and fight me!"

"Seahorse Boy, why are you doing this?" Pegasus smiled faintly and put down the wine glass in his hand."I wanted to use talents like you. Now I will be heartbroken if I destroy you like this."

"Stop pretending!"

With his face twisted by anger, Seto Kaiba pointed at Pegasus and said,"What happened to Keipi? Keipi, who never sleeps late, suddenly fell into a coma this morning. Do you dare to say that it wasn't you, a bastard, who did it?"


Pegasus burst into laughter while covering his forehead at the seahorse's words.

"Kaiba Boy, you are a smart person, and smart people are always difficult to control! However, we must admit that even the smartest people have their own weaknesses in character, and your weaknesses are now in my hands!"He showed a card with the portrait of Kaiba Keihei printed on it. Seeing this scene, not only Kaiba Seto was furious, but even Yugi and others on the second floor immediately changed their faces.

""Pegasus, you bastard who goes back on your word, this is not the agreement between us!" Kaiba

Seto was furious. Seeing the card that sealed Kaiba Keihei's soul in Pegasus's hand, Kaiba Seto had completely lost his mind.

"Yes! But, our agreement doesn't forbid me from killing Keipi Boy!"

Smiling and shaking his head, Pegasus went on to say:"As a person, the thing I hate most is being threatened. I am determined to get Seahorse Entertainment Group, and even the Big Five can't stop me. Since I have such a ready-made heir in my hands, why should I negotiate any agreement with them?"

"So, Kaiba Boy, I can give you another chance. As long as you agree to work for me, I can release Keipi Boy. You should know that this is my kind advice. In fact, you don't have much choice."

"You're dreaming!" He slapped the console hard, and the white fighting spirit emanating from Kaiba Seto was almost visible to the naked eye,"I'm tired of being treated as a puppet. I'm no longer the same person I used to be, and I will never go back to the way I was before! As a duelist, I would rather die standing than kneel down and beg for mercy from you!"

"Come on, Pegasus, since you also call yourself a duelist, let's solve this in a duelist's way! It's just right, let me see if your so-called legendary dueling skills are genuine!"

"What a pity!"

While speaking, Pegasus slowly walked from the VIP seat to the duel stage. Looking at Kaiba Seto standing opposite him, Pegasus' eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of ferocity.

"Kaiba Boy, I don't like chess pieces that I can't control. In that case, then you should just accept your fate!"

"Sorry, Pegasus! I never believe in fate. I only believe that fate is always in my own hands!"


Kaiba Seto LP4000

Pegasus LP4000

Duel Field 2nd Floor

"Wow, they really started fighting out of nowhere! Now it's fun to watch, but what's with that card? I don't understand it at all."

"Mai-chan, let me tell you this, you may not believe it, but that card contains the soul of Kaiba Keihei! Damn it, Pegasus is really too much. If I were Kaiba, I would definitely not be able to tolerate it!"

"You Fengjun, do you think Kaibajun can defeat Pegasus?"Ignoring Kong Que Wu and Jonouchi beside him, Biao Yugi looked at Li Youfeng with a serious face.

"Well, given the current situation, I'm likely to lose!" Holding his arms, Li Youfeng thought seriously.

"80% chance of losing? I didn't expect Kaiba to have a 20% chance of winning?"Hearing this, Jonouchi immediately looked at Li Youfeng.

"No!" Li Youfeng shook his head,"I mean, 80% will definitely lose, 20% will definitely lose!"

Everyone was dumbfounded:"Oh my god, this doesn't even have a 10% chance of winning?!"


(PS: In order to pay tribute to the classic original plot, except for a few necessary changes, the effects of the cartoon monsters are all based on the original animation. In a word, this is a fake card)

"So it starts with me."

"I summon a monster in Defense Position"

"Next, cover a card"

"My turn is over."

"Okay, Seahorse Boy, it's your turn. Let me see your awareness."

"You will regret this, Pegasus!"

He glared at Pegasus fiercely, and just when Kaiba was about to draw a card, Biao Yugi suddenly shouted from the second floor

"Be careful, Kaiba-kun! Pegasus' deck contains the Dragon Sealing Pot, so you have to be careful!"

"That's right! So, Kaiba Boy, what are you going to do?"

Pegasus, who was exposed by the watch game, was not panicked at all, but admitted it generously.

"I believe in my own cards!"Putting his hand on his deck, Kaiba Seto looked up at Biao Yugi,"But I still want to thank you for reminding me. I have been prepared for this duel. Even if I am not good enough, I will definitely test the strength of Pegasus!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Looking at the hand card he just drew, Seto Kaiba raised his eyes to look at Pegasus' backfield,"Although I have adjusted my deck in advance, but if his backfield is covered with Dragon Sealing Pot, I can't attack rashly. It's safer to do a test first in this round!"

"I cover a card and summon Alexandrite Dragon (ATK 2000 DEF 100) in Attack Position!"


"Alexandrite Dragon attacks that covered card!"

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