
As a breath hit the Gekka on Pegasus's field, a green crocodile monster was blown into pieces.


Pegasus was very upset when his monster was defeated.

"My turn is over, Pegasus, it's your turn!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I summon this monster to defend, indicating that my turn is over."

Seeing Pegasus cover another card indifferently, several veins appeared on Kaiba Seto's forehead

"Pegasus, are you fooling me?"

"In that case, I will make you pay the price!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Activate the Magic Card, Angel's Gift, draw three cards from your deck, and then choose two to discard!"

"Activate the magic card to revive the dead!"

"Special Summon the White Spirit Dragon from the Graveyard!"

"Revive, White Spirit Dragon!"

"NONONO! This won't do, Kaiba Boy!"Pegasus suddenly interrupted Kaiba and said with a smile,"Open the face card! Activate the magic card Grave Designator, and you can choose a monster in the opponent's graveyard to banish. I choose to banish the White Dragon!"


After biting and glaring at Pegasus, the seahorse suddenly sneered.

"Humph, since your cover card is not the Dragon Sealing Pot, then I don’t need to be polite anymore!"

"Pegasus, die!"

"I Normal Summon Dragon Ruler! Then I activate the Spell Card, Dragon Flute!"

"Come, Blue-Eyes White Dragon! (Attack 3000 Defense 2500)"


With a roar that shook the heavens, a huge blue-eyed white dragon flapped its huge wings and appeared on the duel field.

"Fight, the Emerald Jade Dragon attacks!"

"Destroy that cover card!"

"Emerald Breath!"


Without any suspense, a frog monster that Pegasus had covered on the field instantly turned into pieces.

"Haha! Pegasus, there are no monsters to protect you now!"

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

"Give me a direct attack!"

"The explosive gust of wind of destruction!"

"Oh NO!!!"

Pegasus LP4000>1000

Duel Arena 2nd Floor



"Haha, Pegasus is just like this, he is just like a novice! I think he is not as good as me, You Feng, I think you are exaggerating a bit!"

Seeing that Pegasus only has 1000 LP points left, Jonouchi burst into laughter

"That's right, this father of duel monsters doesn't look that powerful, the situation on the field is completely one-sided now!"

Unlike Kongquewu and Jonouchi who suddenly high-fived each other and laughed, Yami Yugi and Li Youfeng who had transformed into kings still looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"You Fengjun, Pegasus's operation is very strange. What do you think about the current situation on the field?"

"Huh~ How else can I see it?"After taking a deep breath, Li Youfeng said helplessly,"President Kaiba is about to be in trouble.""


From the perspective of the underworld.

Although Pegasus's current fighting style is somewhat different from Li Youfeng's fighting style when he fought against Kajiki Yuta, the only difference is that they are both selling blood!

It's just that Li Youfeng was selling blood while averaging his blood volume, while Pegasus was deliberately selling his own blood at this time. It looks like he is playing a trick on his opponent. On the duel field

"Hahaha! Pegasus, you are nothing but this!"

Kaiba Seto, who had an absolute advantage, was laughing crazily at this moment.

"You damn bastard, I will make you pay the price in the next turn, my turn is over!"

"Oh~! Seahorse Boy, your attack is too powerful!" Pegasus suddenly changed the subject and sneered,"But this is almost the end of the entertainment program. Now it's my turn to fight back."

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Activate Pot of Greed, I draw two cards from my deck"

"I activate the magic card, Cartoon World!"

"As long as this card is on the field, all the monsters I summon will become cartoon monsters!"

"Next, I activate the magic card spirit operation"

"I can control one of my opponent's monsters until the end of this turn, and I choose Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

"Due to the effect of the cartoon world, when the Blue-Eyes White Dragon comes to my field, it transforms into a cartoon Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

"Since the Blue-Eyes White Dragon has transformed into a cartoon Blue-Eyes White Dragon, the negative effects of mental operations have become invalid, and the cartoon Blue-Eyes White Dragon will remain on my field permanently!"

(In the original story, cartoon monsters are so unreasonably strong!)

""Gah!" With a cute cry, a cartoon-like blue-eyed white dragon appeared on the Pegasus field.

"I Normal Summon Death Stalker (ATK 900, DEF 800) in Attack Position!"

"Fight, cartoon Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

"Attack the Jade Dragon!"

Hearing Pegasus's attack order, the cartoon blue-eyed white dragon took a deep breath, but perhaps due to lack of strength, it only spit out a large mouthful of thick phlegm.

Seeing this mouthful of thick phlegm sprayed on the Jade Dragon's face and directly sprayed the latter into slag, Kaiba Seto wanted to kill him.

(Jade Dragon: This mouthful of thick phlegm is not only extremely harmful, but also extremely insulting!)

Kaiba Seto LP4000﹥3000

"It's not over yet, Death Stalker's direct attack!"


At the moment Pegasus gave the order, Death Stalker teleported to Kaiba Seto's face. The monster waved its right hand and suddenly slapped Kaiba Seto in the face.

Kaiba Seto LP3000﹥2100

"Pegasus, I will kill you!"This is the first time in Kaiba Seto's life that he has been humiliated like this.

"After that, I will launch a whirlwind to destroy the cover card in your backcourt!"

"Haha, but I guessed it a long time ago, your covered card is the Death Deck Destruction Virus!"

"I cover two cards, and my turn is over."

"So, with only one card left in your hand, how are you going to fight back? I'm really looking forward to it!"

Looking at the Dark Clown Shaki in his hand, Kaiba knew that his chain could no longer be used.

"Pegasus, I will not forgive you!" Due to extreme anger, the blue light appeared in Kaiba Seto's eyes again!

"My turn, draw a card!"


The white meteor appeared in Kaiba Seto's hand again. He took a look at the card in his hand and slapped it directly on the console.

"I activate Pot of Greed and can draw two cards from my deck!"

"Activate Angel's Charity, draw three cards from the deck, and then choose two to discard!"

Two consecutive bans, worthy of the president's basic operation!

"I Normal Summon the Guardian of Dragon Mage!"

"If this card is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned successfully, you can discard 1 card from your hand and add 1 Fusion Normal Magic Card from your Deck to your hand. I choose to discard Dark Clown Shaki!"

"Another special effect of Dragon Mage is activated!"

"You can show your opponent 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, then select that monster from your Graveyard and Special Summon 1 Fusion Material Monster with the card name in face-down Defense Position."

"I choose Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

"Magic card fusion activated!"

"I draw my cards from my hand and throw one Blue-Eyes White Dragon from each side of the field into the Graveyard!"

"Fusion Summon!"

"Pegasus, this is my last Fusion Summon!"

"Now, let you see the most perfect and powerful creature in the world!"

"Come, and leave your presence deeply imprinted in the eyes of your enemies!"

"Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon! (Attack 3000 Defense 2500)"

Pah Pah Pah~!

"Well done! Kaiba Boy!"

Seeing the Blue-Eyes Double Explosion Dragon descend on the duel field, Pegasus smiled and clapped his hands

"But, unfortunately, at this moment, I activated the trap of the Dragon Clan Sealing Pot!"

"All dragons will be sealed by this card, and gain the defense value of the sealed dragon monster."

(The original effect of the anime, the author is too tired to complain, those who have watched the animation, you all know it!)

"How can I repair it!" Seeing that the ace he just summoned was sucked into an inexplicable pot before it could stand firm, Kaiba Seto's eyes instantly turned red.

(Kaiba Seto: Damn it, my wife! Why do I always encounter minotaurs when playing cards recently?)

He glanced at the other monster left by Pegasus on the field, and Kaiba Seto instantly locked onto the target


"Dragon Mage Guardian, attack the Death Stalker!"

"Oh! NO! Hippocampus Boy, you are too impulsive��!"Pegasus shook his head helplessly,"Open another covered card, Copy Cat!"

"This card allows you to select a Spell or Trap Card in your opponent's graveyard and copy it to your side of the field. I chose the Death Deck Destruction Virus!"

"What!" Seeing his card appear on Pegasus's field, Kaiba Seto's eyes widened instantly

"The effect of the Death Deck Destruction Virus is activated. By releasing a dark attribute monster with an attack power of less than 1000 points on our side of the field, it destroys all monsters with an attack power of 1500 or more on the opponent's field, hand, and deck!"

(The effect in the original anime is so strong that it is abnormal. Let me explain here that such effect does not exist in the actual card!)

"I choose to free the Death Stalker!"

"Kaiba Boy, as far as I know, except for the Dark Clown Shachi, all the monsters in your deck seem to have more than 1500 attack points, right? Oh! My God! What a cruel thing I have done!"At the moment when Pegasus declared to activate the trap card, the only remaining Dragon Mage on Kaiba Seto's field was directly destroyed by the effect of the Death Deck's Destruction Virus. Looking at the empty field and the deck with no cards to draw, Kaiba Seto finally had to admit his failure.


He slowly raised his head. There was no trace of fear on Kaiba Seto's face. Instead, he showed a relieved smile.

"Pegasus, don't be complacent. My failure is not the end. I believe that man can do what I can't do. Wait, he will definitely defeat you!"

After saying these words, Kaiba Seto suddenly looked up at Li Youfeng who was watching the game on the second floor.

"You Feng, I'm sorry! This is all I can do! The rest, I'll leave it to you!"

""Although Kaiba's tsundere character is indeed unpleasant, it is undeniable that Kaiba, who has lost his dark heart, is definitely a true duelist in terms of both character and fighting spirit. After hearing Kaiba's last words, even Li Youfeng, who already knew the plot, couldn't help but shed tears.

"Humph, what a boring last words!"Pegasus took out a card from his arms and then showed his Millennium Eye,"Seal the Mind!"

With a flash of dazzling light, a shadowy figure flew from Kaiba's body directly to the card in Pegasus' hand.

Looking at the portrait of Kaiba Seto on the card, Pegasus sneered contemptuously.

"Youfeng Boy, Game Boy!"

Looking up at Li Youfeng and Muto Yugi in the audience on the second floor, Pegasus smiled faintly and said,"I had an agreement with Kaiba Boy before that I would give him a chance to challenge me, so I don't mind playing a game as an afterthought."

"However, this duel competition is still held in my personal name. I don't want a similar situation to happen again."

"You have to know that this is my castle. You have to follow my rules in my castle. After all, you two don’t want anything to happen to your companions, right?"

"Pegasus, you bastard!"

"Don't be impulsive, Jonouchi, you are no match for him!"

Seeing An Yugi stopping Jonouchi, Li Youfeng leaned on the railing on the second floor and said with a cold smile:"Pegasus, right? Remember my words, tomorrow, you will pay the price for your arrogance today!"


As if he heard something funny, Pegasus turned and walked towards the corridor behind him, saying with a smile:"Okay, then I'm looking forward to your performance, Youfeng Boy!"

Since his soul was sealed in the card, Seto Kaiba, who had fallen into a deep sleep, was carried away by two black-clad bodyguards.

After such a thing happened, Li Youfeng was not in the mood to joke with everyone. After a simple goodbye, he went straight into his lounge. With a thought, Li Youfeng, who was sitting at the desk, opened his own layout space. Looking at the deck that had been unlocked to 15%, Li Youfeng couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

You must know that in the era when Li Youfeng lived, the summoning situation of duels was no longer limited to superior summons, fusion summons and ritual summons.

In that duel environment where links were flying all over the sky, pendulums were swinging everywhere, and excessive amounts of cards were randomly placed, its strength was definitely far beyond the current duel environment.

So don't think that only 15% of the inventory has been unlocked now. The gold content of these cards has actually been able to meet Li Youfeng's current needs. If it weren't for the restrictions of the world rules that made many summoning methods unusable, Li Youfeng would at least let Pegasus taste the horror of being dominated by the battlefield.

"It seems that the mainstream now is the superior summoning and ritual summoning. What method should I use to fight the game in tomorrow's duel?"

The fighting spirit in his heart was constantly boiling. That night, Li Youfeng sat at his desk and pulled out carefully selected cards from the space deck at an extremely slow speed!

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