"Thanks, aibo!"

After getting the agreement from the main game, the dark game's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"I activate the magic card, Dark Mass Production Factory, and add the left foot and right arm of the sealed person in the graveyard to my hand!"

"Do you have 4 parts? As expected of Yugi Muto, he is going to collect all the parts so soon?"Seeing that Dark Yugi had recovered the parts from the cemetery, Li Youfeng immediately realized the seriousness of the situation.

"I cover two cards!"

Without any pause, Dark Yugi continued his operation.


"The Magician of Black Fantasy, Attacks Garuda Phoenix!"

""Black magic!"

Under Dark Yugi's command, the Black Fantasy Magician raised his hand and shot a black light wave at the Garuda Phoenix.

After being hit by the light wave, the Garuda Phoenix screamed and turned into pieces. At this moment, Li Youfeng's mouth corners also slightly raised.

"Garuda Phoenix's special effect is activated!"

"When this card is destroyed by your opponent and sent to the Graveyard, you can activate this effect to Special Summon a monster named Flame King from your Deck!"

"Come out!"

"Flame King Beast Baron. (Attack Power 1800 Defense Power 200)"

"Deck Special Summon?" Seeing that Li Youfeng had Special Summoned another monster from his deck, Dark Yugi, who had no way out, launched another attack.

"Black Magician, attack Flame King Beast Baron!"


With only 200 points of defense, Baron was unable to resist the attack of the Black Magician and was directly smashed into pieces.

"You Feng is indeed worthy of your name, the defense is so tight!"After praising him, An Yugi's expression began to become solemn, and a drop of cold sweat slowly appeared on his forehead.

"My turn is over, You Feng, it's your turn!"

Duel Hall 2nd Floor

"What kind of duel is this!" Seeing the subtle psychological game between the two and such a fierce offensive and defensive battle, Jonouchi couldn't help but sigh.

"It's terrible, both of them are too strong! They are much stronger than us!"

Even on the viewing platform, Peacock Dance was sweating from excessive excitement.

"Mai-chan, who do you think is more advantageous in the current situation in the duel?"

"I don't know. Now I really don't know. Their strength is not something I can comment on. It can be said that the transition between offense and defense is only a moment. A small mistake is likely to directly determine the entire battle situation."

Duel ring


After taking a deep breath, Li Youfeng looked at An Yugi and grinned,"That was a close call. Although I know you're very powerful, you're actually more terrifying than I thought!"

The magic trap affinity is activated, and there are 2 remaining in this round.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"At this moment, I activate the special effect of Nephthys' Phoenix God (ATK 2400, DEF 1600) in the graveyard!"

"This card can be Special Summoned from the Graveyard during your next Standby Phase if it is destroyed by a card effect!"

"Sure enough, it's coming!" Seeing Li Youfeng activate the effect of the Phoenix God, An Yugi instantly became alert

"Another special effect of Nephthys' Phoenix God is activated!"

"If this card is Special Summoned successfully, you can destroy all Magic Cards and Trap Cards on the field!"


Hearing such an outrageous special effect, Yami Yugi hurriedly shouted:"Open the cover card! Emergency food, you can send a trap card or magic card on your field to the graveyard, and then restore 1000 LP!"

"I will send the attack power to the graveyard and restore LP at the same time!"

Muto Yugi LP3000>4000

"Haha, what a quick reaction! It's really a game, but of course this is also within my calculations!"

Not frustrated by the Phoenix God's failure, Li Youfeng raised his hand and slapped the magic card he had just drawn on the electronic instrument.

"Activate Magic Card, Pot of Greed!"

Magic Trap Affinity Activate, 0 times remaining in this game

"I draw two cards from my deck!"

"Activate the magic card Angel's Charity!"

"Draw three cards from your deck and then choose two cards from your hand to discard!"

"Activate the magic card, Designator of Another Dimension!"

"When this card is activated, you need to declare a card in your opponent's hand and confirm it before you can activate it! The declared card is removed from the deck!"

"Well~ This may not be detailed enough, so let me be more specific!"

"Yugi, the name of the card I declare to be banished is the Left Foot of the Sealed One you just got!"


After hearing the effect of this card, Dark Yugi's face changed instantly, and the table Yugi in his mind also looked extremely anxious.

"Oh no! My other self has lost the sealed left foot, so the three component cards in our hands are useless!"

"You Feng~! Sure enough, am I too conceited?"

Turning his head to look at his own deck, Dark Yugi shook his head helplessly!

Although he had not yet determined the next card, he had a hunch that the sealed Exodia must be not far away from him.

Putting the sealed left foot into the exclusion zone, Dark Yugi said with a frustrated look:"Aibo! I'm sorry, I didn't accept your advice. This time it was my mistake."

"another me……"

"My attack has just begun!"

The opportunity to control the situation is right in front of him. How could Li Youfeng give up such a good opportunity?

"I activate the magic card, Nephthys's Reincarnation!"

"Offer Chaos Nephthys in your hand as a sacrifice!"

"Ritual summons!"

"O raging fire that never goes out, show your burning heart of flame once again in the endless cycle!"

"Come on!��

"Nephthys's Blue Phoenix God! (Attack Power 3000 Defense Power 1000)"

"Ritual summon?! It's actually a ritual summon!"Seeing the burning Cang Huang Shen descending on the duel field, not only was An Yugi stunned, even the counterpart in his mind was also incredulous.

"I didn’t expect that besides us, You Feng also hid the ritual summons!"

"Watch out, my other self! You Fengjun's attack is coming!"

"Activate the special effects of Nephthys' Blue Phoenix God!"

"Once per turn, you can destroy any number of your own cards with the name of Nephthys on them, thereby destroying a number of monsters on your opponent's field equal to the number of cards destroyed. The one I chose to destroy is this one!"

"Dark Nephthys!"

"Activate your special effects, Cang Huang Shen!"

"Destroy the black magician for me!"

""Breath of Fiery Flame!"


A stream of scorching flames burst out of the mouth of the Blue Phoenix God. The Black Magician screamed and was immediately reduced to ashes.

(Black Magician: Big Brother! Can you change the way? I'm still young and don't want to go into the furnace!)


"Nephthys' Phoenix God, attack the Black Fantasy Magician!"

Not giving Dark Yugi a chance to breathe, following the Black Magician, the Black Fantasy Magician also followed into the cemetery.

(Black Fantasy Magician: Big Brother, I was wrong to be so arrogant just now, but can you be gentler?)

Muto Yugi LP4000>3700

"Nephthys's Blue Phoenix God, attack directly!"

"Take that, games!"

"Breath of flame!"

"Ah!"A dazzling flame spewed out from the mouth of the Cang Huang Shen, causing An Yugi to quickly cover his face with his hands.

Muto Yugi LP3700﹥700

"Strong! Too strong! Is this the real strength of You Fengjun?"

After personally experiencing the power of Li Youfeng, even with the combined strength of two people, Dark Yugi and Biao Yugi became breathless at the same time.

However, what Muto Yugi could never have expected was that even with the absolute upper hand, Li Youfeng's face became extremely solemn at this time!

Only because the current Dark Yugi has already locked his blood!

How terrifying is the Dark Yugi who has already locked his blood? I believe that people who have read the original anime know it very well.

Based on the world rule that you can't play cards without low blood, how many extremely dangerous duels have been turned around by the protagonist's low blood body?

Li Youfeng glanced at his graveyard very carefully, and after taking a deep breath, he slowly said:"My turn is over!"

Two Nephthys monsters, one with an attack power of 2400 and the other with an attack power of 3000. Although he has three cards in his hand, these three cards are almost useless waste paper to the current Dark Yugi.

"Damn it, it's all my fault. I was too arrogant and underestimated You Feng's strength!"He lowered his head with a look of dejection, and pounded the console with his fists. He looked frustrated, as if he had given up resistance.

In the VIP seats, looking at the desperate���Teng Yugi, Pegasus's face also became ugly

""You Feng Boy, it seems that I really underestimated you. It seems that it is still unknown who will win this duel!"

As the holder of the Millennium Artifact, Pegasus certainly believes in the magical power bestowed by the Millennium Artifact. However, when he saw that the holder of the Millennium Building Blocks was suppressed to such an extent by Li Youfeng, in addition to doubts about the Millennium Building Blocks, Pegasus's evaluation of Li Youfeng also went up a level.

As the father of Duel Monsters, Pegasus can of course see how high the gold content of this duel is. As for Muto Yugi's duel level, although Pegasus is confident that he can't surpass himself, but when he thinks that the holder of the Millennium Artifact will actually lose to an ordinary person, this is something he can't accept anyway.

On the duel arena

"Another me, cheer up, we haven't lost yet!"

"aibo! I……"

"Another me, I also agree with your decision, so you don't need to blame yourself at all. Just like we said before the duel, no matter what the final result of this duel is, we can't give up easily, and the other winner will continue to move forward with the beliefs of the three of us!"

"Another me, have you now betrayed the agreement between the three of us and given up on moving forward?"

Biao Youxi's words instantly reminded Wang Yang of the scene of shaking hands with You Feng yesterday!

Yes, no matter what the result of this duel is, the winner between us will carry the hopes of three people and risk his life to challenge Pegasus!

This is not an honor, but a burden. Now Li Youfeng is using his true strength to prove that he is capable of carrying everyone's hopes!

"You Fengjun! Hehehe!"

Finally remembering the promise made at that time, a confident smile returned to Yami Yugi's face again.

"No! I will never give up the agreement between us! I will never give up so easily before the last moment! Aibo! Thank you!"

At the moment when Wang Yang was relieved, a golden flame suddenly emerged from the surface of An Yugi's body. Seeing this scene, Li Youfeng shouted in his heart"Fuck!" (four sounds, expressing surprise!)

As expected, just when Li Youfeng couldn't help but sweat, An Yugi suddenly raised his head! The golden flame of the king wrapped around his whole body, and the soul of the game appeared behind the king, and all of this fell into the eyes of Li Youfeng who could see the power of the elves.

""I believe in my own cards!" (I believe in my own cards!)

The rich power of the king seemed to have merged the souls of Yami Yugi and Omi Yugi together. That classic line was spoken by Yami Yugi. In Li Youfeng's eyes, the souls of these two people had almost overlapped, and they touched the card deck placed next to the instrument at the same time!

"It's my turn, draw a card!"


The golden flame symbolizing the power of the king burned fiercely on the fingertips of the Pharaoh, and between the king's fingers, the card that had turned into a brilliant golden color was like a morning star that illuminates the endless darkness!

Li Youfeng was almost scared to death when he saw this scene, and kept begging for mercy in his heart:"I am just an ordinary man, why do you need to be so desperate? Where is the fairness of this duel? Where is justice? You are no longer destined to draw, but destined to print the card!"

As Li Youfeng expected, An Yugi, who had drawn the card in his hand, waved his hand and slapped the card directly on the controller.

"Magic card activated, Maul!"

"The effect of this card is that you can put any number of cards in your hand back into the deck and shuffle them! After that, you can draw the number of cards that have been returned to the deck!"

"I choose to put three cards back into the deck!" Swish, swish, swish!

After putting the four Exodia parts in his hand back into the deck, Yami Yugi shuffled the deck at an extremely fast speed!

Then, after pulling out three cards from the top of the deck, Yami Yugi checked his hand and looked up at Li Youfeng!

"You Feng, the pieces of victory have been gathered, let's decide the winner in this round!"

Li You Feng was already in tears, and a classic Chinese curse instantly emerged in his mind!

"Damn it! You’re using tricks!"

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