"Fuck you, you two are cheating when you fight one person? How much hatred do you have?"

Hearing this, Li Youfeng was so scared that his hair almost stood up. You are not done after printing the card, and you also draw four times in a row?

As if to confirm Li Youfeng's thoughts, An Yugi casually played a magic card!

"Activate Pot of Greed and draw two cards from your deck!"

"Magic Card, Super Warrior Ritual Activated!"

"This card can sacrifice monsters with a total of 8 levels to summon a powerful Chaos Warrior!"

"Activate the special effects of the Dark Knight Gaia awakened in the graveyard!"

"When this card is in the Graveyard, it can be removed as a Tribute when Ritual Summoning a Chaos Warrior!"

"In addition, I send the Knight of the Opening in my hand to the graveyard as a sacrifice."

"Ritual summons!"

"Fearless warrior born from chaos! Answer my call, dedicate your loyalty to me, and fight for me!"

"Come on!"

"Chaos Warrior! (Attack 3000 Defense 2500)"

"It’s not over yet, I will equip the Equipment Spell Card Demon Axe to the Chaos Warrior!"

"According to the effect, Chaos Warrior's attack power increases by 1000 UP!"

Chaos Warrior's attack power 3000 ﹥ 4000!

"Attack power 4000?! What kind of monster is this!"

"It’s so scary. It’s hard to imagine that the seemingly harmless dwarf actually has such a powerful monster in his hands!"

""Okay, Yugi, come on! Go and defeat Yu Feng!"

Jonouchi, Anzi, and Honda, who were watching the battle on the second floor of the duel arena, cheered immediately after seeing the powerful figure of the Chaos Warrior.

"Don't be happy too soon!"

Suddenly a pleasant voice interrupted Jonouchi and the others. The three turned around and saw Peacock Dance staring at the Chaos Warrior on the duel arena with a serious face.

After observing for a few seconds, Peacock Dance suddenly sighed and said,"I admit that the Chaos Warrior is indeed a powerful monster, but don't forget that there are two monsters on You Feng's field. It is impossible for a Chaos Warrior with only 4,000 attack points to defeat You Feng and win in this round, unless……"

"Unless what?"

"Unless that Chaos Warrior has hidden special abilities! But since Yugi has already declared his victory, let me wait and see!"

As if to confirm what Peacock Dance said, Dark Yugi waved his hand and directly activated the Chaos Warrior's special abilities!

"The Chaos Warriors that use the Knight of Opening as the ritual material will gain a special ability. Once per turn, they can banish a monster on the opponent's field!"

"I choose to eliminate Nephthys's Blue Phoenix God!"

As Dark Yugi spoke, the Chaos Warrior pointed the Demon Battle Axe in his hand at the Blue Phoenix God. A dark black hole suddenly appeared in front of the Blue Phoenix God. Unable to resist this powerful force, the Blue Phoenix God wailed and turned into a little fire and disappeared on the duel arena.

(The excluded Cang Huang Shen could not use his special ability to return to the field, which meant he was directly useless.)

As a time traveler, Li Youfeng was of course very clear about the abilities of Chaos Warriors, so he didn't say much. At the moment when Cang Huang Shen disappeared, An Yugi launched his offensive again!

"Chaos Warriors, attack the Phoenix God of Nephthys!"

"Chaos Slash!"

Because the strength between the two monsters was too great, Phoenix God followed in the footsteps of Cang Huang God. Phoenix God, which was damaged by the battle, lost the ability to revive and had to return to the cemetery again.

Li Youfeng LP2000﹥400

"Look, I told you so!" Seeing that You Feng only had 400 health points left, Peacock Dance, who was watching the battle on the second floor of the duel arena, immediately spread out his hands,"Such attack power cannot defeat You Feng, so……"

"Another special effect of Chaos Warrior is activated!"

As if to slap him in the face, before Peacock Dance could finish her words, Dark Yugi's voice came over from the duel arena on the first floor again.

"Once per turn! Chaos Warriors can make an additional attack while destroying the opponent's monster in battle!"

"You Fengjun! Everything is over. I will carry on the promise between the three of us and move on!"

"Take it, this is my final attack!"

"Chaos Warrior! Directly attack the opposing player!"

"Chaos Slash!"

Raising the demon battle axe in his hand, the Chaos Warrior threw it at Li Youfeng without mercy. Seeing Li Youfeng with his hands hanging down without any movement, An Yugi couldn't help but clenched his left fist and said,"We won!"

"Is that really the case?" With a slight smile on his face, Li Youfeng spread his hands and said with a smile,"You are really good at playing games.……"


As if to confirm Li Youfeng's words, a kite-like robot suddenly appeared and blocked Li Youfeng.

The demon axe hit the robot monster fiercely, and it bounced back into the hands of the Chaos Warrior in an instant as if it was not affected by the force.

Everyone:"What?!" They were shocked. This time, not only Jonouchi and others who were watching the battle on the second floor were shocked, but even Pegasus stood up from his chair because he was too surprised. After all, in their opinion, this situation was already a dead end.

"How could this happen?"Yan Yugi, who had declared victory, had never expected such a huge change to happen. He looked at Li Youfeng with a puzzled look on his face.

"Because I excluded the Kite Robot from the Graveyard, the special effect of this monster is that it can be removed from the Graveyard and activated when the opponent directly attacks, and the combat damage caused to us only once will be reduced to 0!"

"When did you put this monster in the cemetery? Could it be?"Suddenly remembering something, Yami Yugi suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"That’s right, it was when the angel’s charity was activated in the last round!"Nodding with a smile, Li Youfeng’s face instantly became serious,"Game, your round is over, and next, it’s my turn!"

"Haha~, You Fengjun, you are amazing!" Hearing this, An Yugi was not afraid at all, but laughed heartily,"Come on, if you can defeat my Chaos Warrior, then just come at me, my turn is over!"

"My turn!"

Putting his hand on his deck, Li Youfeng took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes. Due to the blood lock, the extremely harsh activation condition of the Destined Draw became available at this moment. Li Youfeng, who had used up the three Magic Trap Affinity, could only rely on this Destined Draw to turn the tables.

However, what Li Youfeng didn't know was that just as he was about to activate the Destined Draw, a white flame slowly emerged from his body. This white flame was not as overbearing as Kaiba Seto's, but was full of light and warmth.

"Draw a card!"

As a card burning with pure white flames was drawn out from the deck by Li Youfeng, Li Youfeng himself also entered a very trance state. The feeling was as if he heard a touching song. This wonderful feeling came and went quickly. For Li Youfeng himself, these abnormalities were completely unknown. When he came to his senses, it was as if he had forgotten something.

Looking down at the card in his hand, Li Youfeng could not help but almost laughed out loud. It turned out that this was the feeling of a godly draw. If he had this cheating skill in his previous life, wouldn't he have beaten anyone he caught!

Looking at the solemn face of An Yugi, Li Youfeng shook his head slightly. Speaking of which, it was you who started it, Yugi, so I am just giving him a taste of his own medicine.

"I activate the magic card, Pot of Greed, and draw two cards from the deck!"

As the two cards were drawn into his hand, Li Youfeng laughed again without realizing it. After all, the feeling of Greedy Angel was really known to everyone who used it!

"I activate Angel's Charity, draw three cards from the deck, and then throw two cards into the graveyard. The monsters I choose to throw into the graveyard are Angel Chestnut Ball and Death Guardian!"

(Li Youfeng: Don't ask me why I choose these two cards, the underworld style! Bring a few more cards to survive! Not shabby!)

"I Normal Summon from my hand, Nephthys' Prayer in Attack Position! (ATK 0, DEF 2000)"

Everyone:"A monster with 0 attack points, what's the use of it?"

Looking at Yami Yugi who was puzzled, Li Youfeng immediately showed the last card in his hand.

"I activate a magic card from my hand, Nephthys' Hope!"

"This magic card can be activated by targeting a card with the word Nephthys on it on your field and a card on your opponent's field, destroying all of those cards."

"I choose to destroy Nephthys's Prayer and Demon Axe!"


As the sound of the magic card was activated, two flames instantly wrapped Nephthys's Prayer and the Demon Axe in the hands of the Chaos Warrior. Unsurprisingly, Nephthys's Prayer and this equipment card turned into Mars and entered the graveyard at the same time.

Chaos Warrior's attack power 4000>3000


Surprised by Li Youfeng's mysterious operation, not only Jonouchi and others who were watching the game were stunned, even Yami Yugi himself was also stunned.

"You Feng, what are you doing?" Confused, An Yugi looked up at Li You Feng.

"As you can see, your equipment is destroyed!" Li Youfeng shrugged naturally.

"Are you crazy? In this case, there will be no monsters on your field, right?"

Looking at Li Youfeng who had no cards left, An Yugi said with a cold sweat on his face, somewhat uncertainly:"How are you going to attack in this round without monsters? You know, I have Chaos Warriors on my field. Once your round ends, how are you going to resist my attack in the next round without any cards left?"

"Unfortunately, you don't have the next round!"

As if to confirm Li Youfeng's words, a blood-red flame as big as a candle suddenly appeared on Li Youfeng's field.

"I activate the special effect of Chaos Phoenix Goddess Nephthys in the graveyard!"

"This card cannot be Normal Summoned, and can only be activated when it exists in your hand or Graveyard. When a card on the field is destroyed by an effect, you can banish one Light monster and one Dark monster from your Graveyard other than Chaos Phoenix Goddess Nephthys!"

"This card is Special Summoned!"

"I choose to exclude Angel Kururugi and Dark Nephthys!"

"Phoenix God reborn from chaos, spread your wings, listen to my prayers, and respond to my call from the endless chaos!"

"Come, Chaos Phoenix God Nephthys! (Attack 2400 Defense 1600)"

Duel Arena Second Floor Observation Deck

"It’s strange. The attack power of this monster is obviously not as good as that of the Chaos Warrior. Why does You Feng say that there will be no next round in the game?"

"That’s right. Although I didn’t expect You Feng to hide such a monster in the cemetery, how could this monster alone defeat the Chaos Warrior?"

"You Feng is in real danger this time. There are no monsters on his field that can attack, and he is simply unable to withstand the next wave of attacks from the Chaos Warriors!"

"Not necessarily yet!" Peacock Dance, who had noticed some clues, suddenly brightened up her eyes,"You Fengjun looks relaxed on the surface, could it be that he has some backup plan?"

"Backhand? Could it be that the monster summoned by You Feng has some special effect? "After hearing what Kongquewu said, Jonouchi looked at the duel field with a puzzled look. In the

VIP seat, Pegasus, who had already stood up, also looked at Muto Yugi with a gloomy face.

""Game Boy, you have kept it from me. From your eyes I can see that you still have fighting spirit. Let me see how you can turn the tables!"

Just as everyone expected, although Dark Game did not show anything on the surface, in fact, in his inner world, he was already having a heated discussion with Biao Game.

"Another me, be careful, You Feng will not summon such a monster for no reason!"

"Ah, I can feel the powerful force contained in that monster. The Chaos Warriors may not be able to stop it!"

"It’s okay, other me, don’t you have a hidden trick up your sleeve?"

"That’s true, but aibo, do you think You Feng will be fooled?"

"I'm not sure, I can only say that the chance is very slim."

"Do you think he can see through our ambush?"

"It’s most likely. After all, You Feng is a trap master, and I learned these strategies based on his tactics!"

"Haha~ Actually to be honest, I was also uncertain in my heart, but we can do our best and leave the rest to fate. We have tried our best, so even if we lose, there is nothing to regret!"

"Well, my other self, you are right. You Fengjun is a real duelist with great strength. Even if I lose to him, there is really nothing to regret."

""Huh, game! This is the final blow!" After taking a deep breath, Li Youfeng raised his hand to lift the strands of hair on his forehead,"But before that, let me clear the way forward and the traps you set!"

"Haha, you are really You Feng, it seems that I really didn't hide it from you!"Hearing Li You Feng's words, An Youxi knew that his backhand had been exposed. At this time, he was not nervous at all, but surprisingly relaxed.

"I activate the special effect of Chaos Phoenix Goddess Nephthys!"

"If this card is Special Summoned successfully, you can activate this effect by targeting 1 card on your opponent's field and 2 cards in your opponent's Graveyard."

"Sorry! Game, I admit that Chaos Warrior is indeed very strong, especially the combo exclusion effect of this monster can definitely kill most players in seconds, but the fact that it has no effect resistance is also a fatal weakness of Chaos Warrior!"

"I choose to exclude the Chaos Warrior, and I also want to exclude the Super Electromagnetic Turtle and the Black Magician in your graveyard!"

(I don't need to explain the effect of the Super Electromagnetic Turtle in the graveyard, right?)

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