
As the door to the opposite corridor opened, Pegasus, accompanied by two black-clad bodyguards, appeared in front of everyone in a red suit.

""You Feng Boy, I'm surprised you didn't run away."

Speaking in classic Japanese English, Pegasus walked to the duel stage with a smile.

"Although I admire your courage, sometimes overconfidence can get you killed. Oh! NO! What a cruel reality. I actually have to do such an excessive thing to a teenager. This is really~ very pleasing!"

To be honest, Pegasus's hypocritical behavior really disgusted Li Youfeng. With his hands in his trouser pockets, Li Youfeng snorted coldly:"Ha~, Mr. Pegasus, I sincerely hope that you can still laugh like you do now!"

"Really? I'm looking forward to your performance!"With a hint of murderous intent in his eyes, Pegasus' expression gradually became cold.

"Now, please ask both players to shuffle their cards!"

At the referee's signal, a black-clad bodyguard came to Li Youfeng with a tray covered with red satin.

He placed his deck on the tray, while another black-clad bodyguard came to Li Youfeng with the deck used by Pegasus.

"Mr. You Feng, please shuffle the cards!"

After taking a look at Pegasus who was shuffling the cards for him, Li You Feng smiled sinisterly and reached his hand to the bottom of the deck. After pulling out six cards and secretly confirming them, Li You Feng placed them directly on the top of the deck.

"I'm ready! Please leave it to Pegasus"

""You Feng Boy, your way of shuffling cards is really unique!" Pegasus, who happened to have just finished shuffling the cards, shook his head with contempt at Li You Feng's operation.

After watching the bodyguards return the decks of both parties, the referee standing diagonally above the duel field waved his hand and announced:"The decks of both parties have been confirmed to be correct. The final challenge of the Duel Kingdom begins now!"

"Can I take the initiative? You Feng Boy!"

"Of course, please, Mr. Pegasus!"

"Thank you! It's my turn, draw a card!"

Without even looking at it, Pegasus directly slapped his card onto the duel machine.

"Activate the magic card Pot of Greed!"

"I draw two cards from the deck."

"I activate the continuous magic card, Cartoon World!"

(All the cartoon monsters here are explained according to the effects of the original anime, and their effects are simply abnormally strong. Don't ask me why, if you ask, it's a fake card!)

"I can do this?!"

Even though he had changed the order, Pegasus still got the Cartoon World card first through the effect of Pot of Greed. Li Youfeng was immediately upset. You know, at this time, Pegasus only had one Cartoon World card in his deck!

Was he really printing cards so blatantly?

"The effect of the cartoon world is activated!"Ignoring Li Youfeng, whose face had turned extremely ugly, Pegasus sneered and continued his operation,"I summon the cartoon mermaid to attack! (Attack power 1400 Defense power 1500)"

"At the same time, cover a card in my backfield"

"My turn is over. Sa, Youfeng Boy, it's your turn to make a move!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Magic Trap Affinity is activated, and there are 2 remaining in this game.

After taking a look at the card he just drew, Li Youfeng also directly activated its effect.

"Pot of Greed is activated, and I can draw two cards from my deck."

"Angel's Charity is activated, I can draw three cards from the deck and choose to discard two"

"Oh, I'm lucky. Pot of Greed is activated and I can draw two cards from the deck!"

"Huh?" Li Youfeng's quick card draw made Pegasus' pupils shrink suddenly. He had no time to use his perspective ability. Pegasus decisively opened the magic card covering the field.

"The magic card is activated, and the notebook is wiped out!"

"You are very clear about the effect of this card, Youfeng Boy, throw away all the cards in your hand!"

"No~ What are you doing?"Looking at Pegasus with a puzzled look on his face, Li Youfeng was full of confusion.

"Humph! Do you think I don't know?" Pegasus crossed his arms and looked like he knew the whole situation."You must have borrowed the Sealed Egyptian Messenger from the game boy, otherwise why would you draw cards so frequently?"

""Pfft!" Li Youfeng, who was no longer able to complain, shook his head and threw all 8 cards in his hand into the graveyard."Mr. Pegasus, you are so smart!"

Seeing Li Youfeng obediently throwing the cards in his hand into the graveyard, Pegasus nodded with great satisfaction. However, when he carefully looked at the cards through the Millennium Eye, his old face suddenly blushed slightly.

The reason was that among these discarded cards, except for a few monster cards he had never seen before, there was not even a single Exodia component card.

Pegasus, who had made a big mistake, was embarrassed. Seeing Li Youfeng showing a mocking look at him, Pegasus was so angry that he almost scratched his soles.

Seeing Li Youfeng draw 8 cards from the deck again, Pegasus decisively activated the Millennium Eye's ability to see through the mind. After all, he had already lost a person once, and he didn't want to make any mistakes in public again.

""Psychic perspective!"

Pegasus activated his ability with confidence and instantly saw through the outline of Li Youfeng's hand. However, just when he was about to enlarge the card and take a closer look, an accident suddenly happened! For some unknown reason, a dazzling white light suddenly burst out from Li Youfeng's chest. This white light came very suddenly, just like a person who was concentrating on reading a book, and suddenly a flash bomb went off when he turned to the next page!

"Oh! NO! My eyes!"


It hurts!

I can't stop crying!

I want to die!

So sad!

This bastard used an underhand trick!

His krypton gold dog eyes suffered unimaginable damage. Pegasus couldn't help but cover his eyes with both hands and wailed heartbreakingly!

To be frank, everyone here should know very well what it means to be hit by a flash bomb from the front when you are completely unprepared and trying hard to open your eyes wide.

This is only Pegasus. If it were an ordinary person, his eyes might really be blinded!

Everyone:"Huh? ?"∑(´△`)?!

Seeing Pegasus covering his eyes and slumped on the duel console, not only did the game team express strong confusion, but even the person involved, Comrade Li Youfeng, was full of doubts. After all, such an unexpected situation suddenly occurred, and he really had no idea what was going on.

"Oh shit!"!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

Pegasus suddenly became like this, and Li Youfeng immediately had a face full of question marks:"You are having a sudden epileptic seizure and want to blackmail me, right? Pegasus, I can tell you clearly that I won't fall for it!"

Listen, is this human language?

"You Feng, you bastard!"

Pegasus felt a sharp pain and said that he was a little bit broken and shouted on the spot.

"Mr. Pegasus, what happened to you? Seeing Pegasus in such pain, the two black-clad bodyguards standing next to the duel arena hurried forward to check.

"Body search! Search this bastard for me!"

At this time, Pegasus couldn't even open his eyes, so he could only yell at the bodyguard:"This bastard came to the duel with a flash bomb, search him!"

"Flash bomb?!"

Li Youfeng was so confused that he couldn't resist at all. With everyone's faces full of question marks, he was directly checked thoroughly by two black-clad bodyguards.

""Master Pegasus, we have searched the area. That guy has no flash bombs or even glowing accessories. Did you see it wrong?" The bodyguard returned to Pegasus after finding nothing and reported solemnly.

""Okay, I got it! You guys go down." Pegasus, who had regained some of his vision, calmed down at this time. Thinking carefully, it is possible that some mysterious power is at work. After all, he also has the power of darkness, right?

"Can I start my turn now?"As if afraid that Pegasus would blackmail him, Li Youfeng asked timidly.

""Let's get started!"

Seeing Pegasus waving his hand impatiently, Li Youfeng paused for a few seconds and then made a move that everyone in the audience didn't expect.

He just took out the 8���The cards were placed on the console one by one. The most important thing was that all the cards were face up!

Li Youfeng's actions surprised Yugi and others who were watching the game on the second-floor viewing platform. The transformed An Yugi couldn't help but shout,"Youfeng, what are you doing!"

"Don't worry, Youxi, I know what's going on!" Li Youfeng waved to An Youxi and looked at Pegasus with a smile,"Mr. Pegasus, now you can't slander me for bringing flash bombs!"


This is a naked provocation. Seeing Li Youfeng suddenly showing his cards, Pegasus immediately felt a strong sense of humiliation.

"Hehe, You Feng Boy, you are such an irritating kid!"Unconsciously, Pegasus' defense had already been broken. He activated the power of the Millennium Eye again, and was surprised to find that his ability to see through his opponent's mind was completely ineffective!

Although his ability to see through cards was still intact, his eyes were severely damaged and he could only distinguish whether those cards were monster cards or magic cards. As for the monsters and words on the cards, he couldn't see them clearly at all.

"You Feng Boy, since you made the first move, I won’t be polite either. Next, let’s do something more exciting!"

""Dark Game, start!"

A black barrier suddenly unfolded, instantly enveloping the entire duel arena. Seeing this, the black-clad bodyguards around the arena were so frightened that they quickly fled. After all, they knew the horror of the Dark Game.

With the blessing of the dark power, the stinging sensation in Pegasus' eyes was also reduced a lot.

"Youfeng Boy, start your operation!"

""Okay!" After a cold snort, Li Youfeng calmly started his turn.

"I activate the ritual magic from my hand, Nephthys's Reincarnation!"

"Offer the sacrifice from your hand, Special Summon, Nephthys's Connector! (Attack 2000 Defense 0)"

With a flash of fire, a lively girl with healthy wheat-colored skin and wearing a red sacrificial costume appeared on Li Youfeng's field.

After turning her head and throwing a lovely wink at Li Youfeng, the girl looked back at Pegasus with a fierce look.

"The special effect of Nephthys Connector is activated. During the turn this card is successfully Ritual Summoned, you can Special Summon a Ritual Monster containing the character Nephthys from your hand or deck, ignoring the conditions!"

"I Special Summon a Ritual Monster from my Deck, Nephthys's Blue Phoenix! (ATK 3000, DEF 1000)"

"The special effect of the Cang Huang God is activated!"

"Destroy a card with the Nephthys character on it in your hand, and at the same time destroy a monster on your opponent's field!"

"I chose to destroy Nephthys' Phoenix God from my hand, and also destroy the Cartoon Mermaid!"

"NO! You Feng Boy, this won't do!" Interrupting Li You Feng, Pegasus waved his hand and said,"In my cartoon world, there is no tragedy. When the special effect of the cartoon world is activated and the opponent's effect destroys our cartoon monster, you can remove a card from the top of the deck instead of destroying it!"

"Humph, I knew it would be like this!"Without any surprise, Li Youfeng immediately sneered when he saw Pegasus put a card from the deck into the exclusion zone.

"I normally summon a Sub-Robot! (Attack 800 Defense 1800)"

"Submarine robots attack!"

"Deepwater torpedo!"

"Haha, This is useless!)"Seeing a torpedo coming towards him, Pegasus immediately crossed his arms and laughed,"My cartoon monster cannot be damaged by battle, so this attack is invalid!"


Before he finished speaking, the torpedo flew directly over the head of the confused cartoon mermaid and hit Pegasus' face directly!

(Submarine robot: Boy, I let you pretend, now you feel good!)

Pegasus LP4000﹥3200

""Oh! My God!"

With a scream, Pegasus covered his face and fell on the console again, twitching constantly!

Friends who have read the original novel must know very well that the damage caused by the dark game will be reflected in the duelist. A torpedo hits the face without any defense. The pain can be imagined!

""Oh! NO! My face!"

Pegasus struggled to get up from the console. He had lost his usual gentlemanly demeanor.

Half of his face had been blown black and shiny, and a lot of his long white hair had been burned. Looking at Pegasus in such an embarrassing state, Li Youfeng immediately laughed out loud in a somewhat unkind way.

"Haha, you idiot! The special effect of the Sub-Robot is that it can attack the player directly, and at the end of the damage step, it can switch from attack position to defense position! So, what's with your confidence just now?"

"Oh my god! Haha, I can’t stand it! Just your confident and awesome look just now is enough to make me laugh for a whole year!"

"You son of ab#@&h!" (You bastard!)

My defense is broken!

Pegasus said that when he met such a bitch, he had begun to break down without realizing it!

"My turn is over!" After shrugging his shoulders, Li Youfeng suppressed his smile and spread his hands helplessly.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"You Feng Boy! Don’t be too proud, I will make you feel the same pain soon!"

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