Pegasus suddenly showed a card in his hand and said with a sinister smile:"You didn't expect it, thanks to your match with Yugi yesterday, I was able to specially create this powerful new card. Now I will let you see how powerful the card created by me, a top card maker, is!"

"This card does not require ritual magic to summon. You only need to make the star level of the monster in your hand 8 stars to special summon it. I threw two 4-star monster cards into the graveyard. Come out, Cartoon Chaos Soldier! (Attack 3000 Defense 2500)"

(Li Youfeng: So you are the card maker so you can do whatever you want, right?)

"Although this card is not a Ritual Monster, it has the special effects of a Ritual Monster. Now, let me show you the powerful power it possesses!"

"Cartoon Chaos Soldier special effects!"

"Once combined, you can remove a monster on the opponent's field!"

"I choose to exclude Nephthys's Blue Phoenix God!"

Seeing the Blue Phoenix God turn into starlight and disappear on the field, Pegasus sneered


"Cartoon Chaos Soldiers, attack the Submarine Robot!"

Pegasus would never leave the monster that hit him on the face on the field. Without any suspense, after being attacked by the Cartoon Chaos Soldiers, the Submarine Robot turned into pieces.

"Another special effect of Cartoon Chaos Soldier is activated. After attacking and destroying the opponent's monster, it can attack again!"

"You Feng Boy! Now, I will let you taste the pain that the dark game can bring!"

"Cartoon Chaos Soldier, attack the player directly!"

"Chaos slash!"

"The special effect of the Kite Robot in the hand is activated!"As if he had anticipated the current situation, Li Youfeng calmly showed a card in his hand,"This card can be discarded from the hand when the opponent directly attacks, and the damage of that battle becomes 0 points!"


Suddenly appearing from Li Youfeng's hand, the Kite Robot resolutely crashed into the tip of the Cartoon Chaos Soldier's knife. The Cartoon Chaos Soldier, who failed to score a goal, was bounced away by the powerful recoil force and could only retreat to his own monster area in the end.

"Humph, do you think you can get away with this?" Pegasus sneered.

"Cartoon mermaid, attack the player directly!"

After receiving the attack order from Pegasus, the cartoon mermaid immediately drew her bow and arrow. Perhaps because of Pegasus's anger, the monster shot out a rocket with explosives tied to it!


Watching the rocket flying towards Li Youfeng, Pegasus had a sinister smile on his face. However, he did not expect that an accident would happen again.

"Activate the special effect of the Kite Robot in the Graveyard!" Facing the rocket that was about to fly in front of his face, Li Youfeng said calmly again,"This card in the Graveyard can be activated by excluding it when the opponent directly attacks, only once, and the damage received is reduced to 0 points."


As Li Youfeng spoke, the Kite Robot that had just been sent to the Graveyard suddenly appeared in front of Li Youfeng again. After standing up to block the rocket, it also gave Pegasus a very spiritual middle finger!

(Kite Robot: Even if Kami comes, I can still stop him!)

"How is this possible?"

Although his eyes had not fully recovered, Pegasus could still see the monsters on the field clearly. Seeing the kite-man actually raised his middle finger to him, he even thought it was his illusion. It was not until the moment the monster disappeared that he shook his head in confusion.

"Damn, you're good, my turn is over!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Magic Trap Affinity is activated, and there is 1 remaining chance in this game.

Li Youfeng drew a card from the deck with an expressionless face, and then said:"Activate the special effect of Nephthys' Phoenix God in the graveyard. If this card is destroyed by the effect, it can be special summoned from the graveyard in the next turn!"

"Come out, Phoenix God of Nephthys! (Attack 2400 Defense 1600)"

"Nephthys' Phoenix God special effect is activated!"

"If this card is successfully Special Summoned, you can activate it to destroy all Magic Cards and Trap Cards on the field!"


With a piercing cry, the Phoenix God, whose body was burning with flames, descended on the duel arena. Under the blazing flames, the cartoon world on the Pegasus field was directly shattered by the Phoenix God's flames.

"Pegasus, without the effect of the cartoon world, you can no longer remove cards from the deck to replace the effect of the cartoon monsters!"

Li Youfeng raised his eyebrows with a smug look on his face and then showed the card he had just drawn.

"Activate the magic Kaneftis's Hope. Once per turn, you can select a Nephthys card on your field and a card on your opponent's field as targets, and destroy them all!"

"I choose Nephthys's Connector and Cartoon Chaos Soldier!"


As the magic card was activated, a gorgeous spark appeared directly on the duel arena, and an explosion sounded. After a burst of fire, the Cartoon Chaos Soldier and Nephthys's Connector disappeared on the field at the same time.

"Haha, You Feng Boy, you are still too naive. Do you think you can hurt me by destroying the cartoon chaos soldiers?"

Pegasus laughed triumphantly, crossing his arms and showing that he has the upper hand over me," You seem to have forgotten that even without the cartoon world, my cartoon monsters still cannot be destroyed by fighting, so your attacks are still unstoppable!"

"Yes, I didn't forget it!"

Nodding thoughtfully, Li Youfeng quickly raised a card from the duel stage,"But it doesn't matter (broken voice)! I believe you should still remember this monster, I usually summon a submarine robot!"


"Deepwater torpedo!"


I never expected that Li Youfeng actually had a submarine robot in his hand. Pegasus was so proud that he had no time to react. In addition, Li Youfeng's move was very fast. He was caught off guard and a torpedo hit Pegasus' face again.


"Ouch! Fuck you!" Covering his face with both hands, Pegasus fell on the duel stage again and twitched constantly.

(Submarine Robot No. 2: Boy, you dare to be so arrogant in front of me, now you feel good!)

Pegasus LP3200>2400 broke the defense!

Pegasus said that this time, his mentality has completely collapsed!

His face suffered heavy blows one after another, and Pegasus has deeply experienced the pain he could feel when dueling with Li Youfeng.

The Great Underworld Flow is so terrifying. Although he has never been exposed to this school, at this moment, he even has the incredible idea of wanting to become a disciple to learn from him.

The second floor of the duel viewing platform

"Yugi, did you hear any screams?"Looking at the ring covered by the black curtain, Jonouchi couldn't help but prick up his ears.

"Ah, I heard it, it seems to be the second time!"Yami Yugi nodded in confusion.

"Could it be You Feng's scream?" Xingzi asked worriedly.

"It doesn't sound like it!" Peacock Dance touched his chin,"Why does it sound so much like Pegasus' scream?"


Everyone:"That’s really possible!"

"You~~ this despicable bastard!"

Pegasus, biting his steel teeth tightly, climbed up slowly from the duel stage with a ferocious face. After being hit by two torpedoes, his face was completely blasted. Not only was his hair burnt, but his face was also blown into an African refugee.

Looking at the submarine robot on the field that had turned into a defensive position because of the end of the round and was pointing the middle finger at him with contempt, a strong desire to PK with Li Youfeng came to Pegasus's mind!

It was because at this time, Pegasus had already confirmed that these robot monsters were indeed pointing the middle finger at him!

"What kind of monsters are these? How can they be as mean as their masters?"

Anger surged uncontrollably into Pegasus' heart, and his dark personality was about to go berserk.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Pegasus, whose face has completely changed into an African, with a smoking afro, gritted his teeth and pulled out a card from the deck.

Looking at the four cards in his hand, Pegasus said that he didn't want to play anymore. Now he wanted to kill this game completely!

"I Normal Summon Thousand Hands! (Attack 1400 Defense 1000)"

"This card can activate its special effect during the turn it is successfully summoned, adding a Ritual Monster from your deck to your hand!"

"Activate the magic card, Ritual of Illusion!"

"I offer the Thousand-Handed God as a sacrifice. Come, Najima! (Attack 0 Defense 0)"

"Is it finally out?"Li Youfeng, who had known for a long time that Pegasus had the Narcan, was not surprised. He glanced at the cards on the console and laughed sinisterly in his heart,"Hehe, all the magic cards I need are already in hand. I have compressed such a large deck space, so I should be able to draw that card soon."

Just as Li Youfeng was thinking about the tactics he was going to use, Pegasus, who had already prepared, began to attack.

"Activate the special effects of the Najma!"

"Once per turn, the Narrator can select a monster on the opponent's field as an Equipment Card, and its Attack and Defense increase to the values of the equipped monster!"

"Narrator, devour Nephthys' Phoenix and gain its power!"

After receiving Pegasus' order, Narrator opened its terrifying mouth and sucked Nephthys' Phoenix into its belly with strong suction. Soon, the unconscious Phoenix appeared on its body full of eyes. Narrator

Attack 2400 Defense 1600

""Eh~ How disgusting!"

After witnessing the process of the Narrator devouring the Phoenix God, Li Youfeng couldn't help but get goose bumps all over his body. Looking at the connector of Nephthys in the cemetery, Li Youfeng was even more grateful that he had sent this card with the bond effect to the cemetery in advance. If it was really swallowed by the Narrator, it would be strange if the elf didn't come to settle accounts with him afterwards!

"Activate the magic card Earth Crusher. This card can destroy the opponent's monster with the highest defense. Get out of here, you disgusting robot monster!"

Since there was only one submarine robot on Li Youfeng's field, he didn't have to consider the target. With the activation of the magic card, the submarine robot No. 2 could only choose to leave unwillingly.

"Hehehe! You Feng Boy, you have lost all your venues. Next, enjoy the horror of the dark game!"

At this point, Pegasus' dark personality simply stopped pretending. The dark personality that was transformed by the dark side of the Millennium Eye finally completely took over Pegasus's dominant position at this time.

"Haha, the time for execution has come, You Feng Boy, you should regret it. You should regret that you shouldn't have angered me so much!"

"Najimo, attack directly!"

"Breath of flame!"

"At this moment!"Seeing the flames of the Naji Demon spraying over, Li Youfeng said calmly,"I will throw away the pig bones in the cemetery, invalidating the attack of the Naji Demon!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! You are no good, Pegasus. You are punishing me with your level? Lulu~! I can't hit it. Oh, I just can't hit it!"

"What the f**k!"

An unknown fire was burning in Pegasus' heart. The only way to describe Pegasus's current state was to be furious.

He clenched his fists, his eyes were full of bloodshot, and his dark face was even covered with blue veins visible to the naked eye!

Especially when he saw Li Youfeng making all kinds of provocative movements in front of him with a scumbag look on his face, Pegasus said that he had never seen such a shameless thing in his life!

"Cartoon mermaid, attack! Punch this bastard in the face!"

"At this moment! I banished the Death Guardian in the cemetery, negating the Cartoon Mermaid's attack!"

"Hey, you are at your wits' end now! So what if there are no monsters on my field? Oh, what a pity! I gave you the chance but you didn't use it!"

""Fuck you!" Pegasus tearing his hair tightly with both hands and asked in disbelief,"Where did all these strange things come from in your cemetery!"

"Have you forgotten?" Li Youfeng shrugged and replied with a smile,"I threw it in when the first hand was wiped out. If you count the effect of Angel's Charity, I lost a full ten cards in that hand. It's not surprising to have a few life-saving monsters!"


After all, it turns out that I am the culprit who caused this situation?

Facing the smiling Li Youfeng, Pegasus was already sulking!

"No, I can't be angry, I need to calm down and not fall into this kid's trap!"

Taking a deep breath, Pegasus forced himself to calm down.

"This guy has a lot of cards in his hand, and there might be a Submarine Robot. But the last card in my hand is Mirror Force. You bastard, I will let you suffer the consequences this time!"

Having made up his mind, Pegasus immediately placed the last Trap Card in his hand on the field.

"You Feng Boy, I admit that I underestimated you, but the current situation is that I still have the absolute upper hand. How can you cause me any harm if you can't attack?"

"Don't be too proud. I will continue to increase the number of monsters on the field. I don't believe that the monsters in your graveyard are infinite. The final outcome will still be your failure!"

"My turn is over!"

""Soleiwaduogana!" After saying this classic line from the original novel, Li Youfeng raised his hand and reached for his deck of cards.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Magic Trap Affinity is activated, and there are 0 turns left in this game.

As expected, the deck is compressed to such an extent, and I put three such cards in it. Li Youfeng finally drew the card that determines the outcome of the game into his hand!

"Pegasus, you say I have no means of attack?"

"Sorry, the pieces of victory have been gathered, and I will finish you off in this round!"

"By the way, I will also let you see how terrifying a monster named a hero is!"

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