After declaring victory, Li Youfeng immediately began his own operations.

"Activate the magic card to take your life!"

"The effect of this card is that you draw cards from your deck until you have five cards in your hand. After this card is activated, at the beginning of your fifth standby phase, send all cards in your hand to the graveyard."

(To prevent readers from not understanding, I will explain here.

I believe everyone is familiar with the"Three Great Treasure Cards" in the Yu-Gi-Oh anime.

This card, which appeared as an effect in the original work, and the other two Treasure Cards will appear frequently in the Duel City arc in the near future.

The original user of this card was Seto Kaiba.

Using this card in this chapter can be regarded as a precaution for readers in advance, and at the same time avoid doubts.

Such an effect does not exist in the real card environment.

"I Normal Summon from my hand, Elemental Hero Barbarian!"(Attack 1500, Defense 1600)"

Seeing a muscular man who looked like an Indian appear on Li Youfeng's field, Pegasus couldn't help but sneer and said,"Only 1500 attack points, what's the use of such a monster? Are you counting on it to turn the tables? Haha, don't laugh to death!"

"Don't be impatient, Mr. Pegasus, my turn is not over yet!"

Laugh, laugh as much as you can!

I really hope you can still laugh later.

A sinister smile appeared on Li Youfeng's face, and he immediately slapped out another green card.

"I activate the magic card, Hero's Heart!"

"This card can be activated by selecting a face-up monster with an Elemental Hero in its name on your field. The selected monster's attack power is halved this turn, and it can attack twice during the same battle phase!"

Elemental Hero Barbarian ATK 1500 > 750

"Next, I activated the magic card, the secret passage leading to the treasure!"

"This card can be activated by selecting a monster with an attack power of 1000 or less on your side of the field, allowing it to directly attack the opponent's player this turn!"

"Direct attack? It is indeed the case. Unfortunately, You Feng Boy, you are going to miscalculate!"

Looking at the reflector force he placed on the field, Pegasus sneered and said,"What can a monster with an attack power of only 750 points change even if it attacks twice? Don't forget, I still have 2400 health points!"

"Really? So what?" Li Youfeng raised a magic card again and said with a smile,"I activate the magic card concentration socket!"

This card can be activated by selecting a face-up monster on your field. The monster's attack power increases by the value of its defense until the end of the turn."

Elemental Hero Barbarian Attack Power 750 > 2350



Seeing that an originally insignificant monster was turned into such a terrifying behemoth by Li Youfeng, Pegasus said that he was a little panicked now.

"It's okay, I still have trap cards, his attacks can't be defeated!" A drop of cold sweat slowly flowed down from his forehead. What Pegasus didn't know was that at this time, he was already sweating profusely.


"Barbarian, attack directly!"

"Double punch!"

""Open the trap card!"

Seeing the Barbarian rushing towards him, Pegasus quickly opened his own cover card. Seeing the fierce beam of light protecting him, Pegasus couldn't help but raise his mouth slightly.

Seeing that the trap card Pegasus activated was"The Power of the Knight of Hanno", Li Youfeng also roared to the sky in a very appropriate manner:"Mu Da! Mu Da! Mu Da! Za Varudo!"

Along with Li Youfeng's shouting, the accident finally happened to Pegasus. The Barbarian, who was thought to be destroyed by the reflector force, actually broke through the barrier and appeared in front of Pegasus with a grim smile.

(Pegasus: Najimo, Cartoon Mermaid! What are you two doing? Can't you see that the opponent is stealing the home?)

Really~! A sneak attack from a hero!

"No! This is impossible!"

Watching the barbarian who was over two meters tall reveal a completely JO face, and slowly raised his fist bigger than a clay pot by grabbing his collar, Pegasus said that this time he was really numb.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Mr. Pegasus!"

Just when Pegasus was puzzled, Li Youfeng's voice came slowly from the other side of the duel arena like the whisper of a devil.

"The special effect of the Barbarian is that as long as it is on the field, it will not be affected by any Trap Card! Therefore, the mirror force you just activated is useless!"

"What? This monster actually has this special effect? !"

""Ola! Ola!"

As if to confirm Li Youfeng's words, the Barbarian's fist landed heavily on Pegasus' face. Li Youfeng didn't know if it was an illusion, but he heard the Barbarian shouting some incredible slogans.

Bang! Bang!

(Barbarian: I stopped time! Yay! DA!……ZE)

"Ah!!! Oh!!!"

Pegasus LP2400>50>-2300

(Pegasus: Young people have no moral principles and are attacking by surprise! It's my fault for not dodging because of my carelessness!)

Outside the dark barrier of the first floor duel arena

""Huh? Did you hear that? It seems like there were two screams this time?" Jonouchi asked uncertainly.

"Yes, I heard it clearly, it was indeed two screams!" Yami Yugi answered with certainty.

"Haha, how about it, now everyone heard it clearly, I said it would definitely not be You Feng." Peacock Dance said gloatingly with a smirk on his face.

Everyone:"Well, heard it clearly, Pegasus's scream was really miserable!"

"Tsk tsk~ That's miserable. Oh, I was such a bad person. I actually hit him so hard. But the dark game was not started by me, so it seems that I have no responsibility at all. Hehe~!"

Coming to the unconscious Pegasus, looking at his face that had been beaten into a pig's head, Li Youfeng couldn't help but laugh.

"Strange, I have won the duel, but why is the dark game not over yet? How can I get out if the barrier is not broken?"

Looking around, seeing that the arena was still wrapped in the dark barrier, Li Youfeng squatted beside Pegasus. Just when Li Youfeng stretched out his hand to wake Pegasus up, something strange happened.

For some unknown reason, the moment Li Youfeng stretched out his hand to touch Pegasus, the card pendant on his chest suddenly moved again.

Unlike the previous small fights, this time the mysterious pendant burst out a soft white flame, instantly enveloping Pegasus!

"No! What is this? Let me go. I don't want to disappear. I won't disappear!"

A dark shadow was slowly pulled out of Pegasus' body by the white flame while yelling. Wrapped in the white flame, the shadow had no ability to resist at all!

In just a few breaths, the shadow was completely consumed by the white flame. As for the white flame, it expanded a bit visibly.

Before Li Youfeng could react, it swooshed back into the card pendant on his chest.

""Huh? This?"

Confused, Li Youfeng picked up the card pendant on his chest. Just as he was puzzled, the dark barrier covering the duel arena finally began to slowly dissipate.

"You Fengjun!"

"Haha, You Feng, you win!"

"Wow, you are really rich now, You Feng!"

As the dark barrier disappeared, Yu Xi and others who had been waiting for a long time beside the duel arena quickly gathered around. Seeing that Li You Feng was safe and sound, these friends smiled happily at the same time.

""Ouch~ My head hurts! What happened to me?"

Just as Yugi and the others gathered around, Pegasus, who had been unconscious on the ground, opened his eyes at this time.

The only difference was that when the black shadow was peeled off, his face magically returned to its original state. It felt as if the Pegasus who had just been beaten by Li Youfeng in the duel was a different person.

""Pegasus, you lost. According to the agreement, quickly release the souls of my grandfather and Kaiba!" Seeing Pegasus waking up from the ground, Yami Yugi was the first to issue an accusation.

"Your grandfather still has the soul of a seahorse?" Pegasus, who was questioned by the game, suddenly remembered something. He covered his head with both hands and said in horror,"Oh! NO! What did I do! Why did I do such a terrible thing!"


Seeing that Pegasus's expression did not seem fake at all, the friends present were instantly confused.

"Ahem! Let me explain!"

Li Youfeng cleared his throat slightly and said with a smile:"Because of the Millennium Eye, Mr. Pegasus was inadvertently eroded and controlled by evil thoughts. It can be said that when the souls of Grandpa Shuangliu and the Kaiba brothers were taken away, he himself was completely unaware."

"Just now in the dark game, when I defeated Mr. Pegasus, I completely eliminated his evil thoughts, so the current Mr. Pegasus is the real one."

After hearing Li Youfeng's explanation, Yugi and others were instantly relieved. Pegasus, who came to his senses, quickly took out three cards that sealed his soul from his arms.

"I'm sorry, Game Boy, this is all my fault. It was my obsession that led me astray. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I hope you can allow me to pay for the mistakes I made."

As he spoke, Pegasus activated the few remaining dark forces. As the pattern on the card slowly dissipated, the unconscious Kaiba Keihei, Muto Sugoroku, and Kaiba Seto slowly regained consciousness.

Standing up from the ground, Pegasus looked at Li Youfeng with gratitude and said,"Thank you, Youfeng Boy. If you hadn't killed that demon, I don't know how long I would have been lost on this dark road. It was you who saved my soul, so I plan to transfer 50% of the shares of Illusion Society to you. I hope you won't refuse."

"Fifty percent of the shares of the Illusion Society?"

"Wow, You Feng, you are a millionaire now!"

As the world's largest developer of Duel Monster cards, the annual profit of Illusion is an astronomical figure that cannot be estimated. With 50% of the shares of Illusion, it can be said that even if Li You Feng himself does nothing, it is enough to make several generations of his descendants.

"Thank you for your generosity Mr. Pegasus, but please allow me to decline!"


Looking at Pegasus who looked puzzled, Li Youfeng smiled and shook his head and said,"I am just an ordinary citizen. I don't know how to spend so much money. The previous 10% of the shares are enough for my expenses. But if Mr. Pegasus really wants to thank me, he might as well promise me that after the Illusion Society develops a new card, he can provide me with a set for free."

"Haha, so that's how it is!" After hearing Li Youfeng's request, Pegasus laughed on the spot,"No problem, Youfeng Boy, to be honest, I am too superficial. I almost forgot that you are a real duelist, and those precious cards are your favorite things!"

"Since you have agreed, Mr. Pegasus, I would like to say thank you in advance!"

For Li Youfeng, who has read the original novel, Pegasus is not a heinous person strictly speaking. On the contrary, after losing his evil heart, Pegasus's character is still very respectable. After all, the pain of losing a loved one should be understood by anyone with a little sympathy.

The reason why he was controlled by the evil heart was that he came to Egypt to explore after hearing about the ancient Egyptian view of life and death that the soul was reincarnated and gained eternal life. Even after he accidentally learned the secret of the Millennium Artifact, Pegasus reluctantly accepted the Millennium Eye because of coercion.

In order to resurrect his beloved, Pegasus began to collect the Millennium Artifact. It can be said that everything he did was because of his infatuation, which eventually led him astray.

As for real life, how many people can do what Pegasus did, and only identify one love of his life in his life under the premise of having absolute wealth?

"No, Youfeng Boy, I should be the one to say thank you."

Looking at Pegasus's outstretched right hand, Li Youfeng smiled and shook it.

"By the way, Mr. Pegasus, I have another unwelcome request, I hope you can agree to it, after all, this matter is related to your personal safety."

That evening, at the Duel Kingdom Pier

"Yugi, you said Youfeng didn't come with us, but was talking to Pegasus in a mysterious way?"

"I don't know. You Feng didn't tell me anything. He just hoped that we could go back to see grandpa first and report to Miss Xun on his behalf that he was safe."

After boarding the cruise ship to Dojino, Jonouchi and Muto Yugi kept sighing as they watched the Duel Island getting smaller.

Looking at the setting sun, Jonouchi couldn't help but sigh,"Ah, Duel Kingdom, it's like a dream!"

"Hey, what are you two talking about over there? Do you want some juice?"

"Jonouchi, Yugi! The steak prepared by Mr. Pegasus is really delicious, would you two like to have some?"

"What? There's something delicious? Leave some for me!"

Seeing Kyoko and Honda waving and shouting on the top deck of the cruise ship, Jonouchi immediately ran over with a big laugh.

Looking at the backs of his companions, Oyayuki smiled happily, but just as he turned and walked to the top deck, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be one person missing from their group.

"Strange, I seem to have forgotten something, well~ never mind, grandpa and seahorse are safe anyway, the thing I forgot should not be a big deal."

Duel Castle

Walking alone into the room at the top of the Duel Castle, looking at the portrait of the beautiful girl hanging on the wall, Pegasus' eyes were full of nostalgia and sadness

"Sindia, I'm sorry! Because of my obsession, I fell into evil thoughts, not only hurting others, but also blaspheming the relationship between us. All of this is my fault."

Just as Pegasus was looking at the portraits on the wall and recalling the past, an uninvited guest suddenly appeared behind him.

(Book friends' interactive activities are now being collected. For details, please see the author's words.)

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