For Li Youfeng, who was sent to the hospital by ambulance, today was really a day of mixed joy and sorrow.

The good news was that this afternoon, Muto Sugoroku, who had recovered, was discharged from the hospital and bumped into Li Youfeng, who was sent to the hospital by ambulance.

The Kaiba brothers also recovered and were said to have started working last night.

As for Yugi and others, when they saw Li Youfeng injured like this, they thought it was Pegasus's hand, and they once wanted to ask for an explanation, but were finally stopped by Li Youfeng.

The sad thing was that Li Youfeng lay on the bed that Muto Sugoroku had just vacated. In order to consider his boss's face, Li Youfeng did not expose her sneak attack in public, and just thought that he had suffered a loss in silence. What made Li Youfeng even more upset was that after a careful examination, he found that his waist was severely sprained and he needed to be hospitalized for at least a week.

Upon learning that Li Youfeng was hospitalized, Kaiba Seto rushed to the hospital immediately. After personally confirming that Li Youfeng was really injured, he reluctantly gave up the idea of fighting with Li Youfeng right now, because bullying a patient who couldn't even stand up was not the style of a strong man.

"Humph, were you scared and injured because of my challenge to a duel? How ridiculous! You are always despicable, but you are just a coward after all! You↗Feng↘! I will let you go this time, but I advise you not to be lucky, when you are discharged from the hospital, it will be the moment of our decisive battle!"

These are the original words of Kaiba Seto. It doesn't seem like he is here to visit the patient, but rather to find fault.

It's quite irritating.

Early the next morning, Yugi, Jonouchi, Anzi and Honda came to the hospital at the same time. Seeing Li Youfeng lying straight on the bed with a correction board, Jonouchi immediately punched the wall of the hospital.

"Damn it, I can’t just let this go. I’m going to go find Pegasus to settle the score for hurting you like this!"

"What? You Feng, were you injured by Pegasus? Why didn't you tell me?"

After hearing what Jonouchi said, Izayoi Kaoru immediately showed a look of shock. It should be said that she is worthy of being an active idol. After she calmed down completely, her acting skills were so realistic.

"No, I can't just let this matter go. With the reputation of my Izayoi family at stake, I can't let my employees suffer such a great injustice!"

"However, I think there must be some misunderstanding in this matter."Biao Youxi, who was sitting in front of the bed, touched his chin and expressed his opinion with some doubt,"After all, at the press conference last night, Pegasus announced in public that Li Youfeng was his lifelong friend. I don't think he would do this."

"Ah, is that so?"Yugi's words made Jonouchi freeze in his tracks, and he looked at Izayoi Kaoru with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hey, you can't say that!" Seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, beads of sweat crawled all over Izayoi Kaoru's forehead unconsciously."As the saying goes, you can know a person's face but not his heart. Who knows if Pegasus will say something in front of him but say something behind his back?……"

""Hmm! Hmm!" Two coughs interrupted Shizaiya Kaoru's sophistry. Li Youfeng stared at Shizaiya Kaoru with a frown on his face. Seeing the expression on Li Youfeng's face, Shizaiya Kaoru understood what Li Youfeng meant in an instant.

"I'm saving face for you, so just shut up!"


Understanding what Li Youfeng's resentful eyes wanted to express, Izayoi Xun, who was about to say something nonsense, suddenly lost her temper. She sat down at the head of the bed with a well-behaved look on her face, picked up an apple on the table and began to peel it.

"You Feng, you are a patient now, you can't get angry easily~! Come, let me peel an apple for you and feed it to you, okay?"

"Wow~ So that's how it is!"

Seeing Izayoi Kaoru's appearance, Anzi, who is also a girl, understood it almost immediately. However, she couldn't understand how the eldest daughter of Izayoi's family could beat Li Youfeng like this when she looked even thinner than herself.

In order not to disturb Li Youfeng's rest, the game and others who had seen something a little bit found an embarrassing reason to leave soon after putting down the gifts. However, in Li Youfeng's opinion, the expressions of these guys when they left were obviously holding back their laughter, which made someone lying on the bed very unhappy.

Although the splint bed for this week was indeed a bit uncomfortable, it was a rare good time for Li Youfeng. Having a few days off was a blessing in disguise.

Time passed quickly, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye. Li Youfeng, who had recovered his health, returned to the Lavender Card Shop and resumed his old business.

I don't know if it was because he was in the wrong, but in the past half month, Li Youfeng always felt that his boss seemed to be much more well-behaved. Not only did she behave elegantly in front of him, showing the demeanor of a lady from a noble family, but she also took care of all the trivial matters of life such as washing clothes and cooking.

However, what was depressing was that Izayoi Kaoru's actions not only failed to win Li Youfeng's favor, but also made him wonder if his boss had taken the wrong medicine.

So all in all, this is a story worth being sad about.

""Mr. You Feng!"

On this morning, Li You Feng, who had just finished watering the door of his shop, was about to return to the shop when suddenly a familiar voice called him.

""Game? Grandpa Soroku? And Jonouchi, Kyoko and Honda, what rare guests! Welcome, welcome!"

Li Youfeng, with a smile on his face, immediately walked towards everyone. At this moment, he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a pretty elementary school girl with blonde hair and twin ponytails among the crowd.

"You are Li Youfeng?"

This extremely familiar Pegasus-style Japanese English appeared again in the mouth of the blonde little Lolita, making Li Youfeng even suspect that this little girl might be Pegasus's illegitimate daughter.

"Ah, yes, it's me!"Recalling the original story of Yu-Gi-Oh, Li Youfeng seemed to have figured out who this little Lolita was.

"My name is Rebecca! Rebecca Hopkins!" Holding a teddy bear, the blonde Rebecca pointed at Li Youfeng with a proud look on her face."I heard that Blue-Eyes White Dragon is in your hand! Give it back that card!"


Li Youfeng finally remembered that this stinky girl who spoke Japanese English was the official original wife of Yugi!

For Li Youfeng, who has read the original anime, although Mazaki Anko is a female supporting role who appeared early, in fact, the person she likes is not Yugi.

After this doomed love affair ended with Yami Yugi returning to the underworld, the heartbroken Mazaki Anko said goodbye to everyone and went to the United States to study dance alone.

So for Li Youfeng, even though she didn't have many roles, Rebecca, who loved Yugi wholeheartedly, could be regarded as the real heroine of Yu-Gi-Oh.

"What! My lovely lady, I only used the Blue-Eyes White Dragon card you mentioned. Strictly speaking, this card does not belong to me."

Yes, based on the principle of avoiding those who can't afford to offend, Li Youfeng decisively chose to pass the buck and directly attracted the firepower to Shizaiya Kaoru.

"The card is indeed on display in our store, and my boss is in the store right now. If you don't mind, you can come to the store and talk to her slowly."

"Tsk! You are just a janitor. Get out of the way! I have no time to waste with you!"

"This stinky brat!" He narrowed his eyes helplessly, and a few blue veins appeared on Li Youfeng's forehead!

To be honest, if it wasn't for saving some face for Biao Youxi, Li Youfeng would at least slap this stinky girl on the butt and let her know how dangerous the world is!

\"You Fengjun, I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

""No~ It’s okay! I’m not angry!"

As if sensing Li Youfeng’s displeasure, Biao Yuji hurriedly stepped forward to apologize, and even Muto Sugoroku was full of apologies.


"Welcome to the Lavender Card Game Shop!"Seeing a blonde little girl who had never been seen before push the door in, Izayoi Kaoru immediately greeted her with a smile.

"Oh! Shit! What kind of crappy game store is this? How can such a store be worthy of Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"


Hearing this, Izayoi Kaoru froze in place, and veins suddenly appeared on her iconic smile.

"What? I'm talking about you! Flat-chested girl, I heard that you have the Blue-Eyes White Dragon Card. Give it back to me!"

"Flat chested~girl?!"


Izayoi Kaoru said that she was now on the verge of a volcanic eruption! She slightly opened her squinting eyes, and her purple-red pupils were full of murderous intent. She grabbed Rebecca's collar and whispered in Rebecca's ear like a devil:"Damn girl, do you know whose turf this is? (Do you know whose territory this is?)"

"Now! Tell me, how do you want to die?" (Now! Tell me, how do you want to die?)


Cold sweat!

Waterfall sweat!

Sweat all over the forehead!

Rebecca, whose feet were already off the ground and was grabbed by Izayoi Kaoru by the collar, said that she was completely numb facing such a devil girl!

"This beautiful and lovely elder sister, I think there may be some misunderstanding between us!"

She was scared!

At this moment, Rebecca said that she was scared!

"Big sister, please don't be angry. Please don't treat Rebecca like this. We can sit down and talk slowly!"

Seeing that she couldn't force it, Rebecca changed her tactics instantly. She opened her eyes wide and tried her best to look cute.

"Huh? Bitch, do you think you can fool me like this?"Such crude acting skills naturally could not be hidden from Izayoi Kaoru, who graduated from the acting department. However, just when she was about to teach Rebecca a lesson, the door of the game store opened again.

"Boss, Yugi and Grandpa Soroku are here."Seeing Li Youfeng and everyone coming in, Izayoi Kaoru immediately let go of Rebecca.

She folded her hands in front of her belly and let them hang down naturally. Her already very delicate face showed a smile that made people feel like spring breeze.

Slightly bending her upper body, Izayoi Kaoru made a standard Yamato Nadeshiko-style greeting. Every move showed the good upbringing that a daughter of a big family should have.

""Game Master, Grandpa Soroku, hello, welcome to the Lavender Game Shop!" A cute voice came from Izayoi Kaoru's mouth, making Jonouchi and Honda, who had no resistance to begin with, look like pigs again.

"Devil! This woman is definitely a demon in human skin!"

Looking at Izayoi Kaoru who hid her true identity so deeply in just a blink of an eye, Rebecca said that this woman was too scary. Rebecca put a label on Izayoi Kaoru that she should not be easily provoked.

But just when Rebecca wanted to give up, she suddenly caught a glimpse of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon on the counter. After all, this card was originally used for display, and it was natural that it would be discovered at a glance in such an obvious place.

"Ah, I found it, this is my Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

Overjoyed, Rebecca ran over quickly, but the display cabinet not only had a double combination lock, but was also equipped with bulletproof glass. Rebecca could not get the card by herself.

"What do you mean, your Blue-Eyes White Dragon? It was borrowed by me!"

Izayoi Kaoru, who treasured this card, would never give up. She grabbed Rebecca with her backhand. You know, since this card was placed here, the Lavender Game Store has become famous in Tongshiye.

Many duelists come here because of its reputation.

After putting their hands together and bowing slightly to the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, they always buy a few card packs to try their luck.

Although there is no scientific basis for doing so, it can be regarded as a disguised way to increase the turnover of the game store.

In fact, strictly speaking, the purpose of these duelists coming here to buy card packs is not necessarily to get this card.

More importantly, they want to satisfy their eyes.

Even if they can take a look at it every day, it is a comfort for these duelists.

In this world where dueling is respected, this situation is like the star-chasing group in Li Youfeng's previous life. Although in Li Youfeng's eyes, this is just a blank card, but in this world, it is the only fourth precious and super rare card in the world.

"Ah! You unreasonable, flat-chested violent girl! Let me go!"Rebecca was grabbed by the collar by Izayoi Kaoru, and she immediately screamed,"I am the champion of the Duel Tournament in the United States, how can you do this to me, I want to duel with you!"

"Yo! You are the national champion? Then the waitress of my store is the champion of the Duel Kingdom!"

Hearing that this little girl dared to call her a flat-chested girl again, Shizaiya Xun was a little angry. After sneering with disdain, Shizaiya Xun turned his head and looked at Li Youfeng who was hiding behind the counter.

"Duel with me? Do you know who I am? The famous Princess of Flowers is talking about me! Humph! How dare you come to my shop to pick a fight with me? You Feng, this duel is left to you, teach her a lesson!"

(Participation in this player interactive chapter has ended, Chapter 40 will be a big chapter, and there will be an Easter egg at the end.)

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