"What does this have to do with me? You're already giving in in disguise!"

Seeing Li Youfeng standing behind the counter with a dark face and pretending to be dead and refusing to come out, Shizayoi's face became more and more ugly. At this time, Muto Sugoroku coughed and walked out from behind the crowd.

"Xiaoxun, this card was indeed given to me by Rebecca's grandfather. Why don't you return it to me first?"

""Ah? So that's it~, ok."

With a slight sigh, Izayoi Xun reluctantly opened the combination lock of the cupboard and took out the frame containing the Blue-Eyes White Dragon card. After all, she had only borrowed the card, and now the owner wanted it back, so she certainly couldn't refuse to give it back.

"You thief, you are so nice to talk about, what grandpa gave you, it's obviously stolen by you! Thief, shameless!"

"Rebecca, my grandpa is not that kind of person!"

Yugi Muto couldn't stand it anymore when Rebecca said that about his grandpa.

"This card has been kept by my grandfather as his most precious treasure since I was old enough to understand. If it was stolen, he would have sold it long ago. Why did he keep it so preciously?"

Rebecca responded to Biao Yugi's words with a contemptuous smile:"Huh! Just like what the thief Keith said, your grandfather kept this card in his hands, and he also wanted to sell it at a higher price? Huh! A thief is a thief, so shameless!"

"Thief Keith? The one who was eliminated by You Feng in Duel Kingdom?"

"It turned out to be the scoundrel who only knew how to cheat in duels!"

After hearing the conversation between Jonouchi and Honda, Biao Yugi immediately realized that the little girl in front of him might have been deceived by the thief Keith. Holding his temper, Biao Yugi said lightly:"Rebecca, you don't know that the thief Keith is not a good person at all. You can't believe his lies!"

"Humph, after all, you still don't want to return my card!"

At this point, Rebecca was also quite angry. She pointed at Yugi Muto and said loudly:"I'm betting my grandfather's Blue-Eyes White Dragon and my highest honor as the All-American Champion, Yugi Muto, I'm going to challenge you to a duel!"


"Okay, I promise you!" After hearing Rebecca's words, Biao Yugi agreed directly despite Muto Sugoroku's dissuasion,"But if I win, I want you to take back your words and apologize to my grandfather!"

Kaiba Entertainment Center

"Hey, I say, you guys just play your cards, why do you have to drag me, an irrelevant person, over here? I still have to watch the store!"

"Oh! You Feng, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but how can you be absent from such an important duel?"

"Jonouchi is right, since we are friends, we should share the difficulties!"

"You Feng, this Blue-Eyes White Dragon is our treasure, we can't afford to lose it! What if, I mean what if, I lose the game, I can only rely on you! Honda, Jonouchi, set up You Feng for me, and when this is over, I'll treat you to a barbecue buffet tonight!"

"No problem! Miss Xiaoxun, don't worry!"

"Hehe, with the two of us here, You Feng can't run away!"

Being held in the middle by Jonouchi and Honda with a sinister smile, Li You Feng was dragged into the Kaiba Entertainment Center with a sullen face.

Although Li You Feng is very confident in duels, when it comes to real-life PK, he is really a bit weak. After all, have you ever seen a otaku go out and fight with others every day?

You should know that in the original book, Jonouchi and Honda are well-known bad boys. Fighting and skipping classes are commonplace. So if it is just a comparison of strength, Li You Feng is really not a match for these two.

It should be said that it is worthy of being the largest and most luxurious Tong Shiye. Electronic entertainment center, plus duel disks have not been fully popularized, so many duelists are fighting here. In addition to not wanting to interfere with the good things between the game and his fiancée, Li Youfeng's greater purpose is to avoid Kaiba Seto!

Yes, for some reason, Kaiba Seto did not come to block his door the day Li Youfeng was discharged from the hospital. He knew that such abnormal behavior was definitely not the character of President Kaiba, so for Li Youfeng, he would hide for as long as he could, otherwise, he would definitely be annoyed to death by the endless President Kaiba.


"Games? Eh? And You Feng? Haha, why are you all here today?"

After entering the lobby of the entertainment center, everyone saw Kaiba Keihei, the lobby manager, at a glance. After briefly explaining the purpose of their visit, Kaiba Keihei also laughed immediately.

"You guys want to use the duel arena? No problem. Although the reservation is already scheduled for three months later, it's a rare opportunity for you to come here to play games, so I'll make it convenient for you! Hehe, especially Brother You Feng, my brother has been waiting for you to recover for a long time. If he knew that you came to the Seahorse Entertainment Center, he would definitely be very happy!"

"No, I would rather he be unhappy. Besides, can't you see that I was forced?" Li Youfeng showed a smile that was uglier than crying. At this time, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether you are happy or not, as long as my brother is happy!" Kaiba Keipi raised his eyebrows at Li Youfeng and showed a malicious smile,"But you don't have to be too nervous, my brother went out for something, so he is not in the company these two days. Even if you want to duel, you have to wait for him to come back."

Under the arrangement of Kaiba Keipi, Li Youfeng was carried by Jonouchi and Honda to the electronic duel arena with everyone. Seeing this familiar environment, Li Youfeng's face became even uglier, only because this was the room where he was forced to duel with Kaiba at gunpoint when he crossed over.

"Humph, you thief, regret it now, soon I will let you see how terrifying I am as the All-American Champion!"

After seeing the duel arena, Rebecca seemed to get bolder. After saying those harsh words, she pointed at Izayoi Kaoru and said proudly:"And you, the flat-chested violent girl, if I win, just give me the Blue-Eyes White Dragon back. Do you understand?"

"You little bastard!……"

""Miss Xiaoxun!"

He quickly interrupted Izayoi Kaoru who was about to go berserk, and said sincerely:"Miss Rebecca, no matter the outcome of this duel, I will return the Blue-Eyes White Dragon to you. The reason I agreed to duel with you is just to prove my grandfather's innocence."


Hearing what Biao Yugi said, Izayoi Kaoru's expression instantly fell. She held the picture frame with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon tightly in her arms with a look of reluctance. Izayoi Kaoru looked at Li Youfeng with a wronged look on her face.

"No, why are you looking at me? It's none of my business!"

Looking at Izayoi Kaoru's expression that looked like she was about to cry, Li Youfeng was powerless to complain.

What's the matter? Do you still expect me to help you get it back?

She's Biao Yugi's fiancée. If things get badly out of hand, Biao Yugi might be single for the rest of his life!

Besides, this card was not originally yours. Do you still want to occupy it and not give it to me?

""Oh no! Telly, I seem to be underestimated!" Rebecca said to the stuffed bear in her arms,"What? Are you saying that we should teach this guy who looks down on people with his nose a lesson? Well, that's what I thought too!"

The two walked to the duel arena separately, and the electronic equipment was activated. Seeing the scorer showing 2000 LP points, Jonouchi immediately asked with a puzzled look on his face:"Keiping, are you mistaken? Why is the health value of the equipment here still 2000 points?"

"This is none of my business. After all, it was an emergency during the Duel Kingdom!" Kaiba Keipi showed an awkward smile,"You should know that the promotion of the new rules requires modification and updating. My brother has been working on this matter non-stop for some time. I believe you will see it soon."


Rebecca seemed to have heard the conversation between Jonouchi and Kaiba Keipi, and laughed disdainfully on the duel arena,"Duel monsters don't have 2,000 health points, do they have 10,000? Are all the people here bumpkins?"

"What did you say?"Hearing Rebecca's ridicule, Jonouchi immediately yelled angrily,"You are the bumpkin, I have already experienced the new duel rules when I was competing in the Duel Kingdom, and Yugi is not an ordinary duelist, he has won the title of runner-up in the Duel Kingdom!"

"Runner-up? Humph, to me, runner-up is no different from last place! On the contrary, runner-up is worse than last place. After all, in the final analysis, he is just a ridiculous loser."

Fiddling with the puppet in her hand, Rebecca chuckled twice.

"But having said that, I have become a little interested in the so-called Duel Kingdom Champion! Yugi, if you have a chance, you might as well introduce me to the person who defeated you, so that I can try whether he is worthy of the title or not!"

Pointing to Li Youfeng below the ring, Yugi shook his head with a helpless look on his face and said,"The person you are talking about is him, but I advise you not to think about dueling with him. I don't know if you can win, but I feel that you will definitely be broken by him."

After hearing Yugi's words, Jonouchi and Honda instantly recalled the screams of Pegasus that they had heard during the Duel Kingdom competition. The two turned to look at Li Youfeng, and shuddered at the same time.

"Hey! How about this? I always feel that your expressions just now are very rude, okay?"Li Youfeng, who was caught in the crossfire for no reason, looked dissatisfied. How can everything be linked to me?

"Just him?" Seeing Li Youfeng wearing an apron and dressed like a waiter, Rebecca's disgust was beyond words,"A player like this can be the champion? Are you kidding me? Forget it, I'm not interested. Game, are you ready?"

Placing the deck in his hand on the instrument platform, Biao Game nodded with a smile,"Well, I can start anytime!"


"Miss Rebecca, I'll give you the first move."

"Oh? Is this really okay? I've told you so many times, don't you know I'm the champion of the American competition?"

Holding her teddy bear, Rebecca started talking to herself again,"Hey, Terry, someone actually looks down on a genius like me, what do you think I should do? Um, um, should I give him a taste of my power? Okay, I understand!"

"In that case, I will normally summon the Witch of the Black Forest to attack!" (Attack 1100 Defense 1200)

Seeing Rebecca's operation, Jonouchi asked in confusion:"Hey, Youfeng, do you think all the duelists in the United States are like this little girl?"

Seeing Jonouchi's extremely rare solemn expression, Li Youfeng couldn't help but complain:"What do you want to do? Are you a lolita control? I warn you, the death penalty starting from three years is not a bad thing, you should think about it yourself!"

"Bah! What nonsense are you talking about! That's not what I meant!"

"Then what do you mean?"

"I mean, this little girl put such a monster on the field at the beginning, isn't she asking for her to be defeated in one second? Is this the level of the American champion? I don't think it's that good!"

"↗ trough↗?"

Hearing such words coming out of Jonouchi's mouth, Li Youfeng's eyes widened immediately.

"I didn't expect your skills to improve so much! You actually have such a broad vision. I admire you!"

"Hehe, after all, after experiencing the new duel rules, I feel that the previous duels are much simpler. In fact, they are not as powerful as you said, Youfeng!" Jonouchi touched his head with a rare embarrassment, and a happy smile was on his face.

Regarding this point, in fact, during the time he returned to Tongshiye, Li Youfeng had a deep understanding.

Due to his own interference, the strength of the protagonist group has been greatly improved. Not to mention that Seto Kaiba is running around to modify the duel rules, take Jonouchi as an example. During this period of time, he basically never lost a duel in the entertainment center.

"Well, since you said you can kill this little girl in one second, I think the game should be very stable!"

In fact, just as Li Youfeng said, Biao Youxi, who was standing on the duel arena, saw Rebecca end her turn so easily, and immediately rubbed his brows with a headache.

"Hey, my turn is over. Come on, start your turn. I want to see how capable you, the so-called runner-up of the Duel Kingdom, are!"

"Terry! Guess how this idiot will attack? Hmm, I don’t know? Anyway, he will definitely not be my opponent? Haha, Terry-chan is so cute!"

Rebecca, who was already in danger without knowing it, continued to act funny, making Biao Yugi shake his head helplessly.

"aibo! If you can't do it, I can help you."

"No need, another me. I have my reasons for fighting this duel. To be honest, I am actually considering whether to kill her in one second."

"Haha, so that's how it is. Well, Aibo, you think about it yourself. I won't get involved. But I think we should be more lenient with girls. Otherwise, it won't be good if you make them look too ugly since they have come from far away."

"Well, you are right, that is what I originally planned, but I still want to say thank you, the other me"

"You're welcome, aibo!"

After finishing the conversation with Dark Yugi, Ouyou Yugi started his turn directly.

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"I activate Pot of Greed and draw two cards from my deck!"

"Activate Angel's Gift, draw three cards from your deck and discard two!"

"This card can be Special Summoned without releasing it when the number of monsters on your opponent's field is greater than the number of monsters you have on your field!"

"Therefore, I Special Summon the Awakened Dark Knight Gaia!" (Attack 2300 Defense 2000)

"Ah, sorry, I forgot, under this rule, you can directly summon the Dark Knight Gaia"

"Hmm~, next, I will cover 5 cards in the backcourt!"

"Fight, the awakened dark knight Gaia!"

"Attack the Mirkwood Witch!"

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