"This is what happened."

Holding the ginger tea that Li Youfeng had just brewed, Kaiba Keihei had a sad expression on his face.

"My brother's biggest dream is to create a duel paradise that can be popular all over the world. That is why my brother went to negotiate with the Big Five and fell into the trap they set."

"The Big Five!" Touching his chin gently, Li Youfeng slowly recalled the original plot about this section.

In fact, as Li Youfeng knew, this plot did not exist in the original comics at all. The plot of forcibly dragging Kaiba Seto to play the RPG game was actually only reflected in the anime.

As an arms dealer, the Kaiba Group, after Kaiba Seto showed extraordinary talent, the so-called Big Five united to support Kaiba Seto to become the new president in order to obtain greater benefits. Now seeing that Kaiba Seto has failed several times, the Big Five immediately had evil thoughts again.

(So, Kaiba is a great scientist who was delayed by playing cards!)

To be honest, for a dog that bites its owner at every turn, Li Youfeng really can't understand why Kaiba Seto didn't try to weaken their power when he was in charge of Kaiba Group, but instead let it go?

When he heard that the five giants were going to compete in a game, Kaiba rushed in without even thinking!

You know, this is not a serious one-on-one duel, but it contains RPG elements. Strictly speaking, the five giants designed this game with the idea of five against one. In such an environment, even a three-year-old child would probably know that this is a team game. Kaiba

's current situation is like a willful Yasuo who"if you don't give me the mid, I will give it away". When the first wave of soldiers arrived, he directly E to the enemy tower alone, and without the support of any of our teammates, in a very painful round, he gave away 400 gold coins to the opponent's mid!

(In fact, even if there is a healer, it is estimated that he can't be healed, after all, Kaiba President is too reckless!)

Hell difficulty at the beginning!

This is outrageous!

By the way, don't ask me why it is 400 gold coins, you all know!

"Damn it!" After punching the wall, Jonouchi's face turned ugly,"Don't worry, Keiping, although Kaiba is annoying, we won't let him die!"

(Li Youfeng: This is my home, not in the hospital, please hit me gently!)

"Jonouchi is right!" At this time, Biao Yugi also expressed his opinion,"Since the winner is determined in the game, then we will definitely not lose. You Fengjun and I will definitely rescue Kaiba!"

(Li Youfeng: You can save people, but don't count me in!)

"Without further ado, let's set off now! As long as we unite, we will be able to overcome difficulties and rescue Kaiba!" Under the encouragement of Shironouchi, the protagonists immediately set off for the Kaiba Group's building in accordance with the principle of vigorous and resolute action.

"Well, Jonouchi's opinion is great, come on, I'll support you!" After sending the protagonists out of the door of the Lavender Game Store, Li Youfeng waved goodbye to everyone as if nothing had happened.

"Stop it, you have to go too!"

"Yes, You Feng, you are a key player. We won’t be confident without you!"

""Fuck! Let me go! What does it have to do with me? I didn't promise you that I would go save Kaiba! No!"

The scene of the strong man locking up the man was staged again. Li Youfeng, who had not had time to change his clothes, was directly dragged out of the Lavender Game Store by Honda and Jonouchi, the two strongest fighters. As for Xingzi, who was responsible for the backup, she left a note and kindly helped Li Youfeng lock the door of the game store.

Under the leadership of Kaiba Keipi, Li Youfeng followed the protagonist group all the way to the back door of Kaiba Group with his head down. Seeing Kaiba Keipi, who was as flexible as a monkey, climbed over the fence and opened the door quickly, Li Youfeng couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart.

By the way, young men!

You all have this skill, why don't you choose to solve the problem directly in a physical way? Why?

Why do you want to play games?

Isn't this just taking off your pants to fart?

With Kaiba Keipi leading the way, the protagonists easily invaded the game terminal located in the basement of Kaiba Entertainment Center. As for why no one stopped them, it was because this was a trap set by the Big Five!

Li Youfeng, who has read the original novel, actually knows very well that the actions of the protagonists are actually under the control of the Big Five.

Speaking of which, these five guys are a bit stupid. You knew that Kaiba Keipi would bring people back, so why didn't you arrange bodyguards to guard the key entrance?

Now that President Kaiba is no longer a threat, you just need to catch Kaiba Keipi, isn't it game over?

But these five idiots don't take the usual path and insist on letting the protagonists in. How confident do they have to be to do such a stupid thing?

"We're here, right here!"

Following Kaiba Keipi, they came to a house, and three sci-fi game consoles appeared in front of the protagonists.

After a rough inspection, Biao Yugi looked at everyone and said,"There are only three game consoles here, how should we distribute them?"

"I will definitely go. After all, this is the first time I have seen such fun things. I will never miss such a good opportunity!"It was the first time I saw such a novel thing, and Jonouchi said excitedly.

"I am familiar with this game, and I also have experience in RPG games, so let me be your guide and lead you in!"When it comes to his brother's safety, Kaiba Keipi certainly has no choice but to help.

""Gui Ping, your suggestion is quite good. I admire your courage. Just go with peace of mind!"

Seeing someone volunteering, Li Youfeng would of course not take the limelight again. After all, knowing the plot and participating in it personally are two different things. If you are not careful with this kind of thing, you will really lose your life!

However, just when Li Youfeng took it for granted, Jonouchi and Honda seemed to have colluded in advance, and directly carried Li Youfeng and pressed him into a game cabin!

"What the hell! What are you doing? Didn't I say I wasn't going? You can't discourage Keipi from saving his brother like this! Damn, should this seat be locked? You're going too far!"

"You Feng, I've said it long ago, as a main player you can't be absent under any circumstances!"

"Yes, You Feng, as the saying goes, a good person should be done to the end. Now that you are here, you can't just stay out of it, right?"

Seeing Jonouchi and Honda turned around and made an OK gesture at the same time, Biao Yugi nodded, then said to Keipi:"Keipi, you are the only one who is most familiar with the startup and operation of these instruments here. You can play the greatest role by staying here! Don't worry, we will do our best to rescue Kaiba Seto!"

After thinking for a while, Kaiba Keipi suddenly showed a deck from his hand.

"Brother Game, this card deck is used by my brother. I took it out of the card slot for safety reasons. Now I will observe you on the monitor. No matter which one of you comes into contact with my brother first, I will transfer this card deck to him in time!"

"Everything is up to you!"

Kaiba Keihei, who was instantly convinced by Oya Yugi, stopped insisting. After seeing Oya Yugi and Jonouchi lying down in the game chamber, Kaiba Keihei directly turned on the switch of the game!

As the sound of the game chamber starting up rang out, Li Youfeng, who looked like he had lost all hope in life, entered the world of the game with Oya Yugi and Jonouchi.

With a flash of electricity, Li Youfeng, Oya Yugi and Jonouchi appeared in the depths of a jungle at the same time.

"Wow, is this the world inside the game?"After looking around, Jonouchi said excitedly,"It's hard to imagine that this game is so realistic!"

"Don't be careless, Jonouchi. Since this game can trap Kaiba, it must have its horror. The three of us must be careful!"

After saying this, Biao Yugi suddenly realized that there seemed to be one person missing among them. He turned his head and looked behind him, only to see Li Youfeng still squatting on the ground with his head down.

As if noticing the surprised looks of Biao Yugi and Jonouchi, Li Youfeng slowly stood up from the ground like a robot numbered T800.

His expression was indifferent, and he looked around slowly like an emotionless killer!

At the same time, an awkward atmosphere spread in the air, causing Biao Yugi and Jonouchi to have a few black lines on their foreheads.

"You Feng, what are you doing? Is there something wrong with your body? Seeing Li You Feng's strange behavior, Biao Youxi immediately asked with some doubt.

"Ahem! Nothing!"

Li Youfeng came back to his senses and realized that his actions just now seemed inappropriate. His old face turned red and he said embarrassedly:"It was just a whim, I wanted to pay tribute to the classics!"

(The author is telling the truth, Terminator 2 is really a very classic science fiction movie, which has not been surpassed so far! )

Table game:"???"

Within the city:"???"

"What kind of classics require You Feng to do such a chuunibiao action? \"

At the same time, he complained fiercely in his heart.

Biao Yugi and Jonouchi tacitly did not say this sentence out loud.

After walking forward for a short distance, the three of them came directly to a cemetery full of tombstones and graves, just like in the original book.

There was white mist all around.

Li Youfeng and the other two walked carefully in this cemetery.

Just when the three of them advanced to the center of the cemetery, suddenly three shadows jumped out of the mist at a very fast speed.

"Wow! They appeared!" Startled by the sudden appearance of three monsters, Jonouchi hid behind a tombstone with a terrified look on his face.

"Wait, is this an undead monster?"Compared to the panicked Jonouchi, Biao Yugi was quite calm.

As the three monsters slowly approached, Li Youfeng and the others finally saw the true faces of the three monsters.

Armor Warrior (Attack 1500 Defense 0)

Dark Acrobatic Clown (Attack 1350 Defense 0)

Dragon Monster (Attack 1600 Defense 0)

"I understand, that's how it is!"

After seeing these three familiar monsters, Biao Yugi reacted immediately. He took out a card from the controller on his arm, and after a very handsome backflip, he suddenly shouted:"Come out, Dark Magician!"

Dark Magician (Attack Power 2500 Defense Power 2100)


Along with Biao Yugi's call, after a burst of light, the Dark Magician instantly blocked in front of Biao Yugi.

"Haha, this is how the game is played, Yoshi! Let me show you how powerful Jonouchi is!"

Seeing this, Jonouchi followed suit and pulled out a card from the deck in his arm.

"Come out, Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon!" (Attack 2800 Defense 2400)


"Dark Magician!"

"True Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon!"

"Attack those monsters!"

Bang, bang, bang!

Explosions sounded, and the three undead monsters had no power to fight back and were directly blown into pieces by the Black Magician and the True Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon!

"Haha, these monsters are too vulnerable!" Seeing how easily these monsters were defeated, Jonouchi immediately started to show off.

"No, Jonouchi, be careful, these monsters are standing up again!"However, before Jonouchi could finish his joy, he heard Oyayugi suddenly pointing behind him and shouting.

Hearing Oyayugi's voice, Jonouchi turned around and saw that the three undead monsters not only stood up again, but also had increased their attack power.

Armor Warrior (Attack 1900 Defense 0)

Dark Acrobatic Clown (Attack 1750 Defense 0)

Dragon Beast (Attack 2000 Defense 0)

"How could this happen? Could it be that after these monsters are defeated and resurrected, their attack power will increase?"

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Biao Yuxi immediately stopped Jonouchi who wanted to continue attacking,"Jonouchi, these monsters can't be knocked down from the front, we have to think of other ways!" As soon as this thought came out, Biao Yuxi and Jonouchi looked in the direction of Li Youfeng at the same time, but to their surprise, Li Youfeng stood there without any movement, looking as if it had nothing to do with him.

Seeing this scene, Jonouchi was speechless, and then he shouted to Li Youfeng anxiously:"Youfeng, what are you doing? Hurry up and summon your monsters to help!"

Touching his chin with his right hand, Li Youfeng's face clearly flashed a trace of hesitation, and then he asked in a rather solemn tone:"Are you two sure you want my help?"

Hearing this, Biao Yuxi said with a smile:"Youfeng, don't be awkward at this time, you should hurry up and do it!"


East of New Zealand, on the high Pacific Ocean close to Antarctica, there are no clouds in the sky. Such clear weather is simply the best weather for the fishermen who go out to sea to fish.

"There are a lot of fish in this sea area, everyone, work harder, if we do a good job we can go home early!"

On the spacious deck, a young man who seemed to be the leader was leading several fishermen to work together. However, just when everyone had just pulled up the fishing net, a sailor came over with an angry face.

"Brother Bai, go and take a look, that kid is making trouble again!"

"What? I've been treating that kid well during this period, so it's okay if he doesn't work hard, but why is he making trouble again? Brothers, you guys go ahead and do your work, I'll go take a look!"

Everyone:"Okay, Brother Bai!"

The young man in the lead is named Bai Xiaoyi, with neat short hair. During the years he led the fleet, he was not only generous, but also always rushed to the front when encountering danger at sea, so he was supported by all the crew members.

Because he likes to exercise and goes to sea all year round, his body is not only dark and strong, but also has eight abdominal muscles that ordinary people don't have!

Because of his wealthy family and he is still single, every time he goes home, the matchmakers who come to propose marriage to his daughter can almost break down the door of his house. Seeing those beautiful girls fighting because of competing for him, this generous and handsome Bai Xiaoyi is always very troubled.

In addition to being the captain of the large fishing boat Breaking Waves, Bai Xiaoyi also claims to be an extraordinary duelist. At least in the Chinese Duelist Guild, there are few people who can match him.

"Go back, I want to go back. Do you know who I am? Believe it or not, I will throw all of you into the sea!"

"Oh my god, you are so arrogant, kid? What's the matter? Are you itching again?"

Following the sailor into the cabin, Bai Xiaoyi saw the noisy bunny-eared boy at a glance.

"Stop it! Everyone, be quiet!"

Seeing Bai Xiaoyi coming in, Mo Liang immediately showed a sinister smile. After such a long period of recuperation, the great evil god Zok who resided in his body had recovered a lot of strength.

"Bai Xiaoyi, I've had enough. I want to go back to Tongshiye right away, but I don't think you will listen to me. Why don't we use a duel to decide the winner? If I win, you must order me to be sent back!"

Seeing that Mo Liang took out his deck, Bai Xiaoyi's temper immediately came up. As the current vice president of the Holy Hanno Knights, the largest duelist guild in China, Bai Xiaoyi said that he has never been afraid of anyone in his life playing cards!

It's time to let this kid taste the fear of being dominated by the power of the Hanno Knights!

"Duel with me? With you? Okay, come on!"

Several sailors who were looking for trouble brought a square table with a venue printed on it from the room. Bai Xiaoyi farted���Sitting on the chair opposite to Tapir


Bai Xiaoyi LP4000

Tapir Liang LP4000

"This is my territory, so attack first and I’ll take it!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

Reaching out and pulling out six cards from the deck, Bai Xiaoyi's confident face twitched slightly.

The reason was simple, he was stuck!

Looking at his current hand, two Water Spirit Scale Great Blue Abyss Whales, a Cyclone, an Explosive Armor, a Magic Equipment Card Abyss Scale Armor Dragon and a Guild Card, Holy Shield - Mirror Force!

"What the hell!"

When the sailors standing behind Bai Xiaoyi saw the cards in this round, their mouths twitched slightly.

However, in order not to lose momentum, Bai Xiaoyi smiled generously and patted the duel table!

"Haha, what a perfect hand!"

"I cover this card in the backfield and my turn is over!"

"What?" Seeing Bai Xiaoyi end his turn so easily, Mo Liang was also a little confused.

""A blocked card?"

Staring at the blocked card in the backcourt of Bai Xiaoyi, Mo Liang inexplicably felt a surge of anger in his heart!

"In that case, let’s do something exciting!"

"Dark Game, start!"The dark barrier instantly enveloped the room. Although it felt cold, for Bai Xiaoyi and his crew, who had never played a dark game before, this situation was just like encountering a storm at sea. It was nothing to be afraid of.

"My turn, draw a card���"

"I summon a giant orc to attack!" (Attack 2200 Defense 0)

"Then activate the magic card cyclone to destroy your cover card in the backcourt!"


Under the effect of the dark game, Bai Xiaoyi didn't even need to do anything. The reflective mirror covering his table turned into ashes and disappeared on the duel table.

"Giant orc, attack!"


As if being hit by a club, Bai Xiaoyi felt a buzzing pain in his head.

Bai Xiaoyi LP4000 > 1800

"The special effect of the Giant Beastman is activated. This card can be changed to Defense Position after attacking!"

"My turn is over!"

"Boy, you are quite capable!"

Rubbing his forehead, Bai Xiaoyi stared at Mo Liang with veins popping out of his forehead.

"Now it's my turn to fight back, and your luck ends here!"

"It's time for you to see the true power of the Hanno Knights!"

"It's my turn, draw a card!"

"Oh, I'm lucky, the Pot of Greed is activated, draw two more cards!"


As two cards were drawn into his hand, Bai Xiaoyi was stunned again. The reason was that the two cards he just drew were a ripple shield - wave power, and a flash shield - light power!

"Haha, a perfect hand!"

As the saying goes, it's better to lose the battle than the people. Bai Xiaoyi, with the distressed eyes of the sailors behind him, directly put these two cards and the explosive armor in the backcourt.

"My turn is over!"

"You're still coming?!"


Are you looking down on me?

"My turn, draw a card!"

Glancing fiercely at Bai Xiaoyi, Mo Liang began his turn.

"Launch a ritual magic to end the world!"

"I offer the giant orcs and invading devil summoners as sacrifices!"

"Come on!"

""The King of the End, Demis!" (Attack Power 2400 Defense Power 2000)

"Demis' special effect is activated!"

"Pay 2000 LP points to destroy all cards except this one!"

Takarada LP4000>2000


""Gah! The exploding armor is my fault!"

Seeing the three cards in front of him burning, Bai Xiaoyi's face couldn't help but twitch violently again. Before he could come to his senses, he saw a huge axe hitting his forehead!

The next day

"Hey, what's wrong with Brother Bai? I saw him squatting in that corner all night!"

"I don't know. I heard that he was hit hard by losing the card game yesterday. How about you go and ask?"

"No, no! I don't dare. What if he gets angry and beats me up?"

"Hey, you don’t know this, right? Brother Bai is upset now, he can only make babbling sounds, he probably can’t hit anyone."

""Oh, forget it. I don't dare to seek that excitement. I'm going to work."

The sun sets.

A lonely figure squats in the corner of the bow.

Intermittent"Aba Aba"……

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