(To avoid discomfort to book friends, the interactive activities among book friends will exist independently as a side story. As a funny side story, the world view of the side story is the same as that of this book, but it will not interfere with the main line, will not be involved with the protagonist, and will not affect the normal development of the plot. Please be informed. Finally, thank you book friend Bai Xiaoyi for bringing us the wonderful story. All book friends who have signed up will also appear as victims, cough~ participants, in the side story. Please pay attention to future stories. I hope this book can bring happiness to everyone. Thank you for your support!)

"Well, now that we've come to this, I'll take action!"

As if he had made up his mind, Li Youfeng reached out and pulled out a red, shiny card from the top of the deck,"I activate Torrent Burial! Destroy all the monsters!"



With a sound like a mountain torrent, a torrent gushed out from the card held high by Li Youfeng.

This torrent not only destroyed the three undead monsters, but also swept up the Black Magician and the Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon.

In the end, even Li Youfeng and the other two were not spared!

The feeling of going with the flow was so refreshing.

Li Youfeng and the other two who were washed away by the flood no longer cared about their face.

With bursts of screams, the three of them tried every means to grab the things around them.

He grabbed whatever he could to protect himself.

The waves dissipated, and Li Youfeng and the other two who were affected by the rapids were washed out of the forest with the current.

Looking at Jonouchi, who was hanging on a tree branch and whose life or death was unknown, and Biao Yuxi, who was lying on a rock with lingering fear, Li Youfeng, who was also disheveled, slowly slid down from a tree.

After taking a deep breath, Li Youfeng wiped the water drops on his forehead and immediately showed a bright smile, and gave Biao Yuxi and Jonouchi a thumbs up!

"YES! It's perfect!"

""Shit! How on earth is this perfect?!" X2 complained harshly, and the game player slid down from the rock to the grass tremblingly. As for Jonouchi, who was hanging on the tree branch, he also climbed down from the tree slowly with weak legs.

"You Feng, didn't I ask you to summon a monster? Why did you suddenly pull out a Torrent Burial?"

"Yes, You Fengjun, it’s a good thing that this is a game world, otherwise we would have been badly harmed by you!"

"Can you blame me for this?" Li Youfeng felt very aggrieved and immediately showed his deck,"You didn't even give me time to prepare and pushed me into the game room. Did you see that? This deck in my hand only has five monsters, and the rest are all trap cards and a small number of magic cards. Can you blame me for not being able to draw monster cards?"

"Eh?!" X2 saw Li Youfeng showing his deck, and Biao Yugi and Jonouchi looked at each other awkwardly.

"Well, this is my fault!" Jonouchi smiled and touched his hair,"You Feng, next time you activate a trap card, let me know in advance so that Yugi and I can be mentally prepared!"

"Yes, yes!" The watch game, who was afraid of being affected again, was a little scared, and nodded in agreement,"If it is not necessary, Youfengjun, you should not use trap cards indiscriminately. After all, it is not a good thing to accidentally hurt friendly forces."

Li Youfeng's performance was naturally reflected on the display of the real world. Seeing Li Youfeng and the other two being washed out of the forest by the flood, Kaiba Keipi, Anzi and Honda were dumbfounded and smiled bitterly. It was a coincidence that Li Youfeng and the other two, who were buried by the torrent, soon found a city on the edge of the desert after they got back on the road.

Coming to this city with a classical Arabian style, Li Youfeng and the other two were immediately infected by the extremely lively atmosphere. When they thought that this was just a game world created by the five giants, Li Youfeng couldn't help but secretly admire the five giants.

"Yugi, Youfeng, what do you think we should do next?"After wandering around for a while, Jonouchi, who couldn't find any clues, asked first.

"Um~ Hehe, actually I seldom play RPG games, so I don’t have much experience. I wonder if you, You Feng, have any experience in this area?"Jionouchi's words made Oyayuki look embarrassed.

"Well, as for experience, of course I have some!"

For Li Youfeng, who is familiar with the plot, this is more than just experience. He even knows how to pass the level. However, in the current situation, he cannot do it too obviously, so as not to arouse suspicion. On the one hand, he cannot hinder the growth of the protagonists, right?

"All adventure games of this type have a common problem that is difficult to avoid, which is that when you encounter an impassable section of the road, you will be given some hints. I think this game should be the same!"

"That makes sense!"

"Yeah, that’s right, I remember now, an RPG game I played before seemed to be the same!"

"Well~ According to my past experience!" Pointing to the desert area with sandstorm outside the city, Li Youfeng said with a smile,"That area is the save area of the game. We can definitely find clues to pass through the desert outside the city!"

"What are we waiting for? Let's go and have a look!"

After hearing Li Youfeng's speculation, the people in the city immediately became very excited. The three of them immediately ran to the edge of the city and soon arrived at the outskirts of the town.

"Wow, it's really like that!" Pointing to the sandstorm in the center of the desert, Jonouchi turned and looked at Li Youfeng,"Youfeng, where is the clue you mentioned?"

""Well, let me see!" Looking around, Li Youfeng indeed found the old man in white who appeared in the original anime.

With Jonouchi and Ota Yugi looking puzzled, Li Youfeng turned and walked towards the old man in white on the recliner.

"Old man, we want to cross this desert. How can we get through it?"

"Hey, You Feng, are you kidding? Is this old man the clue you were talking about?"

"Jonouchi-kun, don't interrupt. Youfeng has experience and he can definitely do this."

In fact, just as Biao Yugi had expected, the old man who heard Li Youfeng's question immediately said:"If you want to pass through this desert, you need to find the card of the monster chicken!"

(The original translation of the anime is monster chicken, and this card is translated as chick in the national server, a blank garbage card!)

Turning around and raising his eyebrows at Jonouchi and Biao Yugi, Li Youfeng said with a smile:"How about it, isn't the clue out?"

"You are really amazing, You Feng!"

"The card of the demon chicken? But where can we find this card?"

After being happy, Jonouchi and Ota Yugi were confused again because of this demon chicken card.

"I'm talking to you two!"

Li Youfeng sighed deeply and said,"Since we already know the clues, we must look for them in places we can go. Think about it, what is the meaning of this city? Isn't it just for the needs of the plot that the cards that can be passed are stored here?"

"I understand!" Suddenly, Biao Yugi suddenly had an idea and seemed to have thought of something, and even his expression became excited,"This card of the demon chicken must be in this city, and if I'm not wrong, if you want to get this card, you must pass some tests, such as fighting or something."

"The game is right!"


Being a babysitter is so tiring!

Fortunately, the game is smart enough, otherwise wouldn't it be in vain to give so many hints? After secretly complaining in his heart, Li Youfeng continued:"In fact, we can now split up and look for some content about duel rewards. After all, this world is still based on duel monsters, and the card of the demon chicken should be placed somewhere as a reward."

"Well, without further ado, let’s split up and act immediately!"

"Well, Jonouchi-kun, let's meet in the square in the center of the city after we find the clues."

Seeing Li Youfeng looking thoughtfully at the sandstorm area in the distance, Biao Youxi asked in confusion:"Youfeng-kun, what's wrong with you? Are you thinking?"

"Oh, did you guess it?" Looking at the watch game with a smile, Li Youfeng nodded and said,"I want to try my luck alone to see if I can pass through this sandstorm area. Even if I can't pass, it doesn't matter. I will surely get a lot of relevant information, which will definitely be beneficial for our future actions!"

"So that's how it is."After thinking for a while, Biaoyouxi immediately agreed and said,"Youfeng said a lot, so let's split up, but you must be very careful. If you can't pass, remember not to force yourself."

"Don't worry, Yugi, I know this!"

After saying goodbye to Yugi and Jonouchi, Li Youfeng walked towards the desert alone.

In fact, according to Li Youfeng's original plan, he intended to be a bystander all the way to the end. At most, he would give Yugi and Jonouchi some hints without exposing himself.

The reason why he separated from Yugi and the others was not only to help Yugi and the others clear the obstacles in advance, but more importantly, after he entered this world, Li Youfeng always felt that there seemed to be a very familiar voice constantly echoing in his mind.

Walking alone in the desert with no end in sight, the voice calling him became clearer and clearer. As if he had noticed something, Li Youfeng slowly pulled out a card from the deck on his arm.

Atlas Worm Demon!

This is one of the only five monster cards that Li Youfeng has in this deck!

With a flash of white light, a purple-haired little loli about 1.4 meters tall and wearing a simple black dress appeared in front of Li Youfeng.

"Ah! It's finally out! I was really holding it back!"

After stretching hard, the little Lolita turned her head and looked at Li Youfeng.

"Master! Atla missed you so much! Atla finally saw you!"

He jumped into Li Youfeng's arms and rubbed his cute little head against Li Youfeng's arms.

"This~ Atla? Duel Elves?" Seeing this scene, Li Youfeng was almost petrified by shock,"I am not dreaming!"

"Oh, hehe~ Stupid master, what are you talking about? This is definitely not a dream!"

The little devil Atla kept drawing circles with his fingers in Li Youfeng's arms.

"What's wrong? You obviously hugged me to sleep every night, but you became shy when you met me. I remember clearly that you kissed me hard when you won the World Duel King Tournament for five consecutive years. What's wrong? You don't want to admit it?"

""Eh~? You know all this?!"


So shameful!

Li Youfeng was so embarrassed when his obscene behavior was exposed in public by the Duel Elf that he almost dug a hole trap with his toes.

With the idea of changing the subject as soon as possible, Li Youfeng hurriedly asked:"Atla, since you remember the past, do you know why I came to this world? Also, was I dead in the original world? I remember that I was stabbed hard at that time!"

Hearing this, Atla's face was instantly filled with sadness, and two lines of tears could not stop falling slowly from her eyes.

Climbing down from Li Youfeng's body, Atla held back her tears and replied with some trembling:"Master, you are indeed dead in that world. Atla saw it with her own eyes at that time."

"At that time, Atla was really desperate, thinking that he would never see the master again. When I woke up again, you had already appeared in this world! As for why this happened, Atla was not very clear. The only difference was that the world the master was in now was closer to the spirit world than the original world. When you used my power, I could communicate with you briefly."

"So that's how it is!"

Knowing that he was completely dead in that world, the obsession that had been bothering Li Youfeng disappeared. Shaking his head with some self-mockery, Li Youfeng touched Atla's little head and comforted him softly,"Don't be sad, Atla, I'm still alive and well now, right? Most importantly, aren't we meeting again now? By the way, you haven't told me why you didn't speak on the duel arena before, and why you didn't take the initiative to meet me in private?"

"That's right, Master!" Wiping away his tears, Atla smiled and said,"As duel elves, we don't have the power to appear in the real world. It's just that this world is a game world on the surface, but in fact it is a gap connecting to the elf world. The reason why I can move freely and have a body is also because of this reason."

"Do you know the origin of this card pendant?" Li Youfeng asked excitedly, showing the pendant on his neck.


After sniffing it carefully, Atla said with a puzzled look on his face:"Master, this pendant gives me a very familiar feeling, but it is so old that I really can't remember it."

"Forget it, I'll just make the best of it. Since I'm still alive, I'll live well!"

"Master, don't worry, no one can hurt you here. Atla will definitely protect you this time!"

""Okay, I believe you!"

As he was speaking, a huge sandstorm appeared in Li Youfeng's field of vision. Li Youfeng, who saw that the situation was not good, was not a fool, and he immediately wanted to pull Atla and run away.

However, what Li Youfeng did not expect was that the moment he turned his head, Atla suddenly grinned, and his gentle and lovely eyes suddenly emitted bursts of fierce light!

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