After tying up Saruwatari and the other three unconscious bodyguards, Izayoi Kaoru hurried to Li Youfeng's game cabin. When she confirmed that there was nothing obviously wrong with Li Youfeng in the game cabin, her heart finally calmed down.

"cough cough~!"

Clearing her throat awkwardly, Izayoi Kaoru said with a slightly red face:"Let's say that Honda did what happened today. Whoever dares to betray me will be dead! I'm not kidding you, do you understand?"

"Got it! Totally got it!" X2 felt the murderous aura in Kaoru Izayoi's words. Keihei Kaiba and Honda, who were kneeling on the ground, nodded quickly. As for Anko Masaki, who was also a girl, she walked to Kaoru Izayoi with a smile and whispered to her,"Don't worry, Kaoru. I will never tell You Feng."


Hearing this, Kaoru Izayoi's face turned red instantly. She nodded rather embarrassedly. Kaoru Izayoi said to Anko in a hesitant tone,"Then~thank you."

At the same time in the game world, Li Youfeng, who had formed his own army, climbed up a hillside under the guidance of the Atlas Worm Demon. Looking at the empty mountain in front of him, Li Youfeng asked a little depressed,"Atlas, are you sure this is the final base of the Big Five?"


Closing his eyes and taking two deep breaths, Atla replied with some doubt:"That's right, there are many smells of Duel Monsters here, and I can feel that there are Duel Spirits here, but judging from the smell, it should not be a good thing!"

"You can smell it!"

Although he was puzzled as to why Atla, a spider prototype, had such a good sense of smell, Li Youfeng was still very sensible and chose not to ask more questions.

"By the way, you just said it’s not a good thing. Are duel elves also divided into good and bad?"

""Huh? Isn't this natural? Some bad duel elves will devour the souls of duelists to increase their own power, so they are very dangerous!"

Turning around, Atla looked at Li Youfeng shyly.

"Those bad guys are completely different from duel elves like me who were bred by the master's deep love. Just like the master's feelings for me, I also deeply love the master!"

"Ah~ So that's how it is~ Haha!"Hearing Atla's blunt words, even the thick-skinned Li Youfeng felt a little embarrassed. For a moment, as if he suddenly thought of something, Li Youfeng suddenly looked up at the sky.

"Atla, your eyesight is better than mine. Look up and see what that is in the sky?"

Atla looked in the direction of Li Youfeng's finger, and then she shouted excitedly,"It's a castle. Yes, it looks very much like the City of Darkness. I was wondering why I couldn't find it. It turns out it's so high in the sky!"

"But how do we get up there? I can't fly."

"Eh~~?!"Hearing Li Youfeng's words, Atla was obviously a little guilty. Her eyes were dazed, and her two little hands kept fiddling with the hem of her skirt.

"Hmm? Atla, do you know something?"

Atla's little movements naturally could not be hidden from Li Youfeng's eyes. Touching his chin, Li Youfeng stared at the former with suspicion.

"Master~ You, please stop staring at me like that! I'll be shy!" Li Youfeng's strange gaze made Atla's forehead sweat unconsciously. In order to change the subject, Atla quickly pretended to be shy.

"Are you sure you're not hiding anything from me?"

"No, no! Atla never lies, really no……"


Just when Atla the Insect Demon wanted to continue to quibble, a card in the deck on Li Youfeng's left arm suddenly emitted bursts of red light!

This card spontaneously ignited without wind, and instantly turned into a ball of fire that wrapped Atla in it. Atla, who was enveloped by the flames, was panicked and shouted,"Ah, the master is my own, I will not allow you to snatch the master from me! I don't want to go back, you stinky pervert, I'm not done with you, I'm going to kill you! After killing you, I'll bite you to pieces!"

Along with the shouting, Atla reluctantly turned into a card and returned to the deck on Li Youfeng's arm. At the same time, a girl with healthy wheat-colored skin, wearing a golden sacrificial hat and red sacrificial clothes appeared.

"Ah~ We are finally out. Atla, this black-hearted liar who wants to deceive his master, really deserves to be punished!"

Looking at Li Youfeng with full energy, the little girl patted Li Youfeng's arm and said,"Boss, we can take you upstairs!"

"So that's what happened. No wonder~!"

Nephthys's Connector!

The second of the five monster cards in Li Youfeng's deck!

This card is also one of the Duel Spirits that he has just gained a bond with!

"Haha, boss, you don't have to worry about that black-hearted bug. It dared to deceive you with just a sacrifice. It wants to rebel! Boss, why don't you listen to me and tear it apart when you go back?!"

Yes, according to Li Youfeng's original deck construction, Atlas Bug Demon is actually a sacrifice used to summon Nenephthys Connector, but he never expected that the duel elves don't seem to be in harmony with each other.

"Eh?! Isn't this a bad idea? You are all my favorite duel elves, so we should get along well! By the way, can you take me up there?"

""Don't worry, leave it to us!"

It seems that Li Youfeng has known for a long time.���The duel elf who would treat him like that, patted his already small chest vigorously, and then the connector of Nephthys turned around and sang a beautiful song towards the open space in front of him.

""Come, Nephthys's Blue Phoenix God!"

As the singing began, a burning card flew out of Li Youfeng's arm again.

The flames on the card grew bigger and bigger, and with a burst of explosions, a huge blue phoenix appeared in front of Li Youfeng and the connector in the explosion.

Yes, this monster was the third monster card in the deck, Nephthys's Blue Phoenix God!

""Boss, please take a seat!"

After watching Li Youfeng sitting on the back of Cang Huang Shen with a smile, the Connector followed suit and climbed up. It was not known whether it was intentional or unintentional. Obviously, the back of Cang Huang Shen was very spacious, but she still leaned her body firmly in Li Youfeng's arms.

""Boss, we're about to take off. The speed of the Blue Phoenix God is quite fast. You'd better hold on to us!"

With a sly smile on his face, the Blue Phoenix God flapped his wings and rushed into the sky at a very fast speed at the command of the connector. The sudden impact shocked Li Youfeng so much that he quickly reached out and hugged the connector in front of him.


As if his evil plan had succeeded, the Connector covered his laughing mouth with one hand, and rubbed Li Youfeng's hands with the other hand as if he was taking advantage of the situation.

As the Cang Huang Shen was extremely fast, Li Youfeng, who was already very scared, naturally did not notice the Connector's small movements. In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the bottom of the Dark City. The Cang Huang Shen, who wanted to take advantage of the situation and rush in, suddenly hit an invisible wall.


The sudden shock almost threw Li Youfeng off the back of the Cang Huang Shen. Thanks to his best efforts to hold on to the connector tightly, he was able to avoid a plane crash.

""Phew! That was close!"

Li Youfeng, who had survived the disaster, couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his head. However, at this moment, he suddenly found that the connector in his arms seemed to be a little bit wrong.


Her face was flushed, and she was breathing in the air in big gulps. Tears kept flowing out of her mouth. She looked exactly like the perverted womanizer in the subway station!

"I'm going to pull it!"

The corners of his mouth twitched fiercely. Li Youfeng never thought that his bound elf would be so weird.


As if she had noticed something, the connector wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth with her hand, and after coughing twice, she said seriously:"Oh, there is actually a protective barrier here, I'm sorry, boss, I was careless, I'm so sorry!"

"Is this really the case?"

Looking at Li Youfeng's suspicious eyes, a few drops of sweat appeared unnaturally on the forehead of the connector.��

"Of course! I am different from that black-hearted bug. Under normal circumstances, I will never lie. Boss, wait a moment. I will destroy this barrier right away!"

As if to prove her innocence, the connector pointed forward. A ball of fire burned fiercely at her fingertips. With a cry from the connector, a phoenix burning with fire rushed towards the barrier.

Nephthys' Phoenix God, the fourth monster card in the deck

"Boss, this barrier is too powerful. Even if we sacrificed the Phoenix God, we could only temporarily destroy it. It seems that there is no way to clear the way for your friends."

"It doesn’t matter, they will find a way to get in, let’s go in first!"

"Okay, boss, hold on tight, we're going to speed up!"

With the Connector's order, the Blue Phoenix God rushed towards the Dark City at a very fast speed again. Due to the huge inertia, Li Youfeng had to hug the Connector's body tightly again. This action undoubtedly caused a burst of"hiss~" sounds. The

Blue Phoenix God landed smoothly in the Dark City and turned into a card and flew back to Li Youfeng's deck. After getting off the Blue Phoenix God's back, the Connector's face was obviously flushed, her steps were weak, and she looked like she was weak and could not be replenished.

"Connector, are you okay?"

"Slurp~! No, no problem, I am very satisfied, oh no! I am very good! Haha~ Yeah, that's right, very good! Slurp~!"

Seeing Li Youfeng's dark look, the connector's eyes also became a little hesitant. This look was exactly the same as Atlas's guilty behavior just now.

"I'm really impressed by you guys." Shaking his head helplessly, Li Youfeng then found the card of Atlas Worm Devil,"Let Atlas lead the way here, after all, in this game, she is invincible!"

Seeing the Connector standing in front of him with a calm face, Li Youfeng asked with some doubts while holding the card of Atlas Worm Devil:"Connector, don't you need to return to the deck?"

"Eh? Why should we go back?" Li Youfeng's words made the connector shrug his shoulders with a smile,"We are different from that black-hearted bug that stinks all over. We are noble ritual monsters!"

"You perverted coal miner, who are you calling the black-hearted bug?"

"I'm talking about you, a black-hearted bug that stinks all over your body!"

A card suddenly jumped out from Li Youfeng's hand, and Atla pinched the connector's nose. At the same time, the connector was also unceremonious and started to tear Atla's little face with both hands.

"Ah~! It hurts! You black-hearted bug, you dare to poke my nose, I will fight you today!"

"Oh~! Damn it, do you think I didn't see you, a pervert, rubbing your master's oil just now? Ouch~ My face hurts~!"

"All right, stop it now!"

Pulling his two duel elves apart with a dark face, Li Youfeng gave each of them a head-smacking blow.

���Do you two know what's going on right now? You're still fighting among yourselves? Don't you take me seriously?!"

"She was the first to start it!" X2 looked at the two duel elves accusing each other with a smile on his face. Li Youfeng felt a buzzing pain in his head.


Just when Li Youfeng was having a headache because of the two duel elves, the Dark City suddenly made a loud noise, accompanied by the sound of a horn. Thousands of flying monsters suddenly rushed out of the various entrances and exits of the Dark City.

"Could it be?"

Suddenly remembering the plot in the original novel, Li Youfeng, who was hiding in the corner of the city wall, looked around along the gap in the wall. Sure enough, not far from the Dark City, a huge wooden mechanical bird was flying towards the Dark City, and on the bird were the latecomers of Game.

"It's Yugi and the others!"

Since Kaiba Keipi did not participate in Yugi, and Li Youfeng cleared the maze in advance to clear the obstacles for Yugi and the others, the time was greatly shortened. Under the guidance of Princess Meili, Yugi and the others used the magician of time to successfully summon the spaceship that the thousand-year-old hero took.

Knowing that Li Youfeng might have arrived at the Dark City, Yugi and his party also decisively attacked in order to save time, which led to the scene of the air battle before their eyes.

"Atla, Connector, we don't have much time, we must rescue the seahorse as soon as possible!"

"Yes, master!"

"No problem, boss. Leave it to us!"

After deciding on the route to go, Atla and the connector looked at each other and rushed towards a passage leading to the upper level of the castle.

"Get out of my way, you pervert! Now is Atla's show time. Only I, who am invincible, can clear the way for my master!"

"You are invincible, what are you bragging about? We can do what you can do, so don't hinder us, you black-hearted bug!"

"Oh my gosh!"

Seeing Atla and the Connector fighting on the stairs again, Li Youfeng suddenly felt a stomachache.

However, just as he was about to step forward to stop them, a huge wasp-shaped monster accidentally discovered Li Youfeng in mid-air.

After a slight aim, a sharp spike suddenly shot out from its tail and flew straight to the back of Li Youfeng's head!

Bumblebee (Attack Power 1200 Defense Power 1000)

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