With a sharp sound of breaking through the air, the sharp spike came to Li Youfeng's back in the blink of an eye.

Although Atla and the Connector had already discovered the Bumblebee's sneak attack at this time, they fell on the stairs at the same time and it was too late to rescue Li Youfeng.

"Master! Get down quickly!"

"Boss, behind you, be careful!"

"Behind him?"Shit!"

Li Youfeng, with a question mark on his face, obviously did not realize the seriousness of the problem. When he turned around and found that the spike was about to hit his face, it was too late to dodge!

In a hurry, out of his body's instinctive reaction, Li Youfeng directly shouted out that classic line!

"Wife! Save me!"

As Li Youfeng shouted, a card flashing blood-red light suddenly flew out from the deck on his left arm and blocked him like lightning. The blood-red mist instantly wrapped Li Youfeng in it, and an open black umbrella poked out from the blood mist, firmly holding the sharp spike!

As the blood mist dissipated, a beautiful figure about 1.6 meters tall, wearing a black classical dress, appeared in front of Li Youfeng out of thin air.

Vampire Lady! (Attack 600 Defense 2000)

The last monster card in Li Youfeng's deck!

Seeing that its attack was blocked, the bumblebee was also ruthless. While screaming, it fired spikes from its tail and kept changing its position in mid-air!

You have to know that this is an RPG game, and there is no defense and counter-injury mechanism. Although the defense of the vampire lady is far greater than the attack power of the bumblebee, under this game mechanism, she can only passively choose to defend.

Sharp spikes shot down from mid-air like raindrops. The vampire lady could only protect Li Youfeng behind her while retreating to the corridor of the stairs.

Seeing that the target was about to disappear, the bumblebee swooped down from mid-air, but just as it rushed into the corridor, a black claw and a huge fireball hit its face at the same time!


With a bang, the bumblebee was instantly blasted into pieces by this huge energy. After seeing the monster being destroyed, Atla and the Connector, who had just climbed up from the stairs, breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Master, are you okay?"

""Boss, are you okay?"

He turned around with an embarrassed look on his face. In front of Atla and the Connector, the slightly sickly pale face of the vampire lady appeared.

Slowly closing the umbrella in her hand, the vampire lady raised the umbrella in her hand and hit Atla and the Connector on the head respectively.

"Have you not even cared about your master's safety just because of your fighting spirit? If I hadn't appeared in time, the consequences would have been disastrous!"

"Yes~I'm sorry!"

"I know I was wrong."

Although she was hit by the vampire lady, she only had 600 attack points and could not cause any damage to Atla and the connector.

"Oh, forget it. It's good that you know your mistakes."

With a light sigh, the vampire lady turned and looked at Li Youfeng.

Although they had met before, this was the first time that Li Youfeng heard the vampire lady speak. Her voice was soft and weak, just like a seriously ill and weak girl next door, which made people feel pity.

Seeing Li Youfeng staring at her intently, a faint blush instantly appeared on the pale face of the vampire lady.

It seemed that she had made up her mind. She came in front of Li Youfeng, closed her eyes, raised her head slightly and said,"Husband, please use it!"


"Please use?"

"What to use?"


Seeing the actions and slightly shy expression of the vampire lady at this time, Li Youfeng, even if he was stupid, instantly understood her intention. However, just when Li Youfeng was sweating profusely in embarrassment, the two duel elves who were standing behind the vampire lady and being silently preached immediately turned against her!

"What do you want to do?"

"What husband? You want to run away, right?"

"Ouch~ It hurts! Don't pull my hair!"

The vampire lady was instantly broken by Atla and the connector grabbing her hair at the same time. After breaking free from the two, she said unconvincedly:"What's wrong with me being intimate with my husband? Are you two deaf and didn't hear the master calling me his wife? We are a legal couple, you can't do this!"

"What do you mean by legal marriage? You are just trying to confuse people, right? Don't try that!"

"You are just a duel elf, what is legal about you?" She looked at Li Youfeng shyly and said a little embarrassedly:"But my husband stared at me like that just now, obviously he has some thoughts, and I have to do it every night.…"

"Stop it! You were just a card at that time, why are you showing off?"

"That’s right, you don’t have a physical body, so how can your boss be your husband?"

Miss Vampire:"Hey!"<(▰˘◡˘▰)>

"Hey you bastard!!!" X2 saw the three troublesome Pokémons were about to quarrel again, Li Youfeng said quickly:"I say, are you guys done yet? If you keep dawdling, Kaiba will be killed! If you three continue like this, I will leave by myself."

"No, Atla will definitely help the master rescue the seahorse, and I will lead the way!"

"Then we will be responsible for protecting the boss, Miss Vampire, we have your back!"

"Okay, you guys just rest assured, with me here, nothing will go wrong!"

"Well, that's more like it! Let's go!"

Seeing that his three duel elves finally obeyed, Li Youfeng felt somewhat relieved.

Under the leadership of Atla, Li Youfeng and the connector followed closely behind. However, just as they ran up the stairs to the second floor, they suddenly found that there seemed to be one person missing in the team.

"Eh? Where is that sultry girl?"

"You mean the vampire lady? No, isn't she always at the back of the line?"

"Don't look at me, I didn't notice it, Boss. How about~ let's go back and take a look?"

"Damn it, turn around!"After complaining fiercely, Li Youfeng hurriedly ran down the stairs again. After all, the vampire lady was his duel elf, and he couldn't leave her here.

However, what Li Youfeng didn't expect was that he had just run a few steps down when he saw the vampire lady lying on the stairs.

"Miss, what happened to you? Are you injured somewhere?"

Looking at the red-faced, panting and sweating vampire lady, Li Youfeng was frightened and hurriedly stepped forward to help her up.

Shaking her head a little embarrassedly, the vampire lady lowered her head and said weakly:"I am not injured, I am just tired~ I can't run anymore"

"What? It's less than 10 steps!"

"Oh my god, I forgot this stuffy girl is a sports idiot!"

"Well, there's nothing we can do. After all, she's a stay-at-home mom. We've never seen her run more than five steps, so this is considered progress!"

"What kind of weird duel elves are around me!" Li Youfeng slapped himself on the face. At this time, he was almost broken by these three funny guys!

"Come on up, I'll carry you!"

"Isn’t this a bit bad?"

"Time is of the essence, come up quickly!"


Seeing Li Youfeng turn around and show his back, the vampire lady was so excited that she almost drooled.

Unlike what was imagined, the vampire lady, as a duel elf, has almost no weight. In fact, her body is just a card.

Li Youfeng easily carried the vampire lady on his back and followed closely behind Atla towards the center of the Dark City.

But what he didn't know was that the vampire lady lying on his back was greedily absorbing the smell of Li Youfeng from an angle that he couldn't see. This move even made Atla and the connector, who had already noticed her little movements, grit their teeth in anger!

Based on the principle of turning anger into strength, Atla's insect demon and Nephthys' connector poured all their jealous anger on the monsters passing by. With the efforts of the two of them, Li Youfeng and his party came to a forest area after passing through the long and narrow passage.

"Damn, I didn't expect this place to be so big. How can we find the room where the seahorse is imprisoned?"

Although he knew the development of the plot very well, Li Youfeng didn't know the location of the sacrificial hall. After all, there is still a certain difference between reality and animation.

"Boss, we think we can catch a tongue and ask for directions."

Turning to look at the connector, Li Youfeng asked doubtfully,"How can you be sure that the monster we catch will lead us the way?"

"Hehe, isn't there a sultry girl here?"

Pointing at the vampire lady on Li Youfeng's back, the connector raised his eyebrows maliciously.

"Although it is different from a normal duel, the special effects of the sultry girl will not disappear. Boss, I believe you should understand what I mean."

"So that's how it is!"After listening to the connector's words, Li Youfeng suddenly felt enlightened,"Although the young lady's attack power is a bit low, this is not a problem, Atla, use the sticky drop point, and the task of grabbing the tongue is left to you!"

"No problem, Master. I'll take care of it!"

5 minutes later……

Looking at the dozens of monsters that were unable to move in the sticky pits, not only Li Youfeng fell into autism, but even the three duel elves beside him looked at each other with wide eyes.……


Speechless, Li Youfeng's mouth twitched slightly and he had no idea how to complain. Although these monsters were all blank monsters, even if their attack power was halved in the sticky pit, they were definitely not something that the vampire lady could defeat. Even the weakest one-eyed white tiger, after halving, still had an attack power of 650 points!

It was only 50 points higher than the vampire lady!

"Miss, why don’t you just take a bite of me? It’s not much, just 100 LP points will be enough!"

""Oh~? Is it really possible?" There was a hint of abnormal excitement in her eyes, but the eldest lady's face showed an extremely embarrassed look."No, no, how can I bite my husband? This is absolutely not allowed!"

""Tsk~ bitch!"

The shy expression of Miss X2 naturally caught the eyes of Atla and the Connector. The two elves showed almost the same disgusted expression.

"Don't waste time, it's only 100 LP points, I can afford it, the most important thing now is to hurry up!"

Seeing Li Youfeng showing his neck, the vampire lady couldn't help but lick her cherry red lips happily.

"Well, okay~ Well, I'm sorry."

The vampire lady, with a flushed face and heavy breathing, was about to move towards Li Youfeng's neck, but at this moment, her hair was grabbed by Atla and the Connector at the same time!

"Ah~ It hurts! Let go! Let go!"

"Hey~sultry girl, that's enough, you're really going too far! It's just 100 LP, there's no need to talk, right?"

"Yes, the boss doesn't know, so you think we don't know either? As long as the boss agrees, he can directly increase your attack power. Are you trying to take advantage of this opportunity?"

"Eh?���Is that so?" The vampire lady who was exposed in public stuck out her tongue playfully,"I was just half asleep, so I forgot! Hey!"

"So I said hey you are a ghost!"X2

"Oh my god!"

Looking at the cute expression of the vampire lady, Li Youfeng with his neck exposed felt that he was like a fool at the moment. What kind of master gives birth to what kind of elf!?

Li Youfeng, whose mentality was already a little broken, was too lazy to complain at this time. He directly stretched out his left arm and said to the vampire lady:"I pay 100 LP points to temporarily increase the attack power of the lady!"

Li Youfeng LP2000>1900 vampire lady, attack power 700UP!

"Tsk~ Two annoying brats, they really ruined my good thing. I even put on the winning underwear. Now, isn’t it that even the lipstick that can attract men is in vain!"She cursed inwardly with some indignation in her heart. The face of the vampire lady was obviously a little aggrieved. She took out the rolled-up umbrella and poked the one-eyed white tiger stuck in the hole with resentment.


At the moment when the one-eyed white tiger was smashed into pieces by the vampire lady, her special ability was also activated at this time.

""Resurrect as my most loyal follower, one-eyed white tiger!"


In a blood-colored mist, the huge body of the one-eyed white tiger slowly condensed.

Just like in the official duel, all monsters defeated by the vampire lady will become her servants without exception.

After a brief communication with the one-eyed white tiger, the vampire lady immediately said to Li Youfeng with a look of credit on her face:"Husband, you guessed right.

This monster does know the location of the sacrificial hall.

We can ride on its body and rush through a secret passage.

I believe it should save a lot of time.


"What are we waiting for? Let’s set off immediately. By the way, once we get to the sacrificial hall, you all must hide. I don’t want others to know of your existence!"

"Don't worry, we all understand!" X3

Because the one-eyed white tiger was so huge, and the duel elves didn't weigh much, the one-eyed white tiger carried Li Youfeng and his party on its back and flew towards the sacrificial hall at an extremely fast speed.

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