At the same time, the Sacrifice Hall

"Hehe~ I didn't expect that you, the high and mighty Kaiba, would also be imprisoned one day!"

Demon - Death Satan (Attack 1400 Defense 1300), an intelligent duel monster designed by the five giants with great effort, is standing proudly in front of Kaiba Seto who is tied to the cross.

"Damn you, put me down if you have the guts, let's have a fair fight!"

The arrogant Kaiba Seto had never been mocked like this, and he immediately struggled desperately on the cross.

"Tsk tsk~ President Kaiba, I didn't expect you to be so childish!"

Stretching out his right index finger and shaking it left and right in front of Kaiba Seto, Death Satan let out a sinister laugh.

"Haima, you know what? The biggest difference between you and me is that I can recognize the reality. At least I won't be as stupid as you and fall into the trap of others."

"While I was endowed with high intelligence by the Big Five, I was also implanted with an order, which is to use all means to completely destroy you!"

"I finally set a trap to catch you. Do you think I would be as stupid as you and let you out to duel with me?"

"Haha~ stop dreaming!"

"You are a despicable and insidious villain. You are just like the Big Five. You have no honor as a duelist at all!"


Hearing the words of Death Satan, Kaiba Seto was completely enraged.

"The glory of a duelist? Oh no, Kaiba-kun, your words have deeply hurt my pure and fragile heart!"

"But it doesn’t matter (broken voice), because of your rude words I will kill you soon, and after another sacrifice is delivered, your soul will become a part of the Five Emperor Dragons and stay here forever!"

"You bastard, I won't let you go even if I become a ghost!"

As if he had heard something funny, Death Satan danced around, took off his hat and made an elegant gentleman's salute.

""Hippo, I~ Shit!"

Just when Death Satan thought he had won the game, something unexpected happened. A circular hole appeared under his feet.

The size of the hole seemed to be tailor-made for him. Death Satan, who was pretending to be cool, was caught off guard and fell directly into the hole.

"Damn it, who did this? Damn, what is this slime? Damn, I can't stand up!"

Lying straight at the bottom of the pit, Death Satan's forehead was instantly covered with cold sweat, just because he was firmly stuck by the slime at the bottom of the pit, facing up at this time. Except for the different position, the rest of the posture is exactly the same as Kaiba Seto who was tied to the cross.


This sudden change made Kaiba Seto slightly stunned. Just when he was wondering why there was such a big pit in front of him, a boy whom he hated but admired at the same time walked towards him with a smirk on his face.

"You Feng? Is that you?"

"Yo! Kaiba, good morning!"

Li Youfeng walked to Kaiba Seto with a gloating look. Looking at his current appearance, he couldn't help but teased:"President Kaiba, I didn't expect that you believe in Jesus. Do you have to be so pious that you even tied yourself to the cross!"

"You damn bastard, are you blind?"

Several veins popped up on his forehead instantly. Kaiba Seto wanted to beat up the bitch in front of him, and Li Youfeng had successfully diverted Kaiba Seto's hatred without realizing it. As if he didn't hear Kaiba's roar, Li Youfeng turned his head and looked at the bottom of the pit below.

"Haha~ I didn’t expect that, Death Satan, you who were just pretending to be cool would end up being a prisoner one day!"

"You are Li Youfeng? Impossible, how did you find this place?"

Looking at Li Youfeng's face that was constantly smiling sinisterly, Death Satan said, who the hell is the villain between us?

"Tsk tsk~ Death Satan, huh? I didn't expect you, who are so intelligent, to be so childish. You want to kill people and set fires, oh no, to be chivalrous, but if you can't even find the door, what's the point of doing that?"

Listening to these very familiar words, Death Satan said that he was already a little bit broken at this time.

"Damn bastard, if you have the guts, let me out of the pit and let’s have a fair duel!"

"Tsk tsk~ Satan, you know what? The biggest difference between you and me is that I can recognize the reality. At least I won't be as stupid as you to fall into the trap of others when pretending to be cool!"

"Now that I've set a trap and caught you, do you think I would be as stupid as you and let you out to duel with me?"

"Hehehe~ Stop dreaming!"

""What the hell! What's going on with this severe sense of déjà vu?"

Hearing these extremely familiar words, not only Kaiba Seto had a black line on his face, but even Death Satan below the pit also had a mental breakdown. The fear of death surged into his heart. As an intelligent monster, Death Satan, who was about to evolve into a duel elf, didn't want to lose his life so easily.

With a flash of inspiration, Death Satan suddenly opened his mouth and shouted at Li Youfeng:"Li Youfeng, you despicable and insidious villain, you actually set a trap to plot against me, and you are still a duelist, you have absolutely no honor!"

As a duel monster, Death Satan knew very well that these human duelists valued honor even more than their own lives. With an attitude of giving it a try, he decisively used provocation against Li Youfeng.

However, what Death Satan did not expect was that he still underestimated the shamelessness of Li Youfeng as a person from the underworld.

Looking back to the past, when he, Li Youfeng, was dominating the duel arena, because of all kinds of autistic routines that emerged one after another, I don’t know how many duelists were hospitalized because of him. What’s more, some even wanted to unite those victims to hunt down Li Youfeng!

Therefore, for these meaningless words that Death Satan said at this moment, Li Youfeng said that this was only pediatrics.

Picking his nostrils, Li Youfeng flicked his snot into the pit, and said with a sinister smile:"The glory of a duelist? Oh no, Mr. Satan, your words have deeply hurt my pure and fragile heart!"

"But it doesn't matter (broken voice), because of your rude words, I decided to release President Kaiba now to kill you!"

Yes, during the few minutes of arguing with Death Satan, Keipi, who saw Li Youfeng had contacted Kaiba Seto in the real world, decisively transmitted the card deck he used through the game terminal.

Knowing that Li Youfeng had successfully rescued Kaiba, not only Izayoi Kaoru breathed a sigh of relief, but Kaiba Keipi was so excited that he cheered directly in the terminal room.

After reinstalling the deck on his left arm, Kaiba Seto walked to the side of the pit with a sneer, looking at Death Satan lying at the bottom of the pit, unable to move, Kaiba Seto mercilessly summoned the Blue-Eyes White Dragon

"Death Satan, go to hell and reflect on yourself!"

"The explosive gust of wind of destruction!"


After a scream, Death Satan fell into the sticky hole and couldn't dodge at all. He was directly blasted by the Blue-Eyes White Dragon to pieces.

"Humph! You Feng, you are such a nosy guy. Although you saved me, don't expect me to thank you. You should know very well that the person I want to kill more than Death Satan is actually you!"

"Yes, yes, I understand!"

Li Youfeng, who knew the character of the Seahorse president, naturally did not take this sentence seriously, but just spread his hands perfunctorily.

"What an annoying bastard!"

After glaring at Li Youfeng fiercely, Kaiba Seto turned around and said:"You↗Feng↘, remember this, after this matter is over, it's time to settle the grudge between you and me! Now, I still have a debt to settle with the Big Five, so don't hold me back!"

After saying this, Kaiba Seto ran towards the door of the sacrificial hall without looking back.

Seeing the murderous look of the resurrected Kaiba Seto, Li Youfeng knew that he would probably have nothing to do with the subsequent plot. He looked down at the deck on his left arm, smiled faintly, and hurriedly chased after Kaiba Seto.

Just as Li Youfeng expected, Kaiba Seto, who had suffered a loss once, was like a Saint Seiya at this time. After all, he even said the classic line"The same move cannot be used on me twice".

After destroying the Dragon Clan's Sealed Pot, President Kaiba not only released the sealed Bai Jia, He beat those blue-clothed ninjas like chopping melons and vegetables.

Seeing those blue-clothed ninjas being knocked down, Li Youfeng felt an indescribable stomachache, because he really couldn't understand how President Kaiba was caught here by such a scum monster with only 300 points of attack and defense?

Just like in the original story, when Yami Yugi dressed as a brave man brought Jonouchi and Peacock Dance to the last base of the Big Five,"Dark Castle", a white laser suddenly shot down from the top of the castle, and as the head of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon stretched out from the passage opened by the laser, an agile figure also jumped down from the passage.

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon! It's Kaiba!" Seeing that Kaiba Seto appeared in front of them safely, Yami Yugi and the others shouted in surprise.

However, seeing that Kaiba Seto appeared here alone, Jonouchi immediately asked with a serious face:"It's strange, Kaiba, why are you alone, didn't you see You Feng?"


With a cold snort of disdain, Kaiba pointed his finger at the top of his head. Yami Yugi, Jonouchi and Kongquewu looked in the direction Kaiba pointed, and saw a disheveled figure holding onto the head of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon and refusing to let go.

"Is that You Feng?"

"Yes, that's right, it's him!"

"What happened to him?"

Just when everyone was puzzled, Li Youfeng also cursed without caring about his image!

"Haiba, you bastard! You jumped down from a three-story building. Do you think anyone can do the same? Damn it! I can’t hold on any longer. Help me!"

"Ha! You are just a rat after all. You are so scared of such a small height. In this case, let me help you."

(Kaiba Seto: I have already skipped 50 floors, let alone a mere 3 floors?)

With a slight sneer, Kaiba Seto directly canceled the summons of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Without support, Li Youfeng screamed and fell directly from the roof.


"Ouch, it hurts so much!"

Although you won't die when you have health points in this game, you will still feel the pain. Knowing that Kaiba might be taking the opportunity to retaliate against him, Li Youfeng, who was holding his butt, could only swallow this loss with a frustrated look on his face.

Seeing Li Youfeng being humiliated, Kaiba seemed to be in a much better mood. At this time, at the top of the central stairs of Dark City, the laughter of one of the five giants suddenly came.

"Humph, it's a pity you guys can come here!"

After hearing the voice, Kaiba sneered and said,"Heh, your plan to use me as a sacrifice failed, so the mouse finally couldn't help but show up?"

"Kaiba Seto, why are you here?"After hearing Kaiba's voice, the five giants were obviously shaken.

"Don't worry about how I appeared. Anyway, this way, the legendary Five Emperors Dragon cannot be resurrected. I won this game!" He declared victory with confidence, but the response from Kaiba was the cold sneers of the five giants.

"Stop dreaming!"



Accompanied by the laughter of the five giants, the dark city suddenly transformed into a space composed of a data network. A black mist gushed out from the end of the electronic network and then turned into a terrifying monster with five dragon heads.

Five Emperors Dragon (Attack Power 5000 Defense Power 4000)

"This is the legendary Five Emperors Dragon?"

Because they had never seen a monster with such a strong attack power, except for Li Youfeng who looked calm, An Yugi and others were all shocked by the powerful aura of the Five Emperors Dragon.

"This is too despicable. According to the rules of the game, the Five Emperor Dragons cannot be resurrected!" Seeing that the five giants were openly cheating, Jonouchi was the first to express his dissatisfaction.

"Haha, after all, a wonderful game always has an unexpected ending, right, Seto Kaiba?"

The president said that he couldn't stand being mocked by the Big Five.

"I see. It seems that you are also prepared to die!"

"In that case, we accept this duel!"

As soon as he said this, Yami Yugi and Kaiba looked at each other, and then the four of them shouted the classic battle slogan.


Yes, you read that right. Except for Li Youfeng who was hiding at the back of the team with a calm face, the remaining four people all looked full of fighting spirit.

"Phew! Finally, I have nothing to do next!"

Seeing Yugi and the others entering the duel state with the five giants, Li Youfeng, who had been a nanny to this extent, said that his merits were fulfilled this time.

Especially when he saw that Peacock Dance was invalidated by the Dragon Tribe's Sanctuary because of summoning the Condor Girl, Li Youfeng nodded happily. After all, he didn't have any dragon monster cards on him. For Li Youfeng, who was unwilling to expose the duel elves, it was actually understandable that he was so blatant.

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