Just like the original story, after knowing that they could only summon dragon monsters in the place where they were, An Yugi and the others summoned the Cursed Dragon, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon, and Condor Pet Dragon.

Seeing the classic confrontation between the two sides, Li Youfeng consciously hid at the back of the crowd and ate melon seeds. However, just when he thought he was safe, he heard the five giants suddenly say something that he didn't expect.

"Damn you Li Youfeng, it's because of you, a rat in the gutter, that our plan has been messed up. Please leave first!"

As the five giants spoke, a dragon head burning with flames aimed directly at Li Youfeng and spewed out a huge pillar of fire. Li Youfeng was almost scared to death when he saw this scene. What's even more outrageous is that the scene in the original novel where Jonouchi sacrificed himself to save him did not happen to him. Instead, the latter showed a look of"I believe you can handle it"!

This is fucking ridiculous!

Although this is just a world in a movie, after seeing the bad planning of a certain black-hearted divine domain, Li Youfeng said that he would never dare to gamble with his life again after dying once.

Although in the original anime, Jonouchi, the peacock dance and Guiping was resurrected by Princess Meiyali, but who can guarantee that such a thing will definitely happen to him?

After all, he did not come from a legitimate background!

Throwing away the melon seeds in his hand in a hurry, Li Youfeng directly took out a trap card from the deck in his arm. Almost at the moment when he showed the trap card, the attack of the Five Emperors Dragon happened to hit him!


A violent explosion sounded, and after a cloud of dust dissipated, in accordance with the absolute theorem of smoke without injury, Li Youfeng was seen standing intact in the same place, sweating profusely, and the powerlessness of the attack in his hand was slowly turning into starlight and dissipating.

"Yo! I told you that You Feng would never be killed so easily!"

"Haha, Jonouchi, I didn't expect that we would think of the same thing."

"Really? Mai-chan, it seems like we two are really compatible!"

"Damn, what are you talking about! I just find it hard to imagine Chuyou Feng being killed by someone, that's all, it has nothing to do with you or anything!"

""Hey~ Don't say that, Mai-chan!"

Looking at the flirting between Jonouchi and Kongquewu, Li Youfeng, who was shivering constantly, said that he was about to curse.

"Oh, so the reason you didn’t save me is because of your mysterious trust in me?"

"I really want to thank you all eight generations of ancestors!"

Just when Li Youfeng was suppressing his grievances and cursing in his heart, something even more outrageous happened again!

President Kaiba:"Humph~ It's really a cockroach, it's tough, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon has launched an attack!"

Dark Game:"You Feng, I really didn't misjudge you, the Cursed Dragon has launched an attack!"

The Five Emperors Dragon was attacked by the Blue-Eyes White Dragon and the Cursed Dragon, and the attacks were invalid!

The Five Giants:"Humble bug, die obediently!" The

Five Emperors Dragon attacked Li Youfeng again, and the latter launched the Messenger of Peace.

The Five Giants said that they were a little bit broken.

President Kaiba:"Damn, why is the Blue-Eyes White Dragon's attack ineffective!"

Dark Game:"Seahorse, this won't work. I heard that only the most ultimate warrior and the most ultimate dragon in the legend can be combined to completely defeat the Five Emperors Dragon!"

The Five Emperors Dragon was attacked by the True Red-Eyes Dark Iron Dragon and the Condor Pet Dragon, and the attacks were invalid!

The Five Giants:"Is this bastard a cockroach? So tenacious?!"

The Five Emperors Dragon attacked Li Youfeng again, and the latter used the Holy Life Shield!

The five giants said that their mentality had collapsed a little!

President Kaiba:"What? You want me to join forces with you? Don't be kidding! I can defeat the five giants by myself! The Blue-Eyes White Dragon attacked!""

Yan Yugi:"Kaiba! Don't be stubborn anymore, the Five Emperors Dragon is not something you can defeat by yourself, quickly summon the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!""

President Kaiba:"Wulu Sai! You are not qualified to order me, and I don't need your power!"

The Five Emperors Dragon was attacked by the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and the attack was invalid!

The five giants:"Damn it, I don't believe you can dodge it this time!"

The Five Emperors Dragon attacked Li Youfeng again, and the latter used the absorption barrier.

The five giants said that they were a little numb at this moment.

Li Youfeng LP1900>6900.

The five giants:"Oh my god! This Nima~ How come the health value is getting more and more?"

The five giants said that they were really numb this time!

Looking at Seto Kaiba who was still arguing with Yami Yugi and the trap card in his hand that was slowly dissipating, Li Youfeng, who was sweating profusely, said that he was really a little angry at this moment!

It seems that the Five Emperor Dragons are not hitting you, so you are so unscrupulous, right?


Li Youfeng walked in front of Seto Kaiba with gritted teeth, raised his hand and punched him in the face!

Grabbing Seto Kaiba's collar, Li Youfeng looked at the equally angry President Kaiba and roared:"You bastard, do you know that in the real world, Keipi is risking his life to protect your body, and it doesn't matter if you die, do you want Keipi to be buried with you?"

Yes, for the extremely arrogant President Kaiba, he can ignore the life and death of others, but he will never ignore the safety of Kaiba Keipi.

However, just when there was an obvious wavering in Kaiba Seto's eyes, the attack of the Five Emperor Dragons came again!

The Five Giants:"I'm going to fight you today, I don't believe I can't kill you!"

"Damn it! These five old bastards are so shameless, do you want to���Why are you targeting me maliciously?!"

Knowing that he must not lose Kaiba Seto at this time, Li Youfeng gritted his teeth and stood in front of Kaiba Seto!


""Shit! Am I being sarcastic? I can't even be a bystander!"

An explosion sounded, and Li Youfeng, who had no means of defense, was hit hard. Li Youfeng screamed in pain and was blown away involuntarily!

The five giants:"Yeah~! Although I didn't kill the cockroach, I feel so relieved for some reason. Why?""

(I don’t know if you guys have this feeling of spiritual enlightenment when you are suppressed by the underworld man and then suddenly turn the tables. I do! )

Li Youfeng LP6900>1900!

""You Feng!" X3

Seeing that Li You Feng actually took the blow, Yami Yugi and the others immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

Kaiba Seto, who was saved by Li You Feng's body, widened his eyes in disbelief. After gritting his teeth, he directly threw out the other two Blue-Eyes White Dragons from the deck!

"Cross the boundaries of space and time and show your most powerful figure!"

"Come on!"

"Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!"

"Game, although I don’t know what you are going to do, the rest is left to you!"

"Don't worry, Kaiba, I won't let you down!"

Without any hesitation, Yami Yugi decisively used Fusion after summoning the Chaos Warrior.

"Go! Chaos Warriors!"

"Fusion Summon!"

"Ultimate Dragon Knight!" (Attack 5000 Defense 4000)

"The special effect of Ultra Dragon Knight is activated, and this card's attack power increases by the number of all Dragon-Type monsters x 1000!"

Ultimate Dragon Knight's attack power 9000 UP!

(This is the original effect of the anime. In fact, the effect of this card is that the attack power increases by the number of Dragon-Type monsters on your field except this card x 500. Don't keep wondering why I wrote this here. If you really don't understand, go and read the anime yourself!)

"Big Five, this game is over. In front of the legendary dragon knight, even the Five Emperors Dragon is powerless!"

After hearing An Yugi pointing at the Five Emperors Dragon and declaring victory, Li Youfeng, who was lying on the ground spewing black smoke, only felt a familiar BGM sound in his ears. However, just when he thought he would be able to win this time, an accident happened again.

""Hmph! Yugi, do you think we didn't expect this to happen?"

A sneer came out of the Five Emperors Dragon's mouth, and then in everyone's surprised eyes, they saw that the Five Emperors Dragon's attack power actually soared to 10,000 points!

"Ten thousand attack points? Are you kidding me!"

"Is this the true power of the Five Emperor Dragons?"

"Yugi, you said you would not let me down. Is this what you call the strongest warrior?"

"Impossible? Why is this happening?"

Looking at the Five Emperors Dragon with an attack power of 10,000 points, Dark Yugi was also in a state of confusion.

"Hey, let me tell you the truth!" At this time, the five giants also began their own explanation,"The special effect of the Five Emperors Dragon is that when there are other dragon monsters on the field whose attack power exceeds it, it can double its attack power only once per round!"

"How about it, President Kaiba, in front of such a powerful monster, are you already beginning to feel desperate? Hahaha!"

"Damn, is this the end?"

Cold sweat dripped slowly from everyone's face, and An Yuzhi was even more incredulous. Just when everyone was in despair, Li Youfeng slowly got up from the ground.

Step by step, he walked to An Yuzhi's side, and Li Youfeng put his hand on An Yuzhi's shoulder. His face was terribly gloomy at this time, and his eyes were filled with indelible anger!


Li Youfeng was completely angry at this time!

For a netherworld player like him who is not very good at bullshitting, the most unacceptable thing is that when he is in a stable win, he is actually bullied by the opponent. It

's okay for the five giants to control the five emperors to beat me all the time. After all, I know who I am. Now they actually want to bullshit themselves. Where do you put Li Youfeng's face? Where do you put the face of all the seniors in the netherworld? You really don't have any face at all, and you just start playing village rules for me, right?

(Brothers, do you still remember the true usage of the card Blood Compensation?)

Just like Li Youfeng's belief, we, the players of the Great Underworld, don't care about winning or losing the duel, but this doesn't mean that we don't have a temper, so that we can accept such a cowardly defeat!

Li Youfeng suddenly raised his head and said in a cold tone:"Peacock Dance, Castle, take back your monsters!"

"You Feng, if you do this, the attack power of the Ultimate Dragon Knight will be reduced!"

"In the city, do as You Feng says!"

Ultimate Dragon Knight's attack power 9000 > 7000

"Haha, you actually took the initiative to reduce the attack power of your monsters. Have you given up? But that's right, after all, doing this can also reduce your pain, right?"

Knowing what Li Youfeng might have planned, Peacock Dance quickly interrupted Jonouchi and ignored the ridicule of the five giants. Just after the two took back the monsters, Li Youfeng suddenly showed a magic card from his hand!

Lonely Poison Sword!

That's the name of this card!

(Li Youfeng: My entire deck only has five monster cards, so it makes sense to bring a Lone Poison Sword.)

"I equip the Lonely Poison Sword to the Ultimate Dragon Knight!"

"Game, the rest is up to you, just blast this bastard into pieces!"

"You Feng!"Looking at Li You Feng's eyes, An Yugi nodded heavily.

"Ultimate Dragon Knight, attacks!"

"Galaxy Smashing Slash!"

"The effect of the Lonely Poison Sword is activated, and the Ultimate Dragon Knight's attack power is doubled!"

Ultimate Dragon Knight's attack power is 14000 UP!

"What? Fourteen thousand attack points? No, that's impossible!"


Panicked, the five giants were completely panicked after seeing the attack power of the Ultimate Dragon Knight. After a miserable cry, the Five Emperor Dragons were finally smashed into pieces by the Ultimate Dragon Knight.

Explosions followed, and the space composed of electronic networks collapsed. Just like in the original book, the feet of Li Youfeng and others were suddenly empty, and they fell into endless darkness.

The only difference was that this time the screams changed from two people to four people. As for Li Youfeng, who did not shout, he had already cursed his father in his heart. The warm sunlight sprinkled on the faces of Yugi and others. Amid cheers, An Yugi and others slowly opened their eyes. His eyes were opened. As for Li Youfeng, the only one who was not unconscious, he was talking to Princess Meiyali.

The story was actually very simple. When Li Youfeng fell into darkness, he secretly called out the Blue Phoenix God through Nephthys's connector. This dark space was actually a transmission channel. When Li Youfeng came back to his senses, he was already in Princess Meiyali's kingdom.

Through the introduction of the connector, Li Youfeng learned that Princess Meiyali's true identity was also a duel elf. After instructing Princess Meiyali not to reveal the fact that she had a duel elf to Yugi and others, this scene happened later.

"Wow! You all woke up pretty quickly!"

Seeing that An Yugi and the others had woken up, Li Youfeng smiled and waved to everyone.

"You Feng? Haha, everyone is safe, that's great!"

"What do you think, Youxi? I told you long ago that it was the right thing to arrest You Feng!"

"Jonouchi, you still have the nerve to talk? I'm afraid you are the most useless one in the whole process!"

"Eh? Mai-chan, you can't say that to me. After all, I did play a role, for example, I pushed You Feng into the game cabin!"

""Haha, if you say so, you have really done a great deed!"

Just as everyone was talking and laughing, Princess Mei Yali resurrected the elf Ellie who died in the battle, and opened the passage to the real world.

With a gloomy face, Kaiba Seto walked towards Li Youfeng and said coldly:"You↗Feng↘! Do you remember what I said to you in the sacrificial hall? I will remember the account of this punch for you. When I return to the real world, I will return it to you double!"

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