
Seeing that Kaiba seemed to be about to attack Li Youfeng, An Yugi quickly stepped forward to explain:"Youfeng has no ill will towards you, we are all comrades who have fought side by side together!"

""Humph! Companions? Are you kidding me!"

Turning around and looking at Yami Yugi with a cold smile, Kaiba Seto said in a very disdainful tone:"Yugi, don't get me wrong! I summoned the Ultimate Dragon for Keipi, otherwise what does your life and death have to do with me? And don't forget, the so-called legendary monster in your mouth finally relied on the power of You Feng and me to defeat the Five Emperors Dragon, so strictly speaking, I don't owe you anything!"

"It's just that you came to this world because of Guiping's request. For Guiping's sake, I reluctantly remember this favor. If there is a chance, I will definitely repay it!"

As if thinking of something, the seahorse that walked to the entrance of the passage suddenly stopped.

"Game, I have another question, how do you know there is a monster like Ultimate Knight?"

"Kaiba, I didn't know there was a monster like Ultimate Dragon Knight." Yami Yugi smiled faintly,"But for the card, as long as you believe in it, it will definitely respond to us!"

"Kaiba, at that time, didn't you also believe in your own cards?"

"Humph, boring!"

With a thoughtful snort, Seto Kaiba turned around and disappeared at the end of the passage.

Listening to this extremely classic nonsense dialogue, Li Youfeng said that he was completely numb!

So in the final analysis, this is the fundamental reason why President Kaiba will always lose to Yami Yugi.

The matter of the Big Five has been completely settled. Through this lesson, Seto Kaiba, who has returned to the real world, is also determined to completely eliminate these pests. As for what method he will use, that is not what Li Youfeng has to worry about.

After waking up from the game cabin, Li Youfeng saw his boss at first sight. For some reason, he always felt that Izayoi Kaoru seemed to have done something bad to him during his entry into the game, because her little face looked flushed, but unfortunately, he had no solid evidence.

Jonouchi still looked heartless. He was very impressed by Honda, especially when he heard that Honda had knocked down Saruwatari and three other bodyguards all by himself to protect them. He kept praising Honda's fighting skills as half as good as when he was six years old.

Myoyuki was still the same. He basically believed whatever anyone said. He was completely different from the duel arena. However, Li Youfeng was very keen to notice that when Jonouchi and Myoyuki were praising Honda, Honda seemed to be evasive in his eyes. As for

Kaiba Keipi, when Li Youfeng and the others woke up, he turned around and ran away under the pretext of being worried about Kaiba. For some reason, Li Youfeng always felt that this kid was not telling the truth. After all, he ran away too quickly. It felt like he was running for his life.

Ten days passed in a flash, and Li Youfeng returned to his peaceful life. Normal life, since Rebecca gave the Blue-Eyes White Dragon back to Yugi, this card was naturally taken back to the Lavender Game Store by Izayoi Kaoru in the name of borrowing.

In addition, the news that Li Youfeng won the Duel Kingdom Tournament championship has been fermenting, so that the number of customers who come to the Lavender Game Store to buy card packs has gradually increased during this period.

Although there are no chattering duel elves around him, for Li Youfeng, he does not feel lonely because he already knows and confirms the existence of the duel elves, because Li Youfeng knows that even if he can't talk to himself, his bound elves are still living in his cards.

President Kaiba, who always talks about revenge, should be too busy these days to pay attention to Li Youfeng. After all, according to the original plot, the Duel City chapter will begin soon. With Kaiba Given the president's personality, if he wants revenge, he probably won't do it so easily without being fully prepared. Moreover, the cost of losing the duel with Li Youfeng is too high. Before he knew it, President Kaiba even felt that his blood pressure was a little unstable.

Since today happened to be Saturday, the business of the Lavender Game Store became busy again. Even though Izayoi Kaoru, who didn't have to go to class, had no time to spare. Even on her days off, she had to return to the Izayoi family to learn the medical skills passed down by her ancestors. After all, the Izayoi Group started out by relying on medicine, and such a family must have some family heritage that is never passed on to others.

It is worth mentioning that five days ago, a green-eyed boy with long black hair and a headscarf came to challenge Li Youfeng, and kept saying that the game he created was much more interesting than Duel Monsters, and he had to drag Li Youfeng to try it out.

After being politely rejected by Li Youfeng on the grounds that he still had to look after the store, this guy actually stayed in the game store and refused to leave.

Actually, it was not a big deal, but what was infuriating was that while the teenager threatened to completely defeat Li Youfeng with Duel Monsters, he also rudely drove away other customers who came to buy card packs, which completely pissed off Li Youfeng! For such a foolish young man, Li Youfeng said that he must be baptized by the Great Underworld Flow, so after a 30-second duel, Li Youfeng finally drove the teenager out of the Lavender Game Store.

Seeing the teenager squatting at the door of the Lavender Game Store with a dull face, Li Youfeng, who had wandered for a whole day, couldn't bear it, so he found a relatively large porcelain bowl from the game store and placed it in front of him. It was not until sunset that the teenager finally came back to his senses from his decadence. After he put the porcelain bowl in front of him and the change in it into his arms with a frustrated look, he shook his head and slowly left here.

When he was cleaning up the signboard at night, Li Youfeng realized that the young man had already left. However, when he saw that this idiot had even taken away the porcelain bowl, he immediately condemned the idiot's ungrateful behavior with a look of resentment.

Later, Li Youfeng heard that this idiot had gone to pick a fight with Yugi and others. Jonouchi was treated as a servant and played with for a whole day because of his carelessness. It was not until Yugi took action that they reconciled. It is said that they became very good friends. Li Youfeng did not know until today that this idiot was actually the founder of DDM, Ogaryuu!

(The original plot of Ogaryuu is completely different from the anime and comics. You just need to understand it and don't worry too much.)

Li Youfeng was also surprised to know the truth. As mentioned earlier, although Li Youfeng knew the original plot of Yugi-Oh, it did not mean that he could recognize all the characters in it.

You have to know that the real world is completely different from anime. In addition, this guy has a common face that doesn't recognize anyone. Without introducing himself, Li Youfeng, who is busy and exhausted every day, has no time to pay attention to who he is.

"Welcome to Lavender Game Shop!"

"Um~Hello, are you Mr. Li Youfeng?"

"Uh, yes, it's me. You~who is that again?"

At noon, just when Li Youfeng was about to go cook, a sweet-looking girl with long brown hair suddenly walked into the Lavender Game Store. After confirming that the boy dressed as a waiter was Li Youfeng, the girl walked to Li Youfeng in a somewhat reserved manner and bowed deeply.

"Mr. You Feng, I came to see you today. My brother told me that it was your help that cured my eyes, so I have always wanted to come and thank you in person."

"Your brother? You are Jonouchi's sister?"

Hearing the girl say this, Li Youfeng immediately reacted. When he went to the Duel Kingdom before, he did ask his boss to help heal Jonouchi's sister, but after all, he had never seen what Shizuka looked like, so after so much time, he had long forgotten about it.

(Please be sensible when talking to me about anime. You have watched live-action movies adapted from anime. Think carefully about whether the characters in the anime movies you have watched are exactly the same as the real people in reality!)

"Yes, my name is Kawai Shizuka, Mr. Youfeng, I heard from my brother that you spent a lot of money to help me treat my illness, so I want to……"

"Stop! Stop it!" Li Youfeng waved his hand quickly to stop Kawai Shizuka, and said with a smile,"Sister Shizuka, I help you because Jonouchi and I are good friends, and I have the ability to do so, so I will lend you a helping hand. You are so distant, that's putting the cart before the horse!"

Li Youfeng, who has obtained 10% of the shares of the Illusion Society, can now be said to be an invisible rich man. Not long after returning from the Duel Kingdom, Li Youfeng secretly paid the medical expenses to the hospital that treated Shizuka.

Izayoi Kaoru, who learned about this, had a big quarrel with Li Youfeng for this, which made Li Youfeng unable to understand why his boss suddenly got so angry.

"But I still want to do something for you, otherwise I will feel bad."

"Haha, I've already told you not to be so polite. You are Jonouchi's sister, so you are naturally my sister. Don't take this little thing to heart."

Hearing Li Youfeng's words, Kawai Shizuka immediately asked shyly,"Can I call you Brother Youfeng?""

"Of course!"

Li Youfeng nodded generously and said with a smile:"Sister Jingxiang, you probably haven't eaten yet at noon. It just so happens that you can help me watch the store for a while. I'll go to the kitchen in the back to cook, and you can stay here and eat together at noon."

"How can this be possible? Brother You Feng, you should take a rest. Let me cook."

"No need, sister Shizuka should know that I am Chinese. Chinese men don't have the habit of letting women enter the kitchen. Besides, I am not used to eating the food of Sakura Country. You just need to help me look after the store. I will let you taste our Chinese home-cooked dishes at noon today."

Seeing Li Youfeng's insistence, Kawai Shizuka stopped arguing. After smiling at Li Youfeng, she sat down next to the billboard of the game store very obediently.

The reason why she came at noon was that Kawai Shizuka originally planned to invite Li Youfeng out for dinner. Seeing that Li Youfeng insisted on cooking by himself, Kawai Shizuka was a little disappointed, but she couldn't help but start looking forward to it again.

You know, although it is a world that has traveled to another world, the humanistic thoughts of this world's Sakura Country are not much different from the world that Li Youfeng originally came from.

Although it is a world where playing cards is respected, Sakura Country is still dominated by men. Even if female duelists have good skills, they usually take the initiative to take on the responsibility after marriage. To do the chores of housework.

Men in Sakura Country rarely do housework, so at this moment, Li Youfeng is undoubtedly an outlier in the eyes of Kawai Shizuka.

It's just that this outlier really pleases her.

Although he was a otaku in his previous life, but from a general rational point of view, basically every man in China has a few specialties. I dare not say that they are too advanced dishes, but they will definitely not starve themselves.

Looking at the stir-fried dishes that have just come out of the pot, Li Youfeng can't help but think of the past, and wants to buy some osmanthus flowers and wine...


I've gone off topic!

After putting the four stir-fried dishes on the table in the dining room, Li Youfeng walked to the front hall while wiping his hands. Looking at Kawai Shizuka who had just sent away a few customers, Li Youfeng smiled and said,"Sister Shizuka, I've prepared the meal.���Come and have dinner with me"

""Well, thank you, Brother Youfeng. I'm sorry to bother you."

A blush flashed across her delicate face. Kawai Shizuka lowered her head a little embarrassedly and followed Li Youfeng into the dining room.

However, what Li Youfeng didn't know was that at this moment, a black luxury car with the Izayoi family emblem printed on it stopped at the door of the Lavender Game Store.

A red-haired girl in a casual long skirt jumped out of the luxury car in a hurry, her purple-red eyes full of anxiety.

"Oh, Uncle Chongshan, I told you to drive faster but you kept dawdling. Look at what time it is now!"

Looking at Izayoi Kaoru, who was carrying two bags of food and looked a little resentful, the old butler Chongshan Wu smiled bitterly.

""My dear lady, I ran a red light all the way here, so I'm bound to get a ticket when I go back. Besides, isn't it too conspicuous for you to rush back in such a hurry? I think the master and the mistress are a little unhappy."

Hearing the old housekeeper's words, Ishiya's face turned red, and she smiled a little embarrassedly. Ishiya's face turned red in front of the old housekeeper.

"Uncle Chongshan~ I have no other choice. You Feng is usually lazy. If I don’t cook for him, he might just eat instant noodles again."

"Besides, you don’t know that You Feng is a very different person now. Just take the cost of the surgery he performed on Jonouchi’s sister some time ago. That is not something that ordinary people can afford!"

"He stayed at the Lavender Game Store because he had nowhere else to go, but who knew he would actually win the Duel Kingdom Championship. Although I don’t understand You Feng’s current thoughts, I think he definitely doesn’t care about the salary I give him. If I don’t treat him better, I’m really afraid he will leave the game store."

(Li Youfeng: You're wrong. I really care about that little bit of salary!)

"Oh? I didn't expect that our little princess of the Izayoi family actually has someone she likes."Looking at Izayoi's shy look, Shigeyama Satoru also showed a gratified smile,"Well, I will try my best to deal with the master and the lady, and you have to rely on yourself as for the young lady."

"Got it!"

Smiling sweetly at Shigeyama Satoru, Izayoi Kaoru skipped back to the Lavender Game Shop. However, when she opened the door of the dining room and found Li Youfeng eating and laughing with a girl she had never seen before, and putting a piece of braised pork into the girl's bowl, Izayoi Kaoru's happy smile froze on her face instantly!

"Li Youfeng! I’m going to kill you!!!"

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