"Thief Keith!"

Li Youfeng suddenly shouted, while awkwardly pulling out his right leg that was stuck in the door panel, he pointed at the duel arena and shouted:"You have been surrounded by us, just surrender if you know what's good for you! Oh my god, Jonouchi, Honda, what are you two doing? My leg is stuck, come and save me!"

"Honda, you help You Feng, I'll go stop that guy!"

"Leave it to me!"

Seeing Li Youfeng's unlucky look, Honda and Jonouchi looked at each other awkwardly. After assigning their respective targets to be rescued, Jonouchi rushed to the duel arena.

""Damn it! My head hurts! Ah, stop! Stop now, Millennium Block! It's all your fault, it's all your fault!"

Unfortunately, for the thief Keith who had already touched the Millennium Block, Jonouchi was still a little slow. In full view of everyone, Keith picked up the Millennium Block and smashed it hard on the metal plate under the duel console!

Table Game:"Stop! No!"



(Dark Game:"My fucking block is broken!")

With the sound of metal fragments flying, the Millennium Block turned into a pile of parts without any suspense. Seeing that the thief Keith dared to break the most precious thing of the game, the furious Jonouchi punched Keith directly.

"You bastard, I won't forgive you!"

"Ah! Stop! My head hurts, stop it, get out of my way!"


"Oh my god!"

The imagined scene of Keith being knocked down by Jonouchi did not appear. Instead, Jonouchi, who was worried about stepping on the fragments of the thousand-year-old building blocks, was accidentally hit in the face by Keith's fist.

After a strange cry, Jonouchi fell off the ring with a grunt.

""Jounouchi!" Honda, who had just pulled Li Youfeng out of the broken door panel, was also furious when he saw his friend being beaten."Let me, Killer King Kong Honda, meet you!"

After shouting, Honda immediately rushed towards Keith. In order not to repeat Jonouchi's mistake, Honda was very careful to keep a certain distance from the irrational Keith. However, just when the two were wrestling with each other, an accident suddenly occurred.


With a crisp sound, a piece of wood hit Keith's back of the head hard, and this well-timed attack just knocked Keith down on the duel ring.

"Good opportunity, hold him down quickly!"

Seeing Li Youfeng casually throw the half of the wooden board in his hand away, Honda didn't know that all this was done by this old man. Seeing that Keith was still struggling painfully on the ring, Honda immediately pressed on him decisively.

"Honda! Do you have any rope? Tie him up!"

"Shit, where can I find a rope for you in this situation?"

"Then knock him out!"

Since the thief Keith was so strong, Li Youfeng and Honda quickly pressed their bodies on him. Seeing this, Jonouchi, who had just climbed up from the bottom of the duel arena, also hurriedly found some discarded hemp ropes from the corner of the warehouse.

"You Feng, Honda, hold him down for me, I found the rope!"

""Hurry up, this bastard is too strong, I can't hold him down!"

Seeing Jonouchi climbing up to the duel arena with a hemp rope, Li Youfeng and Honda, who were holding Keith's legs and hands respectively, also shouted hurriedly.

However, at this moment, Li Youfeng, who was in contact with Keith's body, the card pendant hanging in front of his chest, instantly burst into a strong white light that only he could see!

It was as if his soul had left his body. Li Youfeng only felt that he had fallen into a dark space in a trance. Before he could recover, he heard a surprised voice coming from the other side of his body.

"What? Impossible! How did you get here? Who are you?"

Looking in the direction of the voice, he saw a dark-skinned figure wearing a purple-black cloak standing not far from him.


Looking down at his slightly transparent hands and feet, Li Youfeng himself was also in a daze. However, before he could reply, he only heard the figure in the purple-black cloak slowly raising the golden cane in his hand towards him!

"Humph, Duel Kingdom Champion Li Youfeng? Although I don't know why you are here, but since you came here on your own, you can't blame me! Humble soul, obey my command and succumb to the power of the thousand-year-old tin staff!"

"Millennium Staff!? Malik!?"

Li Youfeng, who had not yet reacted, reacted instantly when he saw the golden staff. Especially when he remembered that the Millennium Staff had the special ability to control people's minds, Li Youfeng was immediately a little furious!

""Shit, what's going on? Why am I here? Isn't this a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth?"

Seeing the thousand-year-old tin staff reaching out to his forehead, Li Youfeng, who was unable to resist at all, was already sweating profusely. However, just when the thousand-year-old tin staff was about to touch Li Youfeng's soul, an accident happened again!


It was as if gasoline met a flame. A white flame burned along the thousand-year-old tin staff. The white flame burned very quickly. In just a blink of an eye, it quickly crawled all over Malik's body!

"Ah! What the hell is this? What's going on! Ah, it hurts! It hurts so much!"

"Huh?"Li Youfeng was completely stunned by the scene before his eyes and looked at Malik who was rolling on the ground.

"What's going on? What is this white flame?"

Although the white flame burned very fiercely, Malik's body did not show any abnormality. Instead, black gas continued to emerge from his body because of the burning of the flame.

Seeing this scene, Li Youfeng instantly understood that this magical white flame was harmless to humans and its effect was only on souls that had fallen into darkness.

"Damn it! Ah! It's so hot! It's burning me to death!"

The thousand-year-old tin staff in his hand was like a red-hot iron. Unable to endure the burning of the white flames, Malik had no choice but to throw away the thousand-year-old tin staff. The dark spell was instantly lifted when Malik threw away the thousand-year-old tin staff. The white flames seemed to have lost their target and returned to the card pendant on Li Youfeng's chest at a very fast speed.

A sharp feeling of weightlessness came, and before Li Youfeng could figure out what was going on, he was pulled back into his body by a powerful suction that seemed to have transcended time and space!


You Feng suddenly woke up from his daze and hugged Keith's legs tightly. He felt as if he had had a terrible nightmare.

At the same time, when his soul returned to his body, Keith, who was struggling violently, seemed to have exhausted all his strength and fainted.

""Oh my god!" Seeing the thief Keith suddenly motionless, Jonouchi, who was about to put him in a tortoise shell bind, was stunned for a moment,"Honda, I asked you to hold him down, but I didn't tell you to press him to death!"

"You fart!" Reaching out his hand in front of Keith's face, Honda immediately said unhappily:"He's just unconscious, don't scare me!"

At this moment, Biao Yugi on the duel console also ran down, looking at Li Youfeng who was still confused, Biao Yugi immediately asked worriedly:"Youfeng, how are you, are you okay?"

Shaking his head slowly, Li Youfeng said dazedly:"I'm fine, I just felt like I shivered just now."

Hearing this, Biao Yugi, Honda and Jonouchi were immediately surprised and retreated tactically:"What? Shiver? On Keith?!"

(Li Youfeng: I suspect that you three bastards are driving, but I have no evidence!)

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now!"

Li Youfeng waved his hand slightly, and the exhausted Li Youfeng slowly climbed up from the ring."Just in case, let's tie up Keith first and call the police. Also, quickly collect the fragments of the Millennium Brick. Everyone should be as careful as possible and don't miss any parts, otherwise it will be a big trouble."

"By the way, Jonouchi, I'll lend you this steel bar. Go get the Millennium Brick off the nail ring first. I really don't have the strength."

""Okay, hehe, You Feng, you are still thoughtful!"

Reaching out to take the steel bar, Jonouchi easily pried off the Millennium Block. At the same time, Honda also collected all the fragments of the Millennium Block. After confirming that everything was correct, everyone called the police.

Because Li Youfeng and others arrived in time, Biao Yuji was not sent to the hospital because of the warehouse explosion as in the original anime.

As for the unconscious thief Keith, he was also arrested by the police, but because the charge of inviting people to play cards was too ridiculous, and he had lost all his memories at that time, he was detained and educated in the detention center for a few days, and then he was released after serving his sentence.

At night, in the living room on the second floor of the Lavender Game Store

"Game, how about it, can you put it back together?"

"Well, it should be no problem. Although it took me eight years to put it together the first time, I have had experience once, so I think it shouldn't be that difficult this time."

"Then I'm relieved!" Seeing that Biao Yuxi was so confident, Li Youfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there is no scientific basis, I believe everyone understands one thing, that is, people can always burst out amazing potential at the moment of crisis.

To give an inappropriate example, take a fire. If it is an exercise, one person may not be able to move even one table, but if you are really put at the scene of the incident, I'm afraid you can move two tables by yourself. This is the so-called brute force during a fire!

You must know that the reason why Biao Yuxi was able to put together the thousand-year building blocks in such a short time, in addition to having had experience once, was more because he was worried about losing Wang Yang.

If it is really like Biao Yuxi said, because the environment is not tense, it will take another three to five years. Wouldn't the whole plot collapse completely?

"Don't worry, You Feng, Yugi is so smart, it's just a matter of putting together a building block, it won't be that troublesome at all, let's not bother him anymore."

As usual, Jonouchi returned to his usual heartless look.


Looking at Omote Yugi who was working hard, Mazaki Kyoko's mood became extremely complicated. After this incident, she has clearly realized that the Yugi she likes is actually another soul living in the Millennium Bricks.

In the Duel Kingdom, Mazaki Kyoko keenly discovered that Omote Yugi had changed his personality more than once. She originally thought that Omote Yugi's condition was just a kind of schizophrenia, so Mazaki Kyoko still had expectations and fantasies about him.

Although she knew that her feelings were extremely unfair to Omote Yugi, Mazaki Kyoko inevitably fell into extremely contradictory pain. There was even a moment when Mazaki Kyoko fantasized about how great it would be if another soul could occupy Omote Yugi's body forever.

"Um, it's too hard for Shizuka to cook by herself, I'll go help her"

"Oh, okay, thank you for your help."

Hiding the pain in her heart, Masaki Anzi smiled and found a reason to leave. Although Li Youfeng noticed that Anzi's face looked a little bad, he still chose to remain silent.

"Hey~ Jonouchi, is Shizuka really your biological sister? Why do I feel like you two are totally different?" Gently poking Jonouchi, Honda said with a lewd look on his face

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"Jonouchi was immediately unhappy when he heard this,"If Shizuka isn't my sister, then is she your sister? Besides, how do we look alike? Don't you think I'm actually very handsome too?"

"No~ That's not what I meant!" Scratching his face awkwardly, Honda continued,"I actually just want to ask, does Shizuka have a boyfriend?"


Upon hearing this, Jonouchi immediately flew into a rage. He grabbed Honda's neck, shook him vigorously and said,"I warn you that you'd better give up those unrealistic ideas as soon as possible, otherwise I will definitely kill you!"

(Jonouchi: I treat you as a brother, but you want to be my brother-in-law?)

"Wow, stop it, I'm going to die! I'm going to die!"

"Brother Youfeng, dinner is ready, let's all come down and eat together."

Just as Jonouchi and Honda were playing together, Kawai Shizuka came up the stairs with a gentle smile on her face.

Seeing her own brother being so rude in someone else's home, after glaring at Jonouchi in a very subtle way, Shizuka naturally took Li Youfeng's arm.

"Brother You Feng, let's go downstairs and have dinner first, otherwise it will get cold."

"I'm sorry to bother you, Sister Shizuka."

"No trouble, just game.…"

"Don't bother him for now, let's just leave the dinner for the game."

"Well, OK, I'll listen to Brother Youfeng in everything."

Li Youfeng, who regarded Kawai Shizuka as his own sister, did not realize that there was anything wrong with this behavior. After raising his eyebrows at Jonouchi in a very cocky manner, he walked down the stairs with Shizuka with a smirk on his face.

"Hey~ Jonouchi, I heard that your sister seems to have been taken away by You Feng"

"Damn, do I need you to remind me of this? I’m not blind!"

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