Headquarters of the mysterious organization Gurus

"Ah! Damn it, what on earth is going on!"

Malik got up from the ground with a ferocious face, looking at the thousand-year-old tin staff that fell to the ground in disbelief, and slowly raised his right hand. Although there was no sign of burns, his right hand had almost completely lost control at this time, and he was constantly feeling pain.

Seeing that Malik's expression seemed to be a little wrong, one of the black-clothed figures slowly walked out of the shadows.

"Lord Malik, what's wrong with you?"

"Humph, it's nothing, I was just accidentally bitten by a bug and got a little injured. Don't worry, this injury won't affect me. I should be fine after a few days of rest."

Although he didn't know why Li Youfeng, an ordinary person, had such magical powers, Malik no longer regarded him as an ordinary person at this moment. He stretched out his left hand towards the thousand-year-old tin staff that fell to the ground. The moment he touched the staff, Malik clearly felt the residual heat left on the staff.

As if it acted directly on the soul, although the mysterious white flame had disappeared, Malik still felt bursts of pain from the thousand-year-old tin staff.

"Hiss! Strange, could it be that Li Youfeng is also the owner of the Millennium Artifact? But that's not right, the Millennium Artifact is the power of darkness, I have never heard of such a strange white flame."

"I am overstepping my bounds and would like to ask Lord Malik, who is so bold as to hurt you? Do you need me to share your concerns?"


Turning his head to look at the man in the shadow, Malik sneered.

"Humph! Well, if you are the one doing it, it should be fine."

"Lishide, go investigate Li Youfeng"

"Li Youfeng? Is he the champion of the Duel Kingdom Tournament?"

"Yes, that's right, it's him. I want to remind you that this person is not as simple as he seems. If you are not sure, you'd better send a few assassins to test him. After all, I don't want any more accidents to happen."

"I understand, but I just don’t understand, is a mere mortal, not the holder of a thousand-year-old artifact, worthy of your attention, Lord Malik?"

"Haha, you don't understand!"

Shaking his head slightly, Malik slowly sat back on his throne.

"The bug that bit me just now is the Li Youfeng you mentioned! Remember this, if necessary, you can start with the person closest to this person. As for the bug that bit me, there is no need for it to survive in this world. I want it to experience deep despair and then die miserably like a stink bug!"

"Now, in the name of the grave-keeping clan, I formally order you to completely wipe him out. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I obey your command!"

After bowing slightly to Malik, Hillid turned around and disappeared into the darkness. At the same time, Malik's cold laughter came from this mysterious base.

That night, at the Lavender Game Shop.

As it was already late, Jonouchi and others said goodbye to Li Youfeng after dinner.

Seeing that Pyo Yugi was still concentrating on piecing together the Millennium Building Blocks, Li Youfeng called Muto Sugoroku and let Pyo Yugi stay here.

After finishing his idol work, Izayoi Kaoru returned to the store and heard about what happened today.

Despite Li Youfeng's objection, she directly examined him in the name of a doctor.

After confirming that Li Youfeng was indeed not injured, Izayoi Kaoru breathed a sigh of relief.

I found that Pyo Yugi was working hard, Izayoi Kaoru did not go to disturb him. After preparing a guest room for Biao Yugi with Li Youfeng, she returned to her own room.

As the largest consortium in Sakura Country, Kaoru's parents would naturally not let their daughter suffer any grievances. Therefore, when they bought the land of the Lavender Game Shop, they also built very complete facilities in the game shop. Just staying for one night was not a big deal for the Lavender Game Shop.

Time flew to midnight. Fearing that Biao Yugi would not be able to hold on without a meal, Li Youfeng cooked some easily digestible porridge in the kitchen on the first floor. However, when he was carrying the bowl of porridge and walking up the stairs to the second floor, he suddenly heard someone talking in the living room.

"I want to know who you are, please tell me!"

""I'm sorry, I don't know who I am either."

Listening to this familiar conversation, Li Youfeng immediately realized that this was because Biao Yugi had already realized that An Yugi was not what he thought at the beginning, but just a split personality.

Just when Li Youfeng was hesitating whether to go up, An Yugi's voice came again.

"In fact, I have long understood that you will ask me this question one day, and I also want to tell you everything about myself without hiding anything when that day comes. Unfortunately, I don’t even know my name or where I came from."

"I don't have such a thing as memory."

After overhearing Wang Yang's words, even Li Youfeng, who already knew the plot, couldn't help but fall into sadness. At the same time, he also fell into sadness with his gentle and kind-hearted cousin.

"Sorry, I was the one who asked the question first. Although it may not be a good idea to talk about this now, let's leave it at that."

"I only know one thing."Ignoring the game, Wang Yang continued,"As long as you bring the Millennium Bricks, I will be able to appear."

"I don't know how long I can hold on."

"It doesn't matter even if I can never recover my memory!"

"Now, I just want to be with you forever!"

Listening to this passionate conversation, not only Biao Yuxi burst into tears, but even Li Youfeng's eyes were red from the stimulation. However, the only difference was that Biao Yuxi was moved by friendship, while Li Youfeng was moved by gay love.

(Li Youfeng: Youxi, you were definitely the king’s most beloved concubine in your previous life!)

"Oh, I really can't stand you two. Why are you saying such sentimental things?"

Because he really couldn't stand the conversation between the two, Li Youfeng walked up with the bowl of porridge. Biao Yuxi, who was sitting on the sofa, immediately realized what he was saying and was stunned because he was too surprised.

After Li Youfeng put the bowl of porridge on the table in front of Biao Yuxi, he turned his head and said to the soul of An Yuxi standing aside:"Another Yuxi, although I don't know where you came from, I hope you can understand that for Yuxi, you are his best partner in his life."

"What? You Feng? You can see me?"

Not only was Biao Yuxi shocked by Li Youfeng's words, but even An Yuxi was stunned.

"What? Are you surprised that I can see you? Another game, don't forget that I pulled out the dark heart from Pegasus. The power of the soul is not as strange to me as you think."

Yes, due to the absorption of Pegasus's dark soul, the pendant on Li Youfeng's chest seems to have become stronger. Although he still doesn't understand the origin of this pendant, for Li Youfeng now, as long as the distance is close enough, he can see the soul of another game.

"You Feng, actually when I was fighting against Bakura in Duel Kingdom, I wanted to ask, who are you exactly?"

Hearing An Yugi's question, Li You Feng smiled and sat on the sofa.

After looking at Biao Yugi, Li You Feng replied indifferently:"Strictly speaking, I am an ordinary person.

The only difference is that I have a little bit of special ability to see souls.

I said these words because I hope you can understand that not only Yugi treats you as a friend, but you are also my friend.

People's life is actually very short.

Memories and the like, can't we all create them together? Why do you two have to dwell on the past and not cherish the time in front of you?"

Although he didn't know what consequences his words would have on the future plot, for Li You Feng now, he just wanted to heal the little regret in his heart. Wang's departure was destined to be unchangeable, but since it cannot be changed, let me alleviate some of the pain of separation for you two.


Hearing You Feng's words, not only did An Yugi laugh, but even Biao Yugi laughed too.

"Ah, You Feng, you are right. If we don’t have memories, we can create memories together. The time I spend with aibo will become the most precious thing in my life!"

"You Feng, thank you!"

"You're welcome!"Gently patting Biaoyouxi's shoulder, Li Youfeng smiled and stood up from the sofa.

"It's getting late. After drinking the porridge, go to bed. Your room is opposite to mine. I still have to look after the store tomorrow. I won't disturb you two."


Looking at Li Youfeng's departing back, Biao Youxi couldn't help but reveal a happy smile on his face.

"You Feng is really a bit of a strange person"

"Yes, Aibo, but even if he is weird, he is still our best friend!"

This night is destined to be restless, because of"The Flutter of Butterflies", the plot has changed a lot at this time!

Shizuka's eyes were cured in advance, Malik of Gurus completely regarded Li Youfeng as a threat because of Keith's incident and decided to eliminate him in advance, and Kaiba Seto at this time was also angry because of the legend of ancient Egypt!

"That's ridiculous. There's no scientific basis for what you said. I won't believe those unfounded legends!"

Looking at Isis Ishdar standing in front of him, Kaiba Seto covered his dizzy head with his eyes full of anger that was difficult to conceal.

"Mr. Hippocampus, whether you believe it or not, everything you just saw is a fact that has happened!"

""That's enough! Stop talking!"

Waving his hand to interrupt Isis, Kaiba Seto forced himself to stand up straight. Because of Isis, he had just witnessed the battle between the ancient Egyptian monsters three thousand years ago. Naturally, he was a little depressed due to the mental blow.

"Even if that was a fact that happened in the past, for me now, the grudges thousands of years ago have nothing to do with me now! And I have made my attitude clear when I came here. I have no interest in your ancient Egyptian legends. I came here because you said you had a card that would interest me. Now it seems that I have really wasted my time!"

After a cold snort, Kaiba Seto immediately turned around and was about to leave. However, at this moment, Isis said lightly:"Kaiba-kun, in that case, let me tell you something that you are interested in. Do you want to have the power to easily defeat Muto Yugi?"

"Yugi Muto?!"

Upon hearing this name, Kaiba Seto turned around with a puzzled look on his face.

"Are you mistaken? What is the grudge between Yugi Muto and me? Why would I want to defeat him? Is it because he and I look like the characters on the mural? Oh, are you kidding me!"

"What?" Kaiba Seto's words undoubtedly made Isis, who had always been calm, fall into a state of confusion,"Isn't Yugi Muto your lifelong enemy?"

"Just him? And our nemesis? Haha!"

With a look of disdain on his face, Seto Kaiba snorted sarcastically and said,"I admit that Yugi has some talent in dueling, but now he is not qualified enough to be my nemesis. I have only one nemesis in my life, no, there can only be one, and that is Li Youfeng, that despicable bastard!"

Yes, when Kaiba Seto thought of the smiling Li Youfeng and his snarling self during the duel, he was so angry that he even woke himself up in his sleep!

"Li Youfeng? Who is he?"

Isis was instantly confused when she heard from Haima about this person who should not have appeared in the trajectory of fate.

"What's wrong, Miss Isis? After hearing this name, did your so-called fatalism fail? How stupid! Excuse me, Miss Isis, I have to go back to my work."


Knowing that she could no longer keep everything to herself, Isis quickly took out a blue card and handed it to Kaiba Seto. Kaiba Seto's eyes widened when he saw the card, and he looked at Isis in confusion.

"Obelisk's God Warrior?! The legendary forbidden card?!"

"Yes, this is one of the three legendary gods, the Giant God of Obelisk!"

Reaching out to take the card, Kaiba looked at Isis with a cold face.

"Why are you giving me this card, and what will it cost me?"


Knowing that Kaiba had lost his patience, Isis chose to make it short.

"They stole the remaining two God Cards. The reason why I chose to hold the Ancient Egyptian Culture Exhibition in Tongshiye was to use these murals to attract more duelists, including Gurus of course!"

"Through the duel, you help me recover the other two stolen God Cards, and I will help you fulfill your long-cherished wish. This is a win-win deal!"

"How about Kaiba Seto, as long as you agree to my conditions, then this God Card is yours!"

Slowly revealing a smile that became extremely ferocious because of excitement, Kaiba Seto directly put the God Card into his arms.

"make a deal!"

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